,! ,brl ,=um ,volume ,,xlvii ,july #bjjh ,no4 #a ,publi%$ by ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl /rives to 9cr1se ! 9dep5d;e1 secur;y1 equal;y ( opportun;y1 & to improve qual;y ( life = all bl & visually impair$ p4 ,mit* ,pom]antz1 ,presid5t ,melanie ,brunson1 ,executive ,director ,%>on ,lov]+1 ,$itor ,na;nal ,(fice3 #aaee #aeth ,st4 ,,nw ,suite #ajjd ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjje "<#bjb"> #dfg-#ejha ,fax3 "<#bjb"> #dfg-#ejhe ,web site3 http3_/_/www4" acb4org ,! ,brl ,=um^t is available 9 brl1 l>ge pr9t1 half-spe$ f\r-track cassette tape1 & via ;e-mail4 ,subscrip;n reque/s1 address *anges1 & items 9t5d$ = publica;n %d 2 s5t to ,%>on ,lov]+ at ! address abv1 or via ;e-mail to slov]+@aacb4org4 ,submis.n d1dl9es >e ! f/ ( ! mon?4 ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl9d^t is a memb]%ip organiza;n made up ( m ?an #gj /ate & special-9t]e/ a6iliates4 ,to jo91 visit ! ,,acb web site & complete an applica;n =m1 or 3tact ! na;nal (fice at ! numb] li/$ abv4 ,^? m*-ne$$ 3tribu;ns1 : >e tax-d$uctible1 c 2 s5t to ,mike ,god9o at ! abv #b mail+ address4 ,if y wi% to rememb] a relative or fr1 ! na;nal (fice c make pr9t$ c>ds available = ? purpose4 ,to rememb] ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl 9 yr ,la/ ,w & ,te/a;t1 y may 9clude a special p>agraph = t purpose4 ,if yr wi%es >e complex1 3tact ! ,,acb na;nal (fice4 ,jo9 ! ,,mms program & help improve tm td 9 ,,acb4 ,3tact ,ron ,milliman by ;e-mail1 rmilliman@a9si #ghb-#icbe & get />t$ mak+ tm look b"r] td6 ,to make a 3tribu;n to ,,acb via ! ,comb9$ ,f$]al ,campaign1 use ? numb]3 #aaaee4 ,= ! late/ 9 legislative & gov]n;tal news1 call ! 8,wa%+ton ,3nec;n0 toll-free at "<#hjj"> #dbd-#hfff1 #e p4m4 to midnidis ,bazyn1 page #ai ,a ,comp>ative ,review ( ,f\r ,scre5-,a3ess ,products1 by ,jo% ,k5n$y1 page #bf ,a3essible ,p$e/rian ,signals ,rcv ,presid5tial ,z1l1 by ,k5 ,/ew>t1 page #ch ,! ,morn+ ,walk]1 by ,john ,lee ,cl>k1 page #df ,a ,"d 9 ,my ,life1 by ,c>son ,wood1 page #ea #e ,! ,guilty ,pl1sures ( ,guide ,dogs1 by ,alysia ,wells1 page #dg ,a6iliate ,news1 page #ee ,x's ,n"e ,too ,late61 by ,k>5 ,wood=k1 page #eh ,"h & ,"!1 by ,sue ,li*t5fels1 page #fa ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op1 page #gh ,i ,d ,n ,/op ,2c ! ,sign ,is ,r$1 by ,john ,lee ,cl>k1 page #hf ,,acb ,(fic]s1 page #hg ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,directors1 page #hh ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns1 page #hi ,=um ,subscrip;n ,notes ,y c n[ get 8,! ,brl ,=um0 by podca/6 ,to subscribe1 g to 8,! ,brl ,=um0 page on www4acb4org4 ,if y d n yet h a podca/ cli5t1 y c d[nload "o f ! ,=um page4 #f ,to subscribe to 8,! ,brl ,=um0 via ;e-mail1 s5d a blank ;e-mail message to brl=um-;,l- subscribe@aacb4org4 ,>e ,y ,mov+8 ,d ,y ,want to ,*ange ,yr ,subscrip;n8 ,3tact ,%>on ,lov]+ 9 ! ,,acb na;nal (fice1 #a-#hjj- #dbd-#hfff1 or via ;e-mail1 slov]+@aacb4org4 ,give h] ! 9=ma;n1 & %e'll take c>e ( ! *anges = y4 ,presid5t's ,message3 ,a ,brief ,look ,ov] ,my ,%\ld] by ,mit* ,pom]antz ,:ile ? is 2+ writt5 9 e>ly ,june1 mo/ ( y won't r1d ? until af \r #dgth annual 3v5;n 9 ,l\isville1 ,ky4 ,! 3v5;n w m>k my f/ ye> z ,,acb #g presid5t & z s*1 ? seems an appropriate "t to take a brief look back ov] ! prec$+ #ab mon?s & %>e a few ?"\s ) y4 ,9 do+ s1 ,i'll save ! 4cus.n ( ,,acb's num]\s su3esses = ! next two columns : w 2 tak5 f my report to ! memb]%ip ,sun"d ev5+ ( ! 3v5;n4 ,9/1d1 ,i'd l to focus on m p]sonal obs]va;ns ab ? pa/ ye> & ! ov]all /ate ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl4 ,9itially1 let me ac"kl$ge & ?ank "ey"o = yr k9d ^ws & active support s9ce la/ ,july4 ,y h demon/rat$ ,- z y h s _m "ts 2f ,- t reg>d.s ( h[ competitive ! v>i\s races = ,,acb (fice may h be51 once elec;ns 7 3clud$ "ey"o came tgr to "w coop]atively to improve ! lives ( bl & visually impair$ p4 ,)\t excep;n1 ,i've exp]i;ed #h :olehe>t$ support f ! bo>d ( directors1 a6iliate presid5ts & rank-&-file memb]s1 :e!r !y previ\sly vot$ = me or n4 ,^? ( y :o ,i've call$ ^u = assi/.e 9 tak+ ,,acb 9 a new direc;n h respond$ )\t hesita;n4 ,i w ask _m m ( y to 2come 9volv$ 9 ! vital "w ( \r organiza;n dur+ ! ye> to come & ,i "k t ! response w 2 simil>ly positive4 ,"o ( ! ?