,! ,brl ,=um ,volume ,,xlii ,febru>y #bjjd ,no4 #f ,publi%$ ,by ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl /rives to 9cr1se ! 9dep5d;e1 secur;y1 equal;y ( opportun;y1 & qual;y ( life = all bl & visually impair$ p4 ,*ri/oph] ,gray1 ,presid5t ,melanie ,brunson1 ,act+ ,executive ,director ,p5ny ,re$]1 ,$itor ,%>on ,lov]+1 ,$itorial ,assi/ant ,na;nal ,(fice3 #aaee #aeth ,st4 ,,nw ,suite #ajjd ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjje "<#bjb"> #dfg-#ejha ,fax3 "<#bjb"> #dfg-#ejhe ,web ,site3 http3_/_/www4" acb4org ,! ,brl ,=um is available 9 brl1 l>ge pr9t1 half- spe$ f\r-track cassette tape1 comput] disk & via ;e-mail4 ,subscrip;n reque/s1 address *anges1 & items 9t5d$ = publica;n %d 2 s5t to ,p5ny ,re$] at ! address abv1 or via ;e-mail to $itor@aacb4org4 ,submis.n d1dl9es >e ! f/ ( ! mon?4 ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl is a memb]%ip organiza;n made up ( m ?an #gj /ate & special- 9t]e/ a6iliates4 ,to jo91 visit ! ,,acb website & complete an applica;n =m1 or 3tact ! na;nal (fice at ! numb] li/$ abv4 ,^? m*-ne$$ 3tribu;ns1 : >e tax-d$uctible1 c 2 s5t to ,>dis ,bazyn at ! abv mail+ address4 ,if y wi% to rememb] a relative or fr1 ! na;nal (fice c make pr9t$ c>ds #b available = ? purpose4 ,to rememb] ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl 9 yr ,la/ ,w & ,te/a;t1 y may 9clude a special p>agraph = t purpose4 ,if yr wi%es >e complex1 3tact ! ,,acb na;nal (fice4 ,to make a 3tribu;n to ,,acb via ! ,comb9$ ,f$]al ,campaign1 use ? numb]3 #bhjb4 ,= ! late/ 9 legislative & gov]n;tal news1 call ! 8,wa%+ton ,3nec;n0 toll-free at "<#hjj"> #dbd-#hfff1 #e p4m4 to midniti/s1 by ,melanie ,brunson1 page #ac ,*>lson ,elect$ ,new ,*air ( ,,bana1 page #ba ,birm+ham at a ,gl.e1 by ,cyn?ia ,t[]s1 page #bi ,,acb ,s*ol>%ips ,available to ,bl ,/ud5ts1 page #cc ,aw>ds ,committee ,we>s a ,new ,hat1 by ,nola ,webb ,mc,k9ney1 page #cg ,,acb's ,honor ,roll ( ,life ,memb]s ,exp&s by #ab1 by ,*>les ,s4,p4 ,hodge1 page #dd ,a6iliate ,news1 page #df ,uncommon ,vi.n3 ,wat]t[n ,man ,honor$ = ,8 ,ef=ts to ,improve ,life = ! ,bl1 by ,monica ,d1dy1 page #ea ,9 ,memoriam3 ,george ,fog>ty3 ,a ,man to ,rememb]1 by ,ca!r9e ,skiv]s1 page #eh #d ,john ,taylor ,rememb]$1 by ,w9ifr$ ,d[n+1 page #fb ,commemora;n ( ! ,life ( ,kay ,butl] ,kuhn1 by ,donna ;,m4 ,rorie & ,l\ ,ann ,lozano ,williams1 page #fg ,reflec;ns on ! ,loss ( ,y1 by ,t$die-,joy ,remhild1 page #ge ,gue/ ,$itorial3 ,:y ,x's ,n ,alw ,wise to ,tr1t ,"ey"o ! ,same1 by ,mi*ael ,by+ton1 page #gg ,lrs to ! ,$itor1 page #hc ;,e-,mail ,wond]l&1 page #if ,c ,,acb & ,,nfb ,2come ,"o81 by ,w9ifr$ ,d[n+1 page #ih ,"h & ,"!1 by ,s>ah ,blake1 page #ajd ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op1 page #aag ,,acb ,(fic]s1 page #abc ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,directors1 page #abd #e ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns1 page #abe ,correc;n ,due to an $it+ ]ror1 ! price = ,guidepo/s 9 brl 0 li/$ z @s#g a ye> "<8,"h & ,"!10 ,w9t] #bjjd">4 ,! actual co/ is @s#g an issue1 or @s#hd a ye>4 ,we regret ! ]ror4 ,a ,meet+ ) ! ,commis.n] by ,*ri/oph] ,gray ,on ,?urs"d1 ,octob] #bc1 act+ executive director ,melanie ,brunson & ,i met at ! ,switz] build+ ) ,joanne ,wilson1 ,commis.n] ( ! ,rehabilita;n ,s]vices ,adm9i/ra;n4 ,we _h be5 9vit$ ov] to t\* base on g5]al issues & to provide 3sum] 9put on 2half ( ,,acb4 ,wilson made q a po9t ( h] 9t]e/ 9 ? #f k9d ( 9put & obs]v$ h[ _m gr\ps h n tak5 advantage ( simil> opportunities to provide 9put 9 ! pa/4 ,! nature ( \r meet+ all[$ a free-=m opportun;y = u to raise any issue ( \r *oos+1 & t is exactly :at we did4 ,i 2gan by 4cuss+ matt]s relat$ to fre$om ( *oice 9 rehabilita;n sett+s >.d ! c.try1 & by rem9d+ ,wilson ( \r previ\s 4cus.ns on ? topic4 ,wilson's /at$ posi;n 0 t fre$om ( *oice is provid$ = 9 curr5t ,,rsa regula;ns4 ,%e has agre$ to s5d ! specific regula;ns to ,,acb = \r review & com;t4 ,i want to rem9d ,,acb l1d]s & memb]s h[ important x is = u to promote \r ,?irte5 ,pr9ciples ( ,3sum] ,coop]a;n at all levels ( gov]n;t4 ,i h n[ _h s"eal 3v]sa;ns ) #g ,wilson on ? topic4 ,h["e1 ,i _c po9t to specific a6iliates :o >e "w+ dilig5tly to promote ! ,?irte5 ,pr9ciples 9 _! /ates4 ,i'd v m* appreciate he>+ "s 4cus.n on ? matt]4 ,d we ne$ to 4tribute new copies ( ? docu;t8 ,d we ne$ "s new 9itiatives ) reg>d to ^! po9ts8 ,f "!1 ! 4cus.n turn$ to ! reau?oriza;n ( ! ,rehabilita;n ,act4 ,ac to ,melanie1 x is pretty cle> n[ t _m ( ! key provi.ns we h "w$ = w n 2 9clud$ 9 ! ,s5ate's bill4 ,! ,h\se v].n is f> worse 9 ! op9ion ( _m ,wa%+ton 9sid]s4 ,i su7e/$ to ,wilson t ,,acb 0 prep>$ to 3t9ue \r ef=ts1 p]h ev5 "w+ ) ! 3f];e committee1 to get key provi.ns 9to ? act4 ,i don't recall1 & a brief se>* "? messages on ,l1d]%ip & ,,acb-;,l does n %[ me1 #h any m1n+;l 4cus.n ( \r memb]s,0 mak+ proactive ef=ts ) key s5ators 3c]n+ rehab reau?oriza;n4 ,x wd 2 v help;l to me1 ,melanie & o!r l1d]s to he> ( "s ( yr "w & ef=ts4 ,if we d n all 5gage 9 3c]t$ ef=ts 9 ? >ea1 we h only \rvs to blame :5 s]vices >e n improv$1 ^? 9 9du/rial sett+s >e n protect$ f ! 4crim9atory ac;ns p]petrat$ ^u !m by ,,rsa1 & ! ,r&olph-,%epp>d program falls 9to m & m jeop>dy4 ,9 3clud+ ? "p ( \r 4cus.n1 we agre$ t at l1/ "o b"r spot 9 rehab reau?oriza;n mi reg>d to ? fund+1 we 4cuss$ a p]cep;n t has be5 %>$ ) me by _m memb]s ( ,,acb3 t ! 9fu.n ( funds 9to ? program has attract$ a gd d1l ( unwant$ att5;n f ! 9dep5d5t liv+ move;t >.d #i ! c.try4 ,i told ,wilson ( my 3c]n t 9 "s cases ? gr\p _h %[n xf to 2 v unfrly to ! 9t]e/s & ne$s ( p :o >e bl1 & t we ne$ to 2 sure t1 if & :5 9dep5d5t liv+ c5t]s rcvd m"oy f ? or any o!r rehabilita;n programs1 ! fund$ organiza;n c demon/rate a true abil;y to provide a r1sonable level ( appropriate s]vices to ! bl popula;n s]v$ by ! grant4 ,wilson po9t$ \ t ? "picul> >ea ( ,title ,,vii fund+ is n specifically available to 9dep5d5t liv+ c5t]s & t misappropria;n ( s* fund+ %d 2 br"\ to ! att5;n ( ,,rsa4 ,!n ,melanie ask$ = an update 3c]n+ ! active "picipa;n regula;ns4 ,wilson expla9$ t ! regula;ns h 2come bo7$ d[n 9 ! approval process & t 4cus.n is / "u way ab ! ^w+ ( key provi.ns4 ,%e #aj is hope;l = m progress 9 ! next six mon?s1 b al 2lieves t ! gr\p : "w$ on ! regula;ns orig9ally may h to meet ag to review new language4 ,f9ally1 ,i told ,wilson t guide dog us]s 2lieve t !y d n h fre$om ( *oice 9 rehabilita;n sett+s >.d ! c.try ) specific reg>d to use ( _! dogs4 ,wilson sd t h] p]spective is t "! >e ab #ij ag5cies provid+ rehabilita;n s]vices to p :o >e bl >.d ! c.try4 ,wilson sd t approximately five ( ^! c5t]s require ! non-visual curricula t "s claim to 2 unfrly to us]s ( guide dogs4 ,%e 2lieves t1 bas$ on ? l[ numb]1 a guide dog us] has pl5ty ( *oice 9 ! rehabilita;n sy/em >.d ! c.try4 ,melanie & ,i ea* po9t$ \ t \r memb]s >e unhappy at #aa ! prospect ( 2+ requir$ to travel f> f _! homes 9 ord] to rcv s]vices1 or ev5 \tside _! home /ates4 ,i al po9t$ to s"eal progressive programs 9 ! c.try s* z 9 ,cali=nia & ,wa%+ton t seem$ to /rike a m appropriate bal.e : a3ommodates guide dog us]s 9 le>n+ a full range ( rehabilita;n skills4 ,wilson 2lieves t di6iculties happ5 s seldom t ? r1lly is n ! problem t p p]cv x to be4 ,9 3clud+ ! 4cus.n ( ? matt]1 ,i sd to ,wilson t if "o ( ,,acb's #aj l>ge/ a6iliates 2lieves ? to 2 a problem1 t p]cep;n %d 2 3sid]$ by ,,rsa z =mal 9put f ,,acb & giv5 due 3sid]a;n4 ,! meet+ la/$ approximately #ij m9utes4 ,commis.n] ,wilson 5gag$ 9 specific dialogue on all topics rais$ on #ab 2half ( ,,acb's memb]%ip4 ,i look =w>d to 4cus.n & 9put f ,,acb memb]s on ! topics rais$ "h94 ,,acb ,ne$s ,l&scape ,>ti/s by ,melanie ,brunson1 ,act+ ,executive ,director ,by ! "t y r1d ?1 ! memb]s ( ,3gress w h return$ to ,wa%+ton to take up ": !y left (f prior to _! ,decemb] recess1 ,presid5t ,bu% w h deliv]$ 8 ,/ate ( ! ,union address = #bjjd1 & ! ,u4,s4 ,supreme ,c\rt w h he>d oral >gu;ts 9 a hi/oric case1 9 : ! /ate ( ,t5;see w *all5ge ! au?or;y ( ,3gress to impose p5alties on /ates t 4crim9ate ag/ p ) 4abilities by d5y+ !m a3ess to public build+s4 #ac ,9 addi;n1 ! process ( id5tify+ :o w 2 ! ,democratic ,"py's c&idate = presid5t 9 #bjjd w 2 9 full sw+4 ,z we look acr ! political l&scape = ! ye> ah1d1 x 2comes app>5t t ! activities ( all ?ree bran*es ( ! f$]al gov]n;t cd h f>-r1*+ 3sequ;es = p :o >e bl & visually impair$4 ,^! w1 9 turn1 impact deci.ns made 9 \r /ates1 cities & neis to come4 ,:e!r ? situa;n is se5 z positive or negative w1 ,i 2lieve1 dep5d ^u \r abil;y to ex]cise grt] 9flu;e on \r legislators & policymak]s1 "!by mak+ a 3tribu;n to ! design ( \r political l&scape1 r ?an simply react+ to xs curr5t design4 ,my *all5ge to y1 9 #bjjd1 is to 2come a l&scape >ti/1 & to make a 3c]t$ ef=t to #ad draw up & imple;t plans = a re-design ( ! ,am]ican political l&scape t is a3ept+ ( p :o >e bl & visually impair$ & is free ( b>ri]s to _! "picipa;n 9 all facets ( society4 ,x may take "s "t1 & mo/ def9itely w take "s s]i\s h>d "w1 b ,i 2lieve we c & m/ devote m ( \r res\rces to ? project4 ,i "k t ,,acb has _m tal5t$ memb]s :o h n"e ?"\ ab ! possibil;y ( apply+ _! skill & imag9a;n to impact+ ! political sc5e4 ,if y >e "o ( ^? p1 ,i hope ? w 2 ! ye> :5 y w bo? ?9k ab t possibil;y1 & act on x4 ,"h >e a few ( ! r1sons :y ,i ?9k ? is s important4 ,f/1 ! memb]s ( ,3gress h a lot ( unf9i%$ busi;s to d1l ) :5 !y return to ,wa%+ton at ! 