I'm writing this article to encourage and challenge dedicated individuals who believe in ACB's purposes and objectives. I would like these individuals to step forward and become ACB life members. In addition, I would also challenge ACB state and special-interest affiliates as well as local chapters to consider honoring a dedicated member of theirs by making him or her an ACB life member.
ACB life membership dues are not inexpensive; in fact, the life membership dues of $1,000 may seem a bit daunting. These dues, however, may be paid in up to five annual installments of $200 apiece, which over a year is approximately 55 cents a day, less than a can of your favorite soft drink purchased from a vending machine. Viewed in such a light, ACB life membership dues should be manageable for most members and friends. Individuals who are considering joining the growing honor roll of ACB life members should contact ACB controller Don Gardner at our Minneapolis office, 1-800-866-3242, during normal business hours.
As indicated above, I am also challenging state and special-interest affiliates as well as local chapters to consider honoring a dedicated ACB member who has demonstrated over many years the kind of leadership in your group to merit being made an ACB life member by your affiliate or chapter. This recognition will be an honor to one of your members and will ensure the legacy of such dedicated leadership.
There will be a life membership reception in the president's suite at the upcoming national convention in Jacksonville, to which you as a new ACB life member will be invited and to which you may bring one guest. I would not ask others to do something I have not done myself, so I wish to assure you that I have been for many years a fully paid-up ACB life member. I am looking forward to welcoming a bumper crop of new life members to our growing honor roll in Jacksonville in mid-July.