+s ,i h truly 5joy$ z presid5t ,- & previ\sly z a bo>d memb] ,- has be5 ! opportun;y to att5d /ate a6iliate 3v5;ns4 ,= me1 ! be/ "p ( att5d+ ^! ga!r+s has be5 ! *.e !y (f] to meet memb]s :o don't normally att5d na;nal 3v5;ns4 ,s9ce la/ ,july1 ,i've sat ) a gr\p at ! ,nor? ,c>ol9a 3v5;n play+ ,b+o4 ,al? ,i didn't w9 a s+le game1 ,i _h a wond];l "t & met "s #i f9e folks4 ,at ! ,mid- ,atlantic ,regional ,3v5;n1 ,i "picipat$ 9 ! fund-rais+ auc;n ": ,i bid on & won a ,victor ,/r1m4 ,ag1 ,i met a lot ( grt p :o1 = :at"e r1son1 c't make x to \r na;nal 3v5;ns4 ,at ! ,new ,mexico 3v5;n1 ,donna & ,i _h lun* ) an 5?usia/ic gr\p t1 af />t+ up a *apt] a ye> e>li]1 0 ho/+ ! /ate 3v5;n4 ,z !y say1 travel is broad5+4 ,ano!r p]sonally rew>d+ exp]i;e ov] ? pa/ ye> has be5 ! ho/+ ( (fice h\rs1 ! semi- regul> opportun;y = "ey"o & any"o to 5gage 9 a dialogue ) me & at l1/ "o o!r memb] ( ! bo>d to 4cuss :at"e !y *oose to br+ up4 ,i've le>n$ m* f ^! 9t]ac;ns & "picipat$ 9 "s ?"\- provok+ 4cus.ns4 ,i m/ m5;n "h t p]h half ( ! program 3t5t = ? 3v5;n 0 su7e/$ by call]s dur+ "o (fice h\rs #aj devot$ specifically to ga!r+ s* id1s4 ,^! calls w 3t9ue1 & ,i hope to he> f ev5 m memb]s 9 ! mon?s to come4 ,ano!r 5li >e ?9k+ & feel+4 ,on o3a.n ,i've respond$ to a "picul> ?r1d1 al? ,i h refra9$ f "s ( ! m political 4cus.ns = obvi\s r1sons4 ,:at ? give-&- take demon/rates is t ! free ex*ange ( views on a wide v>iety ( bl;s-relat$ topics is "o sign ( a h1l?y ,,acb4 ,x has be5 trem5d\sly gratify+ to he> f s _m ( \r memb]s :o h r$iscov]$ _! #aa commit;t to1 & pride in1 ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl4 ,grant$1 m* ( ? r5ew$ commit;t & pride has result$ f \r a*ieve;ts ov] ! la/ ye>4 ,"! is no?+ s p[];l 9 rek9dl+ "o's 2lief 9 ,,acb z su3ess;lly *all5g+ bo? ! ,social ,secur;y ,adm9i/ra;n & ! ,tr1sury ,de"p;t 9 c\rt2 ga9+ a3ess to \r p]sonal cr$it hi/ories "? negotiat$ settle;ts ) ! ?ree major cr$it report+ 5tities2 & gett+ ! att5;n ( a key ,3gres.nal committee 9 \r ef=ts to a*ieve total a3ess to 3sum] electronics & ! ,9t]net4 ,i'd l to 2lieve1 h["e1 t at l1/ "s ( ? r5ew$ pride 9 ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl is gr.d$ 9 \r r$$ica;n to ! democratic pr9ciples : ! f.d]s ( ? organiza;n "w$ s h>d to e/abli% back 9 #aifa4 ,:at"e ! r1son = ? turn->.d1 x's #ab mo/ def9itely a positive /ep =w>d4 ,b1 to p>aphrase t old say+1 we h miles to walk 2f we sleep4 ,s1 let's keep walk+4 ,c\rt ,decides 9 ,favor ( ,a3essible ,curr5cy by ,melanie ,brunson ,z _m r1d]s ( 8,! ,brl ,=um0 may rememb]1 ,,acb fil$ suit ag/ ! ,unit$ ,/ates ,tr1sury ,de"p;t s"eal ye>s ago bas$ on \r 3t5;n t ! ,tr1sury ,de"p;t's failure to design & issue pap] curr5cy t c 2 r1dily id5tifiable )\t vi.n is a viola;n ( ! ,rehabilita;n ,act ( #aigc4 ,we >gu$ t by virtue ( ! fact t p :o >e bl h no way ( det]m9+ ! d5om9a;n ( bank notes )\t resort+ to assi/.e f ei sids1 "! is no d5ial ( a3ess "u ! law4 ,on ,may #bj1 #bjjh1 ,,acb le>n$ t ! ,unit$ ,/ates ,c\rt ( ,app1ls = ! ,4trict ( ,columbia _h ann\nc$ xs deci.n4 ,9 ess;e1 ! c\rt a6irm$ ! deci.n ( ! 4trict c\rt1 : _h f.d ! gov]n;t 9 viola;n ( ,sec;n #ejd ( ! ,rehabilita;n ,act4 ,judge ,judi? ,rog]s1 writ+ = ! major;y1 sd t ! c\ncil _h demon/rat$ bo? ! d5ial ( m1n+;l a3ess & ! availabil;y ( a3ommoda;ns t >e r1sonable & e6icaci\s1 & t ! ,secret>y ( ! ,tr1sury _h n demon/rat$ #ad t imple;ta;n ( s* a3ommoda;n wd 9volve an undue burd54 ,! foll[+ >e "s exc]pts f ! op9ion issu$ by ,rog]s1 writ+ = ! c\rt's major;y4 8,! ,secret>y's >gu;t is analog\s to 3t5d+ t m]ely 2c ! mobil;y impair$ may 2 able ei to rely on ! assi/.e ( /rang]s or to crawl on all f\rs 9 navigat+ >*itectural ob/acles1 !y >e n d5i$ m1n+;l a3ess to public build+s4 ,s* dep5d;e is ana!ma to ! /at$ purpose ( ! ,rehabilita;n ,act1 & places ! visually impair$ at a 4t9ct 4advantage 9 twoway transac;ns 9volv+ pap] curr5cy 2c !y c nei 3trol ! ac;ns ( ^? ) :om !y d1l nor 9dep5d5tly 4c]n :e!r ! pap] curr5cy !y rcv is correct4 ,9/1d !y >e compell$ to rely on ! h"o/y & c>e;l;s ( sie on ! opposite side ( a #ae f9ancial transac;n4 8,fur!r1 cr$it c>ds d n provide an adequate sub/itute 2c !y h n replac$ ca% 9 _m daily transac;ns & may pose *all5ges simil> to ^? pos$ by pap] curr5cy if ! visually impair$ _c v]ify ! *>g$ am.ts /at$ 9 ! receipts4 ,! availabil;y ( cr$it c>ds al does n ov]come ob/acles = ! visually impair$ 9 secur+ c]ta9 employ;t opportunities1 s* z v>i\s 5trylevel jobs4 ,moreov]1 ! c\rts h recogniz$ t ! m]e abil;y ( ! 