5d ( ,janu>y4 ,memb]s ( ! ,s5ate m/ act on ! reau?oriza;n ( #ae ,,idea1 & memb]s ( bo? h\ses w mo/ c]ta9ly h to "w \ _! di6];es reg>d+ h[ special $uca;n %d 2 provid$ 9 ? c.try4 ,z !y d s1 !y w 2 he>+ f /ate gov]nors1 s*ool adm9i/rators1 s*ool bo>ds1 s*ool t1*]s4 ,w !y he> f /ud5ts ^: $uca;n w 2 a6ect$ by :at ! s*ool bo>ds1 s*ool adm9i/rators & t1*]s decide8 ,w !y he> f p>5ts ^: *n's future is at /ake8 ,w !y he> f 3c]n$ 9dividuals :o "k1 "? _! exp]i;e z p ) visual impair;ts1 :at c happ5 to *n :o d n rcv qual;y $uca;n8 ,!y %d he> f ^! p1 & t 9cludes _m ( y :o r1d ? >ticle4 ,y c expla9 :y x is important to get textbooks on "t & :at happ5$ to y :5 y didn't4 ,y c describe ! di6iculties 9curr$ z an adult :o n"e le>n$ to r1d brl adequately4 ,y c demon/rate t poor tra9+ #af 9 bl;s skills c adv]sely impact an adult's abil;y to f9d m1n+;l employ;t or commun;y "picipa;n4 ,^? ( u :o "w 9 ,wa%+ton c cite /ati/ics & rese>* pap]s1 b y1 _! 3/itu5ts1 c provide a "n1 a face1 & a vote t a memb] ( ,3gress c relate to :5 3sid]+ ^! "qs4 ,we 9 ,,acb "w$ h>d to 3v9ce ! ,f$]al ,communica;ns ,commis.n to require ,,tv net"ws to provide audio descrip;n ( prime-"t programm+ & we 7 su3ess;l4 ,h["e1 ! ,,fcc's rule 0 ov]turn$ by a f$]al c\rt1 on ! gr.d t ,3gress _h n giv5 ! ,,fcc ! au?or;y to impose s* a require;t4 ,la/ ye>1 ,,acb "w$ ) ,s54 ,john ,mc,ca9 "<;,r- ,>iz4"> to 9s]t language grant+ ! ,,fcc ! au?or;y to require audio descrip;n #ag on prime-"t ,,tv programs 9to ! legisla;n au?oriz+ ! ,,fcc's fund+4 ,to date1 we h n f.d a ,h\se memb] to sponsor simil> legisla;n1 & ! ,s5ate has n yet act$ on xs bill4 ,s1 :o w det]m9e :e!r we h audio descrip;n on ,,tv programs8 ,w x 2 ! net"ws1 :o w mo/ assur$ly make _! views "kn to memb]s ( ,3gress8 ,w x 2 ! ,mo;n ,picture ,associa;n ( ,am]ica1 :o br"\ ! suit t scuttl$ ! ,,fcc's rule8 ,or w x 2 ! p :o h b5efitt$ f ! audio descrip;n t 0 provid$ "u t rule & is n[ ei v limit$1 or 9 dang] ( 4appe>+ alt ,- 9 %ort1 y8 ,i cd cite a numb] ( o!r examples t wd illu/rate ! s]i\s issues on ! public policy ag5da dur+ ! ye> ah1d1 b 9 ! 9t]e/ ( space1 ,i w /op "h4 ,i ?9k y get my #ah po9t4 ,dur+ ! ye> ah1d1 we c expect ef=ts1 bo? )9 \r /ates & on ! na;nal level1 to roll back s]vices1 r$ef9e civil "rs1 & reca/ priorities1 all ( : cd h 4a/r\s 3sequ;es = p ) 4abilities4 ,"s ( ! motiva;n is f9ancial1 b ,i 2lieve t a l>ge "p ( ! motiva;n is a false assump;n t we >e n important to ! political process4 ,"!=e1 \r job = ? ye> is to make \rvs important to t political process4 ,n[1 m ?an "e1 we ne$ to 2come 9volv$ 9 *oos+ \r elect$ repres5tatives & %ap+ ! k9ds ( 9=ma;n & exp]i;es t 9flu;e _! ?9k+4 ,we ne$ to 2 sure t !y "k ! bl or visually impair$ p :o live 9 _! 4trict or /ate4 ,we ne$ to 2 c]ta9 !y >e aw>e ( ! issues ( 3c]n to ^? p4 ,9 %ort1 we ne$ to 2g9 to take #ai s]i\sly \r role z design]s ( ! political l&scape1 2c x is \r political l&scape1 & we h z m* "r & z m* abil;y to impact x z any"o else does4 ,,acb c help y take on1 or ref9e1 yr role z a political l&scape >ti/4 ,once ag1 we >e plann+ a legislative sem9>4 ,x w take place f ,m>* #ba "? #bc1 #bjjd4 ,x is \r 9t5t dur+ ? ye>'s sem9> to give y tools y c take home ) y & apply to political situa;ns y want to 9flu;e 9 yr [n communities1 cities & /ates4 ,bo? ^? :o >e new to legislative advocacy & exp]i;ed politicos %d f9d "s?+ t w pique _! 9t]e/4 ,z usual1 we w sp5d ! f9al "d on ,capitol ,hill1 ": y w 2 able ei to e/abli% new 3tacts or r5ew previ\s "os4 ,9 ei case1 ,i 5c\rage y to give s]i\s 3sid]a;n to att5d+ ? #bj ye>'s sem9>4 ,! issues 4cuss$ e>li] 9 ? >ticle >e am;g ^? likely to 2 on ! ag5da4 ,i w h m detail$ 9=ma;n ab t ag5da 9 ! weeks to come1 b y c 2 c]ta9 t x w 2 fill$ ) issues ( import.e to y4 ,pl1se 3tact yr a6iliate presid5t or ! ,,acb na;nal (fice & f9d \ h[ to make yr res]va;n = ? ye>'s legislative sem9>4 ,we ne$ "ey"o we c get to help u design \r political l&scape4 ,*>lson ,elect$ ,new ,*air ( ,,bana "<,$itor's ,note3 ,kim ,*>lson s]v$ z an elect$ memb] ( ! ,,acb bo>d ( publica;ns f #aiib-#aiih1 & 0 ! ,,bop *air f #aiii-#bjja4 ,%e has be5 ,,acb's repres5tative to ,,bana s9ce #aiih4 ,we #ba 3gratulate ,kim on h] elec;n z ! f/ brl r1d] to 2 elect$ z ,,bana *air 9 m ?an #bj ye>s4 ,? is grt news = ,,acb & = brl r1d]s all ov] ! ,5gli%-sp1k+ _w4 ,?anks to ! ,brl ,revival ,l1gue's 8,brl ,memor&um0 = all[+ u to repr9t ? >ticle4"> ,! ,brl ,au?or;y ( ,nor? ,am]ica "<,,bana"> held xs fall #bjjc meet+ 9 ! ,bo/on >ea f ,novemb] #ac-#af4 ,x 0 ho/$ by ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl & held at ! ,brl & ,talk+ ,book ,libr>y 9 ,wat]t[n1 on ! campus ( ! ,p]k9s ,s*ool = ! ,bl4 ,kim ,*>lson 0 elect$ z ! new ,,bana *air1 & w take (fice 9 ,janu>y #bjjd4 ,kim is ! f/ brl r1d] to s]ve z ,,bana *air 9 ov] #bj ye>s4 ,kim is ! director ( ! ,p]k9s ,brl & ,talk+ ,book ,libr>y1 ! regional #bb libr>y = brl & talk+ book s]vices1 : is a6iliat$ ) ! ,na;nal ,libr>y ,s]vice = ! ,bl & ,physically ,h&icapp$ ( ! ,libr>y ( ,3gress "<,,lc_/,,nls">4 ,%e has 4t+ui%$ h]f z a recogniz$ na;nal & 9t]na;nal exp]t on libr>y & 9=ma;n s]vices = p ) 4abilities1 brl lit]acy1 adaptive te*nology 9 libr>ies1 & 9=ma;n a3ess4 ,kim s]ves on s"eal committees = ! ,,lc_/,,nls1 ! ,am]ican ,libr>y ,associa;n1 & is a memb] ( ! ,/ate ,advisory ,c\ncil on ,libr>ies ( ! ,massa*usetts ,bo>d ( ,libr>y ,commis.n]s4 ,%e is *air ( ! ,massa*usetts ,brl ,lit]acy ,advisory ,c\ncil1 tr1sur] ( ! ,9t]na;nal ,c\ncil on ,5gli% ,brl1 & is an appo9t$ memb] ( ! ,gov]nor's ,advisory ,c\ncil on ,4abil;y ,policy4 #bc ,kim is al active 9 a wide range ( 3sum] advocacy >5as 9clud+ >ts & cultural a3ess1 audio descrip;n1 adaptive te*nology1 civil "rs1 guide dog a3ess issues & special $uca;n4 ,%e al s]ves z an appo9tee ( ! ,secret>y ( ,/ate on ! /e]+ committee "w+ to imple;t ! ,help ,am]ica ,vote ,act 9 ! commonw1l?4 ,9 addi;n to h] _m o!r responsibilities1 ,kim has publi%$ 8,e/abli%+ a ,brl ,lit]acy ,program 9 ,yr ,commun;y3 ,a ,h&book = ,libr>ies & ,o!r ,commun;y ,organiza;ns40 ,%e has 3tribut$ to num]\s o!r publica;ns1 9clud+ a *apt] on brl libr>y s]vices 9 ! book 8,brl3 ,9to ! ,next ,mill5nium10 : 0 publi%$ by ! ,libr>y ( ,3gress4 ,%e is a 3tribut+ au?or to ! book #bd 8,mak+ ,!atre ,a3essible3 ,a ,guide to ,audio ,descrip;n 9 ! ,p]=m+ ,>ts10 publi%$ by ,nor?1/]n ,univ]s;y ,press2 & %e co-au?or$ a *apt] on audio descrip;n 9 ! book 8,video ,collec;n ,manage;t & ,develop;t3 ,p]spectives = ,multiple ,types ( ,libr>ies10 #bnd $i;n1 publi%$ by ,gre5wood ,publi%+ ,gr\p4 ,%e has a ma/]'s 9 libr>y sci;e f ! ,univ]s;y ( ,nor? ,texas 9 ,d5ton1 ,texas4 ,o!r ,,bana (fic]s elect$ 9clude3 ,vice-*airp]son3 ,w>r5 ,figueir$o "<,baton ,r\ge1 ,,la"> s]ves z ! repres5tative = ! ,am]ican ,pr9t+ ,h\se = ! ,bl4 ,w>r5 is employ$ z ! ,director ( ! ,l\isiana ,9/ruc;nal ,mat]ials ,c5t]1 a support s]vice ( ! ,l\isiana ,s*ool = ! ,visually #be ,impair$4 ,he is active 9 _m 9itiatives to promote ! use ( brl1 & is "w+ ) ,,bana's ,e>ly ,lit]acy ,mat]ials ,produc;n ,committee to 5h.e ! pres5ta;n & cl>;y ( brl =matt+ & transcrip;n = "y brl r1d]s4 ,secret>y3 ,m>y ,>*] "<,m9n1polis1 ,,mn"> s]ves z ! repres5tative = ! ,na;nal ,brl ,associa;n4 ,m>y is employ$ z ! brl sup]visor = ! ,m9nesota ,/ate ,s]vices = ! ,bl4 ,%e is ! presid5t-elect ( ! ,na;nal ,brl ,associa;n4 ,m>y "ws ) ,,bana's ,ma!matics ,te*nical ,committee4 ,tr1sur]3 ,sue ,reilly "<,san ,diego1 ,,ca"> s]ves z ! repres5tative = ! ,cali=nia ,transcrib]s & ,$ucators ( ! ,visually ,h&icapp$4 ,sue is employ$ z ! sup]vis+ program speciali/ 9 ! special $uca;n programs divi.n = ! ,san #bf ,diego ,c;y ,s*ools4 ,sue al s]ves z ,,bana's webma/]4 ,imm ,pa/ ,*air3 ,eile5 ,curran "<,bo/on1 ,,ma"> s]ves z ! repres5tative = ! ,na;nal ,brl ,press4 ,eile5 is employ$ z ! ,vice ,presid5t ( ,$uca;n ,s]vices at ,na;nal ,brl ,press4 ,%e has s]v$ z ,,bana *air = ! pa/ ?ree & a half ye>s4 ,two new memb]s h rec5tly jo9$ ! ,,bana bo>d4 ,!y >e3 ,david ,grimes "<,c9c9nati1 ,,oh"> has replac$ ,kei? ,tackett z ! ,,bana repres5tative = ! ,clov]nook ,c5t] = ! ,bl & ,visually ,impair$4 ,david is a pro(r1d] at ,clov]nook4 ,he w s]ve on ,,bana's bylaws committee4 ,foll[+ ! rec5t resigna;n ( bo>d memb] ,j]ry ,:ittle1 ! ,na;nal ,f$]a;n ( ! ,bl "nd ,ruby ,ryles1 ,ph4,d41 #bg "<,ru/on1 ,,la"> z xs new repres5tative to ,,bana4 ,= ! pa/ sev5 ye>s1 ,dr4 ,ryles has s]v$ z coord9ator ( two graduate degree programs "<,o@&,m & t1*+ bl /ud5ts"> at ,l\isiana ,te* ,univ]s;y4 ,! mis.n & purpose ( ! ,brl ,au?or;y ( ,nor? ,am]ica is to assure lit]acy = tactile r1d]s "? ! /&>diza;n ( brl &_/or tactile graphics4 ,,bana promotes & facilitates ! use1 t1*+ & produc;n ( brl4 ,x publi%es rules1 9t]prets & r5d]s op9ions p]ta9+ to brl 9 all exi/+ codes4 ,x d1ls ) codes n[ 9 exi/;e or to 2 develop$ 9 ! future1 9 collabora;n ) o!r c.tries us+ ,5gli% brl4 ,9 ex]cis+ xs func;n & au?or;y1 ,,bana 3sid]s ! e6ects ( xs deci.ns on o!r exi/+ brl codes & =mats2 ! ease ( produc;n #bh by v>i\s me?ods2 & a3eptabil;y to r1d]s4 ,= addi;nal 9=ma;n 3tact3 ,kim ,*>lson1 #eg ,gr&view ,av5ue1 ,wat]t[n1 ,,ma #jbdgb1 ph"o "<#fag"> #ibf-#iaih1 ;e- mail kim*>lson@ae>?l9k4net1 or visit www4brailleau?or;y4org4 ,birm+ham at a ,gl.e by ,cyn?ia ,t[]s1 ,,acb ,3v5;n ,coord9ator ,?\< ,birm+ham /&s 9 ! he>t ( ! ,deep ,s\?1 x is n an ,old ,s\? c;y4 ,f.d$ 9 #ahga at ! cross+ ( two railroad l9es1 ! c;y blossom$ "? ! e>ly #aijjs z x rapidly 2came ! ,s\?'s =emo/ 9du/rial c5t]4 ,iron & /eel produc;n 7 a natural = ,birm+ham2 "ugr.d lay abundant key 9gr$i5ts ,- coal1 iron ore & lime/"o4 ,z an 9du/ry t[n1 ,birm+ham su6]$ grtly #bi dur+ ! ,depres.n4 ,af ,_w ,w> ,,ii ! c;y grew mod]ately :ile reta9+ xs /r;g ,s\!rn "*4 ,! decades ( ! #aifjs & e>ly '#gjs br"\ ev5ts t wd ="e *ange ! c;y's image4 ,? 