,! ,brl ,=um ,volume ,,xlii ,april- ,may #bjjd ,no4 #h ,publi%$ ,by ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl /rives to 9cr1se ! 9dep5d;e1 secur;y1 equal;y ( opportun;y1 & qual;y ( life = all bl & visually impair$ p4 ,*ri/oph] ,gray1 ,presid5t ,melanie ,brunson1 ,act+ ,executive ,director ,%>on ,lov]+1 ,act+ ,$itor ,na;nal ,(fice3 #aaee #aeth ,st4 ,,nw ,suite #ajjd ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjje "<#bjb"> #dfg-#ejha ,fax3 "<#bjb"> #dfg-#ejhe ,web ,site3 http3_/_/www4" acb4org ,! ,brl ,=um is available 9 brl1 l>ge pr9t1 half-spe$ f\r- track cassette tape1 comput] disk & via ;e-mail4 ,subscrip;n reque/s1 address *anges1 & items 9t5d$ = publica;n %d 2 s5t to ,p5ny ,re$] at ! address abv1 or via ;e-mail to $itor@aacb4org4 ,submis.n d1dl9es >e ! f/ ( ! mon?4 ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl is a memb]%ip organiza;n made up ( m ?an #gj /ate & special- 9t]e/ a6iliates4 ,to jo91 visit ! ,,acb website & complete an applica;n =m1 or 3tact ! na;nal (fice at ! numb] li/$ abv4 ,^? m*-ne$$ 3tribu;ns1 : >e tax-d$uctible1 c 2 s5t to ,>dis ,bazyn at ! abv mail+ address4 ,if y wi% to rememb] a relative or fr1 ! na;nal (fice c make pr9t$ c>ds available = ? purpose4 ,to rememb] ! ,am]ican #b ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl 9 yr ,la/ ,w & ,te/a;t1 y may 9clude a special p>agraph = t purpose4 ,if yr wi%es >e complex1 3tact ! ,,acb na;nal (fice4 ,to make a 3tribu;n to ,,acb via ! ,comb9$ ,f$]al ,campaign1 use ? numb]3 #bhjb4 ,= ! late/ 9 legislative & gov]n;tal news1 call ! 8,wa%+ton ,3nec;n0 toll-free at "<#hjj"> #dbd-#hfff1 #e p4m4 to midnid ,m9utes ,>e ,available1 by ,donna ,selig]1 page #af ,/&+ 9 a ,di6]5t ,place1 by ,/eph5 ,spei*]1 page #ai ,a ,note f ,yr ,act+ ,$itor1 page #bh ,5viron;tal ,c5t]1 ,railroads1 ,d ( ,publica;ns ,ho/s ,9t]net ,c&idates,0 ,page1 page #cc ,broadca/ ,yr ,news1 by ,m>la9a ,lieb]g1 page #db ,9 ,memoriam3 ,william ;,t4 ,coppage1 by ,roy ;,j4 ,w>d1 page #de ,rememb]+ ,rudy1 by ,m>ilyn ,w>burton ,lutt]1 page #ec ,rememb]+ ,wayne ,yelton1 by ,all5 ;,j4 ,casey1 page #eg #d ,r1*+ ,\ to ,yr ,commun;y to ,$ucate & ,9=m ,p ,ab ,bl;s1 by ,c9dy ,burgett1 page #fa ,imag9e1 by ,c>l ,j>vis1 page #gb ,! ,h\seplant1 by ,patricia ,kepl]1 page #hj ,t1m"w ,builds ,self-,3fid;e1 ,fit;s1 by ,g>y ,norman1 page #hi ,dr1ms ( ,dragons1 by ,patricia ,kepl]1 page #if ,"h & ,"!1 by ,s>ah ,blake1 page #ajc ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op1 page #aag ,,acb ,(fic]s1 page #abj ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,directors1 page #aba ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns1 page #abb #e ,presid5t's ,message3 ,lrs f ! ,presid5t by ,*ri/oph] ,gray ,9 ? message to ! ,,acb memb]%ip1 ,i w %>e two important communica;ns rec5tly writt5 on di6]5t b critical topics 9 \r move;t4 ,f/1 let me %>e ) y a lr ,i h s5t to ,guide ,dog ,us]s1 ,9c4 = publica;n 9 _! magaz9e1 8,pawtracks40 ,"? x1 ,i hope to 2g9 to lay to re/ mis"u/&+s t h be5 alleg$ to exi/ 2t myf1 ! ,,acb bo>d ( directors & ,,gdui4 ,x is a lr t looks =w>d & 2g9s to lay d[n 3crete1 positive plans = td & tm & ,i hope x is a lr t cr1tes bonds t[>d mutual goals r ?an b"os = 3t5ti\s;s4 ,second1 ,i w %>e ) y a brief >ticle ,i wrote = ! 8,j\rnal ( ,visual #f ,impair;t & ,bl;s0 on ! issues surr.d+ ! ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl ,code4 ,x is a /ate;t t ,i hope 5compasses ,,acb's posi;n & my 2liefs bas$ on exp]i;e & "w on ? project = ne>ly ! pa/ #aj ye>s4 ,i hope 8,! ,brl ,=um0 r1d]%ip w f9d ? brief 4cus.n help;l & 9=mative4 ,lr to ! 8,pawtracks0 ,$itor ,i'm sp1k+ to y "h 9 8,pawtracks0 2c ,i s9c]ely want to explore ways t ,,acb & ,,gdui c "w tgr 9 ! future4 ,bo? ,,acb & ,,gdui >e lucky to h tal5t$ & pas.nate advocates am;g _! memb]%ip4 ,"s"ts we all let \r pas.n = an issue ov]ride "ey?+ else1 & we all say or d ?+s t1 9 h9dsi & m* dialogue has #g be5 />t$1 m* ( : has be5 gd 9 ! l;g run4 ,"s ^ws & ex*anges1 ?\<1 h caus$ hurt feel+s 2t memb]s ( _m ( \r a6iliates4 ,:ile we c't ]ase ! pa/1 we c le>n f x1 & 9 do+ s move t[>d a m productive rela;n%ip4 ,= my "p1 ,i w "w t[>d improv+ communica;n 2t ,,acb & ,,gdui & a cle>] s5se ( \r %>$ issues4 ,z "s"o :o %>es 8 life ) a guide dog h&l]1 ,i c appreciate & h se5 f/h& ! issues ,,gdui memb]s face & ! import.e yr dogs h to y4 ,i al c>e v deeply ab ! "rs ( all bl p to l1d complete & productive lives4 ,t[>d t 5d1 ,i wd l to propose "s ways we c "w tgr to fur!r ! civil "rs ( all bl p & guide dog h&l]s 9 "picul>4 ,,gdui alr %>es a close rela;n%ip ) ! ,,acb na;nal (fice /aff4 ,i w 3t9ue to support t rela;n%ip :5"e #h & :]"e possible4 ,i w al /r;gly 5c\rage & assure t ! ,,acb advocacy committee & o!r relat$ committees & gr\ps keep 9 t\* ) & 9clude memb]s ( ,,gdui1 especially :5 _! "w 9volves guide dog-relat$ issues4 ,af talk+ ) ,de2ie ,grubb1 presid5t ( ,,gdui1 ,i wd l to (f] my assi/.e 9 sett+ up a meet+ ) ,joanne ,wilson1 ,rehabilita;n ,s]vices ,adm9i/ra;n ,commis.n]1 & ,,gdui repres5tatives4 ,melanie ,brunson & ,i wd v m* l ! opportun;y to a3ompany ,,gdui on ? extremely important mis.n to 2g9 a dialogue ) ,ms4 ,wilson on ! issue ( guide dogs 9 rehabilita;n c5t]s4 ,"w+ f ! ,,gdui posi;n pap] on 9=m$ *oice & a3ess to rehabilita;n facilities1 we c demon/rate ! "r;s ( \r /.e4 #i ,! ,ne$ = a ,unifi$ ,brl ,code "<,repr9t$ f ! 8,j\rnal ( ,visual ,impair;t & ,bl;s10 ,febru>y #bjjd4"> ,! ne$ = a unifica;n ( brl codes 9 ,nor? ,am]ica is z r1l & z palpable z is ! ne$ to $ucate bl *n to r1d & use brl z ! corn]/"o ( _! lit]acy4 ,! pres5t situa;n1 ":9 a div]s;y ( brl codes drives /ud5ts,0 $uca;n 9 a v>iety ( subjects1 c only imp$e ! $uca;nal process1 "picul>ly = any subject relat$ to ma!matics or sci;e4 ,9 s"eal resolu;ns adopt$ 2t #aiie & #bjjb1 ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl has support$ ! idea ( brl code unifica;n am;g academic 4cipl9es4 #aj ,problems ) ! curr5t sy/em ,! di6iculty 9 \r curr5t sy/ems ( r1d+ & writ+ brl /ems f ! evolu;n ( ! lit]>y brl code4 ,x does n signify an 9h]5t lack 9 ! code xf4 ,z ne$s h be5 id5tifi$ = brl r1d]s1 solu;ns h be5 devis$ to meet ^? specific ne$s4 ,td1 practi;n]s & us]s ( brl ne$ to sit d[n tgr & syn!size ^! v>i$ solu;ns 9to a code t is m unifi$ & t comb9es ! v>i$ solu;ns1 ea* v b5eficial 9 xs [n way1 9to a m holi/ic approa* to a sy/em ( r1d+ & writ+4 ,2c ma? & sci;e >e ! prim>y subjects t h l$ to ! curr5t div]s;y 9 codes1 significant att5;n m/ 2 pd to ^! 4cipl9es z a "p ( any l;g- t]m1 academically viable code unifica;n4 ,! r1sons = div]g+ f ! #aa /&>d ,5gli% ,brl ,code z adopt$ by ! ,brl ,au?or;y ( ,nor? ,am]ica /em f basic 9adequacies )9 t code 9 r1d+ & writ+ ev5 ! mo/ rudi;t>y ma!matical 9=ma;n4 ,x seems virtually unimag9able t 9 ! #bast c5tury1 \r basic brl sy/em1 ! only m1ns ( true lit]acy = bl p1 does n 3ta9 a symbol to repres5t ! plus sign6 ,$ucators1 brl transcrib]s1 & r1d]s h _h to resort to v>i\s alt]native codes to ! /&>d lit]>y code to fill ! "e-wid5+ gap 2t t code & ! ne$s ( r1d]s1 "picul>ly /ud5t r1d]s4 ,we f9d \rvs td t1*+ & le>n+ to deciph] ! same symbol 9 di6]5t situa;ns1 dep5d+ only on 3text z a guide4 ,= comput] mat]ial1 "! is a code4 ,= g5]al ma!matics1 "! is a di6]5t & (t5 3tradictory code4 ,to #ab le>n *emi/ry1 ag "! is a di6]5t code4 ,= g5]al r1d+1 "! is yet ano!r code t _c address _m sci5tific 3cepts t >e g5]ally & widely 4cuss$ 9 commonly available lit]ature & writ+s1 9clud+ daily newspap]s & p]iodicals4 ,s* a situa;n has be5 & 3t9ues to 2 9tol]able :5 3sid]$ z a backdrop to ! $uca;n ( bl *n 9 td's _w4 ,if brl z a sy/em ( r1d+ & writ+ is to survive1 ^! 9adequacies m/ 2 address$4 ,se>* = ! id1l code ,= alm #aj ye>s1 ! ,brl ,au?or;y ( ,nor? ,am]ica & ! ,9t]na;nal ,c\ncil on ,5gli% ,brl h /ru7l$ to f9d a model t l5ds xf to ! appropriate unifica;n ( ^! v>i\s brl codes4 ,x w 2 a po9t ( p]sonal pride "?