4abl$ to sp5d sub/antial sums ( m"oy to ov]come ob/acles att5dant to a gov]n;t b5efit or program does n elim9ate a d5ial ( m1n+;l a3ess "u ,sec;n #ejd40 ,! c\rt al not$ t ! e/imates submitt$ by ! ,bur1u ( ,pr9t+ & ,5grav+ = ! co/ ( provid+ ! reque/$ a3ommoda;ns #af appe> to 2 9flat$4 ,= "o ?+1 ?\< ! secret>y su7e/$ t ! a3ommoda;ns id5tifi$ by ,,acb cd require modifica;ns t wd result 9 ! ne$ = m frequ5t replace;t ( pap] curr5cy1 : wd 9cr1se ! co/ ( curr5cy produc;n1 bo? ! 4trict c\rt & ! appellate c\rt judges not$ ! abs;e ( 8/ati/ically significant evid;e0 f ! secret>y on r$uc;n 9 life span ( bank notes4 ,f9ally1 ! c\rt says1 82c o!r curr5cy sy/ems a3ommodate ! ne$s ( ! visually impair$1 ! secret>y's burd5 9 demon/rat+ t imple;t+ an a3ommoda;n wd 2 unduly burd5"s is "picul>ly h1vy4 ,! secret>y has n expla9$ :y ,u4,s4 pap] curr5cy is s di6]5t or ! situa;n ( ! ,bur1u s unique t ! co/s associat$ ) id5tifi$ a3ommoda;ns wd 3/itute #ag an undue burd540 ,rog]s not$ t ! secret>y did n *all5ge ! 4trict c\rt's f9d+s t ! bur1u's co/ e/imates = ! design modifica;ns id5tifi$ 9 ,,acb's compla9t wd 3/itute a small frac;n ( ! ,bur1u's annual exp5ditures1 & t ^! co/s cd 2 ev5 fur!r r$uc$ 7 new f1tures 9corporat$ 9to r$esigns plann$ = o!r purposes1 s* z to address c.t]feit+4 ,,acb is v pl1s$ ) ? deci.n4 ,we recognize t "! is / a ways to g 2f we c expect to see appropriate *anges to ,u4,s4 bank notes4 ,! gov]n;t has ! op;n ( fur!r app1ls1 & x is uncle> at ! "t ( ? writ+ :e!r !y w ex]cise t op;n4 ,h["e1 z ,,acb presid5t ,mit* ,pom]antz sd 9 a press rel1se issu$ %ortly af ! c\rt's deci.n1 8,? is a trem5d\s victory = #ah ! ,,acb & = e bl & visually impair$ p]son liv+ 9 ! ,unit$ ,/ates td & 9 ! future4 ,we hope t ! ,tr1sury ,de"p;t w n[ sit d[n ) u to come up ) a mutually satisfactory way ( mak+ \r curr5cy a3essible40 ,we w keep r1d]s 9=m$ z ? issue develops1 s look = m >ticles on ? subject 9 future issues4 ,we w al 9clude updates on ! ,wa%+ton ,3nec;n & keep a6iliate presid5ts 9=m$ on future develop;ts z !y o3ur4 ,g5]at+ ,9t]e/ 9 ,,acb compil$ by ,>dis ,bazyn ,h[ c we get m p to att5d ,,acb activities z well z at /ate & na;nal 3v5;ns8 ,? 0 ! topic on \r la/ ,,acb memb]%ip focus call4 ,f/1 we talk$ ab h[ to get p to local #ai meet+s4 ,*oos+ a gd re/aurant seems to draw _m1 "picul>ly if x is easy to f9d by bus1 tra91 or p>atransit4 ,hav+ 9t]e/+ sp1k]s 0 al a prior;y4 ,su7e/$ sp1k]s,0 topics w]e3 aspects ( audio descrip;n2 public transporta;n spokesp]sons2 bl & visually impair$ p talk+ ab activities !y've d"o ,- sail+1 t&em bik+1 sky div+1 wat] ski+1 b[l+2 & sp1k]s on s]vices available = ^? :o >e bl & visually impair$ or l[ 9come1 s* z ! teleph"o r1d]1 libr>y s]vices1 & c;y s]vices4 ,_m "picipants m5;n$ second>y activities 2ss ! regul> meet+s z nec to gett+ & keep+ memb]s 9 a *apt]4 ,"s *apt]s,0 addi;nal activities 9clud$3 _4 ,book club meet+ once a mon? #bj _4 ,audio-describ$ movie nibecues _4 ,camp+ week5d = memb]s _4 ,sail+ \t+ ) volunte]s _4 ,mall %opp+ ) volunte]s _4 ,4cus.n gr\ps3 ;e-mail1 ph"o1 or ,9t]net *at _4 ,*ri/mas d9n]_/"py _4 ,game nids1 bo>d games1 etc4 _4 ,live plays audio-describ$ _4 ,golf+ \t+s _4 ,s5ior c5t] l[ vi.n 4cus.ns_/l[ te* products & 9=ma;n _4 ,b1* "py3 swimm+1 wat] ski+1 tub+1 & fi%+ _4 ,k>aoke ni or keybo>d"> #ba _4 ,provid+ w9t] sports3 crossc.try ski+1 d[nhill ski+1 sl$d+1 slei< rides #bb _4 ,hav+ retr1ts ,9 ord] to get m att5d.e at ev5ts 9 *apt]s or 3v5;ns1 x 0 su7e/$ t *apt]s h