0 ! hi/oric ]a ( police dogs & fire hoses turn$ on civil "rs demon/rators1 ( ! bomb$-\ #afth ,/reet ,bapti/ ,*ur*4 ,! c;y's na;nal reputa;n 0 ne> ru9s4 ,! horrors ( ! #aifjs / haunt ! c;y td & h turn$ a p]man5t global spotlig] ,s\!rn #cj cities t h *os5 to trade s\l = gr[? & develop;t1 ,birm+ham has reta9$ xs true ,s\!rn "*2 x has be5 sd t ,birm+ham is ! la/ major ,s\!rn c;y 9 ,am]ica4 8,t is10 says "o l;g- "t resid5t1 82c x is impossible = u to 2come l e place else40 ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl w 2 pr\dly celebrat+ xs #dcrd annual 3v5;n 9 ? mo/ tradi;nal1 vibrant & frly c;y4 ,": bett] to c>ry on \r philosophy ( civil "rs = ! bl & visually impair$ ?an 9 a c;y s ri* 9 xs [n /ru7les8 ,:5 y come to ! 3v5;n1 s*$ul$ = ,july #c-#aj1 #bjjd at ! ,birm+ham ,%]aton1 2 prep>$ = w>m w1!r4 ,! av]age temp]ature is #ia degrees 9 ,july4 ,b d n despair ,- y w 2 9doors mo/ ( ! "d1 z ! hotel is 3nect$ via a %ort #ca walkway to ! 3v5;n c5t]4 ,y w 5t] ! 3v5;n c5t] on ! second floor1 ": ! g5]al ses.ns1 exhibits & ! ,,acb ,caf^/e w all 2 9 a r[4 ,meet+s w 2 held on ei ! f/ or ?ird floor1 a3essible by elevators or escalators4 ,ea* mon? ,i w f1ture "o ( ,birm+ham's ,(f ,b1t ,places4 ,if y want to get away f ! hu/le & bu/le ( ! 3v5;n cr[d1 y c g to ,s\l ,food at ,pe>l's ,- ribs1 fri$ :it+1 turnip gre5s ) ham hocks1 fre% tomatoes1 fri$ okra1 squa%1 mac>oni & *eese1 pig e>s1 fri$ *ick51 black-ey$ p1s1 cornbr1d "">1 p1* co2l]1 p.d cake & sweet potato pie4 ,5 sd4 ,i'll 9clude ! address 9 ! 3v5;n program1 & s9ce ,i >rive at 3v5;n a few "ds prior to :5 y all />t *eck+ in1 ,i w d "s explora;n & 3duct a ta/e #cb te/ = y66 ,z if t 7 n 5\<1 ,birm+ham is n[ home to "o ( ! l>ge/ ,krispy ,kremes 9 ! c.try z well z ! l>ge/ 9 ! >ea ) #bd-h\r drive-"? s]vice4 ,let's see if "o ( ! t\rs is go+ t way ,- we may h to put 9 an ord]66 ,once ag1 ! res]va;n numb] is "<#bje"> #cbd-#ejjj4 ,z #bjjd is n[ "o-twelf? ov]1 ,i hope yr ,new ,ye>'s resolu;ns >e / 2+ practic$4 ,"o m resolu;n y ne$ to make is to come to ,birm+ham ? ,july to 2 a "p ( ! l>ge/ & be/ 3sum] organiza;n ( bl p 9 ! c.try4 ,i hope to see y "!4 ,,acb ,s*ol>%ips ,available to ,bl ,/ud5ts ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl w pres5t m ?an #cj #cc s*ol>%ips & aw>ds to \t/&+ bl /ud5ts 9 #bjjd4 ,all legally bl p]sons admitt$ to academic & voca;nal tra9+ programs at ! po/-second>y level = ! #bjjd- #je s*ool ye> >e 5c\rag$ to apply = "o ( ^! s*ol>%ips4 ,a cumulative grade po9t av]age ( #c4c is g5]ally requir$1 b ext5uat+ circum/.es may 2 3sid]$ = c]ta9 s*ol>%ips4 ,applica;ns & addi;nal 9=ma;n w 2 mail$ to all memb]s ( ! ,na;nal ,alli.e ( ,bl ,/ud5ts & to ^? :o call ! na;nal (fice to reque/ a copy4 ,bo? ! 9=ma;n & applica;n >e al available on \r web site at www4acb4org4 ,applica;ns may 2 complet$ onl9e1 b support+ docu;ta;n m/ 2 submitt$ 9 h>d copy pr9t to ,t]ry ,pa*eco 9 ! ,,acb na;nal (fice no lat] ?an ,m>* #a1 #bjjd4 ,if y h addi;nal "qs1 pl1se call #cd ,t]ry at "<#bjb"> #dfg-#ejha ext4 #ai4 ,l1d+ s*ol>%ip c&idates w 2 9t]view$ by teleph"o 9 ,april4 ,! ,,acb s*ol>%ip w9n]s w 2 notifi$ no lat] ?an ,may #ca1 #bjjd4 ,s*ol>%ips w 2 pres5t$ at ! #dcrd annual na;nal 3v5;n ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl to 2 held ,july #c-#aj1 #bjjd1 9 ,birm+ham1 ,ala4 ,s*ol>%ip w9n]s >e expect$ to 2 pres5t at ! 3v5;n if !y h r1*$ _! #ahth bir?"d4 ,g5]ally1 ,,acb w cov] all r1sonable co/s 3nect$ ) 3v5;n att5d.e4 ,=m] l1d]s 9 & ne> ! ,,acb commun;y :o h be5 memorializ$ by g5]\s b5efactors 9clude ,delb]t ,aman1 ,dr4 ;,s4 ,bradley ,burson1 ,william ;,g4 ,corey1 ,dr4 ,mae ,david[1 ,ni*olas ;,s4 ,di,caprio1 ,eunice ,fiorito1 ,john ,hebn]1 ,grant #ce ;,m4 ,mack1 ,alma ,murphey1 ,floyd ,qualls1 & ,>nold ,sadl]4 ,special ?anks %d al 2 ext5d$ to ^? :o rememb]$ ,kellie ,cannon & ,duane ,buckley 9 s* fitt+ mann]s4 ,! ,ross ;,n4 & ,patricia ,pang]e ,f.da;n s*ol>%ips >e al giv5 z a way ( giv+ back to ! commun;y4 ,,acb al adm9i/]s s*ol>%ip programs = \r a6iliates 9 ,colorado1 ,ma9e1 ,m>yl&1 ,massa*usetts1 & ,oregon4 ,we >e hope;l t ,kurzweil ,f.da;n w 3t9ue xs annual gift ( ! ,kurzweil #ajjj s(tw>e to \r w9n]s4 ,? is \r second ye> pres5t+ ,fre$om ,sci5tific ,aw>ds to s"eal ( \r s*ol>%ip w9n]s4 ,^! aw>ds >e = up to @s#b1jjj 9 m]*&ise f ! company4 ,note3 ,pot5tial c&idates w 2 3sid]$ = o!r s*ol>%ips #cf n yet v]ifi$1 if available4 ,aw>ds ,committee ,we>s a ,new ,hat by ,nola ,webb ,mc,k9ney ,x's t "t ( ye> ag3 "t to plan = ! #bjjd 3v5;n aw>ds4 ,? ye> x's ,nola ,webb ,mc,k9ney seek+ all ^? grt nom9a;ns = ! f\r 9dividual & two a6iliate aw>ds4 ,s put aside ^? new ye>'s resolu;ns & />t writ+ a nom9a;n lr t w br+ la/+ feel+s ( pride & 9spira;n to all ( u 9 ,,acb4 ,! ,rob]t ;,s4 ,bray ,aw>d is giv5 9 honor ( ! f/ director ( :at is n[ ! ,na;nal ,libr>y ,s]vice4 ,? aw>d is giv5 p]iodically to a p]son :o has made a 3tribu;n = improv+ ,,nls te*nology or a communica;n device or exp&+ a3ess = bl p4 ,x c 2 #cg giv5 to "s"o :o makes opportunities "? ! ma9/r1m m$ia4 ,! ,george ,c>d ,aw>d is giv5 to an 9dividual :o has d$icat$ 8 or h] life to "w = bl p & mak+ a r1l di6];e1 "s"o ^: l1d]%ip has improv$ ! qual;y ( life & has be5 a positive role model4 ,! ,durw>d ;,k4 ,mc,daniel ,ambassador ,aw>d is giv5 9 recogni;n ( a bl p]son :o may or may n 2 a memb] ( a bl;s organiza;n4 ,? p]son sp5t 8 life 9tegrat+ ) ! commun;y4 ,! ,4t+ui%$ ,s]vice ,aw>d is p]iodically giv5 to 9dividuals :o h made important 3tribu;ns : h adv.ed opportunities = ! bl commun;y4 ,? aw>d c 2 giv5 to an 9dividual or an organiza;n4 ,! ,a6iliate ,gr[? ,aw>d is bas$ on ! grte/ 9cr1se 9 #ch memb]%ip det]m9$ by ! #bjjc- #bjjd memb]%ip reports4 ,! ,a6iliate ,\tr1* ,aw>d is a special aw>d bas$ on a recomm5da;n ( a /ate presid5t1 usually to recognize a local *apt] = a program4 ,? program may n 2 a fund-rais]1 b "o t has be5 \t/&+ 9 _! >ea1 a program t has _h a m1surable \tcome4 ,all ( ^! aw>ds >e wor?y ( yr att5;n1 s pl1se give !m "s s]i\s ?"\4 ,submit yr lrs ( nom9a;n by ,m>* #ae1 #bjjd4 ,pl1se s5d !m to ! na;nal (fice m>k$ 8,att5;n3 ,aw>ds ,committee40 ,y "k "s"o :o is des]v+ ( "o ( ^! aw>ds4 ,yr ef=t 9 nom9at+ !m w give u all la/+ memories ( apprecia;n4 ,give me & my committee lots ( lrs to *oose f4 #ci ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns ,aw>ds ,ea* ye> at ! na;nal 3v5;n ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 ! bo>d ( publica;ns " pres5ts aw>ds4 ,! f/ is ! ,n$ ;,e4 ,freeman ,aw>d1 9/itut$ 9 #aigj & "nd = ! f/ presid5t ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl :o1 af complet+ 8 t]m ( (fice1 2came $itor ( 8,! ,brl ,=um40 ,! bo>d ( publica;ns a3epts submis.ns = ! ,freeman ,aw>d f any writ] on a topic ( 9t]e/ to r1d]s ( 8,! ,brl ,=um40 ,submis.ns may 2 publi%$ 9 ! magaz9e if space all[s4 ,>ticles appe>+ 9 ! 8,=um0 2t ,april #bjjc & ,m>* #bjjd >e automatically eligible4 ,mat]ials publi%$ by an ,,acb a6iliate >e al welcome4 ,s5d a pr9t1 brl or electronic copy ( ! publi%$ >ticle #dj a3ompani$ by a lr ( nom9a;n4 ,:ile ma/]y ( ! craft ( writ+ is a major 3sid]a;n by ,,bop vot]s1 favorable *oices 9 ! pa/ seem to h be5 made 2c ( 9t]e/+ subject matt]1 orig9al;y 9 rec.t+ an exp]i;e1 or novelty ( approa*4 ,a ,freeman ,aw>d w9n] w rcv a plaque & @s#ajj4 ,! ,v]non ,h5ley ,aw>d 0 e/abli%$ 9 #aihh to honor ! man :o cr1t$ & f/ produc$ ,,acb ,reports1 a radio pres5ta;n 4tribut$ to radio r1d+ s]vices >.d ! c.try4 ,at ! "t ( 8 d1?1 he 0 *air ( ! bo>d ( publica;ns1 hav+ assi/$ $itors by 3duct+ writ+ "w%ops & by record+ = !m on audiocassette mat]ials o!rwise n available to !m4 ,! aw>d is pres5t$ to a p]son1 ei sie bl1 r ?an focus+ on \tdat$ /]eotypes & misconcep;ns4 ,programs &_/or >ticles writt5 & produc$ specifically = a visually impair$ audi;e1 z well z ^? 9t5d$ = ! g5]al public1 >e eligible4 ,multiple >ticles or programs submitt$ by "o au?or or organiza;n w 2 judg$ z sep>ate 5tries4 ,! ,h5ley ,aw>d is 9t5d$ to 2 a vehicle = publiciz+ ,,acb "?\t ! g5]al m$ia1 & to 5c\rage excell;e & a3uracy 9 electronic & pr9t cov]age ( items relat+ to bl;s4 ,recipi5ts ( ^! aw>ds = ! la/ five ye>s >e 9eligible to 5t] ! 3te/s4 ,freeman ,aw>d w9n]s #aiii-#bjjc3 ,l>ry ,johnson1 ,k5 ,/ew>t1 #db ,lisa ,mauld91 ,b>ry ,lev9e1 & ,mike ,god9o2 ,h5ley ,aw>d w9n]s #aiii-#bjjc3 ,kyle ,mc,hu<1 ,jona?an ,mos51 ,c>ol ,gre5wald & ,ma?ayu ,lane1 & ,pat ,price4 ,nor >e ^? :o >e memb]s ( ! ,,acb na;nal (fice /aff1 memb]s ( ! bo>d ( directors or bo>d ( publica;ns dur+ ! aw>d+ p]iod eligible = ! ,freeman or ! ,h5ley aw>ds4 ,submis.ns = bo? aw>ds m/ 2 po/m>k$ no lat] ?an ,april #ae1 #bjjd4 ,all submis.ns %d 2 a3ompani$ by a cov] lr provid+ details ab ! submis.n1 xs orig91 & any o!r p]t95t 9=ma;n4 ,9clude yr return address 9 ! cov] lr1 &1 if y want yr manuscript return$1 s5d a self-address$1 /amp$ 5velope4 ,s5d submis.ns to ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns ,aw>ds1 #aaee #aeth ,st4 ,,nw1 ,suite #ajjd1 ,wa%+ton1 #dc ,,dc #bjjje4 ,,acb's ,honor ,roll ( ,life ,memb]s ,exp&s by #ab by ,*>les ,s4,p4 ,hodge ,dur+ xs #dbnd annual na;nal 3v5;n 9 ,pittsbur<1 ,pa41 ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl 0 pl1s$ to honor & welcome a doz5 new ,,acb life memb]s4 ,f/ am;g ^! d$icat$ /alw>ts is ,m4,j4 ,s*mitt ( ,=e/ ,p>k1 ,ill41 :o is ,,acb's curr5t na;nal second vice presid5t4 ,o!rs jo9+ ,s*mitt 9clud$3 ,s9e ,d>l[ ( ,jacksonville1 ,fla42 ,c>olyn ,ha?away ( ,canton1 ,ohio2 ,susan ,?ompson ( ,glebe1 ,new ,s\? ,wales1 ,au/ralia2 ,donald ;,g4 ,morr[ ( ,*icago1 ,ill42 ,nigel ;,b4 ,ric>ds ( ,boca ,raton1 ,fla41 & ,lel& #dd ,k5t ,wimm] ( ,salt ,lake ,c;y1 ,utah4 ,9 addi;n1 s"eal /ate a6iliates honor$ devot$ memb]s ( _! organiza;ns ) ,,acb life memb]%ips4 ,= example1 ! ,wa%+ton ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl s honor$ ,jan ,ames ( ,s1ttle1 z did ! ,badg] ,associa;n ( ! ,bl = xs curr5t presid5t1 ,ka?le5 ,brockman ( ,milwaukee1 ,wis4 ,! ,mississippi ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl honor$ ,fannie ,b5son ( ,hazlehur/2 ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ( ,colorado honor$ ,s&y ,mc,av9ey ( ,l;gmont2 & ! ,miss\ri ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl honor$ ,bessie ,reece ( ,st4 ,l\is4 ,,acb ?anks all ( ^! a6iliat$ organiza;ns & 9dividuals = _! /1dfa/ d$ica;n to ,,acb's goals & objectives1 & = _! will+;s to /ep =w>d & "picipate 9 ,,acb's life #de memb]%ip program4 ,,acb's life memb]%ip roll has n[ gr[n to #aig1 tantaliz+ly close to ! mile/"o ( #bjj6 ,we 5c\rage l-m9d$ 9dividuals & a6iliates to s]i\sly 3sid] 2com+ ,,acb life memb]s or honor+ yr [n des]v+ memb]s "? ! program4 ,= fur!r 9=ma;n ab ,,acb's life memb]%ip program1 3tact ,,acb's *ief f9ancial (fic]1 ,jim ,ols51 at "<#fab"> #ccb- #cbdb4 ,a6iliate ,news ,colorado's ,em]g5cy ,manage;t ,ne$s ,committee by ,*ri/9e ,a4 ,hut*9son ,9 ,june ( #bjjc1 ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ( ,colorado ,9c4 "<,,acbc"> 2came ! f/ a6iliate ( ,,acb to h an em]g5cy manage;t ne$s #df committee to assi/ bl & visually impair$ 9dividuals resid+ 9 ! /ate ( ,colorado4 ,? committee is *air$ by ,rebe3a ,%ields ( ,colorado ,spr+s4 ,a p]son :o f9ds hm- or h]f 9 ne$ ( ! committee's assi/.e may call ! toll-free hotl9e at "<#hhh"> #gge-#bbba4 ,! committee c provide 9=ma;n ab commun;y res\rces t p c a3ess & utilize to address em]g5cy situa;ns4 ,2l y w f9d a lr ( apprecia;n f "o ( ! f/ 9dividuals we assi/$4 ,we hope y f9d 8 lr uplift+ & 9spir+4 ,septemb] #h1 #bjjc ,to ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ( ,colorado ,9c4 ,i am writ+ ? lr to ?ank ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ( ,colorado ,9c4 "<,,acbc"> = all ! help t 0 giv5 to me 9 ! =m ( ref]rals1 ag5cy advocacy1 appli.es1 tools = ! vi.n #dg impair$1 & g5u9e 3c]n = my safety1 "? yr repres5tative1 ,mrs4 ,*ri/9e ,hut*9son1 :o has act$ z liaison 2t my situa;n & ! ,,acbc4 ,n only has %e be5 tire.s 9 h] ef=ts to help me1 b %e has al call$ me regul>ly to provide company & act z a c\nselor 9 help+ me sort \ my problems & give me /ructure4 ,h] 3c]n help$ provide me safety by 5li/+ ! s]vices ( ! ,,acbc1 : utiliz$ xs res\rces to make all ! s]vices t ,i am n[ gett+ possible4 ,9 late ,may ( ? ye>1 my s*ool advisor 3tact$ ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ( ,colorado ,9c4 9 an ef=t to 5li/ _! help ) my plikway :5 ,i cd n4 ,i did n h a dime 9 my pocket & only ! clo!s on my back4 ,i ate 9 s&wi* l9es twice a "d at mo/4 ,b my bi7e/ h>d%ip 0 t ,i 0 los+ my si & fru/ra;n1 z ,i 0 n able to get >.d on my [n to f9d food1 a job1 or ev5 to protect myf4 ,my desp]a;n 0 communicat$ to my s*ool c\nselor1 ,ka?ryn ,montoya1 :o call$ ! ,,acbc1 & ! angel1 ,*ri/9e1 help$ me 8sie my food1 & m"oy to keep me 9 a hotel until ,social ,secur;y 4abil;y or rehabilita;n s]vices cd take ov]4 #di ,curr5tly1 ,i am gett+ cane tra9+1 life skills tra9+1 & transporta;n skills 9/ruc;n4 ,i h an a"p;t "? ! rehabilita;n s]vices ": ,i c 3t9ue ) tra9+ :ile 9 a secure 5viron;t4 ,*ri/9e 3t9ues to call to *eck on me & ,i want to deeply1 & s9c]ely1 ?ank ,*ri/9e ,hut*9son & ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ( ,colorado ,9c4 = help+ me to get ! help ,i ne$$ & w ne$ to h any k9d ( qual;y life4 ,my life has *ang$ s m* s9ce gett+ yr help1 & ,i w ="e 2 grate;l4 ,- ,ryan ;,h4 ,huff ,we 9 ,,acbc 2lieve t1 z p ) visual impair;ts \rvs1 we h a duty & responsibil;y to help improve ! lives ( o!rs ) visual impair;ts :o >e less =tunate4 ,\r committee does n provide h&\ts2 we provide a h& up to 9spire1 uplift & #ej motivate o!rs1 = a b"r] future4 ,if yr a6iliate is 9t]e/$ 9 />t+ a simil> committee1 ref] to \r web site1 http3_/_/www4acbco4org1 = a copy ( ! \tl9e : guides ! committee's "w4 ,y c al 3tact ,rebe3a ,%ields at "<#gai"> #fcd-#ahea or ,*ri/9e ,hut*9son at "<#igj"> #bef- #iabh4 ,uncommon ,vi.n ,wat]t[n ,man ,honor$ = ,8 ,ef=ts to ,improve ,life = ! ,bl by ,monica ,d1dy "<,repr9t$ f 8,! ,wat]t[n ,tab & ,press10 ,novemb] #ba1 #bjjc4"> ,alb]t ,gayzagian _c rememb] "e see+ any?+4 ,yet1 despite 2+ bl s9ce an e>ly age1 ,gayzagian1 #gg1 seems #ea to h a grt] abil;y to see life z x is ?an mo/ p4 ,z a cr$it to 8 lifel;g commit;t to mak+ life bett] = bl p1 ! ,l9coln ,/reet resid5t rcvd ! ,life"t ,a*ieve;t ,aw>d at ! #ajjth ,anniv]s>y ,gala ( ! ,massa*usetts ,associa;n ( ! ,bl on ,nov4 #ac4 8,:at ,i hope is :at ,i've d"o ov] ! ye>s has 3tribut$ j a ll bit to mak+ ! lives ( bl p a ll bett]10 ,gayzagian sd at ! gala1 held at ! ,fairmont ,copley ,plaza 9 ,bo/on4 ,he cit$ improve;ts he _h "w$ t[>d1 s* z op5 employ;t1 use ( te*nology & a m op5 society4 8,i am pl1s$ to say t ov] ! ye>s a numb] ( bl p h come to me & sd ?+s ,i've d"o or sd h made a positive di6];e10 ,gayzagian add$4 8,/ 444 ,i hav5't d"o 5\<40 ,at ! gala1 ,gayzagian #eb pres5t$ ! ,uncommon ,vi.n ,aw>d to music leg5d ,/evie ,wond]1 :o 0 "! to rcv x4 8,ev5 ?\< y >e bl10 ,wond] told ! cr[d ( ab #cjj1 8y >e b.s$ to 2 giv5 t *all5ge to d f> bett] ?an y c imag9e40 ,gayzagian 0 born 9 ,dor*e/]1 b mov$ to ,wat]t[n ) 8 family to att5d ! ,p]k9s ,s*ool = ! ,bl4 ,he graduat$ f ,p]k9s & w5t on to graduate f ,wat]t[n ,hi< ,s*ool 9 #aidd4 ,by #aidi he _h obta9$ a ba*elor's & a ma/]'s degree1 bo? 9 ,5gli%1 f ,h>v>d ,univ]s;y1 b _h to wait ?ree ye>s 2f he f.d a job ) ,john ,hancock4 8,nobody want$ to hire a bl p]son10 ,gayzagian sd1 z he relax$ 9 8 liv+ room ) 8 guide dog1 ,joanie1 at 8 feet4 ,he add$ t he 0 lucky to f9d 8a c\ple ( bosses t recogniz$ ,i cd d m40 #ec ,he "w$ 8 way "? ! ranks ( ! company = #be ye>s1 />t+ z a typi/ 9 sal>y adm9i/ra;n & retir+ z a s5ior f9ancial (fic] 9 #aiia4 ,dur+ 8 "t at ! company1 ,gayzagian 0 "p ( a comm]cial 9 #aigb : demon/rat$ ,john ,hancock's commit;t to hir+ 4abl$ p4 ,9 addi;n to 8 exp]i;e 9 ! "w=ce1 ,gayzagian has be5 a "p ( _m major organiza;ns1 9clud+ presid5t ( ! ,grt] ,bo/on ,p]sonnel ,manag]s ,club1 *airman ( ! ,bo/on ,survey ,gr\p & *airman ( ! ,na;nal ,life ,9sur.e ,9du/ry sal>y committee4 ,9 addi;n1 he has s]v$ on ! bo>d ( directors ( ! ,na;nal ,brl ,press & ! ,gov]nor's ,committee on ,employ;t & ! ,h&icapp$4 ,gayzagian jo9$ ,,mab's bo>d 9 #aiei1 & has held s"eal posi;ns1 9clud+ ?ree #ed ye>s z presid5t4 ,he 0 al appo9t$ to ! bo>d ( directors ( ! ,p]k9s ,s*ool 9 #aigf & s]ves on ! ,alli.e on ,ag+ & ,vi.n ,loss4 8,he's probably "o ( ! sm>te/ m5 ,i've "e met 9 my 5tire life10 l;g"t fr ,sydney ,feldman sd ( ,gayzagian4 ,feldman pres5t$ ,gayzagian's aw>d to hm at ! gala4 ,z a volunte] r1d] = ,,mab1 ,feldman met ,gayzagian 9 #aiga & despite moves1 %e / fai?;lly r1ds to hm e week4 8,i adore ! man10 %e sd4 8,he's awe"s & v self-e6ac+40 ,%e add$ t :5 any"o 9 h] family ne$s help ) te*nology1 !y immly ask hm1 s9ce he has 8r1lly avail$0 hmf to ! te*nology t is available = bl p4 ,gayzagian wrote & $it$ s"eal books ab comput] #ee use = bl p1 9clud+ "o ab ! op]at+ sy/em ,micros(t ,w9d[s4 ,he describ$ ) ease :at he uses 9 8 home td ,- ,micros(t ,excel & ,^w1 & o!r ma9/r1m programs1 t use spee* \tput to 5able bl p to navigate ! s(tw>e programs z well z ! ,9t]net4 ,) 8 late wife ,betty1 :o 0 al bl1 ,gayzagian adopt$ two *n1 2com+ ! f/ bl c\ple 9 ,massa*usetts to d s4 ,! pair met at a 3v5;n 9 ,spr+field1 & 7 m>ri$ exactly #eb weeks lat]1 ,gayzagian sd4 8,x 0 h>d at f/1 b x r1lly "w$ \ m smoo?ly ?an we ?"\ x mily #djs & ( two di6]5t religions4 ,b ,gayzagian sd "ey?+ #ef 0 f9e once !y adopt$ ,mi*ael 9 #aifi & ,cyn?ia 9 #aiga4 ,he sd he & 8 wife "w$ \ c]ta9 te*niques = fe$+ !m & :5 putt+ h>;ses on !m :5 !y w5t \4 8,i n"e r1lly ?"\ ab x z a kid10 ,cyn?ia ,gayzagian sd4 ,%e sd :5 %e 0 gr[+ up1 h] p>5ts 7 frs ) ano!r bl c\ple :o _h ?ree sons4 ,gayzagian is al a memb] ( ! ,commis.n on ,4abil;y 9 ,wat]t[n4 ,alex ,liazos has s]v$ ) hm s9ce xs 9cep;n 9 #aiia4 ,! commis.n 2gan z a committee & xs designa;n 0 *ang$ to commis.n 9 #aiid to grant x m p[]4 8,i admire all he's d"o giv5 ! ob/acles ( hav+ to rely on ! dog to get >.d10 ,liazos sd4 8,he's 9cr$ibly 9dep5d5t4 ,he's probably m active ?an we >e40 ,liazos al cit$ ,gayzagian's skill 9 "w+ on comput]s #eg & 8 commit;t to _m organiza;ns4 8,i j ?9k he m ?an des]ves ! aw>d10 ,liazos sd4 ,b ,gayzagian sd he doesn't ?9k :at he has a3ompli%$ 9 8 life is s \ ( ! ord9>y4 8,y don't ?9k ( x z "s?+ t wd w>rant any sort ( aw>d10 he sd4 8,y d x = t r1son1 n 2c y're try+ to prove "s?+40 ,9 ,memoriam ,george ,fog>ty3 ,a ,man to ,rememb] by ,ca!r9e ,skiv]s ,george ,fog>ty 0 lov$ & respect$ by "ey"o :o knew hm4 ,i feel privileg$ to h be5 ask$ to write ab hm4 ,george has be5 a t[] ( /r5g? to hundr$s ( bl & visually impair$ p :o 7 seek+ _! 9dep5d;e4 ,he 0 9volv$ ) #eh ,cali=nia ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl s9ce xs 2g9n+ & a *>t] memb] ( ,,acb4 ,george 0 employ$ = _m ye>s by ! ,de"p;t ( ,$uca;n1 ": he "w$ to provide rehabilita;n & employ;t s]vices to p :o 7 bl & visually impair$4 ,i 0 "o ( 8 cli5ts4 ,george 0 "picul>ly special to my family 2c he help$ me get ! job : all[$ me to keep my family tgr af my husb& 0 kill$ 9 #aigf4 ,he rema9$ a fr & a =ce 9 \r lives1 ev5 direct+ "o ( my sons on a c>e] pa? he loves4 ,george alw claim$ t he did n f9d jobs = bl p4 8,i j f.d ! opportunities & ! bl sold !mvs10 he wd expla94 ,8 excell5t s5se ( humor1 al;g ) "s ,iri% bl>ney & a lovely s++ voice1 w *e] ^? ( u :o knew & lov$ hm z we rememb] 8 life & h[ he t\*$ \rs4 ,he w #ei live 9 \r he>ts ="e4 ,we cd fill a :ole issue ( 8,! ,brl ,=um0 & / n say 5 gd ?+s ab ,george4 ,8 nephew1 ,brian ,fog>ty1 wrote hm a f9e tribute : appe>$ 9 local newspap]s "h 9 ,cali=nia's ,bay ,>ea1 9clud+ 8,! ,hayw>d ,daily ,review40 ,i w 3clude my remembr.es ) ! >ticle 8 nephew wrote4 ,e ^w is /r;gly second$ by ^? ( u :o knew & lov$ ,george4 ,george ,fog>ty1 :o sp5t a life"t m5tor+ ! bl1 p]suad+ skeptical employ]s to op5 m1n+;l jobs = !m & us+ 8 tal5ts advanc+ _! cause = complete 9dep5d;e "?