,! ,,acb ,brl ,=um ,9 ,"o ,"p ,pages i-vii & #a-#ei ,publi%$ by ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,volume ,,liv ,may #bjaf ,no4 #aa ^c #bjaf ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,]ic ,bridges1 ,executive ,director ,%>on ,lover+1 ,$itor #agjc ;,n4 ,b1ureg>d ,st41 ,suite #dbj1 ,alex&ria1 ,,va #bbcaa ,2 ,a ,"p ( ,,acb iii ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl9d^t is a memb]%ip organiza;n made up ( m ?an #gj /ate & special-9t]e/ a6iliates4 ,to jo91 3tact ! na;nal (fice at #a- #hjj-#dbd-#hfff4 333333333333 ,3tribute to ,\r ,"w ,^? m*-ne$$ 3tribu;ns1 : >e tax- d$uctible1 c 2 s5t to ,attn3 ,tr1sur]1 ,,acb1 #fcjj ,%+le ,creek ,pkwy41 ,suite #aie1 ,brooklyn ,c5t]1 ,,mn #eedcj4 ,if y wi% to rememb] a relative or fr1 ! na;nal (fice has pr9t$ c>ds available = ? purpose4 ,3sid] 9clud+ a gift to ,,acb 9 yr ,la/ ,w & ,te/a;t4 ,if yr wi%es >e complex1 call ! na;nal (fice4 ,to make a 3tribu;n to ,,acb by ! ,comb9$ ,f$]al ,campaign1 use ? numb]3 #aaaee4 333333333333 ,*eck 9 ) ,,acb ,= ! late/ 9 legislative & gov]n;tal news1 call ! 8,wa%+ton ,3nec;n0 #bd_/#g at #a-#hjj-#dbd-#hfff1 or r1d x onl9e4 ,li/5 to ,,acb ,reports by d[nload+ ! ,,mp#c file f www4acb4org1 or call "<#fje"> #dge-#haed & *oose op;n #c4 ,tune 9 to ,,acb ,radio at www4acbradio4org or by call+ "<#fje"> #dge-#hacj4 ,le>n m ab u at www4acb4org4 ,foll[ u on ,twitt] at @aacbna;nal1 or l u on ,facebook at www4facebook4com_/" ,am]ican,c\ncil(!,bl9d,(ficial4 ,table ( ,3t5ts ;v ,page ,presid5t's ,message3 ,meet ,*>les ,mossop1 by ,kim ,*>lson #a ,t1* ,a3ess ,project a ,major ,topic at ,,csun ,3f];e1 by ,]ic ,bridges """"""""""""""""""" #d ,get ,r1dy = ,fun 9 ! ,l& ( #aj1jjj ,dr1ms61 by ,janet ,dickelman """""""""""""""""""""" #f ,m9nesota1 ,l& ( ,_m ,cultures1 by ,pe7y ;,r4 ,g>rett """""""""" #af ,de> ,c&idates3 ,we ,want to ,meet ,y61 by ,ron ,brooks """"" #ai #bjaf ,l1d]%ip ,9/itute3 ,le>n+ & ,gr[+ ,tgr1 by ,c9dy ,van ,w9kle """"""""""""""""""""""""" #bd ,m5tors ,s"\ = ,audio ,describ]s at ,,acb ,na;nal ,3v5;n1 by ,susan ,glass """""""""""""""""" #be ,m9i ,mall ,m9nesota ,/yle3 ,l& ( #aj1jjj ,dr1ms1 by ,c>la ,rus*ival """""""""""""""""""""" #bh ,a ,rem9d] f ! ,3/itu;n @& ,bylaws ,committee1 by ,john ,hu6man """""""""""""""""""""""" #cj ,yah ,y ,bet*a ,x's ,"t to ,talk ,resolu;ns ,ag61 by ,m>k ,ri*]t """"""""""""""""""""""""" #ca ,,acb ,auc;n1 ! ,p]fect ,t5 """""" #ce ,"k ,yr ,"rs to ,h1l? ,c>e1 by ,k>5 ,huy ( ! ,w9t] ,bo>d ,meet+s1 by ,d\g ,p[ell """"""""""""""""" #db ,a6iliate & ,committee ,news """"" #dg ,"h & ,"!1 $it$ by ,%>on ,/rzalk[ski """""""""""""""""""" #dh ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op """"""""""""" #ed ,>e ,y ,mov+8 ,d ,y ,want vii to ,*ange ,yr ,subscrip;n8 ,3tact ,%>on ,lover+ 9 ! ,,acb na;nal (fice1 #a-#hjj-#dbd-#hfff1 or via ;e-mail1 slover+@aacb4org4 ,give h] ! 9=ma;n1 & %e'll take c>e ( ! *anges = y4 333333333333 ,,acb ,radio1 ! place to 2 ) p 9 ! "k6 www4acbradio4org ,got tal5t8 ,tell u ab y3 m>la9a@aacbradio4org4 ,presid5t's ,message3 #a ,meet ,*>les ,mossop by ,kim ,*>lson ,ea* ye> at ! ,,acb 3v5;n1 we h ! opportun;y to he> f a l1d] 9 ! bl;s field f ano!r c.try "w+ to make ?+s bett] = p :o >e bl 9 _! [n c.try & = ! global commun;y4 ,9 ,july at ! 3v5;n1 ,,acb w h ! privilege to welcome ,*>les ,mossop1 :o is ! presid5t ( ! ,nor? ,am]ica_/,c>i21n ,region ( ! ,_w ,bl ,union "<,,wbu">4 ,he has _h a fasc9at+ & 4t+ui%$ c>e] f : ,i w %>e ) y "s hiles is n[ retir$ f a #db-ye> c>e] z a po/-second>y $ucator1 adm9i/rator & private 3sultant 9 9t]na;nal develop;t4 ,he lives on ,vanc\v] ,isl& on ,canada's we/ coa/4 ,"pially sig>dt's ,macul> ,dy/rophy1 he 5joys g>d5+ & play+ piano & classical guit> :5 he is n travel+4 ,he has rec5tly complet$ a six-ye> t]m z a memb] ( ! na;nal ,bo>d ( ,directors ( ! ,canadian ,na;nal ,9/itute = ! ,bl "<,,cnib">1 & 3t9ues 8 s]vice to ,,cnib z a memb] ( divi.nal & regional bo>ds4 ,9 addi;n1 he curr5tly s]ves z an advisor on gov]n.e to ! ,canadian ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl "<,,ccb">4 ,at ! 3v5;n1 ,libr>y ,us]s ( ,am]ica "<,,lua"> w 2 hold+ an au?or pres5ta;n ) ,*>les ,mossop4 ,y w h ! opportun;y to delve 9to 8 writ+ c>e] & he> ab 8 exp]i;es z a publi%$ writ]4 ,y c le>n :at x is l to write a ma9/r1m ?rill] if y >e bl4 ,h[ does "o get publi%$1 & h[ >e descrip;ns ( f>-flung "ps ( ! _w manag$ if y c't see ^? places8 ,9 8 f/ book1 8,jade ,hunt]10 a s9ologi/ 2comes 9volv$ 9 explor+ ! hi/ory ( an extremely valuable jade item : has1 = c5turies1 g"o all ov] ! _w & be5 *ang$ _m "ts4 ,n[ x appe>s t x has be5 de/roy$ 9 a fire4 ,b is t truly ! 5d ( xs /ory8 ,9 8 second book1 8,devil at my ,heels10 he tells ! /ory ( a mild-mann]$ college pr(essor ( hi/ory :o1 af 8 fr's #c murd]1 goes to ,europe 9 se>* ( an anci5t manuscript t holds clues to ! murd] & to ! ":abs ( an anci5t royal tr1sure4 ,he m/ use 8 9tellect1 fa/ foot"w & decep;n 2f ! answ]s >e f9ally rev1l$4 ,h[ does a bl au?or manage to su3ess;lly write to compete 9 a m>ket t alr has lots ( be/sell]s by folks l ,dan ,br[n8 ,does a bl p]son h any advantages 9 writ+ ? k9d ( book8 ,f9d \ ! answ]s to ^! "qs & a ho/ ( o!rs by att5d+ ! ,,lua 8,two ,books1 ,"o ,,acb0 pres5ta;n at #c p4m4 on ,w$nes"d1 ,july #fth4 ,bo? ( ,mossop's books >e 2+ made available 9 digital audio =mat on a s+le c>tridge t c 2 reque/$ by s5d+ an ;e-mail to me1 9 my "w role z ! director ( ! ,p]k9s ,libr>y1 at kim4*>lson@ap]k9s4org ) 8,*>les ,mossop ,books0 plac$ 9 ! subject l9e4 ,y %d provide yr "n1 address1 & ph"o numb]1 & ,i w fill yr reque/ f ! ,p]k9s ,libr>y hold+s4 ,? is ! 