,,! ,,acb ,,brl ,,=um ,9 ,"o ,"p ,pages ;i-;ix & #a-fj ,publi%$ by ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl ,volume ,,liii ,janu>y #bjae ,no4 #g ^c #bjad ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl ,melanie ,brunson1 ,executive ,director ,%>on ,lover+1 ,$itor #bbjj ,wilson ,blvd41 ,suite #fej1 ,>l+ton1 ,,va #bbbja ,,special ,,symbols ;iii ,,us$ ,,9 ,,? ,,volume ^c ,copy"r4 ^t ,tradem>k4 _/ ,sla%4 @ 7#d7 ,a35t 9dicator4 ,' 7#f1 #c7 ,t]m9,n 9dicator4 @3p ,p]c5t4 @& ,amp]s&4 _4 ,prim>y bullet4 @+ ,plus4 _? ,crosshat*4 @9 ,d\# prime m1n+ 9*es4 @* ,multiplic,n1 "ts4 ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl ,code "< ,op5+ p>5!sis 7r.d bracket74 "> ,clos+ p>5!sis 7r.d bracket74 444 7#b-e-f1 #b-e-f1 #b-e-f7 ,ellipsis4 ,-put] ,brl ,code _+ ,2g9 ,-put] ,brl ,code4 _: ,5d ,-put] ,brl ,code4 _ 7#d-e-f7 ,%ift 9dicator4 _& ,3t9u,n 9dicator4 _> ,caps lock 9dicator4 _< ,caps rel1se 9dicator4 = ,equal sign4 . 7#d-f7 ,p]iod4 : ,colon4 ? ,"q m>k4 - 7#c-f7 ,hyph54 / ,sla%4 # ,numb] sign1 crosshat*4 @ 7#d7 ,at sign4 __ 7#d-e-f1 #d-e-f7 ,"uscore4 ,all numb]s 9 ,-put] ,brl ,code appe> 9 ! l[] "p (! cell1 )\t ! numb] sign4 ,2 ,a ,"p ( ,,acb ;v ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl^t is a memb]%ip organiz,n made up ( m ?an #gj /ate & special-9t]e/ a6iliates4 ,6jo91 3tact ! n,nal (fice at #a-hjj-dbd-hfff4 333333333333 ,3tribute 6,\r ,"w ,^? m*-ne$$ 3tribu;ns1 : >e tax- deducti#1 c 2 s5t 6,attn3 ,tr1sur]1 ,,acb1 #fcjj ,%+le ,creek ,pkwy41 ,suite #aie1 ,brooklyn ,c5t]1 ,,mn #eedcj4 ,if y wi% 6rememb] a relative or fr1 ! n,nal (fice has pr9t$ c>ds availa# = ? purpose4 ,3sid] 9clud+ a gift 6,,acb 9 yr ,la/ ,w & ,te/a;t4 ,if yr wi%es >e -plex1 call ! n,nal (fice4 ,6make a 3tribu;n 6,,acb 0! ,-b9$ ,f$]al ,campaign1 use ? numb]3 #aaaee4 333333333333 ,*eck 9 ) ,,acb ,=! late/ 9 legislative & gov]n;tal news1 call ! 8,wa%+ton ,3nec;n0 #bd_/g at #a-hjj-dbd-hfff1 or r1d x onl9e4 ,li/5 6,,acb ,reports 0d[nload+ ! ,,mp#c file f _+www.acb.org_:1 or call 7#bca7 #dfj-ajfa & *oose op;n #c4 ,tune 9 6,,acb ,radio at _+www.acbradio.org_: or 0call+ 7#bca7 #dfj-ajdg4 ,le>n m ab u at _+www.acb.org_:4 ,foll[ u on ,twitt] at _+@acbnational_:1 or l u on ,facebook at _+www.facebook.com/_american_& _councilofthe_blind_official_:4 ,ta# ( ,3t5ts ;vii ,page ,presid5t's ,message3 ,,acb & ,brl3 ,an ,ongo+ ,-mit;t1 0,kim ,*>lson """"""""""""""""""" #a ,"t 6,regi/] = ,midye>1 ,legislative ,sem9>61 0,melanie ,brunson """""""""""""" #h ,t\r+ ,texas1 0,janet ,dickelman #aj ,celebrate ,durw>d's ,c5t5nial3 ,2 a ,,dkm ,f/-,"tr1 0,all5 ,casey """"""""""""""""""""""""" #ag ,ann\nc+ ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl ,legacy ,society """"""""""" #bj ,a3ess+ ! ,,acb ,=um & ;,e-,=um3 ,let ,me ,c.t ! ,ways1 0,judy ,wilk9son """""""""""""""""""""" #bb ,advocacy1 ,,acb ,/yle1 0,mit* ,pom]antz """""""""""""""""""""" #be ,&! ,w9n] ,is '''1 0,mike ,god9o #bi ,summ>y (! ,fall #bjad ,,acb ,bo>d ,meet+1 0,d5ise ,colley "" #cc ,a6iliate ,news """""""""""""""""" #dd ,lrs f ,\r ,r1d]s3 ,animal ,planet1 0,p5ny ,re$] """""""""" #dg ,"h & ,"!1 $it$ 0,%>on ,/rzalk[ski #di ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op """"""""""""" #ef ,>e ,y ,mov+8 ,d ,y ,want ;ix 6,*ange ,yr ,subscrip;n8 ,3tact ,%>on ,lover+ 9 ! ,,acb n,nal (fice1 #a-hjj-dbd-hfff1 or via ;e- mail1 _+slovering@acb.org_:4 ,give h] ! 9=m,n1 & %e'll take c>e (! *anges = y4 333333333333 ,all bl musicians1 all ! "t at ! ,,acb ,radio ,caf@e1 _+www.acbradio.org/cafe_:4 ,,acb ,radio ,ma9/r1m has bl;s- relat$ news y c use at _+www.acbradio.org/mainstream_:4 ,presid5t's ,message3 #a ,,acb & ,brl3 ,an ,ongo+ ,-mit;t 0,kim ,*>lson ,brl is probably "o (! mo/ 4cuss$1 reque/$1 & advocat$ = issues on ! ag5das ( s _m p :o >e bl4 ,:e!r y're ask+ = brl mat]ials1 advocat+ 6get "s?+ provid$ 9 brl1 want+ 6le>n brl1 practic+ yr brl 6get fa/]1 wond]+ :y y ne$ 6le>n brl ''' all ( ^! issues >e important 6,,acb4 ,=! pa/ #af ye>s1 ,i h _h ! honor ( repres5t+ ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl on ! bo>d (! ,brl ,au?or;y ( ,nor? ,am]ica 7,,bana74 ,:5 ,i att5d$ my f/ meet+1 ,i wond]$ h[ a small gr\p ( p cd 4cuss brl dots = ?ree "ds4 ,i soon le>n$ ! d$ic,n (! ,,bana bo>d1 ! volunte]s :o s]ve on ,,bana,''s ne>ly #cj te*nical & ad hoc -mittees1 ! br1d? ( issues "u 3sid],n1 &! pas.n ( brl r1d]s1 transcrib]s1 $ucators1 produc]s1 ab specific brl codes & =mat guidel9es4 ,i h le>n$ s m* ab ! brl code xf1 rules1 guidel9es1 & h[ ?"\;l ! ,,bana bo>d m/ 2 :5 develop+ new guidel9es 9 "o >ea 65sure t ^? guidel9es don't 3flict ) ano!r set ( rules or guidel9es 9 ano!r >ea4 ,_m ,,acb memb]s s]ve on ,,bana -mittees1 help+ 6develop guidel9es 9 s _m >1s--*ess1 =eign language1 knit & cro*et1 *emi/ry1 6"n j a few4 ,my ?anks 6all ( ^! memb]s1 &! c.t.s volunte]s1 :o help ,,bana 6d xs important "w4 ,af 2+ elect$ ,,acb presid5t1 ,i knew t ,i wd ne$ 6look = "s"o else 6repres5t ,,acb on ,,bana4 ,i r1liz$ t ,i wd h _m dem&s on my plate1 & ,i wd 2 ne$+ assi/.e 6make sure t ,,acb,''s voice on ,,bana 3t9u$ 6be /r;g4 ,i want$ 6id5tify "s"o :o _h exp]i;e ) brl1 0 recogniz$ 9 ! bl;s -mun;y1 & cd repres5t ,,acb,''s p]spective1 al;g ) t ( t1*]s1 /ud5ts1 transcrib]s1 & produc]s1 z well z brl r1d]s4 ,i 0 v pl1s$ 6f9d t p]son 9 ,s&ra ,ruconi* ( ,salt ,lake ,c;y1 ,utah4 ,s&y is a brl r1d]1 has tauly #c #dj ye>s1 & 6univ]s;y /ud5ts prep>+ 6t1* visu,y impair$ *n & adults4 ,%e pro(r1ds ! brl v].n (! mon?ly y\? magaz9e produc$ 0,! ,*ur* ( ,jesus ,*ri/ ( ,latt]-"d ,sa9ts1 & is a memb] (! ,n,nal ,brl ,praxis ,-mittee1 : prep>es & produces a te/ : t1*]s (! visu,y impair$ take 6demon/rate brl -pet5cy4 ,%e s]v$ z presid5t (! ,associ,n = ,$uc,n & ,rehabilit,n (! ,bl & ,visu,y ,impair$ 7,,aer7 f #bjjf 6#bjjh4 ,s&y has liv$ all acr ! c.try--born 9 ,klama? ,falls1 ,ore41 ": %e att5d$ public s*ool f k9d]g>t5 "? hi< s*ool gradu,n4 ,%e holds ba*elor's degrees f ! ,univ]s;y ( ,wa%+ton 9 music & ,5gli%2 a ma/]'s degree f ! ,univ]s;y ( ,nor!rn ,colorado 9 special $uc,n1 ) an emphasis 9 ! visu,y impair$2 &a doctorate 9 special $uc,n 9 ! >ea ( visual impair;t1 ) emphasis 9 assi/ive te*nology1 f ,p1body ,college ( ,v&]bilt ,univ]s;y4 ,s&y has taurang+ musical pieces4 ,i h be5 tak+ h>p lessons = f\r ye>s1 x is my adult adv5ture4 ,i am an avid r1d] ( bo? brl & audio books2 ,i r1d audio :ile ,i'm do+ "s?