\t ,cali=nia & ! na;n1 di$ p1ce;lly at home 9 ,santa ,rosa1 ,calif4 ,he 0 #ic4 ,born 9 ,san ,francisco's ,\t] ,mis.n ,4trict 8:5 ! hillsides 7 / cov]$ ) wildfl[]s10 #fj s*ool$ at ! ,cali=nia ,s*ool = ! ,bl 9 ,b]keley1 ,george /udi$ at ,,ucf & e>n$ a law degree at ,l9coln ,law ,s*ool ) ! aid ( volunte] r1d]s & ! use ( brl4 ,full ( optimism1 g5]\s1 fi]cely self-reliant1 firm 9 ! 2lief t all h an equal *.e to direct _! [n a6airs1 ,george 0 al c\rtly & g5tle1 a c>e;l & 3c]n$ li/5]1 a /orytell]4 ,george 0 a true egalit>ian4 ,he lov$ 8 "w1 8 family & _m frs1 appreciat$ gd food & f>- flung travel4 ,george alw sd he _h a wond];l life4 ,he 0 a wond];l man4 ,he 0 pr$ec1s$ by 8 life's companion & 8eyes0 ,m>?a1 & 8 two bro!rs1 ,raymond & ,bill4 ,he l1ves a legion ( 9dep5d5t bl1 c\s9 ,m>y ,friman1 8 two nephews1 ,brian & ,bill1 & _! families1 :o >e grate;l #fa to 8 wond];l c>egiv]1 ,ph9ehas ,njuno4 ,at ,george's reque/1 no s]vice is plann$4 ,john ,taylor ,rememb]$ ,septemb] #bg1 #aibc- ,octob] #h1 #bjjc by ,w9ifr$ ,d[n+ ,x 0 ! idea ( bl p act+ = !mvs "? organiz$ ef=t t 0 ! motivat+ =ce ( ,john ,taylor's l;g life2 & x 0 an idea : 0 important to bo? ! ,na;nal ,f$]a;n ( ! ,bl & ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl4 ,= a brief p]iod 9 #aifa1 9 fact1 he 0 ! presid5t ( ,,nfb1 rel9qui%+ t job 2c ,k5ne? ,j]nigan1 director ( ! ,i[a ,commis.n = ! ,bl1 9si/$ t no "o %d hold (fice 9 ! ,,nfb :o at ! same "t 0 employ$ by an ag5cy = ! bl "<,john 0 deputy director "u ,j]nigan">4 #fb ,taylor _h ll *oice s9ce he _h a "y family to support1 b x is 9t]e/+ to 3sid] ! numb] ( ye>s t ,j]nigan 0 ,,nfb presid5t :ile al 2+ director ( ! commis.n4 ,k5ne? ,j]nigan & ,john ,taylor _h "kn ea* o!r s9ce e>ly *ildhood1 :5 !y att5d$ ! ,t5;see ,s*ool = ! ,bl4 ,john 0 val$ictorian ( 8 class4 ,he lat] rcvd a ,b4,s4 f ,t5;see ,te* & 8 ,m4,a4 degree f ,george ,p1body ,college = ,t1*]s4 ,he did n pursue c\rses t[>d a ,ph4,d4 degree4 "<,nei did ,k5ne? ,j]nigan1 ^: 8doctor0 title result$ f honor>y degrees 3f]r$ ^u hm4"> ,john 0 a t1*] at ! ,t5;see ,s*ool = ! ,bl & rema9$ active 9 ! ,,nfb1 2+ *ief ( ! ,wa%+ton (fice = a "t4 ,he 3t9u$ ) ! organiza;n af assum+ 8 duties z deputy #fc commis.n] at ! ,i[a ,commis.n = ! ,bl until ! ,i[a a6iliate )drew f ! ,,nfb4 ,t *apt] subsequ5tly 2came ! ,i[a ,c\ncil ( ! ,unit$ ,bl 9 ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 ": ,john held v>i\s posi;ns z an (fic] & bo>d memb]4 ,he direct$ ! ,i[a ,commis.n = ! ,bl af ,k5ne? ,j]nigan resign$ until he retir$ 9 #aihb4 ,! ,i[a ,radio ,r1d+ ,s]vice al b5efitt$ f ,john's 5]gy & 9itiatives1 z did ! ,lions ,club 9 ,des ,mo9es ": he s]v$ z presid5t & !n 4trict gov]nor4 ,9 addi;n to 8 (ficial duties1 ,john's [n life/yle s]v$ z a model = o!r bl p :o knew hm4 ,he m[$ 8 [n lawn2 cut ! h$ges2 ma9ta9$ c>e;l sup]vi.n ( 8 home & family2 w5t = l;g1 vigor\s walks e morn+2 3tribut$ five #fd gallons ( blood at ! blood bank 9 ,des ,mo9es2 & volunte]$ e ,mon"d at ! libr>y s]v+ bl patrons ,- ": he rew.d cassettes & cl1n$ tape ma*9es4 ,he 0 presid5t ( ! ,libr>y ,us]s ( ,am]ica1 a special- 9t]e/ a6iliate ( ,,acb1 = ! all[$ numb] ( t]ms & a bo>d memb] until 8 d1?4 ,p :o sp5t "t ) ,john w n =get ! way he b1t 8 cane ab to 5sure 8 safety &1 probably un9t5;nally1 9duc$ fe> & trembl+ 9 ^? close by & 5sur$ a cle> pa? ( travel4 ,"o ,i[an report$ly told hm rec5tly1 8,i w wrap ! ?+ >.d yr neck if y d t ag40 ,"o c't appreciate ,john )\t al ac"kl$g+ ! 9valuable help giv5 by 8 wife ,t]i4 ,%e kept notes = hm :5 8 braill+ equip;t wasn't h&y1 c.t$ & record$ c.t.s ra6le #fe tickets available only 9 pr9t1 & r1d1 drove1 & %opp$ = "ey?+ f crack]s to te*nical equip;t4 ,john 0 pl1s$ to 2 able to help h] select & o3upy a 3dom9ium t w 2 easi] = h] to h&le ?an _! l;g-"t home4 ,he is surviv$ by two dau$ 9 ! ,octob] issue ( ? magaz9e4 ,! la/ p>agraph r1ds3 8,my ,papa has rec5tly 2gun ano!r j\rney1 a walk ": ,i c only take 8 h& = "p ( ! way4 ,papa has be5 diagnos$ ) acute myelog5\s leukemia4 ,! doctors say "! is no?+ !y c d4 ,? "t1 :5 he goes away1 he won't come back4 ,x is no surprise to any"o t he has %[n ! same c\rage n[ z he has s _m "ts 2f 9 8 life4 ,i c only look #ff at hm & ?9k1 ,8,he is s /r;g & brave1 he c g any":4,0 ,papa is1 & w alw be1 my h]o40 ,he is a h]o to ! re/ ( u1 too4 ,commemora;n ( ! ,life ( ,kay ,butl] ,kuhn by ,donna ;,m4 ,rorie & ,l\ ,ann ,lozano ,williams ,m>?a ,kay ,butl] 0 born 9 ,p9e ,bluff1 ,>k4 on ,octob] #ac1 #aiec to ,h]b]t & ,m>y ,gl5 ,butl]4 ,h] /ru7le al;g life's unpr$ictable j\rney 2gan at age #aj mon?s :5 %e 0 diagnos$ ) ret9obla/oma4 ,%e 0 tr1t$ = ! c.er 9 ,p9e ,bluff b lo/ "o ( h] b1uti;l blue eyes4 ,h] family !n mov$ to ,baton ,r\ge1 ,la4 ,at age two1 ! ret9obla/oma recurr$4 ,kay's "f took h] to ! be/ #fg doctors available 9 ,new ,york ,c;y4 ,%e surviv$ ! recurr;e & 2came ! f/ p]son to live ) a recurr;e ( ret9obla/oma4 ,h["e1 %e lo/ ! second eye4 ,! orbital >ea ( ! f/ eye 0 al remov$1 =c+ h] to we> a pat* to hide ! damage4 ,kay 2gan k9d]g>t5 at ! ,l\isiana ,s*ool = ! ,bl & qkly adapt$ to r1d+ & writ+ brl4 ,!n h] family return$ to ,>kansas1 & %e 2gan ! second grade at ! ,>kansas ,s*ool = ! ,bl 9 ,ll ,rock4 ,at ,,asb1 ,kay develop$ fr%ips t la/$ "?\t h] life4 ,%e 0 9volv$ 9 num]\s s*ool activities1 9clud+ *oir1 ,girl ,sc\ts1 ;,y ,te5s1 ! ,/ud5t ,s5ate1 ! ,libr>y ,club1 & ! ,drama ,club4 ,%e le>n$ to play ! piano1 sang 9 num]\s *oir ev5ts1 & p]=m$ 9 s"eal plays4 ,%e lov$ to write & #fh excell$ 9 ,5gli% composi;n & poetry & won cr1tive writ+ aw>ds4 ,%e 0 ! secret>y ( h] class & ( s"eal clubs1 & graduat$ 9 ,june #aigb z val$ictorian4 ,dur+ h] ye>s at ,,asb %e al exp]i;ed ! loss ( h] 2lov$ "m to pancr1tic c.er & ! loss ( a bro!r to ,hodgk9's4 ,foll[+ hi< s*ool1 ,kay att5d$ ! summ] college prep>atory program at ! ,>kansas ,5t]prises = ! ,bl "4 ,dur+ ? summ] %e met ,?omas ;,l4 ,huckaby ,jr4 ,t fall1 %e 2gan classes at ! ,univ]s;y ( ,c5tral ,>kansas 9 ,3way seek+ degrees 9 ,5gli% & psy*ology4 ,!n on ,may #ab1 #aigc1 %e m>ri$ ,tom & mov$ to ,au/91 ,texas1 ": he 0 employ$ z a taxpay]s,0 s]vice repres5tative4 ,kay #fi supple;t$ _! 9come by "w+ 9 ! ,au/9 ,likansas4 ,9 #aigg1 %e left ,u4,c4,a4 & 2gan att5d+ classes at ! ,univ]s;y ( ,>kansas at ,ll ,rock4 ,%e al att5d$ classes at ! ,>kansas ,5t]prises = ! ,bl & qkly 2came a pione] 9 ! usage ( comput]s by bl p4 ,%e 0 ! f/ bl p]son to r1d a comput] scre5 us+ an ,optacon4 ,9 #aigh1 %e 0 employ$ by ,nor?we/ ,>kansas ,economic ,develop;t ,4trict 9 ,h>rison z a secret>y & 3sultant = ! develop;t ( comput]iz$ #gj brl transcrip;n4 ,%e al compos$ na;nwide news rel1ses reg>d+ te*nical mat]ial produc$ 9 comput] brl4 ,%e 0 "o ( ! f/ bl p to use comput]iz$ ^w process+ & syn!tic spee* units & 0 ! f/ bl p]son 9 ,>kansas to 2 employ$ z a ,mag-,c>d op]ator ) ! audio typ+ unit4 ,%e us$ ^! 9novative devices to transcribe a v>iety ( docu;ts1 9clud+ his4 ,:ile employ$ at ! base1 %e "uw5t surgical proc$ures = colon c.er & prec.er\s ut]9e fibroids4 ,%e al 3t9u$ to use h] cr1tive tal5ts by writ+ num]\s >ticles = a local *ur* newslr4 ,9 #aihh1 ,kay mov$ to ,/u>t1 ,fla41 & 0 employ$ z a brl pro(r1d] = ,tri=ma;n #ga ,transcrib+4 ,9 #aiib1 %e return$ to ,ll ,rock & 0 employ$ z a brl 9/ructor at ,lions ,_w ,s]vices 9 ,ll ,rock4 ,%e 2came a c]tifi$ memb] ( ,toa/ma/]s ,9t]na;nal4 ,%e !n m>ri$ af #ah ye>s ( wid[hood & mov$ to ,nor? ,c>ol9a ": %e 0 employ$ z a s*$ule coord9ator = ,h>mony ,h1l? ,c>e4 ,? m>riage fail$1 & %e liv$ 9 ,tulsa1 ,okla4 briefly 2f mov+ to ,au/91 ,texas & lat] to ,san ,antonio4 ,at ! ,san ,antonio ,liea physicians by us+ a comput] ) ,vocal-,eyes & ,^w,p]fect4 ,%e m>ri$ ,wayne on ,april #ag1 #aiii 9 ! ,f/ ,assembly #gb ( ,god ,*ur*4 ,lat] %e jo9$ ,wayne's *ur* & 2came a pray] gr\p l1d] = h] ,sun"d s*ool class4 ,kay 0 an active memb] ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ( ,texas & dilig5tly s]v$ ! ,san ,antonio *apt] = f\r & a half ye>s z presid5t4 ,%e us$ h] organiza;nal & communica;n skills to =m ! /ru7l+ *apt] 9to a gr\p fill$ ) cr1tiv;y & 3fid;e4 ,%e att5d$ ?ree ,,acb na;nal 3v5;ns 9 ,l\isville1 ,des ,mo9es1 & ,h\/on4 ,9 ! fall ( #bjjb1 %e co-$it$ ! ,alamo ,cookbook = h] ,,acb *apt]4 ,9 #aiii1 %e 2came employ$ at ,&]son ,transcrib+ ,s]vices 9 ,san ,antonio4 ,%e 5joy$ ;e- mail+ & 0 on num]\s li/s1 b h] favorite 0 ! ret9obla/oma gr\p4 ,%e 5joy$ ho/+ ga!r+s ( frs & ,,acb memb]s ) h] #gc husb& 9 _! home4 ,kay's life 0 a di6icult j\rney t w.d "? "s r d>k valleys4 ,%e knew ! h>% judg;t & 4crim9a;n t bl p "s"ts exp]i;e f ! sitbr1k ( fail$ rela;n%ips4 ,despite life's agonies1 %e manag$ to live 9dep5d5tly & support h]f1 & n"e lo/ h] desire to love p & to help h] fell[ man4 ,on ,augu/ #af1 #bjjc1 ! c.er t _h tri$ s _m "ts to take h] life f9ally did s4 ,%e left ? _w = a m* bett] "o1 & if %e cd sp1k to u td %e wd say3 8,d ! be/ y c ) :at y h1 don't /op lov+ p1 & tr1t o!rs ! way y wd want to 2 tr1t$40 ,kay once sd t butt]flies >e color;l 9 _s1 & doves br+ g5tle & p1ce;l feel+s4 ,h] grte/ desire 9 ? life 0 to br+ b1uty & w>m? to ! p %e #gd lov$2 h] grte/ a3ompli%;t 0 surviv+ ea* "d z x 0 set 2f h]4 ,memorials may 2 made to ! ,alamo ,*apt] ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 #acgjc ,c$> ,canyon1 ,san ,antonio1 ,,tx #ghbca4 ,reflec;ns ,on ! ,loss ( ,y by ,t$die-,joy ,remhild ,9 ! a3umula;n ( life ,! me :o has em]g$ ,has be5 mold$ ,& def9$ by ! ,love y h s ,freely giv54 #ge ,9 ! loss ( y ,& t b.d.s ,love ,i am dim9i%$ & ,2reft 9 t "p ,( me once %>$ ,) y4 ,! loss ( y ,m1ns n"e ag ,to "pake ( u1 ,! joy ( \r k9dr$;s4 ,i w alw ,rememb] \r love1 ,*]i% x & 2 ,glad = x1 ,b n"e ag ,w ,i rapture 9 xs ,5]gy ,! loss ( y & ,! place y once ,fill$ 9 my life ,l1ves me imm1surably ,less5$4 #gf ,gue/ ,$itorial3 ,:y ,x's ,n ,alw ,wise to ,tr1t ,"ey"o ! ,same by ,mi*ael ,by+ton1 ,presid5t ,kansas ,associa;n = ! ,bl & ,visually ,impair$ ,9 my pres5t job 9 ! telecommunica;ns 9du/ry1 ,i d1l ) a numb] ( v5dors :o sell fairly complex equip;t4 ,i am suppos$ to make sure t all ! approv$ v5dors foll[ ! program's rules 9 sell+ equip;t2 b1 ?