fundrais]s 9 ord] to give memb]s 9c5tives to att5d4 ,active memb]s :o "picipat$ 9 fundrais]s wd get 4c.t$ tickets1 4c.t$ m1ls1 free transporta;n1 & o!r b5efits4 ,s*ol>%ips cd 2 grant$ to f/"trs = 3v5;ns4 ,9t]e/$ p cd write lrs /at+ :y !y'd l to g4 ,rehabilita;n c5t]s mit]+ a bus _4 ,us+ a sp1k]ph"o or ,skype sy/em _4 ,writ+ "w%op #bd _4 ,l[ vi.n ses.ns3 g>d5+1 cook+1 practical aids ,ea* qu>t]1 ! memb]%ip committee sponsors a memb]%ip focus call4 ,! next "o w 2 held on ,aug4 #be1 #bjjh at #h3#cj p4m4 ,ea/]n "<#e3#cj p4m4 ,pacific">4 ,! call9 numb] w 2 #a-#hfffcchfch4 ,g5]ally ! meet+ ,,id is ! date1 b x 0 too e>ly to set up ! call at press "t4 ,/ay tun$ to ! memb]%ip ;e-mail li/4 ,if yr a6iliate doesn't h "s"o on ? li/1 pl1se 3tact ,>dis ,bazyn at abazyn@a" bazyncommunica;ns4com4 #be ,a ,comp>ative ,review ( ,f\r ,scre5,a3ess ,products by ,jo% ,k5n$y ,:5 mo/ p ?9k ( scre5 r1d]s1 ! f/ ?+ t may come to m9d is ,,jaws1 ,w9d[,eyes1 or ,hal4 ,:ile ^! >e gd scre5 a3ess products1 !y may n 2 suitable = "ey"o4 ,9 ? >ticle1 ,i w review f\r less]"kn free or l[co/ products4 ,,jaws1 ,w9d[,eyes & ,hal1 :ile v p[];l & extremely 3figurable1 >e al v pricy1 rang+ 9 price f @s#hjj to ov] @s#a1jjj4 ,!y >e (t5 pur*as$ "? gov]n;t ag5cies = _! bl cli5ts1 & !y >e al pur*as$ 9 bulk = use 9 organiza;ns1 "wplaces1 s*ools1 & "s libr>ies4 ,b :at if y don't h ! m"oy to buy a scre5 r1d] s* z ,,jaws8 ,:at if y're #bf unemploy$ & y c't ju/ify ! ne$ = "o ( ^? ?ree scre5 r1d]s8 ,y b"\ a comput] 2c comput]s ^! "ds co/ any": f @s#djj to @s#hjj = a dec5t desktop or laptop comput]4 ,b1 s9ce y're bl1 y / ne$ t ?\s&-doll> scre5 r1d] plus ! ,,sma,'s to keep x uptodate1 "r8 ,n necess>ily4 ,? is ": ,?"u1 ,,nvda1 ,sy/em ,a3ess1 & ! newly rel1s$ 2ta ,sy/em ,a3ess ,to ,g c help y4 ,?"u ,?"u is a free scre5 r1d] cr1t$ by ! scre5r1d]4net company4 ,x "ws ) ,w9d[s ,,xp ,home1 ,,xp ,pro1 & ,vi/a4 ,x has a talk+ 9/all] :1 :5 laun*$1 9/alls ,?"u ) ll or no 9t]v5;n by ! us]4 ,?"u "ws ) popul> applica;ns s* z ,micros(t ,^w1 ,excel1 ,\tlook1 calculator1 ! #bg ,w9d[s ,,xp desktop1 basic ,p[],po9t support1 m$ia play]1 & possibly m4 ,?"u lets y 3trol ! physical m\se1 simulat+ x ) keys on ! numb] pad4 ,! only 4advantage to ! m\se simula;n is "! is no button = "r-click+1 b "! is "o = left-click+4 ,y c al make ,?"u play musical t"os to help y get ori5t$ to ! scre54 ,?"u c r1d tables 9 ,^w1 ! titles ( w9d[s1 ! /atus l9es ( "s applica;ns & m4 ,y c al set m>ks1 k9d ( l virtual w9d[s1 if y want to r1d c]ta9 >1s ( ! scre5 frequ5tly4 ,?"u is updat$ once e ?ree to f\r mon?s4 ,y c write scripts = ,?"u to "w bett] ) applica;ns if y c obta9 ! ,visual ,basic develop;t 5viron;t & le>n ,,vbs,'cript4 ,scripts c al 2 writt5 9 ,notepad4 ,"s p h compla9$ t #bh ,?"u cra%es (t5 on _! ma*9es & is n v /able4 ,i wd give ,?"u a #c \ ( #e rat+4 ,?"u "ws r1sonably well ) ! applica;ns x has be5 script$ =1 b don't c.t on mak+ major *anges to ,?"u 2c ! s\rce code is n available4 ,obta9+ ! ,visual ,basic 9tegrat$ develop;t 5viron;t may 2 di6icult = "s p to d4 ,"! is al a ,?"u ,pro v].n : all[s y to h a ll m func;nal;y s* z tell+ ! font & =matt+ /yles 9 ,^w4 ,y c al buy m naturals.d+ voices = ,?"u = @s#di ea* f www4scre5r1d]4net & www4scre5r1d]4co4uk4 ,y may al pur*ase a special v].n ( ,?"u pre9/all$ onto a ,,usb ?umb drive = ab @s#cjj4 #bi ,nonvisual ,desktop ,a3ess ,nonvisual ,desktop ,a3ess "<,,nvda"> 0 cr1t$ by ,mi*ael ,curran 9 ,decemb] ( #bjjf4 ,he cr1t$ 8 [n scre5 r1d] 2c he 0 tir$ ( pay+ = upgrades to 8 tradi;nal scre5 r1d]4 ,,nvda is bo? free & op5s\rce4 ,x is writt5 9 ,py?on1 a programm+ language recomm5d$ = 2g9n]s or = nonprogramm]s to />t \ )4 ,,nvda is regi/]$ "u ! new g5]al public lic5se1 : /ates t ! program & xs s\rce code may 2 obta9$ & modifi$1 b t all *anges to ! s\rce code m/ 2 made "kn to ! develop]s4 ,z ( v].n #j4e1 ,,nvda comes ) a talk+ 9/all]4 ,y c *oose to use ! talk+ 9/all]1 : loads a tempor>y copy ( ,,nvda1 all[+ y to 9/all ,,nvda )\t any sie wait+ until !y le>n h[ to imple;t video hooks 2f !y add t f1ture4 ,,nvda does1 h["e1 h a di6]5t me?od ( object naviga;n4 ,y c use ! numb] pad & ! 