+ else s ,i c use my "t e6ici5tly & brl :5 ,i want 6see ! place;t ( p>agraphs1 ! spell+ ( "ns1 etc4 ,i am a te*nology us] 7-put]1 sm>tph"o1 brl notetak]1 ,optacon71 & truly 2lieve 9 xs lib]at+ p[] 9 my life4 ,i've liv$ z f> we/ z ,oregon & z f> s\? z ,t5;see1 n 6m5;n s"eal places 9 2t4 ,i've made ,utah my #e home =! pa/ #ag-a_/b ye>s & love x "h60 ,s&y 2gan repres5t+ ,,acb on ,,bana 9 ,july #bjad4 ,if y h "qs relat+ 6,,bana1 y c 3tact ,s&y at _+sruconich@sisna.com_: or #hja-eii-aieh4 ,"o (! f/ ?+s %e has />t$ 6"w on is ! imple;t,n plan = ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl 7,,ueb7 = curr5t brl r1d]s1 bo? *n & adults4 ,,ueb is s*$ul$ 6g 96e6ect 9 ! ,unit$ ,/ates on ,jan4 #d1 #bjaf4 ,,bana is (f]+ a new public,n 5titl$ 8,! ,,ueb ,r1d]10 : is availa# 9 a h>d-copy brl edi;n4 8,! ,,ueb ,r1d]0 is a res\rce design$ 69troduce brl r1d]s 6,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl 7,,ueb74 ,? 9troductory h>d-copy brl booklet 9corporates 96"o docu;t s"eal key res\rces f.d on ! ,,bana web site4 8,! ,,ueb ,r1d]0 9cludes 3t5t f ,,bana,''s public,n1 an ov]view ( *anges f curr5t lit]>y brl 6,,ueb1 plus s"eal example docu;ts transcrib$ 9 ,,ueb = r1d]s 6use z practice4 ,? res\rce 0 -pil$ 6help curr5t brl r1d]s 2come m famili> ) ,,ueb & 6assi/ brl r1d]s1 transcrib]s1 t1*]s1 & families z !y make ! transi;n 6,,ueb4 8,! ,,ueb ,r1d]0 is availa# free ( *>ge ^u reque/4 ,6rcv a free brl copy ( 8,! ,,ueb ,r1d]10 ;e-mail me at _+kim.charlson@perkins.org_: ) yr "n & a4ress = mail+ purposes4 ,reque/s = 8,! ,,ueb ,r1d]10 9clud+ yr "n1 a4ress1 & ph"o numb]1 c al 2 left on ! ,,ueb ,9=m,n ,l9e at 7#fag7 #igb-gbdh4 ,ano!r res\rce = r1d+ practice = ,,ueb is 8,syndicat$ ,columni/s ,weekly0 7,,scw74 ,:at bett] way 6le>n ! ,,ueb ?an 0r1d+ %ort op9ion pieces 0,am]ica's top j\rnali/s8 ,/>t+ ! f/ week 9 ,janu>y #bjae1 ,n,nal ,brl ,press w 2g9 us+ ,,ueb 6translate 8,syndicat$ ,columni/s ,weekly40 ,? #cf-page brl weekly 3ta9s ! be/ $itorials (! week f div]se pap]s s* z 8,! ,wa%+ton ,po/10 8,salon10 8,! ,new ,york ,"ts10 8,! ,*icago #g ,tribune10 etc4 ,x's a nice1 %ort -mut] pap]1 & n[1 an easy way 6ga9 exp]i;e r1d+ ,,ueb4 ,ea* issue w 9clude a %ort symbols *>t hily subscrip;n is 4#bd 74#de = two ye>s71 : is only #df c5ts p] week4 ,y c subscribe 03tact+ ,n,nal ,brl ,press at _+www.nbp.org_: or call toll-free #a-hjj-edh-gcbc4 ,i urge brl r1d]s 6reque/ 8,! ,,ueb ,r1d]10 or d[nload x & o!r res\rces f ! ,,bana web site at _+www.brailleauthority.org_:4 ,! be/ way 62come famili> ) ,,ueb is 6r1d m ( x4 ,9 an ef=t 6assi/ brl r1d]s 9 mak+ ! transi;n1 8,! ,,acb ,brl ,=um0 w h an >ticle appe> 9 ea* h>d-copy brl edi;n produc$ 9 #bjae 9 ,,ueb = r1d+ practice4 ,wat* =! f/ >ticle transcrib$ 9 ,,ueb 6appe> else": 9 ? issue4 333333333333 ,"t 6,regi/] = ,midye>1 ,legislative ,sem9>6 0,melanie ,brunson ,,acb is ge>+ up =! #bjae a6iliate presid5ts' meet+ & legislative sem9>4 ,x is my hope t "ey"o :o r1ds ? w />t mak+ plans 6jo9 u = ^! ev5ts4 ,y c 2g9 0res]v+ yr room at ! ,holi"d ,9n ,n,nal ,airport & -plet+ yr regi/r,n =m4 ,we w ag meet at ! ,holi"d ,9n ,n,nal ,airport1 locat$ at #bfej ,je6]son ,davis ,hil+ton1 ,va4 ,room rates >e 4#acb p] ni's s*$ule is a bit di6]5t ?an 9 pa/ ye>s4 ,! ,,acb bo>d ( directors w meet on ,satur"d1 ,feb4 #ba4 ,! a6iliate presid5ts' meet+ w 2 "o "d only ? ye>1 ,sun"d1 ,feb4 #bb4 ,legislative sem9> w 2 on ,mon"d1 ,feb4 #bc1 & "picipants w g 6,capitol ,hill on ,tues"d1 ,feb4 #bd4 ,9t]e/$ 9 att5d+8 ,"! >e two #i ?+s y ne$ 6d4 ,let u "k ( yr 9t5t 6att5d 0-plet+ a regi/r,n =m 0,feb4 #i4 ,regi/r,ns rcvd af ,feb4 #i w 2 assess$ a 4#e late fee4 ,y c regi/] onl9e1 0ph"o or ;e- mail4 ,6regi/] onl9e1 use ? l9k1 _+https://register.acb.org/_: or f9d x on _+acb.org_: 9 ! ,qk ,l9ks box4 ,if y pref] 6regi/] 0ph"o1 call ! ,>l+ton (fice at 7#bjb7 #dfg-ejha or #a-hjj-dbd-hfff1 & ask 6sp1k ) ,franc9e4 ,y c al ;e-mail ,franc9e at _+fpatterson@acb.org_:4 ,! ,holi"d ,9n ,n,nal ,airport is r1dy 6take room res]v,ns z well4 ,res]v,ns c 2 made 0ph"o or onl9e4 ,6res]ve yr room onl9e1 use ? l9k3 _+http://www.ihg.com/holidayinn/_& hotels/us/en/arlington/wasdc/_& hoteldetail_:4 ,y w ne$ 65t] \r gr\p code1 : is ,,acb1 9 ord] 6get \r rate4 ,6res]ve yr room 0ph"o1 y c call ! hotel directly at 7#gjc7 #fhd-gbjj1 or use _! toll-free numb]1 #a-hjj-bid-ejei4 ,ag1 rememb] 6give ! ag5t \r gr\p code1 ,,acb4 ,look = m details z we get clos] 6midye>1 b ,i hope ? 9=m,n w 2 5 6get y />t$ mak+ plans 6jo9 u4 333333333333 ,t\r+ ,texas 0,janet ,dickelman ,n[ t ! holi"ds >e ov] & w9t] is 9 full sw+1 x is "t 6?9k ab all ! excite;t ! #bjae ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl 3f];e & 3v5;n has 9 /ore = y4 ,3v5;n dates >e ,fri"d1 ,july #c "? ,satur"d1 ,july #aa4 ,get r1dy 6%op ! exhibit hall 7op5 ,satur"d "? ,w$nes"d71 =! late/ & grte/ 9 te*nology & items = home1 "w1 & play6 ,,acb a6iliates & -mittees >e 2g9n+ 6plan _! programs1 sem9>s & mix]s1 : w 2g9 ,satur"d1 ,july #d & run "? ,?urs"d1 ,july #i4 ,! program -mittee is "w+ on pres5t]s = g5]al ses.ns4 ,! op5+ g5]al ses.n is ,sun"d ev5+2 morn+ ses.ns run ,mon"d "? ,?urs"d1 &! all- "d ,fri"d ses.n w f1ture elec;ns #aa & ,,acb busi;s4 ,visit+ local attrac;ns is alw v popul> dur+ ! 