\t my life to h made1 on 2half ( ! ,am]ican #ac ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 ! orig9al mo;n t l$ to ! cr1;n ( ! "w+ committees & ! orig9al /ructure )9 ,nor? ,am]ica t 0 lat] ext5d$ to an 9t]na;nal v5ue4 ,x is an equal if n grt] 4appo9t;t to h wit;s$ ! pot5tial ( ? "w bog d[n & /all due prim>ily to political 3sid]a;ns & id1ls t 2tray ! pot5tial ( td's bl *n4 ,too (t51 deci.ns h be5 made bas$ on prevail+ p]sonalities1 committee turf1 & an unspok5 set ( assump;ns ab :at "o or ano!r c.try mie fur!r away td ?an at any "t 9 ! pa/ #bj ye>s4 ,z is s (t5 ! case 9 \r 5d1vors t[>d *ange1 8! devil is 9 ! details40 ,2 t z x may1 ,i rema9 3fid5t t1 9 "t1 ,nor? ,am]ica & ! ,5gli%-sp1k+ _w w f9d _! way to a m unifi$ brl code ?an exi/s td4 ,mon?ly ,calls ,e/abli%$ ,9 ord] to fur!r communica;ns )9 ,,acb1 ,presid5t ,*ris ,gray has e/abli%$ toll-free mon?ly 3f];e calls t >e op5 =ums = anybody to call & ask #ae "qs1 express 3c]ns1 & provide _! op9ions4 ,calls >e held on ! ?ird ,w$nes"d ( ea* mon? f #f3#cj to #h p4m4 ,pacific "t "<#i3#cj to #aa p4m4 ,ea/]n">4 ,to jo9 a call1 dial "<#hff"> #fcc- #hfch4 ,press #a to jo9 a 3f];e1 & = ! 3f];e ,,id1 5t] let/alk or #echghbee4 ,,acb ,bo>d ,m9utes ,>e ,available by ,donna ,selig] ,ov] ! pa/ s"eal mon?s memb]s h reque/$ complete copies ( ! m9utes tak5 dur+ ! ,,acb bo>d ( directors,0 meet+s4 ,al? summ>ies ( meet+s appe> 9 8,! ,brl ,=um10 ! 3s5sus 0 t complete sets ( m9utes 2 made available to memb]s4 ,a mo;n 0 made dur+ ! #bjjd mid-ye> ,,acb meet+ z #af foll[s3 8,ms4 ,rus*ival mov$ t complete sets ( m9utes ( op5 meet+s ( ! bo>d ( directors ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl % 2 4tribut$ to memb]s ^u writt5 reque/ to ! secret>y 9 ! pref]r$ =mat ( ! 9dividual mak+ ! reque/4 ,a fair & r1sonable fee may 2 set to cov] ! co/ ( s* 4tribu;n40 ,! mo;n c>ri$ on a voice vote4 ,"!=e1 if y >e a memb] ( ,,acb & wi% m9utes s5t to y1 pl1se foll[ ^! 9/ruc;ns4 #a4 ,= ea* set ( m9utes y wi%1 s5d @s#c " to ,donna ,selig]1 secret>y1 #ciab ,,se #eth ,/reet1 ,des ,mo9es1 ,,ia #ejcae4 ,make *ecks or m"oy ord]s payable to ,,acb4 #b4 ,9dicate : m9utes y wi% by date3 #bjja po/-3v5;n1 #g_/#g_/#ja2 #bjja fall bo>d meet+1 #i_/#bb-#bc_/#ja2 #ag #aa_/#f_/#ja2 #aa_/#bj_/#ja2 #bjjb mid-ye>1 #b_/#ag- #ah_/#jb2 #c_/#ag_/#jb2 #d_/#cj_/#jb2 #bjjb pre- 3v5;n1 #f_/#bi_/#jb2 #bjjb 3v5;n ses.ns2 #bjjb po/- 3v5;n1 #g_/#f_/#jb2 fall bo>d meet+1 #i_/#ba-#bb_/#jb2 #aa_/#be_/#jb2 #a_/#af_/#jc2 #b_/#b_/#jc2 #b_/#aa_/#jc2 #bjjc mid-ye>1 #b_/#af- #ag_/#jc2 #c_/#d_/#jc2 #d_/#ae_/#jc2 #bjjc pre-3v5;n1 #g_/#e_/#jc2 #bjjc po/-3v5;n1 #g_/#ab_/#jc2 #bjjc fall bo>d meet+1 #i_/#bj-#ba_/#jc2 & #aa_/#be_/#jc4 #c4 ,9clude : =mat y pref]3 brl1 l>ge pr9t1 disk or ;,,cd4 ,y may al view ! abv-m5;n$ m9utes at www4acb4org "u ! ,spee*es l9k4 #ah ,/&+ 9 a ,di6]5t ,place by ,/eph5 ,spei*] "<,exc]pt$ f a ,febru>y #ad1 #bjjd po/ to ! ,,acb-,l1d]%ip li/1 ) a ,p4,s4 = 8,brl ,=um0 r1d]s"> ,ye/]"d ,i spoke ) ,*ris1 ,m4,j41 ,paul & ) s"eal o!rs to let !m "k t ,i _h decid$ to resign f ! posi;n ( ,,acb's f/ vice presid5t4 ,i'm writ+ n[ to let y "k :y ,i r1*$ ? deci.n4 ,pl1se feel free to %>e ? po/ ) any ,,acb memb] y wi%4 ,a ,fr5* writ] once sd t ! he>t has r1sons : r1son "ks no?+ ab4 ,ye/]"d :5 ,i told my wife ( #be ye>s t ,i wd n 2 ) h] = ,val5t9e's ,"d1 :5 ,i walk$ \ ! door to ! wait+ cab & />t$ = ! airport to g to ! midye> meet+ 9 ,birm+ham1 ,i felt "s?+ 0 wr;g1 & n j #ai ab 2+ away f ,kate on ,val5t9e's ,"d4 ,f9ally1 my r1sons ( ! he>t />t$ sp1k+ s l\dly t ev5 ,i cd he> !m4 ,i li/5$ z we r1*$ ! airport1 z ,i *eck$ in1 z ,i w5t to ! gate4 ,by ! "t secur;y >riv$ to op5 x1 ,i knew ,i wd n 2 go+ to ,birm+ham t "d af all4 ,& !n "! >e ! r1sons ( ! h1d1 ) : ! he>t "s"ts has ll pati;e4 ,"w+ tgr1 "h's :at my he>t & h1d po9t$ \ to me ye/]"d morn+4 #a4 ,! "w+ rela;n%ip 2t ,*ris & me is n produc+ gd ?+s = ,,acb4 ,s9ce fairly e>ly 9 8 f/ t]m1 ,*ris has less & less frequ5tly talk$ ) me ab p5d+ issues or deci.ns4 ,a presid5t has1 ( c\rse1 ! "r & pr]ogative to *oose ! memb]s ( 8 "w+ t1m4 ,*ris seems to h decid$ t ,i am n on t t1m4 ,i d n pret5d to "k 8 #bj motives or r1sons2 he has n 4cuss$ !m ) me4 ,b ,i c wit;s ! e6ects ( 8 deci.n1 : is to l1ve me m & m frequ5tly ) ! foll[+ *oice3 ru2] /amp a deci.n made by ! presid5t )\t full k ( ! backgr.d or circum/.es1 or voice public opposi;n to ! presid5t's publicly ann\nc$ posi;n4 ,9 ! f/ case1 "! is no po9t 9 my 2+ pres5t4 ,i mid.s ( xs m]it1 to 2 pa9t$ z ei bad mann]s or s\r grapes4 ,any skill ,i h 9 plann+1 look+ ah1d to =esee & avoid possible problems1 ga!r+ po9ts ( view & build+ 3s5sus1 help+ 4put+ "pies focus on sub/.e r ?an p]sonalities ,- ? skill is n s"\ & is v di6icult to #ba br+ to be> at any "t 2f posi;ns h alr 2come 5tr5*$4 ,if x is at all use;l to talk ab fault1 : ,i d\bt1 let's say t all ! fault lies ) me4 ,/1 "u curr5t circum/.es1 ,i f9d x ne>ly impossible to deliv] value = ! votes ( ^? :o elect$ me4 ,ano!r p]son mie ?+s : ne$ to 2 sd & : ,i c say m freely :ile n s]v+ z an (fic] ( ,,acb4 ,"! is a di6];e 2t loyalty & ob$i;e4 ,i d n 2lieve ,i 0 elect$ 9 ord] to 2 ob$i5t1 nor wd ,i h ask$ to 2 elect$ = t purpose4 ,my loyalty runs n to any p]son or gov]n+ /ructure 9 ,,acb1 b r to ! organiza;n z a :ole & to xs pot5tial = c>ry+ \ ! mis.n /at$ 9 xs 3/itu;n4 ,"s mid 9 any #bb capac;y4 ,b ! :ole loyalty issue j div]ts u f :at we ne$ to 2 do+ j n[1 : is le>n+ f \r pa/ "<9clud+ ! rec5t pa/"> & apply+ t k to improve \r pres5t & plan = a m e6ective & pride-wor?y future4 #c4 ,s9ce ! e>ly #aiijs1 plann+ = ,,acb's future has be5 "o ( my ma9 9t]e/s4 ,b look at ! bo>d's deci.ns1 or 9ac;n1 ov] ! la/ s"eal ye>s 9 ! >1s ( p]sonnel manage;t1 f9ancial manage;t1 a6iliate h1l? & develop;t1 l1d]%ip tra9+1 memb]%ip develop;t1 support & tra9+ ( na;nal /aff1 pres;e or abs;e ( priorities = ! na;nal (fice1 develop;t ( a proactive advocacy /rategy1 =ma;n ( alli.es ) o!r organiza;ns & o!r >1s ,- look at ! record & !n p]suade me t prep>a;n = ,,acb's future is hi< on a major;y ( bo>d #bc memb]s,0 p]sonal ag5das4 ,x may 2 j a failure ( p]cep;n on my "p1 b ,i don't see x4 ,if ,*ris has a plan = mov+ u to a m positive1 productive future1 ,i don't "k :at x is2 & ,i c't seem to figure x \ by look+ at ! ag5das = bo>d meet+s ov] ! pa/ s"eal ye>s4 #d4 ,:5 ,i left ! ,,acb bo>d f\r & a half ye>s ago1 x 0 to f9d a way to 2 m positive ab my rela;n%ip ) ! ,,acb l1d]%ip & ab ,,acb 9 g5]al4 ,i l1ve ! bo>d n[ ) ! same 9t5;n4 ,z pro( ( my gd fai? on ? po9t1 ,i (f] y1 ,,acb's l1d]s1 ! foll[+ plan = yr 3sid]a;n4 ,! goal is to br+ ,,acb to a m positive1 productive1 e6ective1 9clusive1 collegial & 5?usia/ic future4 ,! plan = tak+ ! f/ /ep has ?ree "ps3 ,f/1 use ! upcom+ 3v5;n & ! "t 2t !n & n[ to id5tify ! #bd be/ possible bo>d we c put tgr1 !n elect ! p nec to h t bo>d 2 9 (fice4 ,second1 give t bo>d cle> 9/ruc;n ab :at we want = ,,acb's future1 n j by resolu;ns pass$ on "picul> topics1 b 9 e way we c ?9k ( t makes s5se4 ,?ird1 revise exi/+ policies or e/abli% new "os to 5sure t ! "w ( ! bo>d ,- all ! "w ( ! bo>d ,- w 2 a3essible to review & exam9a;n by any memb] & to 5sure t any memb] :o wi%es to "k c easily f9d \ ! posi;n ( any bo>d memb] on any mo;n pass$ or def1t$ by ! bo>d4 ,if we want gd ?+s to happ5 9 ,,acb1 ,i 2lieve t z _m vot]s z possible ne$ to "w h>d] to select ! be/ available c&idates1 to tell ^? elect$ :at we want1 & to hold !m a3.table = _! response to ^? 9/ruc;ns4 ,j z ! 3v5;n #be is ! ultimate au?or;y 9 ,,acb1 s we1 ! vot]s1 >e ultimately responsible = :e!r \r l1d]s take u ": we want to g4 ,we h to *oose ^? l1d]s well1 give !m cle> direc;n & hold !m a3.table :5 !y /ray f act+ 9 \r be/ 9t]e/s4 ,only if we take ^! responsibilities s]i\sly d we h m* *.e ( >riv+ 9 ! future we want4 ,i h *os5 to take my responsibilities 9 ^! >1s m s]i\sly1 & ,i h 3clud$ t at ! pres5t "t ,i c be/ pursue ^! goals by l1v+ ! ,,acb bo>d4 ,i hope t ^? :o elect$ me w feel t1 9 mak+ ? deci.n1 ,i am / pursu+ a significant "p ( ! mis.n !y _h 9 m9d = me4 ,i look =w>d to "w+ ) any ( y or yr memb]s :o f9d "s value 9 ! plan ,i propose4 ,i hope we c improve on my plan & make ! improv$ plan "w = ,,acb4 #bf ,?anks = li/5+4 ,?anks = c>+ ab ,,acb4 ,p4,s4 ,i ?9k ( ? deci.n n z 8/epp+ d[n0 b z 8/epp+ acr40 ,i hope \r presid5t & a major;y ( ! bo>d %ift _! focus & ! use ( _! 