9t]na;nal copy"r >range;t t has be5 made ) ,,cnib1 ": ! books 7 produc$1 to facilitate m rapid 4tribu;n4 ,y !n return ! digital c>tridge :5 y f9i% r1d+ ! titles s o!rs c 5joy r1d+ ,*>les' books4 ;,e-mail reque/s >e be/1 b if y don't h t capabil;y1 !n y c call ! ,p]k9s ,libr>y directly at "<#fag"> #igb-#gbdj & provide ! nec 9=ma;n via ph"o4 ,happy r1d+6 333333333333 ,t1* ,a3ess ,project a ,major ,topic at ,,csun ,3f];e by ,]ic ,bridges ,on ,m>* #bc ,i 0 v pl1s$ to sp1k at ! ,,csun 3f];e " z "p ( ! ,t1* ,a3ess ,project panel 4cus.n4 ,repres5tatives f ,yahoo1 ,l9k$,91 ,facebook1 & ,georgia ,te* jo9$ me 9 ? #de-m9ute 4cus.n4 ,,acb repres5ts ! critical a3essibil;y ne$s ( 3sum]s :o >e bl or visually impair$ to ! te* 9du/ry & academia4 ,te*nology companies d$icat$ to #e a3essibil;y h fac$ ! common *all5ge ( prep>+ design]s1 5g9e]s & rese>*]s to ?9k & build 9clusively4 ,simil>ly1 academic programs 9 design1 5g9e]+ & o!r relat$ fields ( /udy >e seek+ ways to bett] prep>e /ud5ts to address ! ne$s ( div]se popula;ns4 ,giv5 ? %>$ *all5ge1 9du/ry1 academia & advocacy h n[ come tgr "? ,t1* ,a3ess to cr1te models = t1*+ & tra9+ /ud5ts ( te*nology to cr1te a3essible exp]i;es4 ,,acb is ke5ly aw>e t univ]sities >e *all5g$ 9 _m cases by _! [n bur1ucratic 9]tia :5 adapt+ or *ang+ le>n+ exp]i;es = /ud5ts4 ,we feel t ? project c repres5t a sub/antive pa? =w>d 9 t1*+ a3essibil;y z "p ( ! total le>n+ exp]i;e r ?an hav+ to 2 taud+ process at a te* company4 ,,acb w 2 "picipat+ 9 a meet+ ( r\d 9 ! mon?s to come4 ,9 ord] = ! ,t1* ,a3ess ,project to 2 su3ess;l1 ! voice ( ! 3sum] ) a 4abil;y is vital 9 ord] to cut "? ! b>ri]s t ea* sector un9t5;nally sets up = "o ano!r at "ts4 ,we >e ! 9dividuals pur*as+ & us+ ^! applica;ns1 & x is important t \r voice is he>d z ! project proce$s4 ,to f9d \ m ab ,t1* ,a3ess1 visit http3_/_/t1*a3ess4org_/4 333333333333 ,get ,r1dy = ,fun 9 ! ,l& ( #aj1jjj ,dr1ms6 by ,janet ,dickelman ,excite;t is build+ = ! #bjaf 3f];e & 3v5;n ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl4 ,summ] is a wond];l "t to visit ,m9n1polis1 ! home ( ? ye>'s 3v5;n4 ,! place to 2 is ! ,hyatt ,reg5cy1 locat$ 9 d[nt[n ,m9n1polis4 ,9 ? >ticle y w f9d a li/+ ( 3v5;n activities by "d1 a brief hotel descrip;n1 9=ma;n ab ord]+ dog food1 & %uttle & airport >rival 9=ma;n4 ,to save space1 a6iliates & committees w only 2 m5;n$ on _! #g f/ s*$ul$ "d ( programm+4 ,mo/ a6iliates & committees w hold s"eal "ds ( programm+4 ,i apologize to any a6iliate or committee ^: 9=ma;n may n 2 9clud$ 9 ? li/2 ses.ns >e / 9 ! plann+ /ages = "s a6iliates & committees4 ,all a6iliate & committee 9=ma;n w 2 %[n 9 ! 3f];e & 3v5;n program4 ,fri"d1 ,july #a ,,acb t\rs ,3v5;n regi/ra;n op5s at #h a4m4 = pre-regi/ra;n pick-up only4 ,af #aa a4m41 regi/ra;n w op5 = ^? ( y :o h n yet regi/]$4 ,note3 regi/ra;n w foll[ ! same s*$ule on ,satur"d & ,sun"d4 ,satur"d1 ,july #b ,,acb pre-3v5;n bo>d meet+ ,l1d]%ip tra9+ ,exhibit hall op5 f #a-#e p4m4 ,,acb t\rs ,9=ma;n a3ess committee sem9> ,te* us] gr\ps & product spotli ,welcome to ,m9nesota ,"py ,,acb ,/ud5ts welcome "py ,,acb ,lions ,milly's ,place ,p9 ,swap ,sun"d1 ,july #c ,,acb ,br5da ,dillon ,memorial ,walk ,t1*]s' br1kfa/ & meet+ ,programm+ = attorneys1 bl v5dors1 9=ma;n te*nology speciali/s1 guide dog us]s1 citiz5s ) l[ vi.n & diabetics ,,acb bo>d ( publica;ns meet+ ,sports fanatics' lun*eon ,s*ol>%ip w9n]s' lun*eon ,keys to ! ,3v5;n sem9> ,transporta;n & 5viron;tal a3ess committee sem9>s ,exhibit hall op5 f #i a4m4-#e p4m4 ,,acb t\rs ,mix]s held by gov]n;t employees "<,,acbge">1 p ) l[ vi.n "<,,cclvi">1 ,frs-9-,>t "<,,fia">1 & ,bl ,,lgbt ,pride "<,,bpi"> ,kids' ,explor]s ,club " ,,acb op5+ keynote g5]al ses.n at #i #g p4m4 ,mon"d1 ,july #d ,g5]al ses.n1 #h3#cj a4m4-#ab p4m4 ,9dep5d5t ,visually ,impair$ ,5trepr5eurs "<,,ivie"> br1kfa/ & meet+ ,exhibit hall op5 f #aa a4m4-#e p4m4 ,multicultural ,a6airs ,committee lun* & program ,alli.e on ,ag+ & ,vi.n ,loss lun*eon & program ,special meet+s & activities = libr>y us]s1 wom5's 3c]ns1 rehab task =ce1 si ,,acb t\rs ,mon"d ev5+'s activities 9clude ,,cclvi game niaoke1 ,,fia prose & poetry r1d+4 ,tues"d1 ,july #e ,g5]al ses.n1 #h3#cj a4m4-#ab p4m4 ,special programm+ = brl us]s & support]s ( brl ,exhibit hall op5 f #aa a4m4-#e p4m4 ,,acb t\rs ,ev5+ activities 9clude ,,acb ,families ,b+o & ,frs-,9-,>t's ,%[case ( ! ,p]=m+ ,>ts4 ,w$nes"d1 ,july #f ,g5]al ses.n1 #h3#cj a4m4-#ab p4m4 ,exhibit hall op5 f #i a4m4-#a p4m4 ,legislative sem9> ,h1l? issues & advocacy task =ce programs ,mix]s = ,,aavl & ,,mcac ,,acb t\rs ,,acb auc;n ,?urs"d1 ,july #g ,g5]al ses.n1 #h3#cj a4m4-#ab p4m4 ,,acb memb]%ip sem9> & bo>d ( publica;ns "w%op ,,acb ,radio ,amateurs meet+ ,a6iliate presid5ts' meet+ ,,dkm ,f/-,"trs recep;n ,,acb t\rs ,,acb movie niket ,deli1 >e locat$ on ! ma9 floor4 ,"! >e s"eal %ort sets ( %all[ /eps 9 ! lo2y >ea4 ,^! /eps w 2 m>k$ ) 3tra/ tape1 b pl1se 2 cauti\s :5 trav]s+ ! lo2y4 ,y c avoid ! /eps & use ramps if y pref]4 ,ma9 level meet+ rooms3 ,nicollet ,ballroom " ,exhibit hall " ,grant ,lor+ ,lake%ore ,ballroom1 sec;ns ,a1 ;,b & ;,c " ,second floor meet+ rooms3 ,gre5way ,ballroom1 sec;ns ,a "? ;,j ,reg5cy ,room ,mirage ,skyway ,room1 sec;n ,a & ;,b ,st4 ,croix ,m9nehaha ,nor? ,/> ,ballroom ,f\r? floor meet+ rooms3 ,grt ,lakes ,lake ,m9netonka ,lake ,calh\n ,lake ,h>riet ,executive ,bo>d ,room ,lake ,nokomis ,lake ( ! ,isles ,c$> ,lake ,fif? floor meet+ rooms3 ,lake ,sup]ior1 sec;ns ,a & ;,b ,ord]+ ,dog ,food ,scoop ,ma/]s w 2 ma9ta9+ \r dog relief >1s at ! ,hyatt4 ,once ag !y w (f] ! opportun;y to ord] dog food deliv]$ to yr hotel room4 ,to ord] yr dog's food1 visit ,scoop ,ma/]s' web site at http3_/_/premiumpetfood4com_/acb_/1 or call ,tim at #a-#hjj-#ghg-#gffg4 ,! d1dl9e = ord]+ food is ,june #bjth4 ,fly+ to ,m9n1polis ,once ag ,sup],%uttle is (f]+ ,,acb a grt 3v5;n rate f ! airport4 #ac ,"o way co/s @s#af4ej2 r.d trip1 @s#bh4hj p] p]son4 ,to make res]va;ns onl9e1 visit http3_/_/gr\ps4" sup]%uttle4com_/acb4html or call #a- #hjj-#beh-#chbf4 ,see 2l = 9=ma;n y w ne$ to provide to ,sup],%uttle4 ,a taxi f ! airport is approximately @s#dj2 if y use ! premium same-"d taxi s]vice "? p>atransit1 x w co/ @s#be ea* way4 ,! %uttle w pick up 3v5;n >rivals "r \tside ! ba7age claim >ea4 ,:5 tak+ a taxi1 especially f ! ma9 t]m9al "<,l9db]<">1 y m/ travel a 4t.e to r1* gr.d transporta;n4 ,! %uttle is ! easie/ & l1/ exp5sive way to travel to & f ! airport4 ,assi/.e at ! ,airport ,we all "k h[ hectic x c 2 at ! airport4 ,9 ,m9n1polis "! >e two t]m9als1 ,l9db]< & ,humphrey4 ,to assi/ airl9e p]sonnel & ,m>g>9e ,b1man & h] cadre ( airport volunte]s1 pl1se s5d ,m>g>9e an ;e-mail ) 8airl9e 9=ma;n0 9 ! subject l9e at oleo#ej@ahotmail4com or call h] at "<#eab"> #iba-#afbe4 ,y w ne$ to provide bo? ,sup],%uttle & ,m>g>9e ! foll[+ 9=ma;n3 ,yr "n ,! "n ( ! airl9e y w 2 >riv+ on ,yr de"pure c;y ,>rival flirival date & "t ,de"pure airl9e ,de"pure date ,de"pure "t ,cell ph"o numb] ,/ay ,3nect$ ,once ag ? ye>1 ! 3v5;n ann\nce li/ w 2 fill$ ) 9=ma;n ab ! 3v5;n4 ,i've alr 2gun s5d+ \ messages p]ta9+ to re/aurants1 hotel 9=ma;n & 9=ma;n reg>d+ t\rs & activities4 ,subscribe to ! li/ td by s5d+ a blank ;e-mail to acbconv5;n-subscribe@aacbli/s4org4 ,if y've be5 on ! li/ 9 ! pa/1 y ne$ n subscribe ag4 ,don't h ;e-mail8 ,no problem6 ,3v5;n updates w al 2 f1tur$ on ,,acb ,radio & by teleph"o "? ,audio #ae ,n[ at "<#fje"> #dge-#hacj4 ,hotel ,details ,room rates at ! ,hyatt ,reg5cy ,m9n1polis >e @s#hi s+le or d\ble4 ,"! is an addi;nal @s#aj p] nige p] p]son = up to f\r p 9 a room4 ,applicable /ate & local taxes >e curr5tly #ac4d.04 ,= res]va;ns by teleph"o1 call ,c5tral ,res]va;ns at #a-#hhh-#dba-#addb1 & 2 sure to m5;n y >e att5d+ ! ,,acb 3v5;n 9 ord] to obta9 \r room rate4 ,to make res]va;ns onl9e1 visit www4acb4org & foll[ ! #bjaf 3v5;n l9k4 ,3v5;n ,3tacts #bjaf exhibit 9=ma;n3 ,mi*ael ,smi!rman1 "<#fja"> #cca-#ggdj1 amduo@abells\?4net #bjaf adv]tis+ & sponsor%ips3 ,m>g>9e ,b1man1 "<#eab"> #iba-#afbe1 oleo#ej@ahotmail4com ,= any o!r 3v5;n-relat$ "qs1 3tact ,janet ,dickelman1 3v5;n *air1 at "<#fea"> #dbh-#ejei1 or via ;e-mail1 janet4dickelman@agmail4com4 333333333333 ,m9nesota1 ,l& ( ,_m ,cultures by ,pe7y ;,r4 ,g>rett ,z ,i r1d ! !me = ! #bjaf ,,acb 3v5;n1 8,l& ( #aj1jjj ,dr1ms0 9 a /ate ^: nick"n is 8,l& ( #aj1jjj ,lakes10 x got me ?9k+ ab ! hi/ory ( ! /ate & xs v>i\s cultures4 ,al? ,i h visit$ bo? ,ro*e/] & ,m9n1polis1 ,m9n4 s"eal "ts1 ,i r1liz$ t ,i don't "k v m* ab ! /ate6 ,"h >e "s 9t]e/+ facts ,i le>n$ ab ,m9nesota's div]se culture3 _4 ,m9nesota 2came ! #cbnd /ate 9 ! ,unit$ ,/ates on ,may #aa1 #aheh4 _4 ,unit$ ,/ates ,c5sus ,bur1u c.t$ ,m9nesota's popula;n at #cjh1gde1ech 9 ! #bjaj c5sus & e/imat$ ! #bjae popula;n at #cba1dah1hbj4 "<,s\rce3 www4c5sus4gov_/quickfacts_/table_/" ,,p/#jdebae_/#jj">4 _4 ,approximately #fj.0 ( ! /ate's popula;n lives )9 ! ,m9n1polis-,st4 ,paul metropolitan >ea & #dj.0 9 ! rema9d] ( ! /ate4 #ag _4 ,! orig9al 9habitants ( ,m9nesota 7 ,native ,am]icans :o call !mvs ! ,ani%9abe ,tribe or ,ojibwe ,tribes & 9clud$ ! ,dakota tribe4 ,m9nesota culture & ,m9nesota hi/ory >e closely ti$ to t ( _! f/ resid5ts1 ! ,m9nesota ,native ,am]ican tribes4 ,! e>lie/ ,europ1n settl]s 7 f ,fr.e & 7 ,canadian_/,fr5* explor]s :o al 9flu;ed ,m9nesota's culture4 ,! popula;n ( ,m9n1polis _/,st4 ,paul is div]se & (f]s programs & s]vices design$ to spotlii\s cultures & to meet _! specific ne$s4 ,"s ( ^! 9clude ,! ,italian ,cultural ,c5t]1 ,multicultural ,h1l? ,s]vices1 ,m9nesota ,african ,am]ican ,museum & ,cultural ,c5t]1 ,ukra9ian ,ev5t ,c5t] & ,multicultural ,c5t] = ,academic ,excell;e4 ,z \r ,m9nesota memb]s alr "k1 ! /ate is culturally div]se1 z is ,,acb6 ,hope;lly _m ( y w h "s "t to explore "s ( ^! cultural sites & take home "s revela;ns ab ! div]se cultures ( ! >ea4 ,z alw1 ! ,multicultural ,a6airs ,committee w hold programs & activities t provide opportunities = 9t]ac;n ) div]se popula;ns4 ,jo9 ,,mcac = lun* on ,mon"d & celebrate ,july #dth6 ,\r keynote sp1k] w 2 9t]na;nal gue/ ,*>les ,mossop1 presid5t ( ! ,nor? ,am]ica_/,c>i21n ,region ( ! ,_w ,bl ,union2 he w talk ab ! life ( p :o >e bl or visually impair$ 9 ,canada4 ,on ,w$nes"d1 ,july #fth f #d3#de to #f p4m41 ,,mcac w ho/ ! mid-week social4 ,? is an opportun;y to meet old frs z well z make new "os4 ,"! w 2 music1 food & door prizes4 ,jo9 u = a fun "t z ! 