by Mitch Pomerantz

To paraphrase an old saying: "Everyone talks about the unemployment rate for blind people, but no one does anything about it." The Employment Issues Committee is going to make a sincere effort to do something about it, at least in terms of bringing human resource professionals to the ACB convention and giving you the opportunity to learn what they look for in, or consider to be, a qualified job candidate.

Our sixth Employment Workshop will take place on Tuesday afternoon, July 11, from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. Yes, we have moved it from Sunday morning so that you (and the members of the committee) can sleep in a bit longer, not to mention the reality that employers are far more likely to attend a program during the week. This year's program is entitled: "What Do Employers Look For In An Applicant and Other Tips For Success In The Job Market" (a somewhat shortened title appears in the convention registration material and agenda). At this writing, we have firm commitments from at least two major employers and we anticipate having one or two additional participants.

There will also be presentations from a well-known ACB member who is a successful entrepreneur on how to start and run your own business, as well as from National Industries for the Blind on its highly successful business leaders program. Please see your convention registration packets and be sure to join us for an informative session. With the right skills and knowledge -- plus some inside tips from the experts -- we can do something about that unemployment rate!

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