3sid]able tal5ts t[>d m positive & productive goals4 ,if !y d1 & if !y pursue ! nec "w ) organiza;n & t5ac;y1 ,i look =w>d to applaud+ _! su3esses & *e]+ !m on4 ,! purposes /at$ 9 \r 3/itu;n rema9 important2 \r pot5tial = s]v+ ^? purposes is grt4 ,b s is ! pot5tial = turmoil1 /agna;n & decl9e4 ,z 9dividuals1 z *apt]s1 z a6iliates & at ! na;nal level we c *oose \r future4 ,:at d y want t future to be8 ,9 ,birm+ham y w 2 able to 4cuss ? topic ) o!rs :o c>e ab x4 ,if y c't jo9 u "!1 3sid] s5d+ a message ) yr #bg delegates4 ,we face big problems2 b we c le>n f !m & fix !m4 ,2 ( gd *e]2 get 9volv$4 ,na;nal l1d]%ip ne$s to he> f y m (t54 ,a ,note f ,yr ,act+ ,$itor ,i'm sure y've all notic$ by n[ t y >5't rcvg ! ,=um mon?ly4 ,due to budget cuts1 ? ye> y w rcv only ei ,,acb has publi%$ ! w9t] issue1 ,febru>y1 ,m>*1 & ? "o1 ! comb9$ ,april-,may issue4 ,"! w 2 f\r m issues3 ,june1 ,july-,augu/1 ,septemb]- ,octob]1 & ,novemb]4 ,d1dl9es = ea* >e3 ,may #c1 ,june #g1 ,augu/ #i1 & ,octob] #h4 ,pl1se get yr >ticles 9 on "t4 ,! ,june issue w 3ta9 all ! 3v5;n 9=ma;n we rcv4 ,s #bh a6iliates1 d yr be/ to get yr plans = ,birm+ham 9 to me by ,may #c if y want yr 9=ma;n 9 ! ,june issue4 ,al1 if yr a6iliate is hav+ a 3v5;n1 pl1se let ,t]ry ,pa*eco & me "k :5 x is1 ": x is1 :at ! !me is "1 : hotel & ! rates1 & o!r important 9=ma;n4 ,_m ?anks to ^? :o h alr s5t 9 yr 3v5;n ann\nce;ts4 ,we w once ag h a comb9$ ,decemb]-,janu>y issue at ! 5d ( ! ye>4 ,! d1dl9e = t is ,novemb] #h4 ,5viron;tal ,c5t]1 ,railroads1 ,e ?ree t\rs t we hav5't talk$ ab v m* 9 pa/ #bi >ticles4 ,on ,sun"d1 ,july #d1 #bjjd1 ,,acb t\rs w 2 go+ \ to ,birm+ham ,s\!rn ,univ]s;y to visit _! 5viron;tal c5t]4 ,! univ]s;y is sponsor+ 5viron;tal "w 9 two v5ues4 ,f/1 !y >e utiliz+ unwant$ plants & o!r life =ms to develop 9t]e/+1 s5sory-pl1s+ botanical g>d5s4 ,we w 2 sp5d+ ab an h\r walk+ "? ? unique \tdoor exp]i;e4 ,!n we w g ov] to ! c5t] ": ,,acb t\ri/s w see h[ /aff & /ud5ts h tak5 items t we t5d to ?r[ away & made use;l items or 9t]e/+ design "w4 ,! c5t] al has a small >ea d$icat$ to ! hi/ory ( bikes4 ,"! is "o /ory slide t simulates :at x wd 2 l if y 7 a ll bug & 7 flu%$ d[n a toilet4 ,n[ isn't t "s?+ t y all h want$ to d8 ,! ,alabama hi/ory t\r #cj w 2 on ,tues"d afn4 ,we'll g \ to ,bessem]1 ,ala41 & visit ! ,bessem] ,hall ( ,hi/ory4 ,? is an old railroad depot t h\ses a l>ge numb] ( items f ! e>ly "ds ( ,alabama4 ,y w want to 2 look+ = ! museum's t$ r++4 ,"! 0 no tra9 go+ by1 no breeze go+ "? ! build+ & "! 0 no "o com+ 9 ! door4 ,0 t ! k4 ,? is ": a lot ( ! iron us$ by ! ,3f$]acy dur+ ! ,civil ,w> 0 made4 ,we w take a #ae-m9ute tra9 ride >.d ! prop]ty1 le>n+ ab ! >ea4 ,!n we w t\r ! iron"ws museum ": we w 2 #ca able to see examples ( ! products t 7 produc$ on ^! gr.ds4 ,z we l1ve1 we w /op at ! g5]al /ore = s(t dr9ks &_/or s\v5irs4 ,! f9al t\r at ? ye>'s 3v5;n w 2 a visit to ! com$y club1 ,/>dom ,!at]1 ! ev5+ ( ,july #aj1 9 ,hoov]1 ,ala4 ,? a3essible club is "kn z "o ( ! be/ 9 ! ,s\?4 ,we w 2 hav+ d9n] foll[$ by a com$y pres5ta;n4 ,i hope t ! "n ( ! 5t]ta9] w 2 available 2f ! ,june issue goes to press4 ,pl1se don't =get ab \r t\rs on ,july #b4 ,! all-"d t\r w g to ! ,space & ,rocket ,c5t] \tside ( ,huntsville1 !n ov] to ! ,ivy ,gre5 planta;n ": ,hel5 ,kell] 0 rais$4 ,we w h a ,s\!rn d9n] at ! ,belmont ,h\se4 ,af d9n]1 we w g back to ,ivy ,gre5 = a pres5ta;n ( 8,! ,miracle ,"w]0 9 ! #cb small \tdoor amphi!at]4 ,pl1se note t ? t\r w 2 limit$ to ! f/ #dc reque/s4 ,t same afn1 we w h ! f/ ( ?ree civil "rs t\rs4 ,we w visit ! ,sixte5? ,/reet ,bapti/ ,*ur*1 ! ,civil ,"rs ,9/itute & ,/atu>y ,p>k1 ": "! >e c>v$ sc5es ( activities 9 ,birm+ham 9 ! #aifjs1 :5 ,bull ,3nors1 ! c;y's *ief ( police1 us$ police dogs & o!r tactics to try & quell civil "rs = blacks4 ,make yr hotel res]va;ns at ! ,birm+ham ,%]aton1 "<#hjj"> #cbe-#cece or "<#bje"> #cbd- #ejjj4 ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns ,ho/s ,9t]net ,c&idates,0 ,page ,x's back6 ,! bo>d ( publica;ns is ag ho/+ an #cc ,9t]net c&idates,0 page on www4acb4org4 ,? page is a r1d-only web page ": all 9dividuals :o wi% to ann\nce _! c&idacy w 2 ask$ to respond to ! same set ( "qs4 ,we 5vi.n ! onl9e c&idates,0 page z a place ": p :o want to run = (fice c all[ ! ,,acb memb]%ip to get to "k !m4 ,! page w al all[ ,,acb *apt]s & a6iliates to h m 9=ma;n at _! 4posal 2f !y s5d delegates to ! na;nal 3v5;n4 ,ov] ! pa/ s"eal ye>s1 a numb] ( *apt]s h provid$ copies ( ! c&idates,0 responses to _! memb]s 9 brl or _h r1d all ! responses al\d at memb]%ip meet+s4 ,lively 4cus.ns 5su$1 & _m memb]s h told u h[ m* !y appreciat$ ! opportun;y to "picipate m actively 9 ,,acb's democracy 2c ( ! e>ly 4sem9a;n ( 9=ma;n : ! onl9e 8=um0 #cd 0 able to facilitate4 ,9 a meet+ 9 e>ly ,m>*1 ! bo>d ( publica;ns came up ) a set ( "qs = c&idates = second vice presid5t1 ! bo>d ( directors & ! bo>d ( publica;ns1 z foll[s4 ,"qs = ! ,second ,vice ,presid5t #a4 ,:at specific assign;ts wd y pref] &_/or anticipate t ! ,,acb presid5t wd delegate to y8 #b4 ,,acb is curr5tly 3front$ by s]i\s f9ancial *all5ges4 ,:at 3crete 9itiatives wd y support to help ,,acb resolve xs f9ancial problems8 #ce #c4 ,:at specifically wd y d to promote smoo!r "w+ rela;ns am;g 9dividual memb]s1 ! bo>d ( directors1 ! adm9i/ra;n & ! (fice /aff8 #d4 ,:at s+le important policy 9itiative wd y attempt to emphasize 9 ! "o-ye> rema9d] ( yr t]m8 ,"qs = ! ,bo>d ( ,directors #a4 ,:at degree ( responsibil;y d y h = complet+ yr elect$ t]m on ! bo>d ( directors1 & :at 3di;ns d y ?9k wd relieve y ( t responsibil;y8 #b4 ,>e "! curr5t programs : cd 2 elim9at$ or modifi$ to relieve ,,acb's f9ancial crisis8 #cf #c4 ,:at specific exp]i;es h y _h t 3tribute to yr abil;y to act z a director = ,,acb8 #d4 ,:at /eps >e y prep>$ to take to br+ memb]s ( ! bo>d ( directors clos] tgr & to resolve fric;n am;g xs memb]s8 ,"qs = ! ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns #a4 ,:at d y feel >e ! mo/ important duties ( ! ,,bop8 #b4 ,:at exp]i;e h y _h 9 writ+1 $it+1 &_/or produc+ a *apt] or a6iliate newslr t prep>es y = "w on ! ,,bop8 #c4 ,:at d y 3sid] to 2 ! purpose ( 8,! ,brl ,=um0 & h[ %d xs 3t5t reflect t view8 #cg #d4 ,:at >e yr views on fre$om ( expres.n8 ,%d x 2 limit$ or unlimit$8 ,2 specific4 ,answ] ea* "q ) a maximum ( #bej ^ws4 ,submit answ]s 9 any a3essible1 r1dable m$ia1 i4e41 9 pr9t1 or brl1 on pap]1 comput] disk "<9 ,,ascii text1 ,^w,p]fect #e4a1 or ,micros(t ,^w =mats">1 or via ;e-mail4 ,pa/+ ! text 9to an ;e-mail message is pref]able to s5d+ atta*;ts1 b atta*;ts 9 ,,ascii text1 ,micros(t ,^w or ,^w,p]fect #e4a w 2 a3ept$4 ,submis.ns w n 2 a3ept$ via teleph"o1 voice mail1 audiocassette1 or 9 h&writ+4 ,note t we w n $it submis.ns = spell+1 gramm>1 or 3t5t4 ,! only *ange : w o3ur to submis.ns is 3v].n to ! ,,html code to facilitate onl9e po/+4 ,note fur!r t x is \r #ch webma/]'s role to 3v]t docu;ts 9to ,,html1 & we w n a3ept submis.ns : y h cod$ 9 ? =mat yrf4 ,:5 submitt+ yr answ]s1 pl1se place yr "n1 address1 teleph"o numb]s1 ;e-mail addresses1 & employ] & job title at ! top ( ea* page4 ,c5t] ea* item4 ,! top ( yr page %d look l ?3 ,jane ,smi? #abcd ,ma9 ,/reet ,anyt[n1 ,any,/ate #jjjjj "<#eee"> #bbb-#cccc " "<#eee"> #jjj-#dddd "<"w"> ;,e-mail3 js@aanyisp4net ,writ]_/,$itor at ,any,job1 ,9c4 ,write ea* "q1 & !n place yr correspond+ answ] "un1?4 ,pl1se numb] yr pages4 ,s5d yr complet$ submis.ns to ! foll[+ address3 ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,c&idates,0 ,page1 #ci #aaee #aeth ,/reet ,,nw1 ,suite #ajjd1 ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjje4 ,responses may 2 submitt$ by ;e-mail1 ac to ! guidel9es not$ abv1 to slov]+@aacb4org4 ,"t ,l9es ,submis.ns %d 2 mail$1 ei by po/al deliv]y or electronic mail1 s t !y r1* ! ,,acb na;nal (fice no lat] ?an #aa3#ei p4m4 ,ea/]n "t on ,may #bh1 #bjjd4 ,:5 we rcv a dcld c&idate's mat]ials1 we w *eck ! memb]%ip database to 5sure t he or %e is a memb] 9 gd /&+4 ,we hope to h ! onl9e c&idates,0 page available at ! ,,acb web site z soon af we h rcvd all ! submis.ns z possible1 s t memb]s w h a3ess to ! 9=ma;n 9 "t = ,june memb]%ip meet+s ( local *apt]s4 ,! pages w 2 #dj available onl9e no lat] ?an #aa3#ei p4m4 ,ea/]n "t on ,?urs"d1 ,june #aj1 & w rema9 onl9e at http3_/_/www4acb4org until ! 3clu.n ( 3v5;n4 ,we 5c\rage ,,acb memb]s :o h comput] a3ess to %>e ! 