3v5;n 2g9s to w9d d[n6 ,come "o1 come all & relax 2f tak+ (f = ! auc;n or o!r ev5+ activities6 333333333333 ,de> ,c&idates3 ,we #ai ,want to ,meet ,y6 by ,ron ,brooks ,we h all wit;s$ z _m1 if n mo/1 ( ! ,u4,s4 presid5tial c&idates h 5gag$ 9 lively debates1 v]bal brawls & 9cr$ibly 5t]ta9+ attack ads1 & :ile ^! may 2 /aples 9 _m elec;n cycles1 !y >e n "p ( \r ,,acb culture4 ,9/1d1 ,,acb elec;ns ?rive on two basic commodities3 grt c&idates :o c>e deeply ab ,,acb & xs memb]s1 & a c\ple ( grt tools = ga!r+ & %>+ 9=ma;n t \r memb]s c use to decide : c&idates to elect4 ,at ! #bjaf 3v5;n1 ,,acb memb]s w 2 elect+ five memb]s ( ! bo>d ( directors & ?ree memb]s ( ! bo>d ( publica;ns4 ,! bo>d ( publica;ns c't recruit ! c&idates1 b we w 2 do+ \r "p to 5sure t e ,,acb memb] has ! be/ 9=ma;n available ab ea* c&idate s t y c make 9=m$ deci.ns ab :o w s]ve z ! future l1d]s ( ,,acb4 ,? >ticle describes ! two tools ! ,,bop w use to help y get to "k yr future ,,acb l1d]%ip t1m4 ,! ,c&idates' ,page ,! ,c&idates' ,page is a place ": 9dividuals c 9troduce !mvs & %>e _! answ]s to s"eal "qs craft$ by ! ,,bop to 9=m ! ,,acb electorate ab ea* c&idate & 8 or h] po9ts ( view on issues ( import.e to ! organiza;n4 ,c&idates >e n requir$ to po/ 9=ma;n on ! ,c&idates' ,page4 ,h["e1 ^? c&idates :o d 9troduce !mvs on ! ,c&idates' ,page >e 5titl$ to 2 9t]view$ on ,,acb ,radio 9 ,june4 ,m importantly1 c&idates :o "picipate on ! ,c&idates' ,page >e 3tribut+ to ! qual;y & quant;y ( 9=ma;n : ,,acb memb]s & a6iliates c use :5 mak+ vot+ deci.ns at ! 3f];e & 3v5;n4 ,,bop & bo>d c&idates :o po/ on ! ,c&idates' ,page w 2 ask$ to answ] ea* ( ! foll[+ "qs ,- us+ #cjj ^ws or less4 ,"qs = ,bo>d ,c&idates #a4 ,9troduce yrf & expla9 :y y wi% to s]ve z a bo>d memb] ( ,,acb4 #ba #b4 ,summ>ize any exp]i;e1 k1 skills &_/or abilities y h : w /r5g!n & 5h.e \r bo>d4 #c4 ,:at d y 3sid] to 2 yr /r;ge/ 3tribu;n to ,,acb at ei ! na;nal1 /ate1 special-9t]e/ a6iliate or local *apt] level & :y8 #d4 ,:at d y 3sid] to 2 ! mo/ important *all5ge fac+ ,,acb8 ,h[ w y "w to address x8 ,"qs = ,,bop ,c&idates #a4 ,9troduce yrf & expla9 :y y wi% to s]ve z a memb] ( ! ,,bop4 #b4 ,summ>ize any exp]i;e1 k1 skills &_/or abilities y h : w /r5g!n & 5h.e \r bo>d ( publica;ns4 #c4 ,h[ h y us$ pr9t$ or electronic 9=ma;n to 3tribute to a positive image ( ,,acb1 an ,,acb a6iliate1 a local ,,acb *apt] or bl9d_/visually impair$ p 9 g5]al8 ,h[ c y use ? exp]i;e to help ! ,,bop d likewise = ,,acb8 #d4 ,:at d y 2lieve ! ,,bop c d to /r5g!n ! app1l ( ,,acb's message )9 m9or;y communities & ) bl & visually impair$ p "u ! age ( #dj8 ,c&idates = bo? bo>d & ,,bop posi;ns >e 9vit$ to provide 3tact ;e-mail addresses & l9ks to web sites or social m$ia sites ": ,,acb memb]s c obta9 m 9=ma;n ab ! c&idate &_/or 5gage 9 a dialogue ) ! c&idate ab ^! or o!r issues4 ,web site l9ks & ;e- mail addresses w n 2 live & w n c.t t[>d ! #cjj-^w limits describ$ "h94 ,pl1se note3 ,! ,,bop w n $it = spell+1 punctua;n1 gramm> or any o!r 3v5;ns ( language4 ,! ,,bop w cut (f any response at #cjj ^ws4 ,9/ruc;ns = ,c&idates' ,page ,submis.ns #a4 ,any 9dividual wi%+ to po/ 9=ma;n to ! ,c&idates' ,page m/ 2 a memb] 9 gd /&+4 ,5tries f 9dividuals :o >e n 9 gd /&+ w n 2 po/$4 #b4 ,submis.ns may 2 made 9 typ$ pr9t "1 brl or electronic =mat4 ,a3eptable electronic =mats 9clude #bc ,micros(t ,^w1 ,,ascii text file1 or ;e-mail4 #c4 ,pr9t1 brl or electronic submis.ns on ?umb drives may 2 mail$ to3 ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl2 ,att5;n3 ,c&idates' ,page2 #agjc ;,n4 ,b1ureg>d ,st41 ,suite #dbj1 ,alex&ria1 ,,va #bbcaa4 #d4 ;,e-mail submis.ns may 2 s5t to slover+@aacb4org4 ,9clude ! ^ws 8,c&idates' ,page0 9 ! subject l9e4 #e4 ,)\t excep;n1 ! d1dl9e = ,c&idates' ,page submis.ns is #d p4m4 ,ea/]n1 ,w$nes"d1 ,june #a1 #bjaf4 ,,acb ,c&idates' ,=um ,! ,,bop's second tool = 3nect+ c&idates ) vot]s is ! ,,acb ,c&idates' ,=um4 ,! ,c&idates' ,=um is a live1 unscript$ meet+ ": c&idates >e 9vit$ to 9troduce !mvs & to answ] "qs f a ,,bop mod]ator & f ! audi;e ,- 9clud+ ^? p tun+ 9 via ,,acb ,radio4 ,? ye>'s ,c&idates' ,=um w take place at #g p4m4 ,c5tral "t on ,tues"d1 ,july #e1 at ! ,,acb 3f];e & 3v5;n 9 ,m9n1polis1 ,m9n4 ,,acb memb]s :o wi% to submit "qs may d s by dropp+ !m (f at ! communica;n c5t] or by ;e-mail+ !m to slover+@aacb4org by ,june #bgth4 333333333333 #bjaf ,l1d]%ip ,9/itute3 ,le>n+ & ,gr[+ ,tgr 8,! gr[? & develop;t ( p is ! hivey ;,s4 ,fire/"o ,if y >e a l1d]1 or "s"o :o sees yrf z gr[+ 9 l1d]%ip1 ? ye>'s ,,acb 3f];e & 3v5;n kicks (f ) an opportun;y t y w mo/ c]ta9ly want to take advantage (4 ,! #bjaf ,l1d]%ip ,9/itute w take place on ,satur"d1 ,july #b1 f #b3#de to #e3#cj p4m4 ,! co/ is j @s#aj if y pre-regi/]1 & @s#ab on site4 ,x w 9clude two modules to help y on yr l1d]%ip j\rney4 ,! f/ module w focus on le>n+ p]sonal;y types1 id5tify+ yr [n1 & 4cov]+ ways 9 : to "w ) o!rs ) v>y+ p]sonalities4 #be ,! second module w focus on transi;n+ 9to or f a l1d]%ip role1 :e!r x 2 an (fic] or committee *air4 ,tgr we'll exam9e ways to embrace ! *all5ges fac$ by all "pies4 ,! be/ "p ( ? m9i sem9> is t y'll meet o!r l1d]s f "?\t \r ,,acb family :ile1 z a commun;y1 we le>n & gr[ tgr6 ,make yr plans to jo9 u on ,satur"d1 ,july #b1 t y may 3t9ue yr p]sonal gr[?1 & t y may help gr[ o!rs 9 yr a6iliate6 ,- ,c9dy ,van ,w9kle 333333333333 ,m5tors ,s"\ = ,audio ,describ]s at ,,acb ,na;nal ,3v5;n by ,susan ,glass ,>e y att5d+ ,,acb's na;nal 3f];e & 3v5;n 9 ,m9n1polis ? summ]8 ,& >e y a fan (1 advocate =1 or us] ( audio descrip;n8 ,if s1 pl1se 3sid] volunte]+ z a m5tor to an audio describ] att5d+ ? summ]'s ,audio ,describ]s' ,3f];e or ,9/itute1 : >e runn+ 3curr5tly ) ! 