9s]t modifi] al;g ) keys on ! numb] pad to navigate w9d[s by ! ord] 9 : !y appe> logically 9 a program4 ,= example1 ! desktop is ! 8p>5t0 w9d[ & ! topmo/ w9d[ 9 ! 5tire op]at+ sy/em1 :ile ! o!r w9d[s1 s* z ^? 9 yr applica;ns1 >e 3sid]$ 8*0 w9d[s4 ,,nvda all[s y to #ca navigate "? ^! w9d[s1 : may ev5 9clude graphics1 & activate !m ) a s+le comm&4 ,y c al r\te ! m\se to ^! objects1 or y c r\te ! navigator objects to ! m\se loca;n if y want4 ,,nvda does n yet give y a way to click ! m\se1 s ! m\se has ll use4 ,if y'd l1 y c d[nload bo? ! ,py?on develop;t 5viron;t1 ,py?on help1 & ,,nvda s\rce code & imple;t ^! f1tures or any o!r f1tures y desire4 ,,nvda "ws ) applica;ns s* z ,\tlook ,express1 ,9t]net ,explor] & ,firefox4 ,x pres5ts web sites 9 virtual bu6]s4 ,_m ( ! naviga;n key/rokes y >e famili> ) us+ ,,jaws w al "w 9 ,,nvda4 ,,nvda al "ws ) ,micros(t ,^w1 ,excel1 ! calculator1 & o!r applica;ns4 ,at press "t1 ! develop] is rewrit+ "s ( #cb ! code to make x "w bett] 9 "s $it fields : curr5tly d n sp1k :5 y >r[ >.d4 ,,nvda al comes ) a free & op5-s\rce text-to-spee* 5g9e : s.ds a lot l ,hal's ,orpheus4 ,? syn!siz] is call$ e,sp1k4 ,y c obta9 a ,,sapi#e v].n ( x by go+ to http3_/_/esp1k4" s\rce=ge4net4 ,"!1 y c d[nload a v].n ( e,sp1k : is ,,sapi#e compatible & w "w ) yr o!r scre5 r1d]s4 ,if y don't alr h e,sp1k 9/all$ 2f 9/all+ ,,nvda1 don't worry4 ,,es,'p1k has be5 made 9to a ;4dll file2 ? is a small applica;n ti$ directly 9to ,,nvda4 ,! ;4dll v].n ( e,sp1k is n ,,sapi#e- compatible4 ,= ! late/ f1tures1 x is recomm5d$ t y al 9/all ! ,,sapi#e v].n ( e,sp1k on yr sy/em4 ,! two may coexi/ )\t 9t]f]+ ) ea* o!r4 ,9 addi;n to ! e,sp1k #cc spee* syn!siz] 2+ able to sp1k _m languages1 ,,nvda xf has be5 translat$ 9to ov] #aj languages4 ,y c swit* 2t ! language 9t]faces 9 ! ,,nvda pref];es by br++ up ! ,,nvda w9d[ ) 9s]t"6n4 ,9 addi;n1 x is easy to *ange ! ,,nvda modifi] to :at"e y l4 ,x's z easy z $it+ a text file4 ,& if y "k ,py?on1 y c *ange ,,nvda to suit yr ne$s & ev5 make x "w ) t /u2orn 9a3essible program yr employ] may want y to use4 ,,nvda does n curr5tly support brl 4plays1 b t is 2+ "w$ on4 ,a f9al note on ,,nvda4 ,if y wi% to donate to ! project1 y may d s by go+ to www4" nva3ess4org4 ,,nvda al has an ;e-mail li/4 ,9=ma;n on ? c 2 f.d on ! commun;y l9k ( ! ma9 web site1 www4nvdaproject4org4 #cd ,sy/em ,a3ess ,sy/em ,a3ess is a l[co/ scre5 a3ess solu;n cr1t$ by ,s]otek ,corpora;n4 ,at a co/ ( @s#abi p] ye>1 y c h ,sy/em ,a3ess on up to two comput]s4 ,sy/em ,a3ess has bo? desktop & laptop lay\ts built 9to x by utiliz+ m ?an "o modifi] key4 ,s9ce ,sy/em ,a3ess is n free & n op5-s\rce1 x _c 2 modifi$ by ! us]4 ,s]otek did say1 h["e1 t !y w 2 com+ \ ) brl support & script+ capabil;y lat] ? ye>4 ,sy/em ,a3ess lets y "w ) popul> applica;ns s* z ,\tlook1 ,\tlook ,express1 ,^w1 ,excel1 ,p[],po9t1 & ,9t]net ,explor]4 ,x does n "w ) ,firefox4 ,sy/em ,a3ess r5d]s web sites & ;e-mail messages 9 virtual bu6]s 9 m* ! same way t ,,jaws1 ,w9d[,eyes1 & ,,nvda d4 #ce ,sy/em ,a3ess al has a virtual m\se mode ) full m\se click capabilities4 ,y may label graphics & cr1te program packs to upload to ! ,sy/em ,a3ess us]s,0 commun;y4 ,9 addi;n1 ,sy/em ,a3ess lets y 3nect to ! ,fre$om ,box net"w if y h a ,fre$om ,box a3.t4 ,sy/em ,a3ess's default syn!siz] is ,,dect,'alk1 b x w al "w ) any ,,sapi#d- or ,,sapi#e-compatible syn!siz] y h on yr comput]4 ,bo? ,sy/em ,a3ess & ,sy/em ,a3ess ,to ,g h a remote mode : w all[ y to take 3trol ( ano!r p]son's comput] to provide te*nical support4 ,? "ws be/ :5 ! o!r p]son is al runn+ ,sy/em ,a3ess & is lo7$ in4 ,b y c remotely 3trol comput]s t >e n runn+ ,sy/em ,a3ess us+ ! remote 3trol f1ture built 9to bo? ,sy/em ,a3ess & #cf ,sy/em ,a3ess ,to ,g4 ,sy/em ,a3ess c al 2 put onto a ,,usb fla% drive4 ,x "ws on any ,w9d[s #bjjj1 ,,xp1 or ,vi/a comput]4 ,sy/em ,a3ess ,to ,g ,imag9e = a mo;t t y w5t to a fr's h\se1 or y w5t to ! libr>y1 & y ne$ to use _! comput]4 ,y =got yr ,,usb fla% drive ) yr scre5 r1d] on x1 & y want to look "s?