3t5ts ( ! c&idates,0 page ) memb]s :o d n4 ,we w notify memb]s on ! "d t ! page goes live onl9e on all ! ,,acb ;e-mail+ li/s4 ,:5 (ficial campaigns 2g9 9 e>ne/ at ! ,,acb na;nal 3v5;n1 dcld c&idates w pres5t at =mal & 9=mal /ate & special-9t]e/ caucuses4 ,9 addi;n1 ! bo>d ( publica;ns w sponsor a live "q-&-answ] ,c&idates,0 ,=um1 : w 2 held on ,?urs"d ( 3v5;n week4 ,! bo>d ( publica;ns 5c\rages all ,,acb memb]s to submit writt5 "qs : w 2 3sid]$ = ? =um to ! 3v5;n communica;ns c5t]4 ,m details ab ? & o!r aspects ( #da communica;ns c5t] op]a;ns c 2 expect$ 9 ! ,june issue4 ,broadca/ ,yr ,news by ,m>la9a ,lieb]g1 ,,acb ,radio ,a6iliate ,liaison ,z ! newly appo9t$ \tr1* coord9ator = ,,acb ,radio1 ,i 9vite all ,,acb /ate & special-9t]e/ a6iliates to jo9 \r programm+ ef=ts on ,,acb ,radio ,ma9/r1m4 ,we at ,,acb ,radio "k t ea* ( y h grt ?+s go+ on 9 yr a6iliates1 f 9t]e/+ sp1k]s at *apt] or /ate meet+s to bl >ti/s or o!r 9t]e/+ memb]s y mi a6iliate has #db d"o4 ,z a special-9t]e/ a6iliate memb]1 y probably h news & 9=ma;n t is ( grt value to ! g5]al bl;s commun;y1 & we want to help y get ! ^w \ by provid+ a =um = all ! abv & m6 ,s1 :y n %>e all t 5]gy & 9=ma;n ) o!r ,,acb a6iliates1 o!r ,,acb memb]s & \r _wwide li/5+ audi;e8 ,! only equip;t y ne$ is a gd cassette record] or m9idisk ma*9e & a microph"o4 ,y record ! 3t5t1 & we at ,,acb ,radio w help y ) ! re/4 ,on ano!r note1 if y z an 9dividual wd l to provide programm+ 3t5t ei z a special f1ture n[ & ag or on a regul>ly s*$ul$ basis1 we'd love to he> f y4 ,,acb ,radio /aff >e r1dy1 will+ & eag] to help y "u/& ! few /eps nec to 2 on ! air via ! ,9t]net to ! _w4 #dc ,i plan to 2 9 3tact via ;e- mail ) all a6iliate presid5ts1 b y ne$ n wait to he> f me4 ,feel free to 3tact me by ;e- mail1 m>la9a@aacbradio4org1 or call me dur+ ! busi;s "d at "<#bjf"> #dcc-#fefe4 ,,acb ,radio is commun;y radio at xs f9e/6 ,:y n add ! gd news ( yr commun;y to \r programm+ 3t5t8 ,"picipat+ z an ,,acb ,radio /aff volunte] is "o ( ! mo/ excit+ ?+s ,i've d"o 9 a :ile4 ,"? ^! ef=ts1 ,i've made _m new frs & le>n$ m*4 ,i 9vite y to jo9 me & ! re/ ( ! fabul\s ,,acb ,radio t1m z we mold & develop ! new face ( ,,acb ,radio ,ma9/r1m4 #dd ,9 ,memoriam3 ,william ;,t4 ,coppage by ,roy ;,j4 ,w>d ,9 #aiei1 ,i came to ,virg9ia f ,new ,york to jo9 ! /aff ( ! ,virg9ia ,de"p;t = ! ,visually ,h&icapp$4 ,"o ( ! f/ p ,i met 0 ,bill ,coppage4 ,= ! next #de ye>s \r lives 7 closely 5tw9$ z co-"w]s1 associates 9 _m organiza;nal activities1 volunte] s]vices1 & frs4 ,\r families 7 al closely relat$4 ,x 0 an extremely sad "d = me1 z well z = all :o knew hm1 :5 ,bill w5t to 8 et]nal rew>d on ,janu>y #bi1 #bjjd4 ,a3ompany+ my com;ts is a well- writt5 f1ture >ticle pr9t$ 9 8,! ,ri*mond ,"ts-,4pat*0 on ,janu>y #ca4 ,h["e1 no >ticle c d ju/ice to ! total p]son :o t\*$ ! lives ( c.t.s p 9 #de ,virg9ia1 "?\t ! ,unit$ ,/ates1 & 9 o!r c.tries1 z ! newspap] >ticle m5;ns4 ,i c't1 ei1 b hope;lly ,i c add "s m 9=ma;n ab "o ( ! f9e/ p ) :om ,i h "e be5 associat$4 ,bill liv$ life to ! fulle/1 & gave #ajj p]c5t ( 8 5]gy1 skills & k1 drive & ambi;n to make life bett] = bl & visually impair$ p "ey":1 z well z 8 family & frs4 ,he "w$ h>d :ile c>ry+ \ 8 job & volunte] responsibilities2 he devot$ hmf to 8 family2 & :5 he _h "t = relaxa;n1 he play$ h>d4 ,dur+ 8 #bb ye>s z commis.n] ( ,,vdvh1 he c>ri$ on ! gr[? & expan.n ( s]vices to ! /ate's bl & visually impair$ p ,-p ( all ages ,- 2gun by 8 pr$ecessor1 ,dr4 ,d\glas ;,c4 ,mac,f>l&1 & l$ ! ag5cy to ev5 grt] levels ( qual;y & #df quant;y ( s]vices4 ,he e/abli%$ ! ,rehabilita;n ,c5t] = ! ,bl1 ! ,libr>y & ,res\rce ,c5t]1 a new "w%op = ! bl 9 ,ri*mond1 & a new de"p;t h1dqu>t]s build+4 ,coppage grtly exp&$ voca;nal rehabilita;n & rehabilita;n t1*+ s]vices1 $uca;n s]vices1 9troduc$ s]vices to ! old] bl1 & 9itiat$ volunte] s]vices to supple;t s]vices provid$ by pd /aff4 ,bill wd 2 ! f/ to tell p t he did n br+ ab all ( ! abv1 & o!r improve;ts1 al"o4 ,he _h an unusual abil;y to select capable /aff1 & 0 n afraid to assign & delegate au?or;y to !m4 ,dur+ 8 ye>s z commis.n]1 ,virg9ia 0 recogniz$ na;nally z hav+ "o ( ! mo/ qualitative & div]se programs 9 ! na;n4 ,x 0 a mo/ un=tunate "d :5 political priorities #dg caus$ 8 removal f (fice by ! gov]nor4 ,s9ce retir+ 9 #aihf1 ,bill 9volv$ hmf 9 volunte] & commun;y s]vice activities4 ,he 0 an active memb] ( ! ,*>lottesville ,lions ,club1 & h1d$ a f.da;n : help$ bl p 9 situa;ns ": ,,vdvh cd n meet ! ne$4 ,= s"eal ye>s1 he 0 a memb] ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 & help$ at "ts to advocate = programs b5eficial to bl p4 ,dur+ 8 retire;t1 until 8 =m] wife di$1 he c>$ = h]1 tak+ h] to 3v5;ns & busi;s meet+s ) hm4 ,s]vices to bl & visually impair$ ,virg9ians & ,am]icans >e bett] 2c ( ,bill ,coppage1 & untold numb]s ( p h _h _! lives 5ri*$ by "k+ & associat+ ) hm4 ,he has e>n$ 8 et]nal re/4 #dh ,william ,coppage1 ,advocate1 ,dies ,at #ge by ,j5if] ;,v4 ,buckman "<,copy"r #bjjd1 8,! ,ri*mond ,"ts-,4pat*10 repr9t$ ) p]mis.n4"> ,at ! age ( #g1 ,william ,?omas ,coppage ,sr4 left 8 p>5ts,0 home to att5d ! ,virg9ia ,s*ool = ! ,d1f & ,bl 9 ,/aunton1 seek+ an $uca;n & res\rces t didn't exi/ 9 8 homet[n ( ,fl9t ,hill4 ,af gradua;n1 he sp5t ! re/ ( 8 life "w+ to make opportunities available to p ) visual impair;ts 9 ,virg9ia & >.d ! _w4 ,he s]v$ "u f\r gov]nors z commis.n] ( ! ,virg9ia ,de"p;t = ! ,visually ,h&icapp$4 ,! ,*>lottesville resid5t di$ ,w$nes"d af su6]+ a he>t attack4 ,he 0 #ge4 8,2c he _h ov]come s #di _m ob/acles1 he held a def9ite 2lief t y cd d :at"e y set yr m9d to10 sd 8 daujorie ,i4 ,coppage4 8,y h to h a lot ( c\rage to make x 9 a sii\s4 ,i alw tell "ey"o he's a help]40 ,mr4 ,coppage 0 well-"kn = 8 "w & advocacy & s]v$ z a presid5t ( ! ,na;nal #ej ,c\ncil ( ,/ate ,ag5cies = ! ,bl & ! ,am]ican ,associa;n ( ,"w]s = ! ,bl4 ,he 0 a bo>d memb] ) ! ,na;nal ,a3r$ita;n ,c\ncil = ,ag5cies ,s]v+ ! ,bl & ,h&icapp$1 & he l$ a3r$ita;n review t1ms at v>i\s sites >.d ! c.ty & 0 (t5 call$ on z a 3sultant to ^? cr1t+ programs z f> away z ,nor? ,africa & ,9dia4 ,2f 2+ "nd commis.n]1 ,mr4 ,coppage "w$ z an assi/ant sup]9t5d5t ( ! ,virg9ia ,"w%op = ! ,bl 9 ,*>lottesville1 & !n z assi/ant to ! =m] /ate commis.n]1 ! late ,d4,c4 ,mac,f>l&4 ,9 8 retire;t1 ,mr4 ,coppage 0 ! executive director ( ! ,virg9ia ,f.da;n = ! ,bl4 ,he held a ba*elor's degree f ! ,univ]s;y ( ,ri*mond & ma/]'s degrees f ! ,univ]s;y ( ,virg9ia & ,virg9ia #ea ,commonw1l? ,univ]s;y4 ,at ,,vcu1 he taus4 ,legally bl s9ce bir?1 ,mr4 ,coppage _h an unsu3ess;l corn1l transplant z a te5ag]1 b a ll ov] a decade ago1 he "uw5t a second transplant t re/or$ "s ( 8 sis = ! f/ "t4 8,x 0 l 2+ ) a *1 he 0 s 9 awe ( "ey?+ >.d hm10 sd 8 dauilyn ,w>burton ,lutt] ,rudy ,lutt] 0 born on ,febru>y #i1 #aicb1 9 ,philadelphia1 ,pa4 ,he di$ ( c.er & ,p>k9son's 41se at ! ,wa%+ton ,home 9 ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c4 on ,decemb] #ad1 #bjjc4 ,we 7 m>ri$ on ,septemb] #bi1 #aigi1 9 ,wilkes-,b>re1 ,pa4 by ! m9i/] ( ! *ur* ,i att5d$ :ile a /ud5t at ,wilkes ,univ]s;y & dur+ ! ye>s ,i "w$ "!4 ,rudy1 :o 0 diagnos$ ) ret9itis pig;tosa at ! age ( n9e1 0 a graduate ( ,ov]brook ,s*ool = ! ,bl1 ,p5n ,/ate ,univ]s;y & ,h>v>d ,law ,s*ool4 ,he al /udi$ at ,ox=d ,univ]s;y 9 ! ,unit$ ,k+dom4 ,e>ly 9 8 c>e]1 he 5gag$ 9 ! practice ( law 9 #ec ,philadelphia4 ,af mov+ to ,wa%+ton 9 #aifb1 he s]v$ z s5ior attorney advisor 9 ! broadca/ bur1u ( ! ,f$]al ,communica;ns ,commis.n until #aihj4 ,9 #aiha1 he jo9$ ! faculty ( ,h[>d ,univ]s;y's ,s*ool ( ,communica;ns ": he tauly #aigjs1 he tauy 9 ,williamsburg1 ,va4 ,rudy visit$ m ?an #ej c.tries on sev5 3t95ts & s"eal isl&s = recr1;n & ! /udy ( ! mass m$ia4 ,i _h ! pl1sure ( jo9+ hm on _m ( ^? trips4 ,we %>$ _m memorable exp]i;es am;g !m3 sett+ foot on ! ,ant>ctic 3t95t2 rid+ a camel 9 ! des]t 9 ,tomb\ct\1 ,mali & /ick+ \r f+]s 9 ! ,>ctic ,oc1n4 #ed ,9 #aihe1 we visit$ ,gore ,isl& (f ! coa/ ( ,s5egal1 a major emb>ka;n po9t = ,africans sold 9to slav]y4 ,rudy1 :o 0 m* brav] ?an ,i1 actually walk$ ! gangplank t l$ to ! slave %ips4 ,z a result ( 8 $uca;n & employ;t1 he 0 a memb] ( s"eal organiza;ns1 9clud+ ! ,h>v>d ,club ( ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c42 ! ,h[>d ,univ]s;y ,law ,s*ool ,associa;n2 ! ,am]ican ,associa;n ( ,univ]s;y ,pr(essors & ! ,_w ,future ,society4 ,z an advocate = p ) 4abilities1 he 0 a memb] ( ! ,bo>d ( ,manag]s ( ! ,ov]brook ,s*ool = ! ,bl2 ,volunte]s = ! ,visually ,h&icapp$ "2 ! ,p5nsylvania ,gov]nor's ,committee on ,employ;t ( ! ,h&icapp$2 #ee ! ,presid5t's ,committee on ,employ;t ( ! ,h&icapp$2 ! ,na;nal ,capital ,c\ncil ( ,citiz5s ,) ,l[ ,vi.n2 ! ,d4,c4 ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl & ! ,am]ican ,bl ,lawy]s ,associa;n4 ,he att5d$ ! ,p5nsylvania ,gov]nor's ,3f];e on ,h&icapp$ ,9dividuals & ! ,:ite ,h\se ,3f];e ( ,h&icapp$ ,9dividuals4 ,9 #aigc1 he 0 recogniz$ z a l1d] ( ! 