3v5;n4 ,? ye> we h a grt v>iety ( fun1 $uc,nal1 9spir,nal & ?rill+ t\rs4 ,pl1se keep 9 m9d t due 6un=ese5 circum/.es1 dates & t\r v5ues may 2 *ang$4 ,fri"d1 ,july #c1 ,c[boys & ,rodeos ,,at@&,t ,/adium ,reg>d.s ( yr /atus z a football fan1 ,,at@&,t ,/adium1 home (! ,dallas ,c[boys1 is a fabul\s v5ue well wor? see+4 ,visit ! lock] rooms (! t1m &! *e]l1d]s4 ,take a peek 96:at x wd 2 l 6wat* a game f a luxury suite4 ,visit ! press box ": s _m grt 9t]views h tak5 place4 ,le>n ab ! hi/ory (! /adium &! t1ms & big games t h be5 play$ "!4 ,walk onto ! play+ field & /& on ! /> at ! #ej-y>d l9e4 ,don't miss \ on ? ,,vip t\r & lun*6 ,mesquite ,rodeo ,:5 y ?9k ( ,texas1 "o (! f/ ?+s 6-e 6m9d >e horses1 cattle1 & b>becue6 ,fri"d ev5+ jo9 ,,acb at ! ,mesquite ,rodeo4 ,( c\rse1 ? 2+ ,texas1 we'll 2g9 ! ev5+ )a ,texas b>becue4 ,we >e "w+ on hav+ audio descrip;n =! rodeo1 too4 ,satur"d1 ,july #d1 ,?rill ,seek]s & ,c[boy ,hats ,call+ all ?rill seek]s6 ,z]o ,grav;y ,dallas is ! _w's only 8,?rill ,amuse;t ,p>k0 f1tur+ #e di6]5t extreme ?rill rides1 9clud+ ! ,bungee ,jump1 ! ,no?9' ,b ,net1 ,texas ,bla/(f1 ! ,skycoa/] &! ,skyscrap]4 ,n up = an adr5al9e ru%8 ,\r o!r ,satur"d t\r w 2 6! ,/etson factory \tlet /ore1 ": y'll le>n all ab ! hi/ory & produc;n ( c[boy hats & h a *.e 6br+ "o home4 ,? t\r w al 9clude a visit 6! ,=t ,wor? ,/ocky>ds = food1 %opp+ &a cattle drive4 ,bo? ,satur"d & ,sun"d w f1ture \r alw popul> c;y t\rs2 ride 9 -=t :ile travel+ ! c;y ( ,dallas le>n+ ab #ac xs hi/ory & unique >1s4 ,satur"d1 ,july #aa?1 ,8,dallas0' & ,horseback ,rid+ ,s\? ,=k ,ran* ,if y "e wat*$ ! ,,tv %[ 8,dallas10 ? t\r is = y4 ,visit ,s\? ,=k ,ran*1 ": sc5es f ! fam\s ,,tv %[ 7 film$4 ,! h\se is set up ) v>i\s rooms ": y c t\* & le>n ab ! %[4 ,walk \ 0! fam\s swimm+ pool ": _m sc5es 7 film$4 ,! t\r guides >e 9=mative & 5?usia/ic1 &! gift %ops amaz+6 ,horses &a ,cook\t ,\r f9al t\r is 6,rid+ ,unlimit$4 ,take a horseback ride2 5joy a hayride & cook\t4 ,br+ yr guit>2 x w 2 p]fect =a s+-al;g "u ! />s4 ,week"d ,t\rs ,dur+ ! week we plan 6visit num]\s sites3 ,! ,george ,w4 ,bu% ,presid5tial ,libr>y & ,museum ,? t\r w 9clude a cu/omiz$ h&s-on exp]i;e ) >tifacts f ! museum classroom4 ,dur+ ! t\r1 t\* ! ,_w ,trade ,c5t] /eel f ! #i_/aa por;n (! exhibit4 ,pret5d y >e ! presid5t :ile 9 ! replica ,oval ,(fice4 ,"! >e al sculptures (! dogs 7,b>ney1 ,miss ,b1zley & ,spot7 &! cat 7,9dia71 & 9 ! c\rty>d "! >e /atues ( bo? ,presid5ts ,bu%4 ,exhibits h audio descrip;n4 ,! ,dallas ,holocau/ ,museum ,? t\r w 9clude a v special :ite- glove t\r ": \r 3v5;n att5dees c t\* >tifacts f ! ,holocau/4 ,"! w al 2 a pres5t,n f a ,holocau/ survivor4 ,h]itage ,village & ,old ,r$ ,c\rth\se ,^! ,dallas hi/orical sites depict life 9 ! #ahjj;s1 ) _m h&s-on exhibits & doc5ts :o w 4cuss :at life 0 l 9 ,dallas4 ,>t ,lov]s ,t\r ,m1d[s ,museum ( ,>t f1tures tactile v].ns ( pa9t+s1 ,biblical >t bronze sculptures1 & specializ$ gall]ies h be5 cr1t$ = ,biblical >*eology1 ,jewi% >t1 religi\s >*itecture1 #ae ,israeli >t1 ,african ,am]ican >t1 & ,hispanic >t4 ,sweet ,too? ,c&y ,t\r ,s9ce "ey?+ is bi7] 9 ,texas1 \r ,sweet ,too? c&y t\r w 9clude n "o b two c&y retail %ops4 ,%>k>osa ,wildlife ,ran* ,exp]i;e r>e & 5dang]$ exotic wildlife 9 a unique & p]sonal sett+4 ,:at bett] way 6le>n ab di6]5t species ?an 0see+ !m up close & h&s-on8 ,y'll 2 a# 6pet a kang>oo1 camel1 lemur & m on ? private t\r 79clud+ lun*71 design$ = ,,acb6 ,es!r's ,place 7at ,am]ican ,f.d,n =! ,bl7 ,es!r's ,place is an #a1hjj-squ>e- foot fully furni%$ model a"p;t ) ov] #ejj adaptive products : >e availa# = h&s-on demon/r,ns4 ,? t\r 9cludes lun*4 ,fronti]s ( ,fliy aircrafts1 ,apollo #g &a ,boe+ #gcg-cjj4 ,le>n ! /ories ( ,*>les ,l9db]<1 ,bessie ,coleman1 ,ri*>d ,byrd1 ,amelia ,e>h>t1 8,jimmy0 ,doolittle1 & _m o!r fam\s fly]s4 ,"! >e num]\s >tifacts f air & space travel1 _m ( : w 2 made availa# 6t\r att5dees4 ,texas ,rang]s ,game ,we're wait+ =! baseball s*$ule 6be f9aliz$4 ,if x "ws \1 we'll take 9 a game & get a t\r (! p>k4 ,! dates & full t\r descrip;ns w 2 availa# on ! 3f];e & 3v5;n regi/r,n =m4 ,? ye> ,i w al po/ t\r descrip;ns al;g ) l9ks 6web sites on ! 3v5;n- ann\nce li/4 ,res]v,n ,details ,room rates at ! ,%]aton ,dallas >e 4#hi 7s+le1 d\#1 triple or quad7 plus applica# /ate & local taxes 7curr5tly #ac@3p7 & t\rism 4trict fees 7#b@3p74 ,= res]v,ns 0teleph"o1 call #a-hhh-fbg-haia & m5;n t y >e att5d+ ! ,,acb 3v5;n 9 ord] 6obta9 \r #ag room rate4 ,6make res]v,ns onl9e1 visit _+www.acb.org_: & foll[ ! #bjae 3f];e & 3v5;n l9k4 ,/ay 9 ,t\*6 ,rcv 3v5;n updates & 9=m,n 0jo9+ ! ,,acb 3v5;n ;e-mail li/4 ,s5d a blank ;e-mail to _+acbconvention-subscribe@acb.org_:4 ,3v5;n ,3tacts #bjae exhibit 9=m,n3 ,mi*ael ,smi!rman1 7#fja7 #cca-ggdj1 _+amduo@bellsouth.net_: #bjae adv]tis+ & sponsor%ips3 ,m>g>9e ,b1man1 7#eab7 #iba-afbe1 _+oleo50@hotmail.com_: ,= any o!r 3v5;n-relat$ "qs1 3tact ,janet ,dickelman at 7#fea7 #dbh-ejei1 or via ;e-mail1 _+janet.dickelman@gmail.com_:4 333333333333 ,celebrate ,durw>d's ,c5t5nial3 ,2 ,a ,,dkm ,f/-,"tr 0,all5 ,casey ,z we 5t] #bjae1 we prep>e =! selec;n ( two new ,,dkm ,f/-,"trs1 & we pause 6celebrate ! #ajj? anniv]s>y (! bir? ( ,,acb pione] ,durw>d ,k4 ,mc,daniel4 ,durw>d's 3tribu;ns 6,,acb,''s organiz,nal gr[? & matur;y >e leg5d>y4 ,9 recogni;n ( ? d$ic,n1 ! ,durw>d ,k4 ,mc,daniel ,f/-,"trs program 0 cr1t$ 6fo/] "picip,n ( ,,acb memb]s 9 ! "w he de>ly lov$4 ,durw>d's 3tribu;ns >e rememb]$ ea* ye> )! selec;n ( two ,,dkm ,f/-,"trs :o att5d ! n,nal 3f];e & 3v5;n z gue/s ( ,,acb &! ,,dkm -mittee4 ,! recipi5ts --"o f ea/ & "o f we/ (! ,mississippi --rcv r.d-trip air transport,n1 hotel a3ommod,ns 7d\# o3upancy71 p] diem all[.e1 3v5;n regi/r,n fee &a ticket =! ,,dkm recep;n & ,,acb banquet4 ,eligi# applicants m/ meet ea* ( ^! qualific,ns3 _4 ,age #ah or old] _4 ,bl or visu,y impair$ _4 ,memb] 9 gd /&+ ( ,,acb _4 ,n"e att5d$ a previ\s n,nal 3f];e & 3v5;n ,9 keep+ ) ,durw>d's -mit;t #ai 6"picip,n1 ,,dkm ,f/-,"trs >e expect$ 6be pres5t =! full 3v5;n week & 69volve !mvs 9 3v5;n activities1 9clud+ att5d.e at daily g5]al ses.ns & special sem9>s s*$ul$ "?