+ up4 ,or :at if y j c't get to ! comput]'s ,,usb ports8 ,well1 "! is a solu;n3 ,sy/em ,a3ess ,to ,g4 ,by go+ to www4satogo4com1 y w 2 guid$ by ,,dect,'alk 9to us+ ,sy/em ,a3ess remotely4 ,? m1ns t1 once load$1 ,sy/em ,a3ess w run f ! web site & y c use ! public comput] or yr fr's comput]4 ,sy/em ,a3ess ,to ,g has all ( ! f1tures ( #cg ,sy/em ,a3ess4 ,b no?+ is 9/all$ to ! h>d drive ( ! comput] t ,sy/em ,a3ess ,to ,g is run on4 ,s :5 y %ut x d[n1 "! is no trace ( ! program left 2h4 ,) p]mis.n f ! libr>y1 y c use any comput] 9 ! libr>y4 ,sy/em ,a3ess ,to ,g may h tr\ble runn+ on comput]s ) hi< secur;y firewalls4 ,y may ne$ to ask yr net"w adm9i/rator 9 "s cases = p]mis.n to run ,sy/em ,a3ess ,to ,g4 ,if ,,jaws1 ,w9d[,eyes1 or ,hal isn't = y1 y c 3sid] "o ( ^! f\r alt]natives4 ,a3essible ,p$e/rian ,signals ,rcv ,presid5tial ,z1l by ,k5 ,/ew>t ,x 0 j a co9cid;e t ! meet+ 0 on ,val5t9e's ,"d4 ,b #ch ! subject ( x 0 c]ta9ly close to ! he>ts ( ^? 9 att5d.e4 ,guide ,dog ,us]s ( ,new ,york *ose t ev5+ = "o ( xs regul> meet+s = ! 3v5i;e ( memb]s only 2c ( o!r commit;ts on o!r ev5+s4 ,i _h be5 9vit$ to make a pres5ta;n on a3essible p$e/rian signals4 ,:ile complet+ ! >range;ts = my appe>.e1 ,i reque/$ & 0 immly grant$ p]mis.n to 9vite a repres5tative f ea* ( ! o!r organiza;ns repres5t+ ! bl commun;y 9 ! ,new ,york ,c;y >ea4 ,,gduny presid5t ,david ,de ,porte & ,i 7 q pl1s$ :5 presid5t ,k>5 ,g\rgey >riv$ to repres5t ! local ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl *apt]1 & equally pl1s$ :5 presid5t ,ray ,wayne >riv$ repres5t+ ! local ,na;nal ,f$]a;n ( ! ,bl *apt]4 ,add$ to ! ,,gduny presid5t & myf1 presid5t ( ! local #ci ,,cclvi *apt]1 we 7 up to f\r presid5ts1 b t 0 n all4 ,mike ,god9o1 presid5t ( ! /ate ,,acb a6iliate1 0 al pres5t6 ,:at foll[$ 0 a v h>moni\s & focus$ 3sid]a;n ( a subject obvi\sly at ! top ( e bl;s organiza;n's priorities4 ,factual 9=ma;n ab ,,aps devices 0 provid$1 al;g ) a brief hi/ory ( 9/alla;ns locally4 ,) ,,gdui memb]s "picipat+ z equal voices to 8,! ,brass10 att5dees develop$ a /rategy = mov+ =w>d exp$iti\sly4 ,a compila;n ( ! mo/ urg5t sites wd 2 cr1t$ & provid$ to ! c;y's ,de"p;t ( ,transporta;n4 ,t li/1 z alr agre$ 2t ! ,,dot's ,signals ,divi.n ,director & myf1 wd 2 a3ompani$ by ! crit]ia we 7 us+ to wei de/9a;ns = bl p$e/rians4 ,"o mid-block p$e/rian crosswalk al made ! %ort li/ by virtue ( lack+ p>allel tra6ic s.ds coa*+ a bl p$e/rian :5 to cross4 ,! hi/ory ( a3essible p$e/rian signals 9 ,new ,york ,c;y he>d by att5dees t ,febru>y ev5+ 2gan 9 ,june ( #bjjd1 :5 ! f/ "o 0 9/all$ 9 ,manhattan1 z describ$ 9 8,on ! ,av5ue1 ,six? ,av5ue0 "<8,! ,brl ,=um10 ,septemb]-,octob] #bjjd">4 ,lie/ to _! facil;y4 ,s9ce !n ! c;y has be5 respond+ sl[ly to o!r reque/s4 ,to date "! >e #da only #aj sites signaliz$ >.d ! f\r bor\e bl & visually impair$4 ,:5 ,i met ) ! signals divi.n director late la/ ye>1 he express$ will+;s to a3el]ate 9/alla;ns4 ,he al express$ a desire to get \r help 9 decid+ ": to g next4 ,he gave no 9dica;n ( any budget>y re/ra9ts on ! program1 & s1 decl9$ my (f] = u to g hi<] up 9 ! c;y adm9i/ra;n to seek support = 8 divi.n's "w4 ,i am n[ optimi/ic t ! prioritiz$ li/ ( addi;nal sites w move ?+s =w>d promptly4 ,! signals divi.n director n[ has /r;g evid;e ! bl commun;y is sp1k+ ) "o voice1 "o /r;g voice4 ,& we /& r1dy to assi/ 9 ! deci.ns ab ": to g next4 #db ,"! al 0 3s5sus at ! ,val5t9e's ,"d meet+ t us]s pref] devices t provide m9imal non-visual 9=ma;n dur+ e walk cycle1 provid$ )\t any ne$ = p$e/rian actua;n4 ,! v]bal 9=ma;n is add$ to ! alw available vibrat+ >r[ & rapid click+ :5"e ! button is pu%$4 ,subsequ5t to ! meet+1 ,i 0 assur$ by ,pol>a's repres5tative t xs product cd 2 programm$ 9 ! pref]r$ mann]4 ,ov] ! pa/ s"eal ye>s1 ,i _h be5 gett+ mix$ messages on t po9t4 ,:ile talk+ ) t ,pol>a rep1 ,i le>n$ t ! v5dor reta9$ responsibil;y = s]vic+ ! devices4 ,he hmf has be5 respond+ :5 "o ( ! ,,aps boxes is n "w+ prop]ly4 ,he describ$ f9d+ a pap] plate or o!r tra% w$g$ 9 2t ! device & xs support4 ,he 2liev$ ^? 