4abl$ 9 ,am]ica by ! ,u4,s4 ,de"p;t ( ,h1l?1 ,$uca;n & ,welf>e4 ,he 0 ! recipi5t ( num]\s honors & aw>ds1 9clud+ ,p5nsylvania ,/ate ,univ]s;y's ,lib]al ,>ts ,s]vice to ,society ,aw>d2 recogni;n by resolu;n ( ! ,s5ate ( ! ,commonw1l? ( ,p5nsylvania = 3tribu;ns to human;y "? ! practice ( law1 t1*+ & ef=ts on 2half ( ! h&icapp$2 ,4t+ui%$ #ef ,alumnus ( ! ,ov]brook ,s*ool = ! ,bl & recipi5t ( ! ,fri$l&] ,m$al = 8 l;g"t s]vice z a memb] ( ! s*ool's bo>d ( manag]s4 ,z y c see1 #bd ye>s ( m>riage to ,rudy h held m* joy & satisfac;n4 ,al? ,p>k9son's & 8 loss ( he>+ 9 lat] ye>s =c$ hm to curtail _m ( 8 public activities1 he 3t9u$ to advocate on 2half ( p ) 4abilities us+ ! teleph"o & correspond;e4 ,he reta9$ 8 9tellectual curios;y1 8 wond];l s5se ( humor & 8 love ( life until ! v 5d4 ,rememb]+ ,wayne ,yelton by ,all5 ;,j4 ,casey ,_m ( y r1d+ ? tribute h "kn ,wayne ,yelton f> l;g] ?an ,i h4 ,i f/ met ,wayne & ,pat f\r ye>s ago at ! mon?ly #eg meet+ ( ! ,alam.e ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl 9 ,burl+ton1 ,n4,c4 ,? 0 my f/ meet+1 my 9itial 9troduc;n to ! commun;y ( ! bl & visually impair$4 ,i knew no?+ ab ! ,alam.e ,c\ncil1 ! ,nor? ,c>ol9a ,c\ncil or ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl4 ,my ignor.e1 h["e1 0 %ort-liv$4 ,= r1sons ,i / d n "u/&1 ,wayne decid$ ,i %d 2come 9volv$ 9 ! c\ncil's "w4 ,& he put me to "w on "o ,nor? ,c>ol9a ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl committee1 !n ano!r4 ,he 3/antly *all5g$ me to le>n m & d m4 ,wayne's l1d]%ip /yle 0 unlike any t ,i _h /udi$ z a /ud5t or tauk$ by h>d "w1 unfail+ optimism1 gett+ ! job d"o1 prodd+ o!rs to a*ieve1 & by mov+ on to ! next #eh task4 ,x 0 simple1 unadorn$1 /raims4 ,he 0 p]si/5t4 ,! m "s"o turn$ d[n 8 reque/s1 ! h>d] he pu%$ = a positive response4 ,mo/ ( all1 he 0 committ$ to protect+ ! "rs & meet+ ! ne$s ( all p :o 7 bl & visually impair$4 ,:at 0 ! secret ( ,wayne's su3ess8 ,9 a few ^ws3 ,8 unselfi% will+;s to help any"o4 ,he help$ bl & visually impair$ p )\t 3c]n = self- 9t]e/1 )\t expecta;n ( rew>d1 )\t limita;n on ! 9t5s;y ( 8 commit;t4 #ei ,ea* ( u :o knew ,wayne wi% we _h spok5 to hm j "o m "t4 ,i1 = "o1 wd ?ank hm = *all5g+ me to 3tribute my "t & tal5ts4 ,i wd ?ank hm = giv+ u a cle> vi.n ( \r mis.n 9 a _w 9 : mo/ ( u d n see well1 or see at all4 ,i wd ?ank hm = all t he did on 2half ( ! bl & visually impair$ 9 ,nor? ,c>ol9a4 ,mo/ importantly1 ,i wd ?ank hm = 2+ a gd fr4 ,z ,i reflect on ! pa/ f\r ye>s & ! un"tly pass+ ( ,wayne ,yelton1 ,i am rem9d$ ( =m] presid5tial advis] ,k5ny ,o',donnell's poignant memoir ( 8 associa;n ) ! late ,john ;,f4 ,k5n$y1 8,johnny1 ,we ,h>dly ,knew ,ye40 ,! title ( ? remembr.e reflects ! sad;s ( loss1 ! bond ( fr%ip1 ! manife/a;n ( respect4 ,& s x is ) ,wayne4 ,he left u too soon ) m* rema9+ #fj to 2 d"o4 ,?\< ! voice is /ill$ & ! lidly knew y4 ,r1*+ ,\ to ,yr ,commun;y to ,$ucate & ,9=m ,p ,ab ,bl;s by ,c9dy ,burgett1 ,presid5t1 ,wa%+ton ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,:5 we look at ! opportunities = $ucat+ & 9=m+ \r commun;y ab bl;s1 let's 3sid] ! six ;,p's3 "picipat+1 pres5t+1 publiciz+1 promot+1 provid+ & project+4 #a4 ,,"picipat+6 ,*apt] "picipa;n 9 commun;y ev5ts3 fairs1 p>ades & s]vice projects4 ,_m commun;y fairs & ev5ts w all[ y to set up #fa an 9=ma;nal table = yr *apt] or a6iliate = free or at a m9imal co/4 ,my local *apt] has a table ea* ye> at ,kid's ,"d1 an ev5t sponsor$ by \r local fire de"p;t & held at ! c.ty fairgr.ds4 ,! co/ is @s#bj & \r ma9 t>gets >e *n & _! p>5ts4 ,we br+ *n's brl books1 h a c\ple ( guide dog h&l]s ) dogs at ! boo?1 br+ a brl writ] & "s /ick]s to brl kids,0 "ns1 & we h a /amp to put on _! passport prov+ !y came by \r boo?4 ,yr 4play %d dep5d on yr audi;e4 ,if y g \ 9 ! commun;y promot+ bl;s issues1 y ne$ to 2 equipp$ ) a li/ ( res\rces3 libr>y s]vices1 rehab ag5cy 9=ma;n1 guide dog s*ools1 local eye speciali/s1 local transporta;n s]vices1 ,lions ,clubs1 & ( c\rse yr local *apt] & /ate a6iliate 9=ma;n4 ,p>ades #fb require a ll coord9at+1 b :at an awe"s siade4 ,"o ye> my *apt] _h a ,volkswag5 3v]tible l1d+ u ) a c\ple ( memb]s rid+ 9 x hold+ up a bann]4 ,we foll[$ ) \r canes & dogs1 & "s ( u 7 ev5 pull+ al;g a /roll]4 ,h[ ab yr *apt] tak+ "p 9 a commun;y ev5t s* z mak+ ph"o calls = a "picul> 9itiative1 wrapp+ pres5ts = ,toys = ,tots1 /u6+ 5velopes = ! local ,humane ,society1 /&+ ) yr local ,lions h&+ \ _! ll canes8 ,! op;ns >e 5d.s4 #b4 ,,pres5t+6 ,memb]s mak+ pres5ta;ns to3 s*ools1 clubs1 *ur*es & busi;s organiza;ns4 ,9dividual memb]s :o >e com=table ) public sp1k+ w (t5 f9d !mvs %>+ _! p]sonal exp]i;es ) bl;s4 ,expla9+ brl to "y *n or a3essibil;y #fc issues to busi;s p >e grt ways to $ucate4 ,give ! "n ( a 3tact p]son 9 yr *apt] to yr local s*ool 4tricts & ,*amb] ( ,comm]ce1 lett+ !m "k ( ! will+;s ( yr memb]s to d ?1 & y w 2 surpris$6 ,y mids1 po/]s cr1t+ illu.ns ( di6]5t eye 3di;ns1 bro*ures ab di6]5t eye 3di;ns1 yr a6iliate bro*ures or busi;s c>ds1 etc4 ,\r /ate a6iliate has pur*as$ braille_/pr9t alphabet c>ds ) \r 3tact 9=ma;n on !m = \r memb]s to use 9 ^! types ( situa;ns4 ,! ,am]ican ,pr9t+ ,h\se = ! ,bl1 ,am]ican ,f.da;n = ! ,bl & ,na;nal ,libr>y ,s]vice >e j a few ( ! places y mids1 ph"o l9e_/voice mail1 newspap] cov]age ( an ev5t & ^w ( m\?4 ,mo/ ( ^! co/ v ll1 b :at a way to r1* \ to ! commun;y at h&4 ,"! is free web ho/+ \ "!4 ,\r local *apt] uses www4" free4webs4com4 ,by utiliz+ yr [n memb]s to keep yr web site updat$1 y w save "s m"oy4 ,h["e1 if y decide to seek assi/.e else":1 y may 2 able to f9d a volunte] or hire a webma/] at a nom9al fee4 ,bro*ures c 2 d"o pr(es.nally or f a memb]'s comput]4 ,j get ! 9=ma;n \ t y want to %>e & make sure yr mat]ial is 9 l>ge pr9t4 ,busi;s c>ds >e ano!r easy way to spr1d ! "n ( yr *apt] or a6iliate4 ,,wcb #fe provides busi;s c>ds ) brl on !m = \r memb]s to take & %>e at _! leisure4 ,my local *apt] has c>ds z well1 b !y d n h brl2 h["e1 !y d adv]tise \r local 9=ma;n4 ,a ph"o l9e may 2 too co/ly = "s a6iliates1 b hav+ "s"o answ] a ph"o 9 p]son1 r1dy to answ] "qs is a r1l asset4 ,i "k _m a6iliates alr h a toll- free numb] = ?4 ,! next be/ ?+ to a ph"o l9e is hav+ voice mail4 ,\r *apt] has a designat$ ph"o numb] t j provides an \tgo+ message & ! abil;y to take messages4 ,we pay ab @s#ac a mon? = ? s]vice t is "u "o ( \r memb]s,0 "ns4 ,! bill actually comes to \r *apt] 9 c>e ( t memb]4 ,free adv]tis+ is a grt ?+ to take advantage (4 ,:5 y "k an ev5t is com+ up ": "o ( yr memb]s or yr *apt] or #ff a6iliate is play+ a specific role1 let ! m$ia "k4 ,prep>e yr memb]s to give 3tact 9=ma;n = yr *apt] or a6iliate :5 2+ 9t]view$4 ,!n "!'s ^w ( m\?4 ,:5 y meet "s"o on ! bus1 at ! doctor's (fice1 at ! groc]y /ore1 9 ! "wplace1 y >e giv5 a unique opportun;y4 ,use x to yr advantage4 ,5gage !m 9 small talk if appropriate4 ,(f] a busi;s c>d or give !m yr ph"o numb]4 ,bett] yet1 (f] to take _! ph"o numb] s t y c call !m back ) ! answ] to a "q !y may h or to give !m details ab an upcom+ meet+ or ev5t ) yr local *apt]4 #d4 ,,promot+6 ,promote bl;s "? a *apt]_/a6iliate project or program4 ,"w+ ) yr c;y on a3essible p$e/rian signals & see+ "? s* a project f 2g9n+ to 5d w give yr *apt] #fg num]\s opportunities = $uca;n4 ,%>+ 9 an aw>e;s "d = a company s* z yr local transit sy/em is ano!r opportun;y4 ,"o ( ! *apt]s 9 \r /ate a6iliate did ? la/ ye>4 ,_! memb]s provid$ canes = employees :o rode ! buses :ile "u blfold1 to simulate 2+ bl4 ,^! memb]s 7 al pres5t to answ] "qs & make sure ! "picipant's exp]i;e 0 z r1li/ic z possible4 ,"picipate 9 a job fair by all[+ att5dees & v5dors to see :at assi/ive te*nology is available = pot5tial employees to use & to answ] "qs !y may h4 ,y may ev5 "pn] ) ano!r v5dor 9 s* a project4 ,visit yr legislators4 ,let !m "k h[ a giv5 9itiative or bill w b5efit bl p1 or h[ x wd h>m u4 ,put on a program s* z #fh a 3v5;n or \tr1* "d4 ,^! >e n only opportunities to r1* \ to o!r bl & visually impair$ p 9 yr commun;y1 b !y >e grt opportunities = aw>e;s ( bl;s issues & $uca;n to ! g5]al popula;n z well4 #e4 ,,provid+6 ,provide support4 ,? c 2 z easy z mak+ a ph"o call or direct+ an 9dividual to s]vices !y didn't "k ab1 or a lot m ( a commit;t by yr *apt] to sponsor a support gr\p = a s5ior c5t] or liv+ facil;y4 ,we all h special gifts or tal5ts4 ,s1 :e!r yrs is 2+ a gd li/5]1 "k+ h[ to fill \ ! di6]5t =ms "o ne$s to d1l ) to rcv s]vices1 a natural gift ( 5c\rag+ p1 ! "t & "k-h[ to t1* comput]s or cook+1 grt organiza;nal skills to help coord9ate a program or s]vice1 ! abil;y to facilitate a #fi gr\p1 or "s?