\t ! week4 ,9t]ac;n ) ,,acb memb]s f "?\t ! ,unit$ ,/ates & f s"eal =eign c.tries /r5g!ns ! 3v5;n z a social & le>n+ exp]i;e4 ,h[ d y apply 62come a f/-"tr8 ,f/1 y m/ meet ea* (! qualific,ns /at$ abv4 ,second1 y m/ submit two lrs 6! ,,dkm -mittee3 _4 ,lr f ! applicant \tl9+ p]sonal qualific,ns1 9t]e/ 9 ! ,,dkm program &! impact (! f/-"tr exp]i;e 9 ! applicant's p]sonal & profes.nal gr[?4 ,9 o!r ^ws1 sell "of 6! -mittee2 & _4 ,lr ( recomm5d,n f ! presid5t (! applicant's /ate or special-9t]e/ ,,acb a6iliate4 ,applic,n mat]ials %d 2 =w>d$ 6,franc9e ,patt]son 9 ! ,,acb n,nal (fice1 _+fpatterson@acb.org_:4 ,! d1dl9e is ,april #a1 #bjae4 ,"qs %d 2 direct$ 6,,dkm *air ,all5 ,casey1 _+mahatmaac@aol.com_:4 333333333333 ,ann\nc+ ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl ,legacy ,society ,"o (! key ele;ts 6! su3ess ( any n-=-pr(it organiz,n is ! develop;t & imple;t,n (a robu/ & div]sifi$ res\rce develop;t plan4 ,6a3ompli% ? goal1 ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl bo>d ( directors & /aff h be5 "w+ extremely h>d 65h.e xs %ort-t]m & l;g-t]m fundrais+ ef=ts 0exp&+ exi/+ programs & e/abli%+ new 9itiatives4 ,"o ( ^! new 9itiatives1 : w 2 "kn z ! ,,acb ,legacy ,society1 is aim$ at 9cr1s+ ! numb] ( plann$ gifts t w 2 made 6,,acb "? ! e/ate plann+ process1 n only 0frs (! organiz,n1 b al 0^? 9t]e/$ 9 \r purposes4 ,! ,legacy ,society has ! pot5tial 62come an important res\rce develop;t -pon5t t w help 65sure a b"r f9ancial future = ,,acb4 ,if any"o y "k mi on ! ,,acb web site4 ,9 an ef=t 6be m proactive1 ,,acb cr1t$ ! legacy society 6honor & recognize 9dividuals :o h 9clud$ ,,acb 9 _! e/ate plans via a 2que/ or ano!r type ( plann$ gift & h -municat$ _! 9t5;ns 6,,acb4 ,ac 6,,acb presid5t ,kim ,*>lson1 8,we want$ 6ac"kl$ge 9dividuals = 9clud+ ,,acb 9 _! wills :ile !y 7 / alive s we cd ?ank !m = _! 9t]e/ 9 p]petuat+ ,,acb,''s gd "w = ye>s 6-e40 ,= m 9=m,n ab ! legacy society1 or 6-municate yr 9t5;ns ( 9clud+ ,,acb 9 yr e/ate plans1 3tact ,tom ,tob91 director ( develop;t1 at _+ttobin@acb.org_: or 0call+ #a-hjj-dbd-hfff4 ,we ?ank y = 3sid]+ ,,acb,''s future f9ancial ne$s6 333333333333 ,a3ess+ ! ,,acb ,=um & ;,e-,=um3 ,let ,me ,c.t ! ,ways 0,judy ,wilk9son ,we're all ju/ifiably pr\d (! _m op;ns \r r1d]s h = r1d+ 8,! ,,acb ,brl ,=um0 or ! ;,e-,=um4 ,\r *oices exp& daily4 ,we plan 6br+ new alt]natives 6y z we id5tify !m4 ,a l>ge numb] ( u n[ h ! new g5],n ,victor ,r1d] ,/r1m1 s we'll 2g9 "!1 b we al h news = i,tunes & i,ph"o #f & #f@+ us]s at ! 5d ( ? >ticle4 ,?anks 6! new g5],n ,victor ,r1d] ,/r1m1 we h ! op;n ( d[nload+ ! podca/ v].n (! public,n automatic,y e mon?4 ,set yr podca/ fe$ up once1 & x w 2 deliv]$ 6yr ,/r1m :5 availa#4 ,we hope ! /eps 2l >e cle>1 b fur!r assi/.e is availa# 0press+ & hold+ ! #a key 65t] ! ,/r1m us]'s guide4 ,9=m,n on h[ 6set up a wi-fi 3nec;n is 9 ,sec;n #f.h1 & on subscrib+ 6podca/s 9 #f.aa & #h.b.e4 #a4 ,6d[nload podca/ fe$s1 y ne$ 6be 3nect$ 6a wire.s net"w4 #b4 ,press ! top r[ c5t] #bc button s y're on ! wire.s side (! sy/em4 ,press & hold t button until y he>1 8airplane mode (f10 & dep5d+ :at sett+s y h e/abli%$1 y may al he>1 83nect$ 6wi-fi40 #c4 ,press ! #a key until y r1* ! podca/ book%elf4 #d4 ,press ! #f key until y he> 8,add podca/ fe$0 & press ! 3firm_/5t] key4 ,press ! #h key until y he> 8,human,w>e su7e/$ podca/s40 ,press 3firm4 #e4 ,:5 y he> 8results f.d10 press ! #f key until y he> 8,,acb ,brl ,=um ,podca/3 ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl0 & press 3firm4 ,y w he>1 8,y >e subscrib$ 6a new podca/ fe$40 #f4 ,return 6yr book%elf 0press+ #a4 ,press ! #a until y >e once ag on ! podca/ book%elf4 ,"s"ts1 ! mo/ rec5t podca/s w d[nload automatic,y1 & o!r "ts n4 ,"!=e1 wait a m9ute or s & *eck ! d[nload /atus 0press+ & hold+ ! 3firm key4 #g4 ,navigate 6! ,=um podca/ )! #f &_/or #d dep5d+ on : direc;n y desire1 & :5 y he> 8,,acb podca/0 press 5t]4 ,y w he>1 8#j episodes1 get m episodes10 press 3firm4 ,use yr #f key until y he> ! mon? y wi% 6d[nload & !n press 3firm4 #h4 ,if y wd l 6rcv 8,,acb ,reports10 a mon?ly1 half-h\r audio program on issues relat$ 6sie-su7e/$ podca/s & 3t9ue 6press ! #f key until y he>1 8,,acb ,reports0 & press 3firm ag 6subscribe4 ,if y h any "qs ab ! abv process1 call me directly at 7#eaj7 #chh-ejgi4 ,news ,fla% ,z ( ,nov4 #ai1 #bjad1 8,! ,,acb ,brl ,=um0 & 8,,acb ,reports0 podca/s >e availa# 9 ! i,tunes /ore4 ,se>* = 8,brl ,=um0 9 ! i,tunes /ore2 y w see ! ,,rss fe$ appe>1 !n y c subscribe 6x4 ,se>* = 8,,acb ,reports0 & t fe$ w appe> z well4 ,if y h ! i,ph"o #f or #f@+ y c d\# tap on ! podca/s icon & se>* = #be ei 8,brl ,=um0 or 8,,acb ,reports0 & f9d ! podca/s4 ,happy li/5+6 333333333333 ,advocacy1 ,,acb ,/yle by ,mit* ,pom]antz ,9 #bjaj1 s"eal mon?s af 2com+ a memb] ( ! ,pasad5a "<,calif4"> ,ho/ ,lions ,club1 ,i 0 h&$ a packet 3ta9+ lrs1 5velopes & small1 crook$ pla/ic canes4 ,! purpose 0 to "picipate 9 ! annual ,lions ,clubs ,9t]na;nal "<,,lci"> :ite cane fundrais+ activ;y4 ,i was1 to 2 p]fectly h"o/1 mortifi$ by ! use ( s* an \tmod$ symbol ( bl;s4 ,i m5;n$ my 4satisfac;n to s"eal club memb]s & did n mail \ ^? fundrais+ lrs t ye> or ! next4 ,go+ back to ! mid-'#ejs :5 a local ,lions ,club came to ,fr.es ,bl5d ,s*ool = ! ,bl %ortly 2f ,*ri/mas to deliv] /ock+s & 9t]act ) u kids1 ,i knew t ,lions _h a 3nec;n ) 8! bl40 ,at "s po9t ,i le>n$ t 9 #aibe1 ,hel5 ,kell] *all5g$ ,lions to 2come 8knik;s40 ,ev5 s1 ^? crook$ pla/ic canes / bo!r$ me