3v5;n4 ,= ! second "t1 ! ,,acb ,audio ,descrip;n ,project is (f]+ xs unique m5tor%ip 9itiative3 sie writ+4 ,:at bett] opportun;y = s* 9t]ac;n ?an at ! ,,acb 3f];e & 3v5;n1 ": "s #a1ejj bl p w likely 2 pres5t8 ,if y agree to 2 a m5tor1 y m/ make ! foll[+ commit;ts3 #a"> att5d a brief meet-&-greet ses.n on ,sun"d1 ,july #c f #e3#ae to #f p4m41 ": y >e pair$ ) yr m5tee2 #b"> att5d ! ,,acb op5+ ses.n on ,sun"d ev5+ ,- ) yr m5tee2 #c"> all[ yr m5tee to jo9 y = at l1/ two o!r activities dur+ ! 3v5;n4 ,^! activities mie 9t]e/$ 9 2com+ a m5tor1 pl1se 3tact ,susan ,glass by teleph"o at "<#djh"> #dbi-#iefg1 or by ;e-mail at susancglass@aatt4net4 ,pl1se provide yr address & be/ 3tact 9=ma;n1 z well z :e!r y wd pref] to 2 mat*$ ) a describ] specializ+ 9 film & televi.n1 live !at]1 d.e & musical p]=m.e1 museum exhibi;ns1 or na;nal p>ks & recr1;n >1s4 ,we hope to >range \r m5tor mat*es well 9 adv.e ( ! 3f];e & 3v5;n4 333333333333 ,m9i ,mall ,m9nesota ,/yle3 ,l& ( #aj1jjj ,dr1ms by ,c>la ,rus*ival ,new designs1 new products1 & lots ( d1ls4 ,! #bjaf ,m9i ,mall is fill$ ) mugs & /e9s1 %ot glasses & tumbl]s1 magnets & coa/]s1 bags & totes1 %irts & jackets & m*1 m* m ,- all ) ,,acb or ,,acb ,radio logos or ! new (ficial ,m9n1polis design4 ,? ye>1 "ey"o all ov] ! c.try c get r1dy = 3v5;n by ord]+ ,m9n1polis m]*&ise 9 adv.e ,- by ph"o or onl9e4 ,%[ up at ! ,m9n1polis ,hyatt c>ry+ yr new ,m9nesota du6el bag4 ,or get r1dy to li/5 to 3f];e ses.ns on ,,acb ,radio z y sip yr favorite b"eage f yr new ,m9n1polis mug1 dr9k+ glass or /e94 ,add an ,,acb ,m9nesota magnet to yr fridge2 /ay hydrat$ on all yr p>atransit rides ) a ,m9n1polis travel mug4 ,organize yr _w ( #aj1jjj dr1ms ) \r #af-gigabyte ,,acb logo fla% #bi drives2 p]fect = c>ry+ al;g all yr important files & data4 ,get any trip (f to a gd />t4 ,make yr suitcase or backpack easy to spot4 ,add \r new ,,acb lu7age tags4 ,flip- flop tag comes 9 lots ( b"r colors2 ,,acb jet plane tag has w+s ( r$1 blue1 black or gre54 ,,acb logo on "o side2 l9es = writ+ 3tact 9fo on ! o!r4 ,if cata/rophe /rikes & y lose yr cane on ! plane1 drop x d[n a grate1 or wat* help.sly z "s"o runs ov] x 9 ! lo2y & *anges x 9to a spage pr9t1 & audio ;,,cd catalogs >e available ^u reque/4 333333333333 ,a ,rem9d] f ! ,3/itu;n @& ,bylaws ,committee ,? note is to rem9d ,,acb l1d]s & memb]s ( ! proc$ures = propos+ am5d;ts to ! organiza;n's 3/itu;n & bylaws4 ,propos$ am5d;ts m/ 2 pres5t$ 9 writ+ to ! 3/itu;n & bylaws committee 2f ! 5d ( ! f/ "d foll[+ ! "d ( ! roll call ses.n ( ! 3f];e & 3v5;n4 ,9 #bjaf ? d1dl9e is midni ,c5tral "t1 ,mon"d1 ,july #d4 ,am5d;ts rcvd af t "t w n 2 3sid]$4 ,am5d;ts1 :5"e possible1 % 2 submitt$ electronically 9 ,,ascii text =mat4 ,propos$ am5d;ts may 2 s5t to me at j#gc4;huffman@acomcast4net4 ,"qs may 2 s5t to ! same ;e-mail address or via teleph"o at "<#cag"> #bbh-#jdif4 ,addi;nal 9=ma;n ab ! am5d;t process or proc$ures ( ! 3/itu;n & bylaws committee c 2 f.d 9 ,>ticle ,,xi ( ! ,,acb ,3/itu;n & 9 ,bylaw #f1 ,sec;n ;,d4 ,! curr5t ,,acb ,3/itu;n & ,bylaws is available at www4acb4org_/con/itu;n-bylaws4 ,we 5c\rage any"o 9t]e/$ 9 propos+ #ca am5d;ts to review ! curr5t 3/itu;n & bylaws 2f do+ s4 ,- ,john ,hu6man1 ,*air1 ,,acb ,3/itu;n @& ,bylaws ,committee 333333333333 ,yah ,y ,bet*a ,x's ,"t = ,resolu;ns ,ag6 ,r1dy+ = ,resolu;ns at ,\r ,july ,3f];e & ,3v5;n by ,m>k ,ri*]t ,x is s* a privilege to 3t9ue to s]ve z yr resolu;ns committee *airman2 ?ank y4 ,we >e s v =tunate to 2 "p ( an organiza;n t actively 5c\rages ea* ( u z memb]s to ex]cise l1d]%ip 9 =mulat+ \r organiza;n's posi;ns on critical issues &1 "!by1 to nurture ! democratic _s t is :at ,,acb is all ab4 ,i'm talk+ ab ,,acb's resolu;ns process1 "utak5 at ea* ye>'s 3f];e & 3v5;n4 ,9 prep>a;n = t important "w ? summ]1 "h >e a few ?+s to "k & "s tips on gett+ 9volv$ 9 ! process ev5 2f ,july4 ,! resolu;ns committee w 2 meet+ 9 p]son dur+ ? ,july's ,m9n1polis 3v5;n = five 3secutive nit "t4 ,to h yr resolu;n 3sid]$ by ! committee1 ,i m/ rcv x f y no lat] ?an #i p4m4 ,mon"d1 ,july #d1 b ,i /r;gly 5c\rage y to submit x to me well 9 adv.e ( t d1dl9e4 ,any ,,acb memb] is welcome to submit a draft resolu;n to me at any "t up to & 9clud+ dur+ ! ,july 3f];e & 3v5;n1 s l;g z ,i rcv yr submis.n no lat] ?an #i p4m4 ,mon"d1 ,july #d4 ,drafts t >e n rcvd 9 a "tly mann] w only 2 3sid]$ at ! committee's 4cre;n4 ,?ank y4 ,n[ ,i've sd ? to y 2f1 & ,i'm go+ to say x to y ag1 & ,i hope ? n only s9ks 9 b al makes y smile j a bit4 ,a draft resolu;n w only 2 reg>d$ z hav+ be5 rcvd if ,i myf h rcvd x2 drafts1 "pial drafts1 rumors ( drafts1 drafts m]ely exi/+ 9 "s"o's 3sci\s;s1 #cc drafts t >e only titles ( resolu;ns1 drafts t >e m]ely a c\ple ^ws scri2l$ on a soil$ napk91 drafts t h be5 s1l$ 9 clay j>s & buri$ 9 ! ,jud1n des]t = mill5nia1 or any?+ 9 any =m :atso"e t is transmitt$ to ano!r p]son o!r ?an to yrs truly w n 2 3sid]$ rcvd4 ,:ile y ne$ n worry :e!r yr resolu;n is 9 prop]1 =mal resolu;n =m p] se :5 y submit x to me1 ! ?+ y submit to me m/ cle>ly 2 a communica;n t says t y want ! communica;n to 2 3sid]$ z a resolu;n by ! resolu;ns committee1 & x m/ 2 writt5 s t x pla9ly dcls :at y 2lieve ,,acb %d say or d4 ,y may submit yr draft resolu;n to me via ;e-mail at ,m,ri*]t@aafb4net s l;g z y make x cle> 9 ! subject l9e &_/or ! body ( yr message t y >e submitt+ a draft resolu;n = 3sid]a;n by ! committee4 ,i w al a3ept brld copies ( draft resolu;ns t y may h& to me dur+ ! 