\< ,i 2lieve 9 2+ fair 9 apply+ rules1 ,i h f.d t 2+ fair does n alw m1n tr1t+ "ey"o alike4 ,"o v5dor1 = example1 is ! only "o 9 ! _w :o makes a type ( telecommunica;ns equip;t : "s multiply 4abl$ & bl 3sum]s require to use _! teleph"os 9dep5d5tly4 ,? "o v #gg cr1tive v5dor is a small produc] :o (t5 2comes s focus$ on :at he is cr1t+ or improv+ t ! m mundane aspects ( 8 busi;s1 l provid+ cu/om] s]vice1 s5d+ 9 v\*]s1 & 4pat*+ equip;t on "t1 t5d to slide4 ,if ? 7 any o!r v5dor1 he wd h be5 remov$ f my v5dor li/ _m mon?s ago 2c he does n comply ) rules & proc$ures2 b ,i wd n dr1m ( dropp+ ? "picul> v5dor1 = t ac;n wd hurt _m ( ! p :o r1lly ne$ :at he c provide4 ,? exp]i;e relates to ! curr5t situa;n ,,acb faces ) ! resigna;n ( xs executive director1 ,*>les ,craw=d4 ,craw=d has 8 [n way ( gett+ ?+s d"o4 ,on ! ,,acb 3v5;n floor1 he 0 (t5 m political ?an ! curr5t ,,acb presid5t want$1 & ,i c rememb] ?9k+ t x mi =w>d ,craw=d 0 br++ ,,acb z a recogniz$ advocacy organiza;n truly l1d+ o!rs 9 repres5t+ ,am]icans :o >e bl & l[ vi.n4 ,8 5]gy 0 b.d.s1 & 8 grasp ( issues 0 amaz+4 ,z ,i tr1t ! v5dors 9 my [n job di6]5tly dep5d+ ^u :at !y br+ to my program1 ,i su7e/ t h[ m* slack ! executive director ( ,,acb is cut 9 t]ms ( rules & proc$ures %d dep5d on ! relative value he br+s to ! job1 ! organiza;n1 & ! bl;s commun;y 9 g5]al4 ,9 ,craw=d's case1 ,i 2lieve \r ,,acb presid5t1 ,*ris ,gray1 made a #gi mi/ake 9 n "w+ m dilig5tly to f9d ano!r solu;n to h&l+ 4agree;ts to avoid hav+ ,craw=d resign4 ,"! >e n _m p :o cd move ,,acb =w>d z ,craw=d 0 do+4 ,8 de"pure f ! na;nal bl;s advocacy sc5e is v pa9;l & de/ructive to all bl & l[-vi.n ,am]icans4 ,x may seem z if ,i am com+ d[n ov]ly h>d on my l;g-"t fr ,*ris ,gray4 ,_m wd po9t \ :at an irascible & /u2orn ole coot ,craw=d c 2 & wd tell me t x m/ h be5 a h&;l = ,gray to sup]vise ,craw=d4 ,? may 2 true1 & ,i wd n h want$ ,gray's job 9 do+ s2 b ,i did n seek t job & ,gray did4 ,"w+ ) ! ,,acb /aff t[>d ! bett];t ( ! lives ( bl & l[-vi.n ,am]icans is a "p ( t t]ritory4 ,gray is ! "o we elect$1 s if "s"o l ,craw=d1 :o is s capable 9 mov+ ! #hj ,,acb ag5da =w>d1 is tempt$ to resign1 x is ! responsibil;y ( ! ,,acb presid5t to f9d a solu;n = ! problem r ?an 2com+ "p ( x4 ,i ?9k ,gray is a capable adm9i/rator :o is a big 5 p]son to fix a mi/ake : he & ! ,,acb bo>d h made4 ,i 5c\rage !m to "w h>d to f9d a way to get ,craw=d's resigna;n resc9d$ & get hm back on ! job z qkly z possible4 ,i d n su7e/ t ,gray & ,craw=d w "e h a love fe/2 !y d n ev5 h to l ea* o!r4 ,!y simply ne$ to d :at is be/ = ! field ( bl;s4 ,i h r1d 5 on ! v>i\s li/s to r1lize h[ 9t5se >e ! op9ions 2+ express$ & h[ extreme >e "s ( ! proposals 2+ adv.ed4 ,"! >e p :o want to cr1te yet a ?ird bl;s organiza;n ov] ? situa;n1 :o wd return to ! old 8,free ,press0 2c !y >e n pl1s$ #ha ) 8,! ,brl ,=um10 & :o >e call+ = a special 3v5;n to 4miss ! ,,acb presid5t & ! bo>d ( directors :o h g5]ally vot$ ) hm4 ,!y seem n to "k t ! ,,acb 3/itu;n does n provide = s* a process4 ,,acb1 ! ,=um1 & ev5 :at has happ5$ ) ,craw=d c all 2 fix$ if ! curr5t ,,acb presid5t & l1d]%ip w simply put ! r1l prize1 ! l;g-t]m gd ( ,,acb xf1 ah1d ( curr5t di6];es4 ,i am "!=e ask+ ,presid5t ,gray to undo ! mi/akes & get ,craw=d back on ! job4 ,i ask my fr ,*>lie ,hodge1 :o "ws v h>d 9 8 capac;y z *air ( ! ,,acb bo>d ( publica;ns1 n to surr5d] to ! political pressures ( ! posi;n4 ,i close by ask+ ,*>lie ,craw=d to 2 big 5 to all[ ,presid5t ,gray & ! ,,acb bo>d to fix ! ]rors4 ,y h to come al;g = ! #hb ride or all ( ! su7es;ns ,i h made "h >e dilatory4 ,lrs to ! ,$itor ,? mon?'s lrs 2gan >riv+ 9 ,octob]4 ,all b "o 7 held ov] f ! ,decemb]_/,janu>y issue until n[1 :5 we h "s:at m space4 ,! 3t5ts ( ? column reflect ! lrs we _h rcvd by ,! "t we w5t to press1 ,janu>y #ae1 #bjjd4 8,! ,brl ,=um0 is n responsible = ! op9ions express$ "h94 ,! $itorial /aff res]ves ! "r to $it lrs = cl>;y1 /yle & space available4 ,foll[+ newly del91t$ bo>d ( publica;ns guidel9es1 all lrs h be5 trimm$ to a maximum ( #cjj ^ws4 ,op9ions express$ >e ^? ( ! au?ors1 n ^? ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 xs /aff or elect$ (ficials4 ,we c pr9t yr lrs only if y #hc sign yr "n & give u yr address4 ,?ank ,y ,i'm writ+ to express my deepe/ ?anks to ^? ( y :o r1*$ \ to me1 respond+ to my ,octob] #bjjc >ticle 9 8,! ,brl ,=um0 5titl$ 8,m ,?an ,j a ,physical ,*all5ge40 ,! calls f frs ,i _h n spok5 to = a l;g "t1 z well z ^? liv+ ) ! human immunodefici5cy virus & bl;s1 h be5 5c\rag+4 ,yr k9d ^ws & yr /ories 7 t\*+ & 9spira;nal4 ,! lr to ! $itor f ,joe ,h>cz f ,mi*igan t\*$ me 9 a pr(.d way4 ,app>5tly1 ! >ticle didn't j $ucate r1d]s ab ,,aids1 b x al op5$ m9ds to d1l ) /igma & prejudice reg>d+ sexual ori5ta;n4 ,i "k ( _m bl & visually impair$ 9dividuals :o exp]i;e oppres.n 9 life1 "s"ts 9 \r commun;y4 ,_m #hd lesbian1 gay & transg5d]$ folks :o >e 4abl$ h di6iculty 9tegrat+ 9to ! sexual m9or;y communities4 ,let's hope t ,bl ,frs ( ,lesbians & ,gays "<,,bflag"> c help 9 ? >ea4 ,,acb is a multi-cultural family1 ": ,i feel "! is no room = segrega;n4 ,- ,h>ry ,h]zek1 ,philadelphia1 ,pa4 ,m on ,*>lie ,craw=d's ,resigna;n ,de> ,brl ,=um ,r1d]s3 ,^? :o e/abli%$ ? republic wrote t l1d]s gov]n only ) ! 3s5t ( ! gov]n$4 ,:5 l1d]s no l;g] repres5t ! be/ 9t]e/s ( ! gov]n$ or 5gage 9 ac;ns : ! gov]n$ deem to 2 3tr>y to _! l;g-t]m welf>e & prosp];y1 !n ! gov]n$ m/ ov]?r[ ^? l1d]s4 ,at a spee* pres5t$ to ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl #he ( ,ohio1 a bo>d memb] aptly /at$ t ,*>lie ,craw=d is ! he>t & s\l ( ? organiza;n4 ,all :o h ! pl1sure ( "w+ ) or "u 8 sup]vi.n h be5 able to exp]i;e ! skill1 9tellig;e1 & "* ,craw=d applies to ! posi;n ( executive director4 ,craw=d's advocacy skills >e leg5d>y4 ,2c ,*>lie advocat$ = memb]s,0 "rs to 4agree ) ! curr5t l1d]%ip1 he has be5 =c$ to resign4 ,? c\rse ( ac;n is s pot5tially detri;tal to ! l;g-t]m prosp];y ( ? organiza;n & xs bett] ass];n ( civil "rs = bl & visually impair$ ,am]icans1 t x is "t t ! gov]n$ via _! a6iliate repres5tatives "w to remove ! curr5t ,,acb presid5t4 ,- ,g>y ,norman1 ,presid5t1 ,m>yl& ,>ea ,guide ,dog ,us]s1 ,baltimore1 ,md4 #hf ,de> ,brl ,=um ,r1d]s3 ,i am grtly sadd5$ by ,mr4 ,craw=d's resigna;n4 ,! impact ( 8 l1v+ ,,acb cd h wid] ramifica;ns ?an any "o ( u c imag9e4 ,i h "kn ,*>lie = _m ye>s4 ,he taulie spoke up ag/ ? am5d;t4 ,mr4 ,gray object$ to ,*>lie's sp1k+ \4 ,! memb]%ip vot$ ag/ ! am5d;t4 ,"h x is ?ree mon?s po/- 3v5;n4 ,mr4 ,gray held eilie resign$ z ,,acb's executive director1 /at+ "! 7 8irreconcilable philosophical di6];es0 2t hmf & ,gray4 ,h[ _m o!r true l1d]s w 2 pu%$ \ t door 2c !y don't see or d ?+s ,mr4 ,gray's way8 ,- ,pat ,hill1 ,mald51 ,mass4 ,de> ,$itor1 ,y h he>d f me ab ! ,i[a guide dog case "<,febru>y #bjjc">1 & my op9ions h n *ang$4 ,i am sadd5$ to see t ? divisive issue seems to h be5 a big factor 9 rec5t t5.ns 2t ,presid5t ,gray & ,*>lie ,craw=d4 ,we h be5 told t specific details 3c]n+ ,*>lie's resigna;n _c 2 4cuss$1 b x doesn't take a rocket sci5ti/ to det]m9e t ! ,dohm5 case _h "s?+ to d ) x4 ,al? ,*>lie ,craw=d h&l$ 8 op9ions q c>e;lly1 ,i #hh surmise t he feels /r;gly t use ( a guide dog %d n 2 a det]r5t to all[+ admitt.e 9to a rehab program & to d5y "o admis.n 2c ( ! use ( a guide dog 0 a cle> viola;n ( ,/ephanie ,dohm5's civil "rs4 ,i fur!r speculate ": ,*ris ,gray's loyalties lie f 8 ;e- mails address+ & reg>d+ ,,gdui & xs presid5t4 ,gray "*iz$ ,,gdui l1d]s z 8radicals0 & 8emo;nal40 ,- ,rebe3a ,kragnes1 ,m9n1polis1 ,m9n4 ,! ,presid5t's ,reply ,to ,mr4 ,norman3 ,yr lr to ! $itor 3ta9s two ]rors ( fact4 ,f/1 ,mr4 ,craw=d 0 n 8=c$0 to resign2 he resign$ ( 8 [n free w4 ,second1 ! r1son = 8 resigna;n _h ll if any?+ at all to d ) 8memb]s,0 "rs to 4agree ) ! curr5t #hi l1d]%ip40 ,_h ? be5 a prim>y issue1 ! /ate;t rel1s$ by ,mr4 ,craw=d & agre$ ^u by me wd h be5 v di6]5t4 ,to ,ms4 ,hill3 ,i took no posi;n on ! 3/itu;nal am5d;t to : y ref]4 ,fur!r1 ,*>lie's resigna;n relat$ 9 no way to ! sub/antive 4cus.n ( t mo;n4 ,! po9t y raise reg>d+ ! "rs ( /aff to debate & 4cuss issues on ! 3v5;n floor & "picipate 9 ! political life ( ! organiza;n is c]ta9ly a valid issue & "s?+ ,i wd urge y & all ,,acb memb]s to 3sid] c>e;lly4 ,:5 "o 2comes a pd employee ( an organiza;n1 "rs & responsibilities z an employee di6] grtly f ^? ( a g5]al memb] ( ! organiza;n4 ,to ,ms4 ,kragnes3 ,! ,dohm5 case play$ no specific role 9 4cus.ns 2t ,mr4 ,craw=d & ! bo>d t l$ to 8 #ij resigna;n4 ,yr specula;ns & 9nu5dos reg>d+ my posi;n reg>d+ ,dohm51 ,,gdui & guide dogs g5]ally is precisely z y su7e/3 specula;n4 ,z ) mo/ specula;n bas$ on rumor & he>say & unsub/antiat$ op9ion1 yr com;ts d n a3urately reflect my posi;n at all4 ,i support ! "rs ( guide dog us]s & h demon/rat$ ? support _m "ts 9 my organiza;nal "w = ,,acb & 9 my p]sonal life4 ,i d n favor ! 