a lot6 ,h["e1 ) my responsibilities z ,,acb presid5t1 ,i didn't h ! "t to devote myf to club activities & ,i let ! matt] ( ^? replica canes pass4 ,9 #bjab1 ,i decid$ to jo9 ,,acb ,lions & 2came m directly 9volv$ 9 my local club4 ,e>li] ? ye> ,i br"\ up ! pla/ic cane issue on "o ( \r mon?ly ,,acb ,lions teleconf];e calls & two memb]s1 !n-,,acbl presid5t ,k5ne? ,semi5 ,sr4 & ,william ,b5jam91 express$ 9t]e/ 9 jo9+ me 9 draft+ a resolu;n to br+ to ! annual ,,acb ,lions meet+ 9 ,july = approval & ultimately1 to ! full ,,acb 3f];e & 3v5;n = adop;n4 ,a numb] ( ,,acb ,lions memb]s express$ "u/&able skepticism t s* a resolu;n wd make a significant di6];e 9 ! appe>.e ( ! l;g-/&+ symbol us$ by ,,lci 9 xs :ite cane fundrais+ app1l4 ,n"o!.s1 ,k5ne?1 ,william & ,i proce$$ ) a draft resolu;n1 & ,i ?ank !m = _! #bg 9valuable assi/.e4 ,! resolu;n1 #bjad-#jb "<,lions ,replica ,canes">1 \tl9$ ! mis.n ( ,lions ,clubs ,9t]na;nal & ! role play$ by bl & visually impair$ 9dividuals 9 promot+ t mis.n2 describ$ ! 9troduc;n 9 #aiea ( 8a small1 pla/ic cane ) a crook = ! h&le0 z a symbol ( xs annual fundrais+ campaign2 & po9t$ \ t ! image ( bl p has *ang$ significantly ov] ! pa/ #ej ye>s1 z has ! type ( cane utiliz$ by mo/ bl & visually impair$ p = 9dep5d5t travel4 ,! resolu;n1 : 0 adopt$ by ! ,,acb memb]%ip1 call$ ^u ,lions ,clubs ,9t]na;nal 8to update xs :ite cane symbol by adopt+ a replica /raid ( ! ,pasad5a ,ho/ ,lions ,club 9 agree+ n to 9clude ! crook$ cane ) xs :ite cane app1l lr ? ye>4 ,i felt t ,i'd 2gun improv+ \r image1 if only am;g ! memb]s ( my club4 ,i al h to ?ank ,,acb ,lion ,alb]t ,rizzi1 :o 0 acqua9t$ ) "o ( ,,lci's 9t]na;nal directors1 = 8 advocacy on 2half ( \r resolu;n4 ,9 ,septemb]1 ,,acb rcvd a lr ac"kl$g+ receipt ( ! resolu;n & 9=m+ u t ! matt] 0 2+ 9ve/igat$4 ,mo/ ( u :o 7 9volv$ 9 mov+ ! resolu;n =w>d did n expect any?+ to happ5 = mon?s1 p]h ye>s4 ,i am pl1s$ to say h[ pl1santly surpris$ & wond];lly wr;g we all w]e4 ,on ,nov4 #ai1 #bjad1 ! ,,acb na;nal (fice rcvd a lr f ,scott ,drumhell]1 ,executive ,adm9i/rator & ,secret>y ( ,lions ,clubs ,9t]na;nal4 ,! relevant "p ( ,mr4 ,drumhell]'s response foll[s3 8444 ,lions ,clubs ,9t]na;nal has decid$ to update ! :ite cane symbol by adopt+ a curr5t image ( ! /rai$ on ,octob] #ae40 ,i cd n h imag9$ a bett] response or a m complete su3ess4 ,advocacy ,,acb /yle / "ws1 & ,i am pr\d & honor$ to 2 a memb] ( bo? ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl & ,lions ,clubs ,9t]na;nal4 ,,lci's motto is 8,we s]ve10 & x is z applicable to ,,acb z x is to ! ,lions4 333333333333 ,&! ,w9n] ,is ''' 0,mike ,god9o1 *air1 ,,acb ,mon?ly ,m"ot>y ,support 7,,mms7 -mittee ,af 3v5;n ? ye> 9 ,las ,vegas1 ! ,,acb ,,mms -mittee _h "o la/ draw+ 6-plete4 ,we _h ! task ( *oos+ ! gr& prize w9n] (! i,pad ,air4 ,"?\t ! ye>1 ! ,,mms -mittee -es 6y at ! n,nal 3f];e & 3v5;n1 yr local a6iliate 3v5;ns & f 8,! ,,acb ,brl ,=um0 reque/+ yr "picip,n 9 ! program4 ,= yr "picip,n1 we provide y a tr9ket z a tok5 ( \r appreci,n :ile (f]+ y ! opportun;y 6w9 ! gr& prize4 ,h["e1 "! is only "o gr& prize w9n] =! #bjad i,pad ,air1 &! w9n] is ,%eila ,d]rick f ,=t ,wor?1 ,tex4 ,simil> 6previ\s draw+s1 we await$ ! 5try ( all ! data s t we 7 sure all ! eligi# 3te/ants _h equal opportun;y 6be ! lucky w9n]4 ,:5 we 7 sure ! data 5try 0 -plete1 ! w9n] 0 select$ us+ a r&om numb] g5]ator program4 ,! selec;n te*nique 0 us$ 65sure total fair;s & objectiv;y = all :o "picipat$ 9 ! #bjad ,,mms campaign4 ,! program 3sid]s ea* eligi# 3tributor z a numb]1 !n x select$ ! w9n+ numb] #dh3 ,%eila ,d]rick4 ,pl1se jo9 me 9 3gratulat+ ,%eila & ?ank+ h] = 2+ a "p ( ? wond];l program4 ,dur+ ! #bjac-bjad campaign #ca ye>1 ,,mms "picipants 9cr1s$ _! mon?ly 3tribu;ns 0m ?an 4#ejj1 : am.ts 6an annual 9cr1se ( m ?an 4#f1jjj4 ,we >e extremely pl1s$ ) "ey"o's "picip,n4 ,we >e 3t9u+ 6make sl[ b /1dy progress4 ,i s9c]ely ?ank all ( y :o h made ? progress possi# & look =w>d 6yr 3t9u$ "picip,n & support 9 ! future4 ,z *air (! ,,mms -mittee1 ,i al want 6recognize ! ef=ts (! memb]s ( \r \t/&+ -mittee3 ,dan ,spoone1 ,ray ,campbell1 ,ka?y ,brockman1 ,k5ny ,ma4ox1 & ,george ,holli"d4 ,an important factor a6ect+ ! su3ess ( \r 3v5;n campaign is ! loc,n & /a6+ ( \r ,,mms ta#4 ,? ye> \r ta# 0 locat$ 9side ! ,,acb exhibit >ea1 "r next 6! ,,acb ,m9i ,mall1 : prov$ 6be an excell5t spot4 ,appreci,n goes 6! memb]s ( \r ,,mms program -mittee &! p :o assi/$ !m /a6+ \r ,,mms ta# dur+ ! 3v5;n4 ,? 9cludes3 ,ka?y ,brockman & h] husb&1 ,pat2 ,lori ,s*>ff2 ,dan & ,leslie ,spoone2 & ,george ,holli"d4 ,we al ?ank ,lane ,wat]s1 ,nancy ,beck] &! re/ ( \r wond];l /aff 9 \r ,m9nesota (fice = _! extraord9>y assi/.e "?\t ! 5tire ye> & dur+ ! 3v5;n4 ,once ag1 ! campaign 0 v su3ess;l at br++ lots ( new "picipants 96! ,,mms program4 ,we grtly appreciate "ey"o :o 3tributes 6! program1 no matt] h[ small or l>ge ! 3tribu;n is4 ,all 3tribu;ns >e important1 & !y all add up 6help+ ,,acb & xs a6iliates4 ,if y want 62come a "picipant 9 ? excell5t1 pa9.s way ( support+ an a6iliate ( yr *oice & ,,acb n,nal at ! same "t1 or 69cr1se yr curr5t 3tribu;n1 y c 3tact \r ,m9nesota (fice1 #a-hjj-hff-cbdb1 or 3tact me at 7#eaf7 #hhg-accf1 & we'll take c>e ( :at"e y ne$4 ,y c al g onl9e2 ! =m is availa# at _+www.acb.org/node/28#main-content_:4 ,ag1 3gratul,ns 6,%eila ,d]rick = w9n+ ! i,pad ,air4 ,n[1 :o w 2 ! w9n] = #bjae8 ,9 ord] 6w91 y h 6"picipate4 ,s sign up & 2 a new 3tributor1 #cc or 9cr1se yr curr5t 3tribu;n4 ,y miy (! ,fall #bjad ,,acb ,bo>d ,meet+ 0,d5ise ,colley ,! ,%]aton ,hotel 9 ,dallas1 ,tex4 0 ! loc,n (! fall #bjad ,,acb bo>d meet+1 : took place ,oct4 #ag-ah1 #bjad4 ,presid5t ,kim ,*>lson call$ ! ,fri"d por;n (! meet+ 6ord] at #b3aj p4m4 ,all bo>d memb]s 7 pres5t except ,george ,holli"d1 :o 0 excus$4 ,/aff pres5t 7 ,melanie ,brunson1 ,,acb executive director1 & ,lane ,wat]s1 3troll]4 ,! bo>d 2gan ! afn 04cuss+ s"eal items 9clud+ ,,acb,''s mis.n /ate;t1 vi.n /ate;t1 memb]%ip b5efits1 & organiz,nal culture4 ,,acb,''s mis.n /ate;t curr5tly r1ds3 8,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl /rives 69cr1se ! 