7 #dc simply pranks4 ,my guess 0 t !y 7 symptomatic ( "s"o prote/+ :5 ! locator t"o 0 9appropriately l\d4 ,at press "t1 fur!r 9put has come f ! "pn]+ organiza;ns1 cr1t+ a f9al v].n ( \r li/ ( hili] reque/ to 9clude ,,aps 9fra/ructure is 9de$ 2+ 9clud$ :5 major /reet r5ova;ns 2g94 ,"s at ! meet+ may h be5 pl1santly surpris$ to f9d ! ,,nfb pres5t & jo9+ ! project e6ectively2 ,i 0 n4 ,9 ! #dd la/ s"eal ye>s1 ,i h alw be5 tr1t$ hospitably :5 ,i att5d$ an ,,nfb *apt] meet+ to 4cuss any ( my transporta;n advocacy no;ns4 ,i recall vividly gett+ a spontane\s r.d ( applause :5 ,i made a tang5tial ref];e to my f$]al litiga;n ab bus driv] non-compli.e ) ! f$]al m&ate to ann\nce major /ops4 ,9 fact1 ,i _h recruit$ "o ( my two wit;ses 9 t case f an ,,nfb meet+4 ,:5 x comes to p$e/rian signals1 my impres.n is t mo/ ,,nfb memb]s 9 ? >ea & mo/ ,,acb memb]s too h simil>ly negative op9ions ab ! wor/ examples ( ! e>ly g5]a;n ( audible signals1 & simil>ly favorable op9ions on ! be/ ( ! late/ g5]a;n ( a3essible p$e/rian signals4 #de ,! ,morn+ ,walk] ,i walk ea* morn+ "? ! woods4 ,x is my job4 ,"s"o has to d x to br+ home morn+ lim4 ,z ,i make ! la/ turn home1 x b.ds ah1d ( me1 *as+ away newfall5 l1ves fly+ up to my door4 ,by !n1 ! li.d my legs 9 ! op5 doorway1 all at once nuzzl+ my wife awake :ile tu7+ my sons \ ( b$ z x laps my glass ( wat] )\t dra9+ x4 ,yes1 x is my job to make ea* morn+ d xs job4 ,i walk ea* morn+ "? ! woods 2c if n = me1 no morn+ wd come 9 ? way4 ,on _! [n1 morn+s wd come too b"r1 ) a holl[ lim$ = imag9a;n4 ,- ,john ,lee ,cl>k #dg ,a ,"d 9 ,my ,life by ,c>son ,wood ,= mo/ ( my life1 ,i've f.d grt pl1sure 9 ! simple act ( tak+ a walk4 ,z my ret9itis pig;tosa progresses1 ! ne$ to 2 m 9t5sely focus$ on ori5ta;n & mobil;y has tak5 away "s ( ! 5joy;t4 ,! m 3ges;n ,i 5c.t]1 ! m ,i m/ take notice ( e h9t ( pot5tial dang]4 ,i've r1liz$ ,i h>bor "s deep res5t;t 9 t ! ne$ = s* 9t5se 3c5tra;n is cr[d+ \ ! grt joy ,i once felt1 ev5 :5 ! hu2ub ( daily commut+ 0 daunt+4 ,al? pride has be5 label$ z a s9 by "s1 ,i want respect & dem& my "r to live a life ( dign;y & to 2 valu$ z a human 2+4 ,2+ haunt$ by rec5t news /ories ": fully si ! c> idl+1 wait+ to turn1 s my cane came 9 3tact ) ! c>1 : prompt$ me to g >.d ! re> & h1d back to ! sidewalk4 ,z ,i pass$ ! pass5g] side ( ! c>1 "s"o gra2$ my >m & />t$ l1d+ me )\t hav+ sd a ^w4 ,i told ! p]son1 8,i've got ? situa;n "u 3trol40 ,! man sd1 8,g ah1d1 fall d[n60 ,i curs$ at ! man & sd1 8,:y don't y g fall d[n860 ,lat] 9 ! "d1 :5 cross+ ,ma9 ,/reet1 a vehicle /opp$ z ,i wait$ to he> if x 0 safe to use ! crosswalk4 ,z ,i cross$1 ! vehicle driv] let \ a mock+1 ,walt ,4ney's ,go(y lau< #di z ,i h1d$ = ! opposite curb4 ,att5d+ my t[n's ,tgr ,"ds celebra;n t ev5+1 ,i 0 met by "s memb]s ( ! ,lions ,club ": ,i'd once be5 a memb]4 ,!y ask$ me if ,i 0 do+ any?+ o!r ?an lift+ weidians ( ! bl1 b ! way ! "q 0 put to me1 x 0 9t5d$ to make me feel l a second-class citiz54 ,! loss ( my func;nal vi.n has tak5 away _m abilities ,i once _h4 ,x has n tak5 away my _s & w to g on4 ,i refuse to let x de/roy my dign;y4 ,life issues 2y visual *all5ges >e pl5ty t\< 5\<1 s* z ! imp5d+ d1? ( my be/ fr ( #dj ye>s & ! imp5d+ d1? ( my pet dog4 ,i h to "q if ! curr5t attitude ( ! g5]al public is r1lly z call\s z x seems to 2 prov+ to be4 #ej ,! ,guilty ,pl1sures ( ,guide ,dogs by ,alysia ,wells ,"h we >e 9 \r do7ie gr\p !rapy4 ,td we're r1lly j go+ to roll ov]1 kick back1 /ret* \1 ) no taboos4 ,x's a b1uti;l "d 9 ! do7ie neie jo9$ by a v cute goldador1 ,molly4 ,%e's a dick5s & k9d ( an 9/igator1 help+ u relax & unl1% "s 9hibi;ns4 ,molly's s ll & cute & sn1ky t no "o suspects h] ( /ray+ f a rule-abid+ c\rse4 ,"s p >e mov$ to te>s by \r abilities1 gd judg;t & loyalty1 & "s p idolize guide dogs & imbue u ) sup]p[]s4 ,n[ ,i'm n say+ t a few ( u hav5't be5 responsible = "s miracles t sav$ lives1 b mo/ ( u j d a gd job mo/ ( ! "t4 #ea ,we're gift$ b n p]fect6 ,we're n lovely /atues or robots t 3=m n1tly to e circum/.e we're 3front$ )1 & we develop di6]5tly 9 \r c>e]s4 ,we h faults4 ,ne$.s to say1 "s ( u backslide1 =get ?