3v5;n1 & commonly us$ ^w- process$ electronic files h&$ to me4 ,pl1se d n ask ano!r p]son1 ev5 "s"o :om y 2lieve to 2 on ! resolu;ns committee1 to turn 9 yr resolu;n = y4 ,2t my ;e-mail address1 my g5]al availabil;y dur+ ? summ]'s 3v5;n1 & ! regul> h\rs dur+ : ! committee w 2 meet+1 y %d h pl5ty ( opportun;y to 3vey yr draft4 ,if n"o ( ^! m1ns = communicat+ yr draft resolu;n meet yr ne$s1 ,i'm sure ! ,,acb na;nal (fice wd love to he> f y & help y \4 ,if y h any "qs ab ! prep>a;n ( yr draft resolu;n or ab ! resolu;ns process1 pl1se d n hesitate to ;e-mail me or to call me on my mobile ph"o1 "<#ega"> #dch-#ghie1 9clud+ dur+ 3v5;n week ? ,july4 ,my hope is t by ! "t y r1d ? >ticle1 yr resolu;ns committee w h alr met at l1/ once by ph"o to get organiz$ = ? summ]'s "w & to 2g9 4cuss+ resolu;ns submitt$ 9 adv.e ( \r 3f];e & 3v5;n4 ,i look =w>d to "w+ ) all ( y4 ,um6 ,yah6 ,yah6 ,br+ 'em on6 333333333333 ,,acb ,auc;n1 ! ,p]fect ,t5 #ce ,spr+ is 9 ! air1 & we 2g9 dr1m+ ( oh s _m wond];l ?+s6 ,maybe yr dr1ms focus on cookies or cake1 a b1uti;l necklace1 a w>m quilt1 or ! j]sey ( "o ( yr favorite play]s1 or p]h a getaway ) yr h"oy to "ps un"kn4 ,well1 :at"e y may 2 dr1m9' ab1 ? summ] yr dr1ms may j 2come r1l;y at ! 8,decade ( ,dr1ms ,auc;n10 ? ye>'s ,,acb #ajth anniv]s>y auc;n4 ,! auc;n w 2 held on ,w$nes"d ev5+1 ,july #f at ! #bjaf ,,acb 3f];e & 3v5;n 9 ,m9n1polis4 ,we'll h "s describ]s & auc;ne]s y've probably he>d 2f & "s surprise voices z well4 ,! auc;n committee is h>d at "w to make ? #ajth anniv]s>y auc;n ! mo/ memorable "o yet4 ,we c't ?ank y 5 = donat+ to pa/ auc;ns4 ,= ^? a6iliates or 9dividuals :o wd l to donate to ! 8,decade ( ,dr1ms ,auc;n10 pl1se provide auc;n committee *air ,leslie ,spoone a descrip;n ( ! item ei via ;e-mail1 lesliespoone@acfl4rr4com1 or by teleph"o1 "<#djg"> #ibi-#ihcg1 by no lat] ?an ,june #a4 ,if y'd l to %ip yr auc;n item ah1d ( "t1 s5d x to3 ,,acb ,auc;n1 ,leslie ,spoone1 #cibd ,lake ,mirage ;,blvd41 ,orl&o1 ,,fl #cbhag- #aeed4 ,items m/ 2 rcvd by ,june #a1 #bjaf4 ,s1 get r1dy to support ,,acb & score ) a b>ga9 t's no?+ less ?an a p]fect #aj at ! 8,decade ( ,dr1ms ,auc;n40 333333333333 ,"k ,yr ,"rs to ,h1l? ,c>e by ,k>5 ,hue facil;y z a new pati5t & ! m$ical recep;ni/ ask$ y to br+ "s"o ) y to complete ! pap]"w8 ,h y "e _h a /aff p]son ask y yr m$ical hi/ory 9 ! wait+ room1 ": o!r pati5ts >e sitt+8 ,h y "e be5 giv5 a s]i\s diagnosis & !n be5 h&$ pr9t$ m$ical docu;ts to complete b1 due to yr bl;s1 y cd n r1d !m8 ,h doctors & o!r m$ical /aff "e spok5 to y 9 a 4respect;l or patroniz+ mann]8 #cg ,or h y "e g"o to a ph>macy & rcvd bottles ( m$ic9e : y cd n di6]5tiate or ) 9/ruc;ns y cd n r1d8 ,un=tunately1 ^! sc5>ios >e all too common = pati5ts :o >e bl or visually impair$4 ,? w 3t9ue to 2 bo? a significant h1l? issue & a social problem un.s we take ac;n n[4 ,pati5ts ) 4abilities h "s addi;nal "rs "u ! ,am]icans ) ,4abilities ,act "<,,ada"> & ,sec;n #ejd ( ! ,rehabilita;n ,act ( #aigc4 ,^! laws gu>antee t p ) 4abilities w h ! same a3ess to h1l? c>e & o!r s]vices z p )\t 4abilities4 ,we'd bet t y or "s"o y "k c id5tify ) ! abv situa;ns4 ,if s1 y w want to att5d ! ,h1l? ,issues ,"rs ,sem9> at ! ,,acb na;nal 3f];e & 3v5;n 9 ,m9n1polis1 to 2 held on ,w$nes"d1 ,july #fth1 at #b3#de p4m4 ,megan ,ryan1 an attorney :o specializes 9 h1l? c>e /ructur$ negotia;ns1 w 2 \r f1tur$ sp1k]4 ,%e is ) ! firm ( ,gold/e91 ,borg51 ,d>d>ian @& ,ho4 ,? ses.n is 2+ sponsor$ by ! ,,acb advocacy committee & ! h1l? issues task =ce4 ,z bl or visually impair$ p1 we ne$ to 2 \r [n advocates4 ,? "w%op w 5able u to ga9 9sin /rategies4 ,9 addi;n to an 9=mative1 9t]active & lively 4cus.n1 we w rcv mat]ials 9 an a3essible =mat on pati5ts' "rs1 specifically ! ,,ada & h[ to make 9=m$ m$ical deci.ns4 ,! b5efits w 2 grt ,- yr /ress w 2 r$uc$4 ,s come & "picipate4 333333333333 ,wake ,up & ,walk ,! ,walk ( #aj1jjj ,/eps is ! !me = ! #bjaf ,,acb ,br5da ,dillon ,memorial ,walk1 tak+ place ,sun"d morn+1 ,july #c1 dur+ ! ,,acb 3f];e & 3v5;n 9 d[nt[n ,m9n1polis1 ,m9n4 ,! walk w take place 9 & >.d ! ,hyatt ,reg5cy ,hotel & surr.d+ skywalks4 ,! r\te is approximately "o mile 9 l5g?2 if y wi% to walk #aj1jjj /eps1 y w ne$ to walk ! r\te approximately f\r "ts to a*ieve yr goal4 #ci ,wond]+ h[ y c "picipate 9 ! walk8 ,to sign up1 visit ! #bjaf walk web site1 http3_/_/acb4donorpages4com_/" #bjaf,,acb,walk_/4 ,don't h a3ess to a comput]8 ,no problem6 ,give ! ,,acb ,m9nesota (fice a call at "<#fab"> #ccb-#cbdb1 & !y w 2 glad to assi/ y4 ,n able to att5d ! 3f];e & 3v5;n 9 p]son ? ye>8 ,virtual walk]s >e welcome6 ,d y 2l;g to a special-9t]e/ or /ate a6iliate & want to raise m"oy = yr a6iliate & help ,,acb too8 ,if s1 5c\rage memb]s to =m a t1m2 up to #ej.0 ( ! funds rcvd "? dona;ns to ! t1m c g back to ! a6iliate4 ,la/ ye>1 ! ,florida ,hurricanes rais$ @s#aj1jjj4 ,w yr t1m bl[ !m away ? ye>8 ,let's walk & "w tgr to raise funds = ,,acb4 ,"t's runn+ \1 s don't delay6 ,sign up = ! #bjaf ,,acb ,br5da ,dillon ,memorial ,walk td6 ,- ,katie ,fr$]ick ,l1d]s & ,aspir+ ,l1d]s to ,come ,tgr 9 ,omaha ,"!'s a gd r1son to save ! dates & make plans to jo9 s"eal ( yr ,,acb coll1gues 9 ,omaha1 ,neb41 ,aug4 #e- #g1 #bjaf4 ,no1 ! college football s1son isn't gett+ (f to an e>ly />t1 & no1 help is n ne$$ de-tassel+ corn or any?