9t]e/s ( any "o a6iliate ov] ^? ( ano!r4 ,i d /& = ! necess;y )9 ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl = a6iliates to "w m1n+;lly tgr & to seek common gr.d 9 do+ s4 ,f9ally1 ,i support$ & ! organiza;n has fully compli$ ) ! ,dohm5-relat$ resolu;n1 duly 3sid]$ & pass$ at ! #bjjc ,pittsbur< 3v5;n4 ,let's /op debat+ old hi/ory1 (t5 #ia wr;g;lly portray$ & 3vey$ 9 ? column1 & get on ) ! "w ( ! pres5t & future4 ,- ,*ri/oph] ;,p4 ,gray1 ,san ,francisco1 ,calif4 ,exam9+ ,\r ,priorities ,de> ,$itor3 ,9 #bjjd ,i w 2g9 my #eeth ye> ) ! organiz$ bl move;t4 ,my late husb& & ,i help$ to =m ! f/ ,,acb a6iliate 9 ,cali=nia & we 7 9volv$ ) ! =ma;n ( ,,acb xf4 ,we h be5 told by ,*>lie ,craw=d t 8 resigna;n 0 prompt$ by irreconcilable di6];es4 ,:5 a /aff memb] r1*es a po9t ": he 4agrees ) manage;t or feels t he_/%e c no l;g] a3ord ) company policy1 !n "! ne$s to 2 "s type ( *ange4 ,9 ? case1 ,*>lie resign$4 ,! bo>d & ! presid5t h #ib be5 a3us$ ( "s type ( 3spiracy to keep 9=ma;n f ! memb]%ip4 ,any ( u :o h d1lt ) p]sonnel matt]s "k t !y _c 2 air$ publicly4 ,= ^? ( u :o 7 n pres5t to speculate ab :at happ5$ is n only use.s b h>m;l to ,,acb4 ,3gratula;ns to ,melanie ,brunson >e 9 ord]2 = "? all ! rec5t uph1val1 %e has 3t9u$ to 2 \r \t/&+ advocate1 keep+ u 9=m$ on s]i\s legislative matt]s n[ p5d+4 ,_m issues >e 9 urg5t ne$ ( \r lrs & ph"o calls4 ,let's get \r priorities 9 ord]6 ,- ,ca!r9e ,skiv]s1 ,hayw>d1 ,calif4 ,i 0 n surpris$ by ,*>lie ,craw=d's resigna;n1 z x appe>$ to me t1 on ! floor at ! na;nal 3v5;n1 he 0 %[+ signs ( 4satisfac;n ) 8 posi;n ( executive director4 ,b #ic :at does surprise me is h[ a few p want to blame 8 resigna;n on ,presid5t ,gray & "s bo>d memb]s4 ,_m h a3us$ ,gray ( try+ to micromanage1 & /at$ t he only li/5s to a few memb]s :o h be5 >.d ="e4 ,i respect;lly 4agree4 ,presid5t ,gray gave me a *.e to s]ve on a committee ev5 ?\< ,i 0 fairly new to ! organiza;n1 & ,i "k ? to 2 true ( o!rs z well4 ,i h notic$ z a memb] ( ! transporta;n task =ce t ! presid5t lets u d ! "w4 ,? is n ! 2havior ( a micromanag]4 ,at ! 3v5;n & on ! li/s]vs1 :5 p express$ 3c]ns1 he li/5$ & tri$ to (f] solu;ns t wd satisfy all sides4 ,i am especially 4turb$ by "s ,,gdui memb]s,0 ongo+ criticism ab ! ,i[a case4 ,presid5t ,gray & ! bo>d did :at !y felt 0 "r at ! #id "t4 ,i support$ ,,gdui z ,i am a dog guide us]1 & hate to see 4crim9a;n ( any k9d4 ,h["e1 ) t sd1 ,i wd ask ": 0 ,,gdui :5 ,georgia 0 hav+ a simil> problem ) xs ,,bep ag5cy4 ,we ask$ = j a lr ( support f ,,gdui & n"e got "o4 ,x 0 ,presid5t ,gray :o wrote a lr to assi/ u ) ? cause4 ,9 ? organiza;n we d n h to agree1 b x is 9 \r be/ 9t]e/ to /ay focus$ & n divide & 3qu]4 ,keep up ! gd "w ,presid5t ,gray1 bo>d ( directors1 & ,,acb /aff4 ,- ,alice ,ri*h>t1 ,presid5t1 ,georgia ,guide ,dog ,us]s1 ,brunswick1 ,ga4 #ie ;,e-,mail ,wond]l& "<,repr9t$ f www4unw9d4" com4"> "<,$itor's ,note3 ,9 ne$ ( "s relief f ! w9t] doldrums8 ,try s++ ? v].n ( 8,w9t] ,wond]l&0 al\d1 pref]ably ne> yr comput]4"> ,ano!r 8p+10 ,>e y li/59,08 ,! ,8put] scre51 ,is a-gli/59,04 ,) icons s b"r1 ,!y lie ! hall talks4 ,"h to /ay1 ,is ! ,9box4 ,fla7$ 8urg5t1 pl1se r1d601 ,& 8answ] ) spe$604 ,welcome to ! ;e-mail wond]l&6 ,9 ! morn+ ;e-mails />t to add up4 ,no lun* td ,8cause messages ab.d4 ,j click away & hope ! s]v] /ays up4 ,y c't d yr job if x goes d[n4 #aj p4m41 ,y're n tir$4 ,! ca6e9e1 ,has y wir$4 ,! "d's n complete1 ,till ! f9al delete1 ,welcome to ! ;e-mail wond]l&6 #ig ,9 ! morn+ ;e-mails />t to add up1 ,no lun* td ,8cause messages ab.d4 ,j click away & hope ! s]v] /ays up4 ,y c't d yr job if x goes d[n4 ,until y1 ,>e retir$1 ,! same old gr9d1 ,x is requir$4 ,y'll face unafraid1 ,t message p>ade4 ,welcome to ! ;e-mail wond]l&6 ,c ,,acb & ,,nfb ,2come ,"o8 by ,w9ifr$ ,d[n+ ,9 ! ,septemb] #bjjc issue ( 8,! ,brl ,=um10 ,c>son ,wood1 imm pa/ presid5t ( ! ,,acb *apt] 9 ,ma9e1 wond]$ :y ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl #ih & ! ,na;nal ,f$]a;n ( ! ,bl /aun*ly resi/ 2com+ "o s+le organiza;n pursu+ solu;ns to ! _m problems : 3t9ue to cause di6iculties = p :o >e bl4 ,no "o d\bts t ! numb] ( p :o wd 2 9volv$1 ! 3c5tra;n ( \t/&+ tal5t t wd 2 a3umulat$1 & ! m"ot>y advantages t wd a3rue wd produce an extremely /r;g organiza;n ) f> grt] 9flu;e ?an ei gr\p c br+ to be> "w+ al"o4 ,let u1 h["e1 exam9e "s ( ! deep philosophical 4agree;ts : make s* an a3ommoda;n all b impossible4 ,^! >e n petty di6];es >is+ f old fractur$ rela;n%ips & deep p]sonal res5t;ts2 r1 !y >e basic t5ets on : ea* organiza;n re/s4 ,p]h "o ( ! easie/ ways to illu/rate s* 4agree;t >ose "s ye>s ago :5 ! ,cali=nia ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl su$ ! #ii ,bay ,>ea ,rapid ,transit "<,,b>t"> to h detectable w>n+s plac$ at ! $ges ( ! plat=ms s t p us+ :ite canes cd 5t] & l1ve tra9s safely4 ,t5 bl p _h be5 am;g ! _m :o _h fall5 onto ,,b>t tracks 2f ? ac;n 0 tak51 b ! ,,nfb jo9$ ) ,,b>t to oppose x4 ,,nfb 9si/$ t p :o _h su3ess;lly complet$ ori5ta;n & mobil;y tra9+ wd n ne$ ? a3ommoda;n1 & provid+ x 0 a wa/e ( m"oy4 ,! organiza;n al ma9ta9$ t ! pres;e ( ! textur$ $ges 3/itut$ a daily rem9d] to prospective employ]s & to ! society 9 g5]al ( ! 9abilities ( bl p4 ,! ,,ccb suit 0 su3ess;l1 b bo? organiza;ns rema9$ committ$ to ! attitudes t fo/]$ ! exp5diture ( huge am.ts ( "t & m"oy4 ,ano!r s\rce ( divi.n is ! electoral process4 ,! #ajj ,,acb1 to avoid ! v r1l possibil;y ( 2+ gov]n$ by a dyna/y ( /r;g 9dividuals & to 5sure a /1dy fl[ ( new p 9 responsible posi;ns1 imposes t]m limits on xs (fic]s & directors4 ,! presid5t & o!r (fic]s >e p]mitt$ only ?ree two-ye> t]ms4 ,! ,,nfb1 on ! o!r h&1 2lieves t unanim;y ( approa* & 3si/5cy 9 ac;n >e s important t (fic]s may hold _! jobs 9def9itely4 ,:5 new p >e elect$ to responsible posi;ns1 "! is no?+ l ! campaign+ & 9ve/iga;n t "*ize ! ,,acb elec;ns4 ,fre$om ( expres.n is a value ,,acb fo/]s 9 ! ,,acb ;e-mail+ 4cus.n li/s1 ! lrs to ! $itor 9 8,! ,brl ,=um10 & ! emphasis 9 /ructur+ committees to provide broad memb] repres5ta;n4 ,,nfb (f]s no s* opportunities 9 ! 2lief #aja t public air+ ( di6]+ views )9 ! organiza;n 4c\rages cohesive;s4 ,9 ! matt] ( s]vices (f]$ to memb]s1 too1 ! ,,nfb & ! ,,acb v>y 3sid]ably4 ,,acb has an #hjj numb] available e "d ( ! ye> 9clud+ ! ,wa%+ton ,3nec;n & provides ,,acb ,radio to br+ 9=ma;n to bl p all ov] ! _w4 ,,nfb's free s]vices cov] ! na;nal job bank & >e o!rwise associat$ ma9ly ) p att5d+ ! na;nal 3v5;n1 hotel subsidies & a hospital;y room ) r1dily available food4 ,any"o :o wi%es to d s may visit ! ,,acb ,wa%+ton (fice &_/or secure ne$$ 9=ma;n on m"ot>y aspects ( ! organiza;n1 b ,i h n"e he>d t ? op5;s is an ,,nfb practice4 ,,nfb is loa? to a3ept ,- & may ev5 resi/ ,- hav+ guide dogs a3ompany _! "pn]s #ajb :o att5d ori5ta;n c5t]s4 ,! ,,nfb c5t]s al 2lieve t /ud5ts %d 2 taun+ gd ori5ta;n & mobil;y skills is an absolute necess;y1 p may reta9 _! guide dogs z _! *ief m1ns ( mobil;y4 ,! ,,acb philosophy al a3epts ! idea t p ) l[ vi.n ne$ to 2 taud to ! op]a;n ( ! ,rehabilita;n ,s]vices ,adm9i/ra;n1 ! ,,nfb-tra9$ commis.n] has be5 able to alt] ! idea ( a su3ess;l case closure to exclude employ;t 9 a "w%op1 o/5sibly ) ! aim ( provid+ bett] employ;t opportunities to p :o #ajc >e bl4 ,_m ( ! bl p gr[+ up td h o!r 4abilities 9 addi;n to bl;s t may make 9du/rial "w ! be/ employ;t possibil;y op5 to !m4 ,) ? rec5t rehabilita;n approa*1 w !y1 !n1 2 d5i$ ! mobil;y tra9+ to travel to ! job site or p]h ! tra9+ 9 brl nec to r1d appropriate 9/ruc;nal mat]ials8 ,all ( ^! matt]s >e ess5tial to ! philosophy "uly+ ! bl;s field1 n reflective simply ( m9or irrita;ns kept alive by 4gruntl$ 9dividuals 9 ! two organiza;ns4 ,may ! ,,acb 3t9ue to ad"h to ! organiza;nal goals x has adopt$6 ,"h & ,"! by ,s>ah ,blake ,! ann\nce;t ( products & s]vices 9 ? column is n #ajd an 5dorse;t by ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 xs /aff1 or elect$ (ficials4 ,products & s]vices >e li/$ free ( *>ge = ! b5efit ( \r r1d]s4 8,! ,brl ,=um0 _c 2 held responsible = ! reliabil;y ( products & s]vices m5;n$4 ,to submit items = ? column1 y may ;e-mail ,s>ah at sblake@aacb4org1 or call ,,acb at #a-#hjj-#dbd-#hfff & l1ve a message 9 mailbox #bf4 ,pl1se rememb] t po/al regula;ns prohibit u f 9clud+ adv]tise;ts1 & t we ne$ 9=ma;n two mon?s ah1d ( actual publica;n dates4 #aj.0 ,4c.t on ,w9d[- ,eyes ,easy ,talk & ,,gw ,micro >e (f]+ a #aj p]c5t 4c.t (f ! retail price ( ,w9d[-,eyes to all ,,acb memb]s until #aje ,m>* #bj1 #bjjd4 ,& :5 y pur*ase ei ! /&>d or pr(es.nal v].n ( ,w9d[-,eyes1 ,,acb w rcv #aj p]c5t ( ! co/ ( yr pur*ase4 ,don't miss \ on a gd d1l & on help+ a grt organiza;n6 ,w9d[-,eyes /&>d co/s @s#ece4ej2 ! pr(es.nal v].n1 @s#gae4ej4 ,%ipp+ is free "? ,m>* #bj4 ,pur*ases c 2 made ei by 3tact+ ! ,,acb ,/ore at #a-#hgg-#cfg-#bbbd or onl9e at www4acb4org1 or by call+ ,easytalk at #a-#hej-#ijf- #ihba4 ,v]ifica;n ( memb]%ip is requir$4 ,new ;,e-,mail ,4cus.n ,gr\p ,a new ;e-mail 4cus.n gr\p has be5 =m$ = social "w]s1 ,,vr c\nselors1 t1*]s1 psy*ologi/s1 human res\rces pr(es.nals1 sy/em *ange #ajf practi;n]s1 & any o!r p]son ) a visual impair;t 9t]e/$ 9 ! field ( human s]vices4 ,? li/ w all[ memb]s to %>e >ticles1 provide support1 ask "qs1 & g5]ally 3v]se 9 an unmod]at$ " 5viron;t4 ,/ud5ts >e especially welcome6 ,! f.d]s ( ! li/ hope t ? li/ w ultimately l1d to a special-9t]e/ a6iliate ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl = p 9t]e/$ 9 ! human s]vices sector4 ,to subscribe1 s5d a blank message to bl-hsp- subscribe@atopica4com4 ,op5+s = ,9t]na;nal ,ex*ange ,program 9 ,japan ,mobil;y ,9t]na;nal ,,usa "<,,miusa"> is curr5tly seek+ "y p ) 4abilities f div]se cultural backgr.ds to apply = an upcom+ 9t]na;nal #ajg ex*ange program 9 ,japan4 ,u4,s4 citiz5s ages #ah-#bd >e 9vit$ to apply = a two-week ,u4,s4_/,japan3 ,cross- ,cultural ,p]spectives on ,4abil;y ex*ange program1 s*$ul$ to take place 9 ,july_/,augu/ #bjjd4 ,"picipants w take "p 9 4cus.ns on 4abil;y "rs & l1d]%ip1 visit sites ( hi/orical & cultural 9t]e/ 9 ,japan1 "picipate 9 "w%ops on tradi;nal ,japanese drumm+ & exp]i;e family cu/oms1 food & culture ) memb]s ( ! local commun;y4 ,"picipants w al take "p 9 a f\r- "d 9t]na;nal volunte] s]vice project4 ,activities w 2 design$ to 5sure t "ey"o "picipates equally4 ,sign language 9t]preta;n & mat]ials 9 alt]native =mats w 2 provid$4 ,o!r a3essibil;y #ajh >range;ts w 2 negotiat$ to 5sure full "picipa;n4 ,9dividuals f cultural m9or;y backgr.ds & 9exp]i;ed 9t]na;nal travel]s >e 5c\rag$ to apply4 ,"pial s*ol>%ips >e available = ? program4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 pl1se visit www4miusa4org1 or 3tact ,,miusa at "<#eda"> #cdc-#abhd "<,v_/,,tty">1 "<#eda"> #cdc- #fhab "1 ex*ange@amiusa4org or write to ,,po ,box #ajgfg1 ,eug5e1 ,,or #igddj4 ,posi;n ,ann\nce;t ,! ,rehabilita;n ,rese>* & ,tra9+ ,c5t] on ,bl;s & ,l[ ,vi.n at ,mississippi ,/ate ,univ]s;y is seek+ applicants = ! c5t] tra9+ director4 ,job responsibilities 9clude manag+ & imple;t+ ! c5t]'s tra9+ & 4sem9a;n program1 #aji develop+ proposals = ext]nal fund+1 manag+ & design+ c\rse"w &_/or "w%ops bo? on- site & via 4t.e $uca;n1 & net"w+ ) na;nal l1d]s 9 bl;s rehabilita;n to det]m9e tra9+ ne$s_/priorities ( practi;n]s4 ,! posi;n w 2 fill$ z an assi/ant rese>* pr(essor or z a s5ior rese>* associate4 ,c&idates = ! assi/ant rese>* pr(essor rank w ne$ a doctorate 9 rehabilita;n c\nsel+1 rehabilita;n t1*+1 ori5ta;n & mobil;y1 or a closely relat$ field1 & #aj ye>s exp]i;e 9 bl;s rehabilita;n2 evid;e ( su3ess 9 secur+ ext]nal fund+1 3duct+ bl;s-relat$ tra9+1 & publi%+ 9 pe] review$ or 3sum] publica;ns2 excell5t writ+ skills2 & "u/&+ ( /ate-(-!