+ else alt1 "w+ ) yr fell[ memb]s to det]m9e ea* ( yr 9dividual /r5g?s w assi/ y z a cohesive gr\p to move =w>d 9 support+ "o ano!r & r1*+ \ to yr commun;y to support o!rs4 #f4 ,,project+6 ,project a positive image ab bl;s6 ,ea* bl or visually impair$ 9dividual is a walk+ adv]tise;t = :at x m1ns to 2 bl4 ,:e!r we l x or n1 ! image "s"o else pa9ts ( a bl p]son by _! ac;ns1 appe>.e & attitude w make an impres.n on e p]son ) :om he_/%e comes 9to 3tact4 ,? al m1ns t y >e (t5 t v p]son giv+ an $uca;n to "s"o :o is cr1t+ an image ( :at x m1ns to 2 bl4 ,maybe x isn't fair t we1 z bl p1 %d all 2 lump$ 9to ! exp]i;e ( "o p]son4 ,b we all le>n f exp]i;es 9 e #gj aspect ( \r lives4 ,s :y %d ? 2 any di6]5t8 ,h[ we talk to o!rs1 h[ we pres5t \rvs "<\r p]sonal hygi5e & :at we we>">1 h[ we h&le body language "e;s ( p]sonal space">1 h[ we solicit assi/.e & h[ we respond to (f]s ( help1 & h[ we travel f po9t ,a to po9t ;,b1 >e j "s ( :at o!rs >e us+ to e/abli% _! image ( :at x m1ns to 2 bl4 ,x is true t mo/ ( u d n hold a degree 9 bl;s $uca;n4 ,b \r [n p]sonal exp]i;es z bl 9dividuals place u 9 ! posi;n ( $ucat+ ! public ab bl;s :e!r we want to or n4 ,all ( u >e p]sonal ambassadors ( bl;s4 ,let's jo9 tgr 9 recogni;n ( \r p[] z a collective body & 9dividually1 embrac+ ! opportunities we h1 $ucat+ ! _m sil ,j>vis ,imag9e3 ,y've j 5t]$ yr (fice on :at may well 2 ! mo/ hectic1 /ress;l "d ( yr life4 ,sudd5ly y r1lize all ( yr ref];e books1 piles ( pap]"w & notes >e cov]$ ) ll bumps4 ,9 fact1 y 4cov] "! is n "o s+le pr9t$ ^w to 2 f.d4 ,e scrap ( 9=ma;n nec to d yr job is n[ 9 brl4 ,imag9e3 y ru% back \ ( yr (fice1 wildly look+ ab1 pe]+ 9to (fices1 />+ ov] ! %\ld]s ( cl]ks4 ,"eybody is calmly do+ _! job1 us+ brl4 ,my/]i\sly !y h le>n$ ! language ov]nie p]man5tly & totally brl- *all5g$4 #gb ,imag9e3 y da% = ! door hop+ ! re/ ( ! _w has n g"o mad4 ,x has4 ,9 ! elevator1 y're n sure : button to press = ! lo2y4 ,"s"o has to help y4 ,!y />e at y z if y >e /upid4 ,paus+ at ! news /&1 y >e unable to tell "o magaz9e f ano!r4 ,y c't /& x1 y ne$ to g home & collect yr ?"\s4 ,b at ! bus /op1 "!'s no way ( tell+ : coa* is yrs4 ,y back away1 n want+ any"o to "k1 & y decide y'll call a cab4 ,( c\rse1 y only br"\ bus f>e & lun* m"oy1 n ne>ly 5 = ! taxi4 ,rememb]+ yr bank c>d1 y pull x \ z y run back 9to ! lo2y4 ,"!1 at ! a3ess ma*9e1 y /op %ort4 ,! c>d has turn$ to brl1 & s h all ( ! 9/ruc;ns on ! ma*9e4 ,y'll h to call home & ask = help4 ,funny1 y n"e pd m* att5;n to ! teleph"o dial & n[1 9 yr gr[+ /ate ( #gc 3fu.n1 y don't recall : numb] goes ":4 ,y >e s al"o1 s f"r5$1 y actually 2g9 to weep4 ,imag9e3 y h alw se5 yrf z a l1d]1 a vi.n>y1 a problem- solv]4 ,y w n run f ? *all5ge4 ,y % su3e$4 ,y h a l>ge mortgage4 ,once y h recov]$ f ! grt %ock1 y 2g9 look+ = ways to survive4 ,imag9e3 y h f9ally made >range;ts1 "? yr employ]1 to hire a brl r1d]1 a process s complex & pa9;l y plan to pat5t x & use x to torture t]rori/s4 ,n[ y sit 9 yr *air go+ quietly mad li/5+ to ! dr"o ( yr r1d]'s voice1 tak+ h\rs ( "t to cov] :at y once scann$ 9 m9utes1 :ile o!rs :ip ab y e6ici5tly communicat+ am;g !mvs via brl-fax & ;,e- ;,b-mail4 ,y 2g9 to feel ! 8ice0 9 isola;n4 #gd ,imag9e3 y le>n y >e n al"o4 ,y >e a memb] ( a v small m9or;y ( brl-*all5g$ p4 ,"! is1 9 fact1 a brl.s culture2 a hi/ory f> too l;g & complex to 4cuss "h4 ,s1 y 2come a memb] ( ! ,brl.s ,associa;n ( ,am]ica "<,,baa">4 ,at ! ,,baa meet+s y f9d \ ab a numb] ( small companies manufactur+ adaptive equip;t : 5ables brl.s p to a3ess all ( ! brl comput]s1 fax ma*9es1 brl scann]s & brlrs4 ,! exp5se is f> m ?an y c af=d1 s y seek assi/.e f yr employ]4 ,yr reque/ is turn$ d[n4 ,"! >e no require;ts t yr employ] a3ommodate yr 4abil;y4 ,imag9e3 ,,baa1 al;g ) _m o!r 4abil;y gr\ps1 battles 9 ,3gress = ! passage ( a bill1 gu>antee+ y equal tr1t;t "u ! law4 ,! bill passes &1 despite subtle messages f yr #ge fiscal (fic]1 m"oy is 8f.d0 = yr a3ommoda;n4 ,af 3sid]able "t & ef=t1 ! te*nician f ! ,de"p;t ( ,s]vices = ! ,brl.s has y on-l9e4 ,n[ y >e able to scan brl text & 3v]t ! ll dots 9to lrs1 & "? a v complex process1 ! brl 4play on yr comput] is trans=m$ 9to pr9t4 ,f9ally1 y >e ag up to spe$1 2+ yr old e6ici5t self1 feel+ gd ab yr "w4 ,imag9e3 y >e humm+ & smil+ & crank+ al;g 9 hi< ge>4 ,sudd5ly1 a message fla%es on yr scre5 & drives t]ror "? yr he>t4 ,new br1k"?s 9 te*nology h produc$ equip;t s sup]ior to ! anci5t junk ,- at l1/ f\r ye>s old ,- pres5tly 9 use1 t yr organiza;n is upgrad+ ! 5tire communica;ns sy/em4 ,! ,,baa te*nicians h alr 9=m$ y t yr adaptive equip;t is n compatible ) x4 ,y #gf g to ! p[]s t 2 9 yr organiza;n1 & reque/ a meet+ to 4cuss ? 3c]n4 ,y >e told t yr fe>s >e gr.d.s4 ,y w n 2 =gott54 ,foll[+ ? meet+ a rumor goes >.d h9t+ t y >e try+ to sabotage ! new sy/em1 & yr associates 2g9 to :isp] 2h yr back4 ,!y want ! new sy/em4 ,x's f> sup]ior1 m compact1 #aj "ts fa/]1 & x's cool look+4 ,!y >e sick ( yr 8:9+ & 3/ant compla9+40 ,y feel ! 8ice0 settl+ 9 ag4 ,imag9e3 y h be5 =gott54 ,! new sy/em is 9 place4 ,"eybody loves x4 ,y've be5 told n to worry1 "s"o w 2 >.d to d :at is nec to put y back on-l9e4 ,! 8"s"o0 !y _h 9 m9d is ! same te*nician :o told y ! sy/em wd n "w4 ,despite yr 3c]ns1 no "o bo!r$ to 9ve/igate 2f ! equip;t 0 9/all$4 ,once #gg ag y sit1 go+ quietly mad :ile yr r1d] pl[s l9e by l9e "? ! piles ( brl4 ,imag9e3 y "k y >e close to los+ yr m9d or yr job ,- probably bo?4 ,y m/ f9d o!r employ;t1 b y d n want yr associates to "k y >e f9ally b1t54 ,y try to figure \ a way to d a quiet job se>* :5 all 9=ma;n is only a3essible 9 brl4 ,"o "d y he> t yr /ate has develop$ a c5tral 9=ma;n c5t]1 call$ a kiosk4 ,^! 9=ma;n c5t]s >e 2+ set up 9 easily a3essible loca;ns4 ,! plan is = ^! kiosks to make gov]n;t 9=ma;n & s]vices available qkly & 3v5i5tly to ! public4 ,sort ( a 8"o-/op %opp+ c5t]40 ,y le>n t li/s ( job op5+s >e am;g ! _m s]vices (f]$4 ,? is p]fect4 ,? is exactly :at y ne$4 ,y 4cov] yr t[n #gh rec5tly plac$ a kiosk 9 ! mall4 ,y g "! on ,satur"d afn4 ,"! x /&s1 co/+ ! taxpay]s hundr$s ( ?\s&s ( doll>s to cr1te1 b well wor? x4 ,9 xs ultimate =m1 ! kiosks w br+ virtually all /ate s]vices "r 9to yr local neie ?rill$ z y /ep up to ! 3trols4 ,an automat$ voice welcomes y & brags ab ! wond]s ( ? sy/em4 ,br1?.sly1 y wait = yr 9/ruc;ns4 ,!n ! brl 4play appe>s4 ,imag9e3 !y >e dra7+ y away1 %riek+ at ! top ( yr voice4 ,onlook]s >e amaz$4 ,!y d n "k h[ y manag$ to rip ! iron b5* f ! floor ( ! mall4 ,n"o ( !m d>$ to try to /op y z y swung x ov] yr h1d1 ag & ag1 sma%+ ! kiosk 9to pieces ( brok5 pla/ic1 glass & twi/$ metal4 ,n"o ( !m "u/& :y y kept scr1m+ ! same ^ws ov] & #gi ov]4 8,i pay taxes1 too6 ,i pay taxes1 too6 ,i pay taxes1 too6 4440 ,imag9e4 ,! ,h\seplant by ,patricia ,kepl] ,hello1 ,i am a h\seplant4 ,i am n j any h\seplant1 ?\<4 ,i am an excep;nal h\seplant4 ,i h be5 to college4 ,i h an ,,iq ( #ade4 ,i h ?ree *n1 & ,i h volunte]$ 9 _! s*ools & clubs4 ,yet ,i am m]ely a h\seplant4 ,i am attractive & add a bit ( p]sonal;y to a room1 b z f> z society is 3c]n$1 relatively use.s4 ,let me cle> ?+s up a bit4 ,all ( ! abv-m5;n$ qualities d 2l;g to me2 ! problem is ,i am bl4 ,i p]sonally don't 3sid] ? to 2 a problem1 b x #hj seems o!rs d4 ,my *n range 9 age f #aa "? #ai4 ,five ye>s ago ,i 2gan look+ = employ;t4 ,all ( my *n 7 9 s*ool full-"t & "! 0 j n m* = me to d >.d ! h\se4 ,i wasn't look+ = any?