+ l t4 ,l1d]s & aspir+ l1d]s w come tgr = ! #crd ,midwe/ ,l1d]%ip ,3f];e4 ,we w ga!r at ! ,reg5cy ,lodge ,hotel 9 ,omaha4 ,room rates >e @s#ha plus #ah4fa.0 tax p] nie ) ! ,midwe/ ,l1d]%ip ,3f];e to get ? rate4 ,y c al make res]va;ns onl9e at http3_/_/book+s4ihoteli]4com_/book+s4" jsp8gr\p,,id"7#afaadaj@&hotel,,id"7" #gejii4 ,"! w 2 programm+ ( 9t]e/ to l1d]s at all levels4 ,f a mock elec;n1 ": we'll pick \r football coa*1 to 4cus.ns ( :at a /r;g a6iliate %d #da h1 to 4cus.ns ab memb]%ip1 fundrais+ & o!r ?+s1 x'll all 2 "!4 ,a v special f1ture ? ye> is ! ,"y ,pr(es.nals ,sem9>1 : w 2 held 9 3junc;n ) ! ,midwe/ 3f];e4 ,"y1 aspir+ ,,acb & commun;y l1d]s w h ! opportun;y to "picipate 9 programm+ ge>$ to _! 9t]e/s1 z well z to 9t]act & %>e ) o!r 3f];e att5dees4 ,= \r ,satur"d ni #eec-#gaai4 ,"qs specifically ab ! ,"y ,pr(es.nals ,sem9> c 2 direct$ to ,s>a ,3rad1 sjconrad#hh@agmail4com4 ,let's all h1d to ! home ( ! ,cornhusk]s = "s fun1 net"w+ & le>n+ 9 e>ly ,augu/4 ,- ,ray ,campbell 333333333333 ,summ>y ( ! ,w9t] ,bo>d ,meet+s by ,d\g ,p[ell ,on ,dec4 #c1 #bjae1 ! bo>d met by ph"o to 3sid] ! recomm5da;ns ( ! budget committee = ! rev5ue side ( ! #bjaf ,,acb budget4 ,af a l9e item r1d+1 4cus.n1 & "o *ange1 ! rev5ue side ( ! budget pass$ z @s#a1jjd1ehe4 ,on ,dec4 #aj1 ! bo>d reconv5$ to 3sid] ! exp5se side & approv$ total project$ exp5ses ( @s#a1bad1caf4 ,on ,feb4 #bg1 #bjaf1 ! bo>d ( directors met 9 ,alex&ria1 ,va41 at ! site ( ! a6iliate presid5ts' meet+ & legislative sem9>4 ,"s items ( note 9 presid5t ,kim ,*>lson's report3 _4 ,! ,bur1u ( ,pr9t+ & ,5grav+ _h to look = new anti-c.t]feit+ processes1 : w delay ! #bjbj deliv]y date = ! new @s#aj bill4 ,kim 5c\rag$ "ey"o to make sure we all h ! curr5cy r1d]s 4tribut$ by ,,nls 9 ! m1n"t4 ,te/+ by ,,acb memb]s 3t9ues1 b suitable tactile f1tures h n yet be5 f.d ei4 _4 ,kim met ) ,k>5 ,k5+]1 h1d ( #dc ! ,,nls4 ,legisla;n has be5 9troduc$ to all[ ,,nls to 4tribute brl 4plays1 & "! is te/+ curr5tly go+ on = a new brl 4play t w co/ less ?an @s#djj4 _4 ,mit* & ,kim 7 on a call ) ! ,gov]n;t ,a3.t+ ,(fice 3c]n+ a foll[-up report on ! be/ practices = ph>macies supply+ a3essible drug labels & 9=ma;n4 ,! ,,gao did n h a gd idea ( :at ,,acb is & _! role 9 advocat+ = use;l & usable label+4 ,mit* felt ! 3v]sa;n 0 fruit;l4 _4 ,! ,_w ,bl ,union w 2 hav+ xs quadr5nial meet+ ? ,augu/ 9 ,orl&o1 ,fla4 ,,acb w 2 support+ ! plann+ ( ^! meet+s1 & ,,acb ,radio w 2 broadca/+ ! activities & ses.ns4 ,]ic ,bridges gave 8 /aff report4 ,9 8 f/ f\r mon?s1 ! ,,acb h1dqu>t]s (fices mov$1 ! midye> meet+s mov$ to a new hotel1 he hir$ ,tony ,/eph5s z ! director ( advocacy & gov]n;tal a6airs1 & he is />t+ to look at h[ we capture all ! 2h-!-sc5es ?+s ,lane ,wat]s does1 s9ce ,lane w 2 retir+ ? ,july4 ,tom ,tob9 talk$ ab ! fundrais+ 9itiatives1 : >e all 9cr1s+4 ,jo ,lynn ,bailey-,page1 \r new grant writ]1 updat$ ! bo>d on ! /atus ( curr5t grants & \t/&+ reque/s4 ,%e is al meet+ ) "s ( ! p 9 ! program >1s t cd alw use m m"oy1 s* z ,,acb ,radio & ! bo>d ( publica;ns1 s %e cd bett] "u/& :at !y d & h[ %e cd help !m4 ,tony ,/eph5s !n review$ ! legislative imp]atives = ? ye> & field$ "s "qs ab o!r issues 9 ,3gress4 ,lane ,wat]s gave a report f ! ,m9nesota (fice4 ,an >ea ( 9cr1s+ "picipa;n by committees & task =ces is captur+ volunte] h\rs 3tribut$ by memb]s ( ^! gr\ps4 ,! doll> value ( ^! h\rs is use;l 9 %[+ \r commit;t to ! organiza;n & view$ favorably by pot5tial donors4 ,joel ,snyd] gave an update on ! ,audio ,descrip;n ,project4 ,"! is a new sub-committee explor+ #de c]tifica;n = describ]s to 5h.e ! qual;y ( descrip;n4 ,ano!r new sub- committee w d1l ) #ejh compli.e " ( gov]n;t-produc$ videos4 ,s"eal "qs f ! bo>d ab a3essibil;y ( cable set-top boxes em]g$4 ,]ic /ress$ t p :o exp]i;e problems ) ? %d docu;t ! problem & ;e- mail x to hm at ebridges@aacb4org4 ,! bo>d !n mov$ 9to executive ses.n4 ,af executive ses.n1 secret>y ,ray ,campbell r1d a mo;n t 0 pass$ : au?oriz$ ! ,,it ,9fra/ructure ,committee & ,,acb l1d]%ip to move =w>d ) ! digital r$esign ( acb4org4 ,tr1sur] ,c>la ,rus*ival gave h] report4 ,! budget committee recomm5d$ five m9or *anges to ! #bjaf budget1 : ! bo>d a3ept$4 ,dan ,spoone gave ! res\rce develop;t committee report4 ,he ?ank$ ,c>la ,rus*ival & ,brian ,*>lson = _! "w on ! holi"d auc;n1 : rais$ ov] @s#ac1jjj4 ,jeff ,?om pres5t$ a resolu;n = ! bo>d's approval to 4solve ! ,na;nal ,$uca;n & ,legal ,def5se ,s]vice "<,,nelds"> & = _! assets to 2 us$ by ,,acb to help fund ! same k9ds ( litiga;n exp5ses t ,,nelds wd h us$ !m =4 ,! resolu;n pass$4 ,jeff ,bi%op gave ! ,,acb ,radio report4 ,!y >e excit$ ab ! ,a6iliates 9 ,ac;n %[ hie do+ ?+s4 ,mak+ %[s available on dem& has be5 v su3ess;l1 ) ,janu>y ph"o li/5]s at #d1dag4 ,= ! holi"d auc;n1 "! 7 #a1hjj ph"o calls4 ,"o mon? on ! web site1 "! 