9dep5d;e1 secur;y1 equal;y ( opportun;y & qual;y ( life = all bl & visu,y impair$ p40 ,we 4cuss$ ! fact t ,,acb has _m 8cli5t0 gr\ps1 f memb]s 6fund-rais]s1 6politicians &! m$ia & o!rs we're impact+ 9 "s way4 ,does ? mis.n /ate;t ne$ 6be broad5$8 ,,acb curr5tly does n h a vi.n /ate;t2 ? is ne$$4 ,,acb provides a numb] ( programs & s]vices 6xs memb]s1 ! bl;s -mun;y &! g5]al public4 ,d we provide all ( !m z well z we'd l8 ,w we ne$ 6(f] a di6]5t s]vice mix 9 ! future 6recruit & reta9 memb]s8 ,we ne$ 6bett] publicize :at we're do+ 6r1* p :o ne$ & want 9=m,n4 ,h[ d we promote :at we d 6"y] p8 ,! top ?ree /r5g?s ( ,,acb 7 id5tifi$ z advocacy1 3f];e & 3v5;n1 & democratic pr9ciples4 ,! top ?ree w1k;ses 7 fundrais+1 lack ( -munic,n at all levels1 & gr[+ lack ( -mit;t4 ,! bo>d !n w5t 96executive ses.n at #c3ea p4m4 & return$ 6op5 ses.n at #e3ea p4m4 ,*>lson report$ t ! bo>d 4cuss$ f9ancial & op],nal issues1 & t no ac;ns 7 tak54 ,! meet+ recess$ at #e3ef p4m4 #ce ,! bo>d reconv5$ on ,satur"d1 ,oct4 #ah at #i3jh a4m4 ,! m9utes (! pre- & po/-3v5;n bo>d meet+s 7 pres5t$ & adopt$4 ,! presid5t's report 2gan ) ?ree mo;ns4 ,! f/ mo;n 0 6ratify ! vote adopt+ ! a6iliate liaison policy1 ! second 0 6ratify ! vote 6use mat*+ funds = ,,iri donor acquisi;n1 &! ?ird 0 6ratify ! vote 65gage ,netflix 9 /ructur$ negoti,ns4 ,*>lson 9dicat$ t ,,acb has be5 approa*$ 0! ,3sortium ( ,citiz5s ) ,4abilities 7,,ccd7 =a 3tribu;n 6a tribute fund : w 2 us$ 6honor retir+ ,s54 ,tom ,h>k9 )a 3tribu;n 6! ,tom ,h>k9 ,9/itute = ,gov]n;t at ,drake ,univ]s;y4 ,,acb w 3tribute 4#bej 6? ef=t4 ,melanie ,brunson 2gan ! ,d4,c4 >ea (fice report 0m5;n+ t ! ,gov]n;t ,a3.tabil;y ,(fice 7,,gao7 has rel1s$ xs report on h[ ! gov]n;t is progress+ on imple;t+ ! c\rt ord] 6make curr5cy a3essi#4 ,am;g o!r ?+s1 x 9dicat$ t ! ,f$]al ,res]ve is n 9 favor (! tactile m>k+ s*eme : ! ,bur1u ( ,5grav+ & ,pr9t+ propos$ us+1 & has told !m !y ne$ 6/>t ov]4 ,? 0 n reflect$ 9 ! mo/ rec5t /atus report fil$ )! c\rt1 & ,,acb is seek+ an ord] =a supple;tal /atus report4 ,o!r "w is tak+ place 2h ! sc5es 6put pressure on ! ,obama adm9i/r,n 6take a /& 9 favor ( a3essi# curr5cy4 ,melanie w po/ ! ,,gao report 6! bo>d li/4 ,progress is 2+ made on ! #bjae draft ,,acb budget1 & ,melanie hopes 6h x 6! budget -mittee soon4 ,prep>,ns >e "u way =! #bjae ,,acb midye> meet+s4 ,regi/r,n %d 2 \ soon1 & /a6]s >e mak+ 3tact ) 5tities t h sponsor$ ^! meet+s 9 ! pa/4 ,melanie report$ t ,tom ,tob9 is "w+ on ! next direct mail app1l4 ,! ye>-5d memb]%ip app1l is r1dy 6g \ & w appe> 9 8,! ,,acb ,brl ,=um40 ,tom is al "w+ on ! next issue ( 8,9side ,,acb40 ,melanie & ,]ic met ) ,eve ,hill f ! ,de"p;t ( ,ju/ice4 ,!y 4cuss$ #cg a3essi# curr5cy1 ,,acb,''s ,sec;n #ejd case ag/ ! ,g5]al ,s]vices ,adm9i/r,n1 &! ,d4,c4 taxi issues ,,acb has be5 "w+ on1 am;g o!r ?+s4 ,melanie w repres5t ,,acb at ! ,9t]n,nal ,associ,n ( ,audio ,9=m,n ,s]vices bo>d meet+ ,nov4 #g-h 9 ,lex+ton1 ,ky4 ,%e w al 2 "w+ 6acquire ! proce$s due 6,,acb = s"eal cruises : h be5 put tgr 0,david ,kronk4 ,lane ,wat]s gave ! ,m9n1polis >ea (fice report4 ,he 9dicat$ t ! 3v5;n a3.t+1 #bjac ,=m #iij1 & m* (! exp5se side (! draft budget >e d"o4 ,? (fice is al "w+ on a numb] ( ,,acbes issues4 ,lane & ,c>la gave an update on ! ,a6iliate ,memb] ,manage;t ,sy/em 7,,amms74 ,we're go+ 6simplify ,,amms1 mak+ xs ma9 role 6all[ = memb]%ip track+ & c]tific,n = ,,acb a6iliates4 ,"s new fields w 2 a4$ on ! memb]%ip side 6all[ a6iliates 6bett] track :o is & is n c]tifi$4 ,al1 8h[-to0 docu;ts w 2 cr1t$ t w help us]s get m \ ( ,,amms4 ,"! 0 m* 4cus.n on ev5tu,y gett+ all a6iliates 6use ! ,,amms4 ,c>la ,rus*ival pres5t$ ! tr1sur]'s report4 ,z ( ,aug4 #ca1 #bjad1 total support & rev5ue 0 4#iec1bjj1 ) total exp5ses ( 4#ggd1dbc4 ,%e al review$ ! details (! 3v5;n report1 : provid$ an in-dep? view ( ": rev5ue -es f =! 3v5;n1 & ": we sp5d m"oy 6put x on4 ,? report -p>$ \r 3v5;n rev5ue & exp5ses = #bjad & #bjac4 ,! bo>d w5t 96executive ses.n at #ab3jd p4m4 & return$ 6op5 ses.n at #a3ea p4m4 ,*>lson report$ t "o mo;n 0 adopt$ dur+ executive ses.n4 ,? mo;n 0 t a -mittee 2 appo9t$ 6rese>* ! issues pres5t$ 0! executive director p]ta9+ 6! ,virg9ia ,associ,n (! ,bl z reque/$ 0memb]s ( sd a6iliate1 & t ? -mittee report xs f9d+s & recomm5d,ns 6! 5tire ,,acb bo>d )9 #cj "ds (! adop;n ( ? mo;n4 ,c>la ,rus*ival pres5t$ a report on ! ,,acb ,m9i ,mall4 ,! new m9i mall site1 : 9cludes a %opp+ c>t1 is v close 6go+ live4 ,%e 9dicat$ t #ci \r m9i mall is go+ 6be1 virtu,y1 l any mall1 ) v>i\s %ops visitors c pur*ase items f4 ,! ,res\rce ,develop;t ,-mittee report 0 giv5 0,dan ,spoone & ,c>la ,rus*ival4 ,! ,,rdc br"\ =w>d a proposal 6e/abli% a legacy giv+ society = ,,acb1 6honor ^? :o h *os5 69clude ,,acb 9 _! wills or "? ano!r l;g-t]m plann$ gift4 ,^! 9dividuals wd 2 ac"kl$g$ & 9clud$ 9 ! ,donor ,p]fect database4 ,! bo>d approv$ ! legacy giv+ society4 ,! ,,rdc al 3t9ues 4cuss+ ways 6improve o!r fundrais+ programs4 ,z "p ( ? 4cus.n1 ,*>lson 9dicat$ %e wants 6id5tify profes.nals 9 ! fields ( web design or develop;t :o wd donate _! "t 6advise ,,acb on h[ 6improve xs web pres;e4 ,a -mittee 3si/+ ( ,kim ,*>lson1 ,ray ,campbell1 ,katie ,fr$]ick & ,dan ,spoone 0 appo9t$ & w put tgr a job descrip;n 6help ,,acb recruit s* profes.nals4 ,melanie br"\ up ! issue ( ,,acb tak+ a fre% look at ! issues & policies = a3essi#1 9dep5d5t vot+4 ,s9ce ,,acb la/ put tgr a posi;n /ate;t on ^! issues1 _m ?