+ too ambiti\s4 ,j 5try-level cu/om] s]vice "w4 ,"o wd ?9k x wd 2 easy = a woman :o has g"o to college1 c boa/ ( a #ade ,,iq1 has be5 told by _m t %e is attractive & has a v pl1sant p]sonal;y1 & c 2 tol]ant & pati5t on ! ph"o = h\rs1 wd h no problem f9d+ "w4 ,i h 9t]view$ = s"eal posi;ns4 ,x seems1 h["e1 once !y 4cov] t ,i c't see x all j 2comes too impossible4 ,x doesn't matt] t ,i h excell5t comput] skills & t "! is adequate adaptive te*nology \ "! to make x possible = me to use alm any comput]4 ,x doesn't matt] t ,i wd 2 an eag] #ha l;g-t]m employee 9 a field ": "! is typically v hi< turnov]4 ,all t seems to matt] is t ,i make ?+s a ll di6icult4 ,!y mis ,i h be5 negotiat+ ) ! same company4 ,two ye>s ago ,i 5t]$ _! (fices1 0 9t]view$ by a v nice p]son & 0 told t if ! te*nology cd 2 "w$ \ ,i cd h a "p-"t "d job ) _! company4 ,un=tunately1 2f ! f9al details cd 2 "w$ \1 ! human res\rces p]son ,i spoke ) 0 replac$4 ,! second "o ask$ if ,i cd come 9 = a new 9t]view1 s9ce %e 0 totally unfamili> ) me4 ,i agre$4 ,!n ! r1l fun 2gan4 ,excuse af excuse came 9 to expla9 :y ,i cdn't />t my simple m9imum wage job4 ,!y wd 2 *ang+ s(tw>e 9 six mon?s & wd #hb r ,i wait s !y wdn't h to tra9 me twice4 ,? did n keep !m f hir+ o!r new employees dur+ ? "t4 8,we don't "k if we c af=d to pur*ase ! equip;t y wd ne$40 "<,! company 9 "q is a r l>ge bank1 & equip;t c 2 provid$ 8free0 by /ate ag5cies 9 cases ": x wd 2 a f9ancial h>d%ip = ! employ]4"> ,keep+ ? 9 m9d1 "h is my favorite3 8,we h n "w$ \ problems ) ! ,y#b,k bug40 ,! la/ excuse 0 5 to get ! ,,eeoc 9volv$4 ,9 a 3f];e call ) ! ,,eeoc1 ! bank1 ( c\rse1 2came q agre1ble4 ,h["e1 !y did f9d a loophole4 ,!y agre$ to hire me immly & provide me ) ! nec equip;t1 b app>5tly !y h dropp$ ! "p-"t cu/om] s]vice posi;n4 ,fur!rmore1 !y n[ s*$ule by s5ior;y4 ,2+ new1 ,i wd 2 at ! bottom ( ! li/ #hc & mo/ likely wd only 2 able to get a gravey>d posi;n4 ,z !y alr knew1 ,i want$ a "d"t posi;n4 ,i cd n possibly "w a gravey>d %ift & e6ectively take c>e ( my *n4 ,af fur!r 4cus.n ) ! human res\rce p]son1 ,i 0 9=m$ t ! 9dividual :o sd t ,i wd mo/ likely "w a gravey>d posi;n 0 wr;g4 ,? bank did n (f] gravey>d posi;ns4 ,i 0 told t ,i wd likely h to "w an ev5+ %ift1 ?\<4 ,af a 4cus.n ) my husb&1 ,i agre$ to "w an ev5+ %ift4 ,i ne$$ to get "w exp]i;e "s":1 & ,i wd likely 2 able to swit* to a bett] %ift 9 six mon?s4 ,! ,commis.n = ! ,bl 2gan "w+ on assembl+ ! adaptive equip;t ,i wd ne$ to p]=m my duties4 ,i1 al;g ) two repres5tatives f ! commis.n1 met ) ! human res\rce #hd repres5tative & two tra9]s4 ,we demon/rat$ scre5 r1d]s & 4cuss$ o!r *anges t wd ne$ to 2 made4 ,i 0 once ag told t ? wd ne$ to 2 put (f 2c ( sy/em *anges4 ,& ? 0 9 ,april #bjjj4 ,i 0 la/ told t !y wd 2 available to look 9to adaptive te*nology 9 ,may4 ,my attempt to get ? 5try-level job 2gan 9 ! spr+ ( #aiih4 ,i f"\ ! bank z l;g z ,i h 2c ,i c af=d ! "t4 ,s _m o!rs l me h to give up & move on or !y wd />ve4 ,^! employ]s "k t 9 ! l;g run !y cd /all l;g 5 to rid !mvs ( u :o mi bank is plann+ on 3t9u+ ? wait+ game ) me4 ,! major;y ( all bl p >e unemploy$4 ,x is n 2c we >e n capable2 x is 2c _m p f9d u undesirable4 ,i cd sit at home & 2 ! b1uti;lly #he decorative h\seplant ="e4 ,i want1 ne$ & des]ve m ?an t4 ,bl p t5d to get "o ( two reac;ns4 ,we >e ei sup]human 2c we >e able to get up 9 ! morn+1 fe$ & clo! \rvs correctly1 tie \r %oes1 & walk d[n a c;y block )\t gett+ lo/4 ,or we >e "s?+ to 2 piti$1 "s"o :o %d 2 kept at home s t we don't make o!rs feel uncom=table4 ,h[ _m si5ts w 2 ord]+8 ,h[ _m ( y r1lize t a 4abl$ p]son is n all[$ to 2 simply av]age8 ,we c't simply foll[ a daily r\t9e l ! re/ ( ! _w4 ,society 9si/s t we provide !m ) pro( ( \r sup]human a3ompli%;ts to prove \rvs wor?y ( a3ept.e4 ,! mo/ commonly ask$ "qs ,i get :5 meet+ "s"o new >e1 8,:at musical 9/ru;t d y play8 #hf ,y m/ h p]fect pit*40 ,or1 8,:at is x l to h extra- s5sitive he>+80 ,( c\rse1 m]ely by (f]+ "s critical obs]va;ns ,i h set myf up to 2 4miss$ z ano!r 4abl$ /]eotype3 ! bitt] self- p;y+ :9]4 ,4abl$ p m/ 2 *e];l & 9spir+1 or sil5t & 9visible4 ,s once ag ,i h be5 told t ,i %d n aspire to 2 any?+ m ?an :at ,i am1 a b1uti;lly adorn$ & well-lov$ h\seplant4 ,/ay safe 9 my ll pot & o!rs w 2 glad to fe$ & wat] me4 ,!y w take gd c>e ( me & make sure no?+ bad happ5s4 ,my resigna;n w n la/4 ,i w build up my c\rage ag1 & p]h ,i w %[ up at yr (fice4 ,>e y hir+ college-$ucat$ (fice plants8 ,alm ?ree ye>s h pass$ s9ce ,i wrote ^! ^ws4 ,! bank did ev5tually w94 ,= ! sake #hg ( my [n p1ce ( m9d1 ,i did give up ! fi$ ? /ory ) "s"o :o is n[ feel+ :at ,i 0 feel+ !n4 ,%e />t$ to cry & told me t x 0 a relief to le>n t "s"o _h f.d a way to put ^ws to h] feel+s4 ,i _h orig9ally writt5 ? m = p]sonal !rapeutic r1sons ?an = an audi;e4 ,af see+ h[ my /ory a6ect$ ? woman1 h["e1 ,i h decid$ to publi% x4 ,i hope x n only s]ves to help "s"o curr5tly /ru7l+ = a3ept.e to feel less al"o1 b ,i hope my /ory /rikes a *ord ) ^? 9 ! posi;n ( mak+ hir+ deci.ns4 ,i am once ag a 3fid5t p]son4 ,i "k :at ,i want & ,i h fai? t ,i w get ": ,i want to g4 #hh ,t1m"w ,builds ,self- ,3fid;e1 ,fit;s by ,g>y ,norman 8,:5 x comes to ! self- 3fid;e & e/eem ne$$ to get a job & 2come a 3tribut+ memb] ( society1 competitive sports c 2 a p[];l tool4 ,w9n+ is important to "ey"o1 b to an a?lete ) a 4abil;y1 simply compet+ c 2 a victory 9 xf10 sd ,a?letes ) ,4abilities1 a 3sortium ( five a?letic associa;ns = ! 4abl$4 ,_m w no d\bt recall h[ ! 9tegra;n ( p]sons ( color 9to baseball dur+ ! e>ly to mid-"p ( ! #bjth c5tury *isel$ away ! b>ri]s ( racial 4crim9a;n4 ,simil>ly1 z visually impair$ p 3t9ue to advocate = equal a3ess to employ;t1 !y m/ al 9sure opportunities to ! active life fo/]$ by #hi "picipa;n 9 sports4 ,memb]%ip 9 a?letic activities ) fell[ citiz5s 9cr1ses ! social capital ( ! bl p1 all[+ = public $uca;n ab _! abilities & life/yle1 & w 9evitably l1d to 9tegra;n & ! debunk+ ( regressive /]eotypes4 ,s9ce fall #bjjc1 ,i h "utak5 crew to my p]sonal *all5ge & b5efit4 ,z not$1 x is n 9 >id p]si/;e1 b r 9 a do7$ resolve1 t su3ess delit ( glid+ a boat "? wat] via ! ma/]y ( o>s by h&4 ,! two =ms ( r[+ >e sweep-o> r[+ & scull+4 ,9 sweep r[+1 t1ms 3si/s ( two to eibo>d & port1 apply+ two h&s to pull a s+le o> "? ! rippl+ wat]s t[>ds ! %ell's /]n4 ,9 scull+1 "o1 two1 or f\r p apply _! h&s to two o>s1 "o 9 ea* h&4 ,g5]ally1 r[+ does n require sie :e!r to help c>ry ! %ell to ! pi] & to tie d[n "o's guide dog at ! boath\se4 ,z c>ry+ ! %ell requires bo? h&s1 assi/+ ) ? "p ( ! practice may 2 di6icult ei )\t ! guid.e ( ! s]vice animal or ! abil;y to navigate ) a cane4 ,i h *os5 due to safety 3c]ns to tie d[n my dog dur+ practices4 ,z is true ) o!r seg;ts ( society1 dur+ ! c\rse ( hi/ory1 r[+ has evolv$ f elitism to an activ;y #ia a3essible to m5 & wom5 ( all ages & backgr.ds4 ,9 ! classical p]iod1 p r[$ vessels = comm]ce1 transport1 & w>4 ,?\< anci5t texts ref] to humans rac+ vessels1 2f ! #ahjjs1 %ells 7 n prim>ily r[$ = ex]cise1 non-c]emonial recr1;n or competi;n4 ,! f/ r[+ associa;n =m$ 9 ,new ,york 9 #ahcf4 ,? club's "n 0 ,new ,york "d5"> ,amateur ,boat ,club ,associa;n4 ,! f/ book to extol ! virtues ( r[+ = fit;s & h1l? 0 ,walk]'s ,manly ,ex]cises1 publi%$ 9 ! same ye>4 ,! f/ collegiate r[+ club 0 =m$ at ,yale 9 #ahdc1 & 9 #aheb1 ,h>v>d def1t$ ,yale 9 ! f/ 9t]collegiate 3te/4 ,9 #aheh1 ! ,h>v>d crew 0 ! f/ to designate r$1 lat] crimson1 z _! color1 & subsequ5t to a r[+ victory1 a ,massa*usetts #ib newspap] spun an ,am]ican expres.n :5 x report$ ? jubilant crew 8pa9t$ ! t[n r$40 ,! f/ book advocat+ ! "picipa;n ( wom5 9 r[+ 0 publi%$ 9 #ahgj4 ,! pr$ecessor to ! ,unit$ ,/ates ,r[+ ,associa;n1 ^: goal is to make r[+ a3essible & 5joyable to all1 organiz$ 9 #ahgb4 ,9 #aiig1 r[+ 2came a ,na;nal ,collegiate ,a?letic ,associa;n sport = wom54 ,p ) a range ( 4abilities h be5 "picipat+ 9 crews = at l1/ #bj ye>s4 ,r[+ positively a6ects ! h1l? /atus ( "picipants1 all[+ an important rel1se ( /ress = visually impair$ p4 ,ac to "o r[]1 8,r[+ is a l[-impact sport4 ,:5 execut$ prop]ly1 ! r[+ /roke is a fairly safe mo;n1 provid+ ll room = ! s]i\s 9jury (t5 #ic f.d 9 3tact sports40 ,h["e1 2f 2g9n+ a r[+ program1 9dividuals %d *eck ) _! doctors2 ? sport requires 5dur.e1 muscle develop;t & ana]obic 3di;n+4 ,a law s*ool comrade1 :o "picipat$ 9 ! crew t1m :ile 5roll$ at ,ohio ,/ate ,univ]s;y1 describ$ 8 exp]i;es to me1 : 3sequ5tly sp>k$ my desire4 ,i f9d x di6icult to recollect :at my 9itial expecta;ns w]e1 b ,i hop$ t ,i wd n 5dure 9/.es ( 4crim9a;n1 : _h be5 my exp]i;e 9 a3ess+ o!r a?letic activities 9 ,baltimore4 ,9de$1 ,i h be5 surpris$ & pl1s$ ) ! level ( receptiv;y & a3ommoda;n ( ! coa*es4 8,n"e hav+ coa*$ a bl p]son1 x 0 an excit+ *all5ge & "w$ \ bett] ?an ,i expect$10 sd ,r4,c41 a coa* & competitive r[] ) ! #id ,baltimore ,r[+ ,club4 ,! evolu;n f ! abilities ,i demon/rat$ at my f/ ses.n to ! closure ( ! novice c\rse1 &1 !n1 n[ to ! next level ( "picipa;n & tra9+1 has be5 a s\rce ( p]sonal gr[? & pride4 ,my fell[ t1m memb]s react$ well to me1 2+ p]h a tad n]v\s at f/ hav+1 9 mo/ circum/.es1 n"e r[$ 2f & c]ta9ly n ) a bl p]son4 ,i am pl1s$ to guide ) a s]vice animal "nd ,lang]1 :om ,i tie d[n at ! boath\se "4 ,af tra9+ ses.ns1 he spr9ts f ! (fice at ! boath\se to greet me4 ,on "o o3a.n1 8 exub].e to greet my fr & me result$ 9 a tempor>y 9abil;y to foll[ guide comm&s1 = : ,i correct$ hm1 to my t1mmates,0 *agr94 ,z ,i 3t9ue to "picipate 9 ? sport1 dialogue ab my bl;s & mobil;y ) a s]vice animal w 2 #ie requir$ ( my coa*es & t1mmates1 & me4 ,) a deep a69;y = ! wat] & an 9n] desire to improve my p]sonal fit;s & h1l?1 r[+ is truly my favorite sport4 ,i his ,i h tak5 on a lot ( *all5ges1 & h a3ompli%$ _m goals4 ,i n"e dr1m$ ,i wd "e 2 call$ an a?lete1 b la/ ye> new doors 7 op5$ = me4 ,9 ! spr+ ( #bjjb a few repres5tatives ( ! ,oregon ,commis.n = ! ,bl _h an idea4 ,"o ( !m _h he>d ( ! annual ,rose ,fe/ival ,"d ,dragon ,boat ,race & ?"\ x wd 2 fun to organize a t1m ( bl #if paddl]s4 ,naysay]s told !m t no?+ l t _h be5 d"o 2f4 ,a ll rese>* rev1l$ t x _h be5 d"o 9 o!r c.tries4 ,af _m meet+s1 ! commis.n agre$ to sponsor a t1m1 & ,bl ,ambi;n 0 born4 ,\r f/ ye> 0 fanta/ic4 ,bl ,ambi;n 0 irresi/ible4 ,! press flock$ to u1 want+ to capture \r _s & help u spr1d \r message4 ,we practic$ 9 all types ( w1!r1 9clud+ a hail /orm4 ,we 7 det]m9$ to %[ any"o :o min t 2+ bl does n preclude an urge t[>d 2+ competitive4 ,:5 t f/ race "d f9ally came1 x 0 all we cd talk ab4 ,we all reflect$ on h[ x _h all 2gun & h[ m* we _h improv$ ov] s* a %ort "t4 ,\r f/ m1sur$ practice "t 0 ov] #e4e m9utes4 ,:at wd we d td81 we wond]$4 ,:at we did 0 amaze #ig \rvs4 ,we didn't w9 ! regatta1 b we f9i%$ \r f9al race 9 #c3#ab4 ,x 0 ! commis.n's 9t5;n t ! ,rose ,fe/ival race "d wd 2 ! 5d ( ,bl ,ambi;n4 ,we w]5't r1dy to say gdbye1 ?\<4 ,! sport _h gott5 9to \r blood4 ,we 7 eag] to see j ": dragon boat+ cd take u4 ,s1 we pool$ \r funds & sign$ up = practice "ts4 ,bl ,ambi;n 2came ,bl ,ambi;n ,,pdx4 ,\r coa*es worri$ ab u4 ,!y didn't ?9k we wd 2 safe 9 ! /&>d ,h;g ,k;g /yle boats1 : >e l;g]1 ?9n]1 & m* clos] to ! wat]4 ,_! w>n+s f"r5$ "s ( u1 b we 7 det]m9$4 ,we gave ! boats a try4 ,t summ] c5t]$ >.d t boat4 ,/1 \r coa* rema9$ fe>;l = \r safety4 8,:at happ5s if y capsize80 ,well1 we didn't h l;g #ih to wait to f9d \ :at wd happ54 ,"o w>m summ] "d a spe$boat flew by1 cr1t+ s* a wake t \r boat 0 swamp$4 ,"o m9ute we 7 paddl+ al;g & ! next we 7 float+ 9 ! ,willamette4 ,9/1d ( 2+ f"r5$1 \r 3fid;e so>$4 ,"! 0 no?+ ,bl ,ambi;n cd n d4 ,we decid$ we want$ to once ag feel ! ?rill ( competi;n4 ,we 7 9vit$ to compete 9 ! ,oakl& ,dragon ,boat ,fe/ival4 ,x took a lot ( h>d "w1 ph"o calls1 & lr writ+1 b ?anks to ,,acb ( ,oregon1 ,cali=nia ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 ,5t]prise ,c> ,r5tal1 ,alb]tson's & ,nike1 we did x6 ,! cr[d 9 ,oakl& 0 amaz+4 ,_! support br"\ te>s to my eyes4 ,hundr$s ( p patt$ u on ! back1 %ook \r h&s or hu7$ u z we approa*$ ! dock = \r f/ race4 ,\r excite;t 0 replac$ ) a t\* ( ang] & a lot ( det]m9a;n :5 we he>d ! #ii ann\nc] 9troduce u z a t1m t is n competitive1 b "! = ! fun4 ,we %[$ !m we cd h fun & 2 competitive too4 ,we f9i%$ t f/ "d ( ! regatta rank$ f/ 9 \r divi.n4 ,! next "d ! ann\nc] 9troduc$ u z a competitive t1m4 ,we left ,oakl& ) ! ,_s ( ! ,dragon ,aw>d4 ,f "! we travel$ to ,wa%+ton /ate1 ": we plac$ f\r? at ! ,vanc\v] ,lake ,regatta4 ,\r next *all5ge 0 s*$ul$ to 2 ! #bjjc ,portl& ,kau ,%ung ,dragon ,boat ,fe/ival4 ,\r "ts 7 bett] ?an "e1 & we cdn't wait to %[ ,portl& ! m exp]i;ed1 /r;g] ,bl ,ambi;n4 ,\r plans = t summ] 9clud$ regattas 9 ,hawaii1 ,san ,francisco & "o m 9 ,portl&4 ,we h be5 v e6ective 9 demon/rat+ t bl p c 2 competitive4 ,dragon #ajj boat+ is s* a grt way to demon/rate ? 2c we rcv no a3ommoda;n4 ,we >e us+ ! same boats & ! same paddles z \r si we >e 3sid]+ ,colorado1 ,new ,york1 & ,toronto4 ,we >e busily look+ = grants & dona;ns to help u fulfill \r dr1m4 ,dragon ,boat ,hi/ory ,! ,*9ese ,dragon ,boat ,fe/ival is a significant holi"d celebrat$ 9 ,*9a1 & ! "o ) ! l;ge/ hi/ory4 ,! ,dragon ,boat ,fe/ival is celebrat$ by races 9 boats %ap$ l dragons4 #aja ,compet+ t1ms r[ _! boats to a drumb1t1 rac+ t[>d ! f9i% l9e4 ,! boat races >e a tradi;nal cu/om : symbolizes an attempt to rescue ! patriotic poet ,*u ,yuan4 ,"s ?ree c5turies 2f ! bir? ( ,*ri/1 ,*u ,yuan s]v$ ! ,k+ ( ,*u dur+ ! p]iod ( ! ,w>r+ ,/ates4 ,z a loyal m9i/]1 ,*u ,yuan at f/ 5joy$ ! full 3fid;e & respect ( 8 sov]eign4 ,ev5tually1 "? ! 9trigues ( 8 rivals1 he 0 4cr$it$ & f.d hmf 9 4favor4 ,dur+ t "t1 he compos$ 8 immortal poem1 8,5c.t]+ ,sorr[10 an allegorical descrip;n ( 8 se>* = a pr9ce :o wd li/5 to gd c\nsel 9 gov]n;t4 ,*u ,yuan 0 n"e able to rega9 ! emp]or's favor & on ! fif? "d ( ! fif? moon 9 ! ye> #bie ,b4,c41 at ! age ( #cg1 ,*u ,yuan clasp$ a /"o to 8 *e/ & plung$ 9to ! #ajb ,milo ,riv] 9 ! ,hunan ,prov9ce4 ,dragon boat rac+ is an 5t]ta9+ & 5joyable ev5t4 ,x gives ! obs]v] an opportun;y to glimpse a "p ( ,*9ese culture & hi/ory4 ,! tradi;nal ,kau ,%ung /yle boats hold #af paddl]s1 a call] :o b1ts ! drum to ma9ta9 ! rhy?m ( ! /roke1 a flag cat*] /rapp$ to ! h1d ( ! dragon :o 9dicates ! 5d ( ! race by gra2+ ! flag z ! boat crosses ! f9i% l9e1 & a till] :o /e]s ! boat4 ,to le>n m ab ,bl ,ambi;n1 visit ! web site1 http3_/_/" www4bl9dambi;n49fo4 ,"h & ,"! by ,s>ah ,blake ,! ann\nce;t ( products & s]vices 9 ? column is n an 5dorse;t by ! ,am]ican #ajc ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 xs /aff1 or elect$ (ficials4 ,products & s]vices >e li/$ free ( *>ge = ! b5efit ( \r r1d]s4 8,! ,brl ,=um0 _c 2 held responsible = ! reliabil;y ( products & s]vices m5;n$4 ,to submit items = ? column1 y may ;e-mail ,s>ah ,blake at sblake@aacb4org1 or call ,,acb at #a-#hjj-#dbd-#hfff & l1ve a message 9 mailbox #bf4 ,pl1se rememb] t po/al regula;ns prohibit u f 9clud+ adv]tise;ts1 & t we ne$ 9=ma;n two mon?s ah1d ( actual publica;n dates4 ,s*ol>%ip = ,wom5 ,! ,e!l ,l\ise ,>m/r;g ,f.da;n1 ,9c4 "<,,ela"> has xs s*ol>%ip applica;n available on xs web site1 www4ela4org4 ,? s*ol>%ip provides f9ancial assi/.e to wom5 ) #ajd physical 4abilities :o >e 5roll$ 9 a college or univ]s;y graduate program 9 ! ,unit$ ,/ates4 ,aw>ds >e bas$ on m]it4 ,s*ol>%ips range f @s#ejj to @s#b1jjj p] ye>4 ,! applica;n d1dl9e is ,june #a1 #bjjd4 ,3tact ,deborah ,lewis at executiv$irector@aela4org = m 9=ma;n4 ,,jfwl,'ite ;,e-,mail ,li/ ,clos$ ,de2ie ,scales has clos$ ! ,,jfwl,'ite li/4 ,h["e1 %e has assur$ subscrib]s t bo? ! ,,jfwl,'ite >*ives "<: >e public1 requir+ no memb]%ip to r1d1 nor lo7+ 9">1 al;g ) ! ,,jfwl,'ite4com home page1 w rema9 op]a;nal & updat$4 ,= m "qs1 pl1se see ,de2ie's f>ewell messages at ! top ( ! >*ives3 http3_/_/gr\ps4yahoo4" com_/gr\p_/jfwlite4 #aje ,b don't fret4 ,"! is n[ a ,,jaws us]s mail+ li/1 cr1t$ to provide a place ": us]s c 4cuss any aspect ( ! program4 ,to subscribe to x1 s5d a message to jfw-reque/@a" freeli/s4org ) ! ^w 8subscribe0 on ! subject l9e4 ,= addi;nal comm&s1 s5d ! same message1 replac+ ! ^w 8subscribe0 ) 8help40 ,? li/ is run 9dep5d5tly & is n ma9ta9$ by ,fre$om ,sci5tific4 ,job ,hunt+ ,res\rces ,job ,hunt+ ,res\rces = ,p ) ,vi.n ,impair;ts1 rec5tly publi%$ by ,blskills1 ,9c41 is ! def9itive 3tempor>y c>e] guide = bl & visually impair$ p 2c x focuses on topics o!r c>e] books d n address4 ,x 9cludes 9=ma;n on 9t]view+ te*niques 9 a po/-,,ada _w & po9t]s on resume & cov] #ajf lr writ+1 z well z emphasiz+ social & communica;ns skills z !y apply to visually impair$ job hunt]s4 ,? 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