7 #h1fjj on-dem& %[ li/5]s4 ,,acb ,l9k 3t9ues to 2come m sophi/icat$4 ,janet ,dickelman report$ t ! #bjag 3v5;n is 9 ,r5o1 ,nev4 ,we h a sign$ 3tract = #bjah 9 ,st4 ,l\is1 ,mo41 & %e is 9 f9al negotia;ns = #bjai4 ,presid5t ,kim ,*>lson call$ = goal gr\p reports & reports f ! bo>d liaisons ab ! committees & task =ces !y "w )1 af : ! meet+ adj\rn$4 #dg 333333333333 ,a6iliate & ,committee ,news ,multicultural ,a6airs ,committee ,ho/s ,focus ,call ,! ,multicultural ,a6airs ,committee "<,,mcac"> w hold xs spr+ focus call on ,?urs"d1 ,may #bfth1 at #h p4m4 ,ea/]n_/#e p4m4 ,pacific4 ,we w focus on ! topic 8,3g5ital ,bl;s vs4 ,los+ ,sie "! cultural biases or 2liefs on ? topic8 ,does "o gr\p h a 4t9ct advantage ov] ! o!r8 ,h[ does hav+ _h si yr id1s & exp]i;es4 ,to jo9 u on ! call1 dial "<#gab"> #dcb-#cjff1 & use passcode #hdjhgh_?4 ,a ,few ,*anges to ! ,,fia ,%[case ,? ,ye> ,= ^? :o >e 3sid]+ audi;n+ = ! ,,fia #bjaf ,%[case ( ! ,p]=m+ ,>ts 9 ,m9n1polis1 pl1se note t "! w 2 no b& ? ye>4 ,we >e all[+ ! use ( record$ tracks "u c]ta9 3di;ns4 ,if y >e plann+ to audi;n & ne$ an a3ompani/1 pl1se tell u :at y 9t5d to p]=m z soon z possible s we c f9d "s"o to a3ompany y4 ,if ne$ be1 we w hire a sion ,/rzalk[ski ,! ann\nce;t ( products & s]vices 9 ? column does n repres5t an 5dorse;t by ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 xs (fic]s1 or /aff4 ,li/+s >e free ( *>ge = ! b5efit ( \r r1d]s4 8,! ,,acb ,brl ,=um0 _c 2 held responsible = ! reliabil;y ( ! products & s]vices m5;n$4 ,to submit items = ? column1 s5d a message to slover+@aacb4org1 or ph"o ! na;nal (fice at #a-#hjj-#dbd- #hfff1 & l1ve a message 9 ,%>on ,lover+'s mailbox4 ,9=ma;n m/ 2 rcvd at l1/ two mon?s ah1d ( #di publica;n date4 ,applica;ns = ,ro$] ,s*ol>%ip ,n[ ,available ,applica;ns = ! ,joseph ,ro$] ,assi/ive ,te*nology ,s*ol>%ip >e n[ available on ! ,,nib web site1 www4nib4org_/cont5t_/ro$]-s*ol>%ip-" applica;n4 ,! s*ol>%ip provides a "o- "t aw>d ( @s#b1ejj = an 9dividual :o is bl to pursue $uca;n 9 comput] sci;e1 9=ma;n sy/ems or a relat$ field l1d+ to a c>e] 9 a3ess te*nology4 ,! s*ol>%ip is "nd = ,joe ,ro$]1 s5ior a3essible te*nology speciali/ at ,,nib f #aiig until 8 d1? 9 #bjaj4 ,ro$] 0 9/ru;tal 9 ! develop;t ( ! ,sec;n #ejh electronic & 9=ma;n te*nology a3essibil;y /&>ds ( ! ,rehabilita;n ,act1 : require all f$]al gov]n;t ag5cies to provide a3essible data & 9=ma;n = employees ) 4abilities4 ,applica;ns & support+ docu;ts m/ 2 submitt$ onl9e no lat] ?an ,fri"d1 ,may #bg1 #bjaf4 ,top c&idates w 2 9t]view$ by ph"o 9 ,june1 & ! w9n] w 2 ann\nc$ ? summ]4 ,b1con ,lodge ,summ] ,camp ,(f]+s ,p5nsylvania ,lions ,b1con ,lodge (f]s a v>iety ( summ] camps = *n & adults ) 4abilities4 ,! camp is locat$ 9 ,m.t ,union1 ,pa4 ,camp d1dl9es >e com+ up soon2 see ! ses.n li/ 2l4 ,adult ses.ns 9clude3 ,camps = bl & visually impair$ adults1 z foll[s3 ,july #i-#ad1 ,adult ,ses.n ,six2 d1dl9e1 ,june #cjth2 ,july #af-#bf1 ,adult ,ses.n ,sev52 d1dl9e1 ,july #fth2 & ,july #cj-,augu/ #i1 ,adult ,ses.n ,eirival "d2 all camp]s m/ 2 pick$ up 2t #i a4m4 & noon on de"pure "d4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 or an applica;n1 3tact ,p5nsylvania ,lions ,b1con ,lodge ,camp at "<#had"> #edb-#beaa2 ;e-mail b1conlodgecamp@av]izon4net2 or visit www4b1conlodge4com4 ,,bana ,elects ,(fic]s ,at xs ,novemb] #bjae meet+1 ! ,brl ,au?or;y ( ,nor? ,am]ica "<,,bana"> elect$ (fic]s = #bjaf4 ,!y >e3 ,j5nif] ,dunnam1 *air "<,,nfb">2 ,s&ra ,ruconi*1 vice *air "<,,acb">2 ,ru? ,roz51 secret>y "<,_hley ,9/itute">2 & ,jackie ,%]idan1 tr1sur] "<,na;nal ,brl ,press">4 ,! new ye> has br"\ addi;nal bo>d *anges4 ,diane ,wormsley1 :o has repres5t$ ,,aer "<,associa;n = ,$uca;n & ,rehabilita;n ( ! ,bl & ,visually ,impair$"> on ! ,,bana bo>d s9ce #bjjd1 has retir$ f h] pr(essor%ip at ,nor? ,c>ol9a ,c5tral ,univ]s;y & plans to pursue o!r 9t]e/s4 ,! new ,,aer repres5tative is ,m>y ,nelle ,mc,l5nan1 :o has be5 ! repres5tative f ! ,am]ican ,pr9t+ ,h\se = ! ,bl "<,,aph"> s9ce #bjjg & j complet$ five ye>s z ,,bana's vice *air4 ,ca?y ,s5ft-,graves 0 appo9t$ z ! new repres5tative f ,,aph1 ": %e is ! brl lit]acy & te*nology project l1d]4 ,see,lie curr5tly equipp$ ) audible signals or tactile pav+4 ,n"o ( !m h a ,,gps tag4 ,9 ord] to address ? 3c]n1 ,hungry ,boys has cr1t$ a free app call$ ,see,lie global tra6ic signal 9=ma;n "e locat$1 dura;n ( r$ & gre5 signals1 & :e!r ! li s ! lie/ cross+4 ,? app is curr5tly available at ! ,app ,/ore4 ,an ,&roid v].n w 2 available soon4 ,brlr ,repair ,! ,selective ,doctor1 ,9c4 specializes 9 repair+ ,p]k9s brlrs4 ,if ! keys on yr brlr >e /ick+1 or ! pap] isn't roll+ 9 prop]ly1 3tact ,! ,selective ,doctor at "<#daj"> #ffh- #aadc or ;e-mail braill]repair@ayahoo4com = an e/imate1 or m 9=ma;n4 ,s5d yr brlr to3 ,! ,selective ,doctor1 ,9c41 ,,po ,box #ega1 ,man*e/]1 ,,md #baajb4 ,y may s5d x via free matt] = ! bl1 b 2 sure to 9sure x4 ,yr brlr w 2 return$ to y via ,u4,s4 mail4 ,= m details1 visit www4selectivedoctor4com1 or call ! numb] abv4 ,5c\rage;t = ! ,week ,dave ,&rus has "w$ = #cj ye>s z a p>i% pa/or ,- & has be5 bl = #dj ye>s4 ,t has giv5 hm a unique & refre%+ view ( ! _w1 situa;ns & ,god4 ,pa/or ,dave %>es 5c\rage;t & hope4 ,8 weekly podca/ is s5t via ;e-mail z an atta*;t1 or c 2 f.d 9 ! i,tunes ,/ore4 ,s5d an ;e-mail to 9fo@anot-al"o4net1 or visit http3_/_/not-al"o4net4 333333333333 ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op ,= ,sale3 ,brl,note ,apex #cb ) qw]ty keybo>d4 ,rec5tly s]vic$4 ,comes ) late/ ,key,s(t s(tw>e1 all cables & a3essories2 9 orig9al box4 ,ask+ @s#c1jjj2 w a3ept pay;t by *eck only4 ,w %ip :5 *eck cle>s4 ,if 9t]e/$1 pl1se 3tact ,mike ,hally at "<#fea"> #dhe-#cbjd or ;e-mail #ee mike-hally@ahotmail4com4 ,= ,sale3 ,br&-new ,samsung copi]1 n"e \ ( box1 n"e us$4 ,price negotiable4 ,3tact ,joanne ,semple at #ajb ,mason ,ave41 ,h>r+ton1 ,,de #aiieb1 or ph"o "<#cjb"> #cih-#cbdh4 ,want$3 ,brl emboss] 9 gd 3di;n4 ,will+ to pay "u @s#a1jjj4 ,3tact ,ronald ,byrd at "<#hab"> #ibd-#gjcc4 ,want$3 ,two-track cassette record]4 ,c't pay m ?an @s#ej4 ,3tact ,tonya ,smi? 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