+s 9 ! elec;n _w h *ang$4 ,a task =ce w 2 e/abli%$ 6re-exam9e vot+ issues1 policies & proc$ures1 & develop posi;n /ate;ts on !m4 ,katie ,fr$]ick 0 elect$ bo>d repres5tative 6! public rel,ns -mittee2 ,john ,mc,cann w repres5t ! bo>d on ! cr$5tials -mittee4 ,! executive -mittee 3si/s ( ,*>lson1 ,jeff ,?om1 ,m>la9a ,lieb]g1 ,katie ,fr$]ick & ,pat ,%eehan4 ,janet ,dickelman pres5t$ ! 3f];e & 3v5;n report4 ,%e 9dicat$ t :ile %e has bids on ! ta# = #bjag1 %e hasn't 5gag$ 9 any 3tract negoti,ns yet s9ce "! cd 2 *anges 9 3v5;n =mat4 ,%e /at$ t we ne$ 6decide :at we're go+ 6d 0! #bjae midye> meet+s s %e c negotiate a 3tract & ann\nce ! #bjag 3f];e & 3v5;n loc,n dur+ ! #bjae 3v5;n4 ,jeff ,?om !n 4cuss$ 3v5;n #da vot+ proc$ures4 ,9dividuals :o h "qs ab _! vot+ /atus w h until close ( regi/r,n ! "d 2f ,,acb elec;ns 6resolve !m4 ,? w 2 ann\nc$ s"eal "ts dur+ 3v5;n week4 ,janet l$ ! bo>d 9 a 4cus.n ( ways 6%ort5 ! 3v5;n4 ,a "w+ gr\p ( 9dividuals repres5t+ a6iliates1 -mittees & o!rs 9volv$ )! 3v5;n has put =? s"eal id1s4 ,! bo>d provid$ a numb] ( su7es;ns & id1s4 ,plans w 2 "w$ \ & pres5t$ at ! #bjae a6iliate presid5ts' meet+4 ,! /rategic plan goal gr\ps report$ on _! progress4 ,c>la ,rus*ival 9dicat$ t ! goal gr\p #a has n met =a c\ple ( mon?s & w 2 "w+ 6get back on s*$ule4 ,%e did report t we h #hde ,twitt] foll[]s1 & #fda 8likes0 on ,facebook4 ,al1 we h ov] #d1jjj ,,acb ,radio li/5]s a mon? s9ce ! teleph"o op;n 0 a4$4 ,jeff ,?om report$ = goal gr\p #c4 ,he 9dicat$ t ! bo>d h&book has be5 -plet$1 & t !y >e look+ 96"s /aff tra9+ issues4 ,john ,mc,cann report$ t goal gr\p #d is go+ 6be "w+ on *anges 6! 3v5;n /&+ rules1 & "s 3/itu;n & bylaws am5d;ts1 9 lie al 3t9u+ 6evaluate ea* ( ,,acb,''s #ab fundrais+ programs on a qu>t]ly basis4 ,-mittees ne$ 6track _! volunte] h\rs s we c %[ h[ m* "t p >e putt+ 96\r organiz,n's "w4 ,d5ise ,colley pres5t$ ! bo>d ( public,ns report4 ,! ,,bop has put tgr guidel9es = c&idate po/+s on ,,acb,''s l1d]%ip & 4cus.n li/s1 & has al put tgr guidel9es = g5]al l1d]%ip li/ po/+4 ,^! w 2 s5t \ & made availa# al;g ) o!r li/ po/+ guidel9es4 ,! ,,bop has gott5 ! ,=um surveys back1 & !y >e 2+ analyz$4 ,,bop memb]s 7 4appo9t$ 0! limit$ response !y got f "y] memb]s4 ,f9,y1 ! ,,bop is propos+ t ! #dc c&idates' =um 2 "p (a 3v5;n g5]al ses.n1 & t x 2 held ! "d af ! nom9at+ -mittee report4 ,! ,,bop is /r;gly oppos$ 6elim9at+ ! c&idates' =um alt4 ,! bo>d 4cuss$ s"eal program id1s =! #bjae ,,acb presid5ts' meet+4 ,!y 9clud$3 _4 ,,amms demon/r,n2 _4 ,4cus.n (! import.e ( /ate a6iliates n only ma9ta9+ #eja7c77#c7 /atus1 b al /ate /atus z a non-pr(it or *>;y2 _4 ,an ,,rdc 4cus.n t cd 9clude h[ 6use ,,acb,''s annual giv+ societies 9 a4i;n 6,,mms2 _4 ,3v]s,n on ! role ( a6iliate liaisons2 _4 ,4cus.n ( su/a9+ ,,acb a6iliates 96! future2 _4 ,4cus.n & id1s = %ort5+ ! 3f];e & 3v5;n2 _4 ,4cus.n ( ,d4,c4 non-pr(it code issues & _! impact on special-9t]e/ a6iliates2 & _4 ,4cus.n ab collabor,n ) o!r organiz,ns4 ,"! 2+ no fur!r busi;s1 ! meet+ adj\rn$ at #e3dj p4m4 333333333333 ,a6iliate ,news ,happy ,new ,ye> 6,all ,x is h>d 62lieve t we >e 9 #bjae alr4 ,! bo>d w soon />t "w+ on ! 3f];e_/conv5;n 9 ,dallas4 ,if any"o has any su7es;ns ab sp1k]s1 panel 4cus.ns1 topics ( 9t]e/1 etc41 pl1se let me "k4 ,rememb]1 ? a6iliate 2l;gs 6y memb]s1 n j ! bo>d4 ,n[ is al ! "t 6renew yr memb]%ip6 ,dues >e j 4#aj p] ye>4 ,s5d !m 6\r tr1sur]1 ,alice ,rit*h>t1 at #aci ,altama ,3nector1 ,suite #ahh1 ,brunswick1 ,,ga #caebe4 ,pl1se get yr dues 6h] 0,feb4 #a1 & 9clude yr "n1 a4ress1 ;e-mail1 ph"o numb] & newslr =mat 7;e-mail1 l>ge pr9t1 brl or cassette74 ,? is a grt "t = ^? ( y :o >e diabetics or h a family memb] :o is or j 9t]e/$ 9 diabetes 6jo9 \r #de a6iliate4 ,i hope 6see a lot ( new "ns on \r memb]%ip li/6 ,let's make ? a6iliate "o (! grte/ a6iliates 9 ,,acb6 ,be/ wi%es 6all 9 #bjae6 ,new ,a6iliate = ,^? ) ,c]ebral ,palsy ,alex&] ,scott ,kais] is a "y bl adult ) c]ebral palsy4 ,he ne$s yr help 6/>t a special-9t]e/ a6iliate = bl & visu,y impair$ 9dividuals :o h c]ebral palsy4 ,8 goals 9 =m+ an a6iliate >e 6provide socializ,n1 support1 $uc,n1 fell[%ip1 9=m,n1 advice1 m5tor+1 & legal advocacy4 ,f pro#m-solv+ & rehabilit,n tra9+ issues 6civil "rs *all5ges unique 6^? ) physical impair;ts & bl;s_/visual impair;t1 ? a6iliate w provide support f o!rs :o "u/&4 ,meet+s w 2 held 03f];e call on ! la/ ,satur"d (! mon?1 />t+ ,jan4 #ca1 #bjae1 at #i3ei p4m4 ,ea/]n "t4 ,6a3ess ! 3f];e1 dial 7#efg7 #gjd-aeab & use a3ess code #iiiiii_?4 ,if y >e 9t]e/$ 9 jo9+1 3tact ,alex&] ,scott ,kais]1 #eb ,m1d[brook ,rd41 ,brick ,t[n%ip1 ,,nj #jhgbc-ghej2 s5d ;e-mail to _+alexander.scott.kaiser@_& bluebottle.com_:1 or call hm at 7#hdh7 #bje-jbjh4 ,he wd l 6hold an in-p]son meet+ at ! #bjae 3f];e & 3v5;n4 ,take ! ,cruise (a ,life"t1 & ,assi/ ,guide ,dog ,us]s1 ,9c4 ,,gdui has rec5tly sign$ a 3tract ) ,dave ,kronk ( ,travel ,"o 6organize & 3duct an excit+ cruise = u4 ,! cruise w de"p ,dec4 #e1 #bjae & return ,dec4 #ab1 #bjae4 ,": w we g8 ,\r %ip1 ! ,c>nival ,valor1 w de"p f ,port ,canav]al1 ,fla41 & g "? ! ,c>i21n1 ) ports ( call 9 ,nassau1 ,bahamas2 ,/4 ,?omas 9 ! ,u4,s4 ,virg9 ,isl&s2 ,san ,juan1 ,pu]to ,rico2 & ,gr& ,turk4 ,? exp$i;n w 2 sail+ at ! p]fect "t 6all[ u 6d a ll %opp+ =! #bjae holi"d s1son1 :ile at ! same "t giv+ u an opportun;y 6help ,,gdui4 ,"o (! _m nice b5efits ( ? "picul> package #dg is t %d a travel] wi%1 he or %e may make mon?ly pay;ts4 ,prices >e z foll[s3 9t]ior cab91 4#hff.ec2 private balcony cab91 4#a1aaf.ec4 ,all rates 9clude #g-"d cruise1 port *>ges1 taxes & gratuities4 ,6book yr vac,n & help ,,gdui1 call ,dave ,kronk at 7#fah7 #dji-jadc or ;e-mail hm at _+dkronk@htc.net_:4 ,we look =w>d 6meet+ _m ( y abo>d6 333333333333 ,lrs f ,\r ,r1d]s3 ,animal ,planet ,repr9t$ ) p]mis.n f 8,! ,new ,york]10 ,nov4 #aj1 #bjad4 ,z ! presid5t ( ,guide ,dog ,us]s1 ,9c41 ,i appreciat$ ,patricia ,m>x's >ticle 78,pets ,all[$10 ,octob] #bj?74 ,"u ! ,am]icans ) ,4abilities ,act ( #aiij1 x is legal 6travel j ab any": ) guide dogs1 &! lives ( p ) 4abilities h improv$ dramatic,y4 ,b rec5tly \r a3ess has be5 -promis$ 0! 