->t comput] a3ess te*nology1 4t.e $uca;n pr9ciples1 & #aaj adult le>n+ !ory4 ,c&idates = ! s5ior rese>* associate posi;n w ne$ a ma/]'s degree 9 rehabilita;n c\nsel+1 rehabilita;n t1*+1 ori5ta;n & mobil;y1 or a closely relat$ field1 & #aj ye>s exp]i;e 9 bl;s rehabilita;n4 ,!y w al ne$ evid;e ( su3ess 9 ! >1s m5;n$ abv4 ,sal>y w 2 negotiat$ bas$ on exp]i;e4 ,s5d yr lr ( applica;n ref]5c+ job _?#eadi1 yr resume1 a writ+ sample1 ?ree lrs ( ref];e & copies ( transcripts to3 ,dr4 ,br5da ,cav5au<1 ,*air1 ,se>* ,committee1 ,,rrtc on ,bl;s & ,l[ ,vi.n1 ,p4,o4 ,box #fahi1 ,mississippi ,/ate1 ,,ms #cigfb4 ,= fur!r 9=ma;n1 call "<#ffb"> #cbe-#bjja4 ,applica;ns w 2 a3ept$ until ,febru>y #af1 #bjjd or #aaa until ! posi;n is fill$4 ,,msu is an ,,aa_/,,eoe4 ,c>roll ,c5t] ,laun*es ,new ,on-,l9e ,classes ,! ,c>roll ,c5t] = ! ,bl rec5tly laun*$ ,c>roll ,te*4 ,! program (f]s on-l9e classes 9 ! use ( popul> applica;ns us+ ei ,,jaws = ,w9d[s or ,zoom,text4 ,ea* ( ! #bd classes curr5tly s*$ul$ to take place dur+ #bjjd >e design$ to take full advantage ( ! ,_w ,wide ,web4 ,ov] ! c\rse ( six weeks1 /ud5ts take #ab lessons 3si/+ ( on-l9e manuals1 /r1m$ videos1 ;e-mail$ ex]cises1 auto-grad$ quizzes & audio *at ses.ns4 ,classes cov] ! use ( ! ,micros(t ,(fice applica;ns1 ,\tlook1 ,p[],po9t1 ,a3ess & ,excel1 & >e (f]$ at ! #aab 9troductory1 9t]m$iate & adv.ed levels4 ,to take "o ( ! ,c>roll ,te* classes1 /ud5ts m/ pass a pre-qualify+ quiz to assure t !y h ! ^w process+1 web br[s+1 ;e-mail+ & file manage;t skills nec to su3ess;lly complete ! c\rse "w4 ,/ud5ts m/ al demon/rate t ! comput] sy/em ": !y 9t5d to d mo/ ( _! "w is capable ( a3ess+ ! c\rse 3t5t1 9clud+ /r1m$ videos1 audio *at ses.ns & on-l9e quizzes4 ,! co/ p] class is only @s#ej & is payable "? ,pay,pal1 by p]sonal *eck1 cr$it c>d or pur*ase ord]4 ,ea* class is (f]$ on a f/- come-f/-s]v$ basis2 classes >e limit$ to five /ud5ts4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 to take ! pre-qualify+ quiz1 or to su7e/ addi;nal topics = future classes1 log on to ,c>roll ,te* at #aac www4c>rollte*4org4 ,m$icaid ,9=ma;n ,database ,available ,! ,kais] ,commis.n on ,m$icaid & ! ,un9sur$ "<,,kcmu">1 al;g ) ! ,na;nal ,3f];e ( ,/ate ,legislatures1 rec5tly made available an onl9e database on ,m$icaid b5efits 9 ! #ej /ates1 ,d4,c4 & ! ,u4,s4 t]ritories4 ,*eck x \ at http3_/_/www4kff4org_/" cont5t_/#bjjc_/#bjjcajbg_/4 ,! database 9cludes 9=ma;n ab b5efits cov]$ by ea* /ate1 = :at popula;ns ! b5efits >e available1 & ! limita;ns1 co- pay;ts1 & pay;t rules t apply to ! b5efits4 ,y may se>* x by /ate or by b5efit4 ,new ,,pac ,mate ,rel1s$ ,fre$om ,sci5tific has rel1s$ two addi;ns to #aad xs ,,pac ,mate family ( a3essible ,pocket ,,pc devices3 ! ,,pac ,mate ,,bx#djj & ,,pac ,mate ,,qx #djj1 : use ,micros(t's ,pocket ,,pc #bjjc s(tw>e & ,,jaws = ,w9d[s & 3ta9 a hi< p]=m.e ,9tel ;,x scale #djj ,m,hz processor4 ,new models (f] significant us] b5efits 9 ! >1s ( af=dabil;y & 3v5i;e4 ,bo? c 2 3v]t$ f spee*-only devices to 9tegrat$ brl 4play devices & back ag 9 seconds4 ,2c ! ,,pac ,mate ,portable ,brl ,4play c 2 qkly & easily remov$1 x c al 2 us$ z yr ,,pc or laptop ,brl 4play4 ,= m 9=ma;n ab ! new 9tegrat$ ,,pac ,mate1 9clud+ photos1 answ]s to frequ5tly ask$ "qs & product specifica;ns1 visit h" ttp3_/_/www4fre$omsci5tific4" com_/4 ,or call #a- #hjj- #ddd-#dddc4 #aae ,3gratula;ns6 ,pamela ,%aw has be5 appo9t$ z ,director ( ! ,bur1u ( ,bl;s & ,visual ,s]vices1 ,p5nsylvania's /ate ag5cy = ! bl4 ,vi.n ,sci;e ,aw>d ,! ,jewi% ,guild = ! ,bl rec5tly aw>d$ ! f/ ,alfr$ ;,w4 ,bressl] ,prize 9 ,vi.n ,sci;e to ,ri*>d ,a4 ,lewis1 ,m4,d41 ( ! ,cull5 ,eye ,9/itute1 ,baylor ,college ( ,m$ic9e1 ,h\/on1 ,texas4 ,lewis rcvd 8 prize1 @s#be1jjj1 at a lun*eon 9 ,new ,york 9 ,novemb]4 ,new ,magnifi]s ,! ,flipp] ,/&1 a new addi;n to ! ,flipp] product l9e1 all[s us]s to view blackbo>ds1 scre5s & pres5ta;ns m easily 9 classroom & audi;e sett+s4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 visit http3" #aaf _/_/www45h.edvi.n4com_/" flipp]4php or call #a-#hhh- #haa-#cafa4 ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op ,= ,sale3 ,a ,focus #dd brl 4play4 ,br& new1 no m ?an a mon? old1 ) all ! a3essories1 c>ry+ case1 cables1 manual1 keybo>d /& & s(tw>e4 ,ask+ @s#d1ejj = x4 ,call ,timo?y ,emmons at "<#bea"> #hfe-#jdfe1 or ;e- mail hm1 temmons#heh@a" earthlink4net4 ,= ,sale3 ,tw9-tube fluoresc5t ,dazor #bjjj lamp4 ,9 excell5t 3di;n4 ,c 2 us$ z desk or floor lamp2 has :eels = mov+ >.d4 ,ask+ @s#ge4 ,3tact ,jan ,ba] at "<#bfb"> #edb-#gcia1 via mail at ,p4,o4 ,box #efd1 #aag ,wauke%a1 ,,wi #ecahg-#jefd1 or via ;e-mail1 rabjkb@a" e>?l9k4net4 ,= ,sale3 ,brl ,9f]no brl pr9t]4 ,9 excell5t 3di;n4 ,? ma*9e ev5 sp1ks4 ,ask+ @s#b1ejj4 ,3tact ,lucia ,m>ett 9 ! ev5+s "<,ea/]n "t">1 "<#fdf"> #dhf- #afdi4 ,= ,sale3 ,keynote ,companion4 ,ask+ @s#ejj4 ,v>io #dj-cell brl 4play4 ,ask+ @s#b1jjj or be/ (f]4 ,3tact ,john ,f>num via ;e-mail1 jf>num@asurf]ie4net4 ,= ,sale3 #bj-9* ,optelec ,spectrum ,,cctv4 ,color & black-&-:ite4 ,magnifica;n #dx-#ajjx4 ,adju/able r1d+ table2 comes ) [n]'s manual4 ,ask+ #aah @s#a1ajj plus po/age & 9sur.e4 ,call "<#gjc"> #eia-#ffgd & ask = ,b>ry4 ,= ,sale3 ,bookmak] brl pr9t]1 #hj ,,cps1 p>allel & s]ial 3nectors1 brl & pr9t manuals4 ,ask+ @s#b1jjj4 ,juliet brl pr9t]1 #fj ,,cps1 s]ial & p>allel 3nectors1 spee* adapt] built in1 brl & pr9t manuals4 ,ask+ @s#b1ejj4 ,3tact ,tom at "<#cag"> #ghf-#ccjg4 ,= ,sale3 ,optelec ,cle>view #ejj full color video magnifi]4 #af-9* monitor4 ,pri/9e 3di;n1 b>ely us$4 ,ask+ @s#a1ejj plus %ipp+4 ,3tact ,susan ,hayd5 at "<#djd"> #bee-#aifb or c>abetta@am9dspr+4com4 #aai ,= ,sale3 ,alva #hj-"* brl 4play 9 excell5t 3di;n2 c 2 us$ ) ei s]ial or p>allel 3nec;ns4 ,c hook up to ?ree comput]s at once4 ,ask+ @s#c1ejj "4 ,%ipp+ n 9clud$4 ,juliet brl emboss]4 ,c d s+le-sid$ or 9t]po9t4 ,uses p>allel 3nec;n4 ,9 excell5t 3di;n4 ,ask+ @s#b1ajj 9clud+ %ipp+4 ,m/ pur*ase us+ bank or po/al m"oy ord]2 no p]sonal *ecks4 ,3tact ,isaac ,obie at "<#fag"> #bdg-#jjbf1 ;e-mail ,iobie@apanix4com1 or write to hm at #gee ,tremont ,st41 ,apt4 #bje1 ,bo/on1 ,,ma #jbaah4 ,= ,sale3 ,brl ,lite & disk drive4 ,h>dly us$4 ,ask+ @s#b1jjj or be/ (f] = ! set4 ,3tact ,m>ie ,bull at "<#iji"> #cib- #abj #gige4 ,= ,sale3 ,prisma ,,cctv4 ,ask+ @s#hie4 ,i'm al giv+ an adapt] t 3v]ts ! ,,tv s y c use x if y d n h video hookups on yr ,,tv alr4 ,3tact ,mr4 ,kim ,l$=d at "<#dgh"> #ibc-#ibde or ;e-mail hm at lov5ick@a" bells\?4net4 ,= ,sale3 ,teles5sory ,aladd9 ,ambassador ,pro r1d+ ma*9e4 ,excell5t 3di;n1 r>ely us$4 ,x f1tures gd optical "* recogni;n & (f]s simultane\s scann+ & r1d+4 ,x has ! late/ s(tw>e & a #ai-key /&>d keypad4 ,ask+ @s#a1bjj or be/ (f]4 ,3tact ,rob ,turn] via ;e-mail1 rbturn]#a@a" mindspring4com1 or call hm at "<#djh"> #eed- #idgd4 #aba ,seek+ ,to ,ex*ange3 ,i h a ,sup]nova v].n #e4aa scre5 r1d] magnifi] s(tw>e : ,i wd love to ex*ange = ,w9d[- ,eyes v].n #d4j4 ,3tact ,jide ,jhyde via ;e-mail1 j.-" jhyde@ayahoo4co4uk4 ,want$3 ,m[at s5sors1 devices orig9ally made by ,pulse ,data ( ,new ,z1l& & m>ket$ by ,humanw>e1 9 gd 3di;n or 9 ne$ ( m9or repairs4 ,! device is no l;g] 2+ made1 b we w pay a r1sonable price if requir$4 ,pl1se communicate 9 brl or pr9t4 ,s5d lrs to3 ,dr4 ,rob]t ;,j4 ,smi?das1 #aaa ,middle ,neck ,rd41 ,s&s ,po9t1 ,,ny #aajej4 #abb ,,acb ,(fic]s ,presid5t ,*ri/oph] ,gray #id ,ramona ,ave4 ,san ,francisco1 ,,ca #idajc ,f/ ,vice ,presid5t ,/eph5 ,spei*] #hbe ;,m ,st41 ,suite #baf ,l9coln1 ,,ne #fhejh ,second ,vice ,presid5t ,m4,j4 ,s*mitt #ajbg ,dunlop ,ave4 ,=e/ ,p>k1 ,,il #fjacj ,secret>y ,donna ,selig] #ciab ,,se #eth ,st4 ,des ,mo9es1 ,,ia #ejcae ,tr1sur] ,>dis ,bazyn #ejj ;,s4 #crd ,st4 #abc _?,h ,burbank1 ,,ca #iaejb ,imm ,pa/ ,presid5t ,paul ,$w>ds #bjccj ,,ne #bjth ,ct4 ,miami1 ,,fl #ccagi ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,directors ,j]ry ,annunzio1 ,kansas ,c;y1 ,,mo ,alan ,b1tty1 ,=t ,coll9s1 ,,co ,$ ,bradley1 ,h\/on1 ,,tx ,brian ,*>lson1 ,wat]t[n1 ,,ma ,billie ,j1n ,kei?1 ,>l+ton1 ,,va ,oral ,mill]1 ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc ,mit* ,pom]antz1 ,los ,angeles1 ,,ca ,c>la ,rus*ival1 ,l\isville1 ,,ky #abd ,patrick ,%eehan1 ,silv] ,spr+1 ,,md ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns ,*>les ,hodge1 ,*airp]son1 ,>l+ton1 ,,va ,adrian ,de ,blaey1 ,milwaukee1 ,,wi ,w9ifr$ ,d[n+1 ,san ,francisco1 ,,ca ,mike ,duke1 ,jackson1 ,,ms ,k5 ,/ew>t1 ,w>wick1 ,,ny ,ex ,(ficios3 ,e>l5e ,hu