9cr1s+ numb] ( untra9$1 (t5 uncontroll$ pets t illegitimately %>e ! spaces we frequ5t ) s]vice animals4 ,! o!r "d1 ,i he>d ab a guide dog t 0 attack$ at a groc]y /ore 0an \-(-3trol pet t 0 misrepres5t$ z an emo;nal-support dog4 ,! 9cid5t result$ 9 an em]g5cy trip 6! vet1 h\rs ( worry1 & c.ell$ travel plans =! 4a#d p]son4 ,! b1uti;l guide dog 0 left )a 4figur+ sc> on xs face4 ,s* 9cid5ts happ5 frequ5tly1 & "s"ts result 9 hi< m$ical bills &a significant loss ( freedom =! [n]s :o c't rely on _! dogs = safe travel1 caus+ !m 6miss "w & 6exp]i;e immobiliz+ anxiety4 ,excell5t guide dogs may 2 =c$ 96e>ly retire;t4 ,:5 p misrepres5t _! pets1 busi;s [n]s 2come suspici\s & ho/ile t[>d any"o :o claims 6be travell+ )a s]vice animal4 ,! aim ( my organiz,n is 6$ucate ! public & advocate = legisl,n t puni%es ^? :o misrepres5t _! pets z s]vice animals4 ,sixte5 /ates h pass$ laws t def9e ! misrepres5t,n (a pet z a s]vice animal z a crime2 we #di 3t9ue 6peti;n acr ! c.try 6make ? a puni%a# (f5se4 ,p5ny ,re$] ,presid5t1 ,guide ,dog ,us]s1 ,9c4 ,silv] ,spr+1 ,md4 333333333333 ,"h & ,"! $it$ 0,%>on ,/rzalk[ski ,! ann\nce;t ( products & s]vices 9 ? column does n repres5t an 5dorse;t 0! ,am]ican ,c\ncil (! ,bl1 xs (fic]s1 or /aff4 ,li/+s >e free ( *>ge =! b5efit ( \r r1d]s4 8,! ,,acb ,brl ,=um0 _c 2 held responsi# =! reliabil;y (! products & s]vices m5;n$4 ,6submit items = ? column1 s5d a message to _+slovering@acb.org_:1 or ph"o ! n,nal (fice at #a-hjj-dbd-hfff1 & l1ve a message 9 ,%>on ,lover+'s mailbox4 ,9=m,n m/ 2 rcvd at l1/ two mon?s ah1d ( public,n date4 ,piano ,te*nology ,s*ool ,seeks ,executive ,director ,! ,s*ool ( ,piano ,te*nology =! ,bl is seek+ an executive director4 ,8 or h] key responsibil;y is provid+ l1d]%ip 65sure ! s*ool has ! nec f9ancial res\rces 6su3ess;lly fulfill xs mis.n4 ,! executive director develops policies & /rategies =! organiz,n & holds prim>y responsibil;y = _! imple;t,n1 & is ! *ief spokesp]son =! s*ool4 ,he_/%e repres5ts ! organiz,n & xs mis.n 6donors1 alumni1 /ate & n,nal ag5cies =! bl1 /ate voc,nal rehabilit,n de"p;ts1 f.d,ns & o!r fund+ s\rces1 s* z m$ia1 volunte]s & o!r non-pr(it organiz,ns4 ,! executive director has ov]all sup]visory responsibil;y =! 5tire s*ool /aff1 9clud+ ! director ( 9/ruc;n1 6:om is delegat$ ! responsibil;y =! op],n1 develop;t & imple;t,n & \tcomes (! s*ool's $uc,nal programs4 ,6apply1 y m/ h3 _4 ,demon/rat$ exp]i;e 9 fundrais+ ) major donors z well z writ+ & secur+ grants1 cultivat+ f.d,n support1 plann+ & execut+ fundrais+ #ea ev5ts1 & exp]i;e 9 manag+ donor mail campaigns2 _4 ,demon/rat$ -munic,ns skills4 ,exp]i;e 9 -municat+ ) bo>d memb]s1 donors1 employees1 alumni1 f.d,ns &! m$ia2 _4 ,exp]i;e & abil;y 9 f9ancial manage;t1 9clud+ ! develop;t &! ma9ta9+ ( budgets2 _4 ,exp]i;e ov]see+ retail op],ns1 9clud+ sales1 is desir$2 _4 ,demon/rat$ l1d]%ip skills & collaborative manage;t /yle2 _4 ,abil;y & exp]i;e 6imple;t & manage /rategic plans2 _4 ,5sures -pli.e ) /&>ds set 0a3r$it+1 regulatory1 /ate & f$]al 5tities2 _4 ,3tact = /ud5t recruit;t ef=ts1 bo? ext]n,y 73v5;ns7 & 9t]n,y 7prospect visits72 _4 ,"w )! s*ool alumni associ,n1 keep+ !m aw>e (! s*ool's a3ompli%;ts & ne$s2 _4 ,abil;y 63vey ! mis.n (! ,s*ool ( ,piano ,te*nology =! ,bl & motivate & 9spire ! -mun;y "? public 9t]ac;ns2 _4 ,abil;y & exp]i;e ) volunte] recruit;t & ret5;n2 & _4 ,2 pas.nate ab help+ p ov]come 4abilities 6a*ieve 9dep5d;e & self- su6ici5cy4 _4 ,ba*elor's degree or hi<] degree pref]r$4 ,? posi;n w rema9 op5 until a qualifi$ c&idate is *os54 ,9dividuals 9t]e/$ 9 apply+ may submit a resume & cov] lr a4ress+ h[ _! p]sonal & profes.nal qualific,ns meet ^? li/$ abv1 to3 ,se>* ,-mittee1 ,s*ool ( ,piano ,te*nology =! ,bl1 #beaj ,e4 ,"egre5 ,blvd41 ,vanc\v]1 ,,wa #ihffa2 ;e-mail _+julial@pianotuningschool.org_:4 ,= m 9=m,n ab ! ,s*ool ( ,piano ,te*nology =! ,bl1 visit _+www.pianotuningschool.org_:4 ,! ,s*ool ( ,piano ,te*nology =! ,bl is an equal opportun;y employ] & #ec (f]s a -petitive sal>y & b5efits package1 dep5d5t on exp]i;e4 #bjae ,p1nuts 8,love ,is '''0 ,cal5d>--& ,m6 ,n,nal ,brl ,press n[ has availa# xs #bjae pr9t-brl cal5d>4 ,! #bjae ,p1nuts cal5d> celebrates ! fam\s 8,love ,is '''0 s]ies1 )a 8love is0 quote & draw+ ea* mon? 6illu/rate ! _m ways t love c express xf6 ,all yr favorite ,p1nuts "*s >e "h3 ,l9us1 ,s,y1 ,pepp]m9t ,patty1 ,pigp51 ,lucy1 ,*>lie ,br[n1 &--( c\rse--,snoopy6 ,? wall cal5d> is #ab@9 @* #ab@9 7hang+ on ! wall x's #ab@9 wide & #bd@9 tall74 ,! brl is 9clud$ on cle> pla/ic labels t g "r ov] ! pr9t pages4 ,& x f1tures a %eet ( #fj full-color /ick]s 6m>k bir?"ds1 appo9t;ts1 & o!r important "ds4 ,= m 9=m,n1 visit _+www.nbp.org/_& ic/nbp/2015_>peanuts_<.html_:1 or call #a-hjj-edh-gcbc4 ,,nbp al has availa# 8,recipes f my ,kit*53 ,asian & ,am]ican ,-=t ,food0 0,*ri/9e ,ha4 ,x 3si/s ( #c brl volumes1 or "o brl-r1dy file 7,,brf74 ,af los+ h] sin 6cook )\t sis ( cul9>y exp]i;e1 ,*ri/9e turns \ di%es t sp1k 6! be/ ( ,asian & ,am]ican -=t food4 ,%e (f]s tips on h[ 6cr1te delici\s food at home 9t]lac$ )a p]sonal n>rative bol/]$ 0h] backgr.d z a gift$ writ]4 ,=! full recipe li/--"! >e ov] #hj6--& m 9=m,n1 visit _+www._& nbp.org/ic/nbp/_>kitchen_<.html_:4 ,or call ,,nbp at ! numb] abv4 ,v]izon ,wire.s' ,n,nal ,a3essibil;y ,cu/om] ,s]vice ,c5t] ,on ,oct4 #ae1 #bjad1 ,v]izon ,wire.s unveil$ ! ,n,nal ,a3essibil;y ,cu/om] ,s]vice 7,,nacs74 ,design$ 6support p ) special ne$s & require;ts1 ! ,*>le/on1 ,s\? 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