+s1 misjudge1 fail1 act irresponsibly1 h a bad mo;t1 a bad "d6 ,despite \r tra9+ & glorifica;n1 we're / dogs ) can9e 9t]e/s1 & t's ! topic td4 ,we "s"ts 3sid] o!r ?+s 2ss guid+ y p4 ,"s"ts a r&om 9cid5t : maybe has no comp>able human signific.e ?rills u & makes \r "d6 ,we h *os5 to rema9 anonym\s td = y r1d]s 2c :at happ5s is only = u to "k ab1 s maybe y c hold tit$ 9*+1 9*+ l an 9*worm1 /ret*+ my neck1 /ick+ \ my t;gue1 oh1 j a ll m1 #ec c>e;lly /ra9+ my l1% z f> z x wd g ,- "e s sl[ly ,- laud+ z any praise = my gd de$s60 8,y all & yr food crav+s6 ,i j l mis*ief "s"ts6 ,if ,i'm left al"o1 ev5 :5 ,i "k bett]1 x's anybody's guess :at ,i mi.d "ey": & h "s fun6 ,yes1 ,i h prop] dog toys1 b ? is m *all5g+ & gratify+60 8,my gd;s1 y're brave6 ,i don't l gett+ 9 tr\ble & wd r d "s?+ less obvi\s l #ed jump up on ! s(a at ni foot/eps & jump d[n60 8,well1 t's j silly & bor+6 ,yr fur /ays "! on t s(a1 & ! tru? w come \ soon 5\<4 ,i love wat] & c't resi/ l1d+ my p]son "? a big puddle once 9 a :ile60 8,oh1 t's m1n60 ,ev5 ll ,molly is %ock$ at ? po9t4 ,b we proce$ =w>d ) ano!r admis.n4 8,i love ! oc1n1 sp1k+ ( wat]1 don't y all80 "<,heidi1 ! prissy ,g]man %eph]d1 l[]s h] magnific5t h1d 9 mild 4gu/4"> 8,anyway1 ,i love to swim1 & ,i plung$ 9to ! oc1n1 snu6l+1 revel+1 & un=tunately1 dr9k+6 ,z ,i %ook (f1 my p]son 0 happy = me at f/1 5joy+ my glee1 b !n lat]1 t balmy salt wat] w5t "r "? me1 & x wasn't pretty6 ,my p]son _h to #ee pay an extra fee = cl1nup 9 t hotel room1 ": !y'd be5 s nice to me1 too4 ,oh well1 x wasn't my m"oy1 & ,i / love ! oc1n4 ,i j won't dr9k x60 ,heidi is gloat+4 ,h[ emb>rass+6 ,i'm glad we >5't nam+ "ns td6 ,z dogs1 we h r&om1 4connect$ ?"\s & dr1ms ,- 8,i j want to roll 9 ! grass all "d6 ,i ,,n"e ne$ a ba?6 ,i don't l yr si/]'s p]fume4 ,i smell *ick5 all ! "t6 ,i dr1m ab dog p>ks ": ,i'm completely free & meet my do7ie s\l mate6 ,if t cat comes any clos]1 x's d1d6 ,i want to dig a hole & re/ 9 cool moi/ dirt6 ,pl1se rub my belly1 & !n scrat* "u my *96 ,make me happy60 ,^ws >5't z important z ac;ns4 ,i c unwrap a ,h]%ey b> fa/] ?an y c4 ,i c op5 a gate lat* : is do7ie-pro(6 #ef ,anyway1 sit up /rai1 ! ,c5tral ,m>yl& ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl is (f]+ x ag6 ,we / h brl copies = only @s#bj ea*4 ,l>ge pr9t & regul> pr9t copies h be5 r$uc$ to @s#aj4 ,we n[ al (f] ! cookbook on ;,,cd = @s#aj4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 or to place an ord]1 call ,ru? ,hairs9e at "<#daj"> #ffc-#cdii4 ,make *ecks payable to ! ,c5tral ,m>yl& ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl & mail x1 al;g ) yr "n1 address1 & ! =mat y'd l "ge pr9t1 regul> pr9t1 or ;,,cd"> to #eg #beah ,egdewood ,ave41 ,baltimore1 ,,md #babcd4 ,x's ,n"e ,too ,late6 by ,k>5 ,wood=k "<,$itor's ,note3 ,k>5 ,wood=k is ! hi< s*ool coord9ator at ! ,_hley ,s*ool = ! ,bl4"> ,:o is a ,_hley ,hi< ,s*ool ,graduate8 ,"s"o :o is det]m9$ to su3e$6 ,"s"o :o has *os5 to p]sev]e despite all odds6 ,"s"o :o is resolute 9 improv+ 8 or h] qual;y ( life6 ,! major;y ( ,_hley's hi< s*ool /ud5ts >e adults 2t #cj & #ij ye>s ( age :o >e 9t]e/$ 9 obta9+ a diploma to a*ieve a p]sonal goal4 ,mo/ d n desire to pursue a college degree1 al? "s h su3ess;lly #eh aspir$ to ! *all5ge4 ,dur+ _! hi< s*ool ye>s1 ^! /ud5ts 7 unable to e>n a diploma 2c ( l[ vi.n1 9a3essible c\rse mat]ials1 multiple 4abilities1 etc4 ,& n[1 ye>s lat]1 !y r1lize ! import.e ( a*iev+ a hi< s*ool $uca;n4 ,:5 pot5tial hi< s*ool /ud5ts 9quire ab \r program1 !y 2g9 ! 3v]sa;n by 4cuss+ _! visual impair;t & 3fide h[ l;g x has be5 "<#bj1 #cj1 #dj ye>s"> s9ce !y 7 "p ( a s*ool sett+4 ,z ,i describe ,_hley's program & a3essible c\rse =mats1 expla9+ t !y w 2 able to /udy at _! [n pace 9 ! privacy ( _! [n homes1 ,i he> a si< ( relief4 ,^u le>n+ t !y w 2 assign$ to a specific c\rse 9/ructor :o w grade & return ea* assign;t ) #ei 3/ructive com;ts1 ,i s5se a det]m9a;n to su3e$4 ,!y >e ?rill$ t ,_hley is go+ "? ! 5tire process ) !m "o /ep at a "t4 ,!y >e gratifi$ to 4cov] !y w n h to complete an 5tire c\rse on _! [n & >e seem+ly =tifi$ 9 _! resolve t !y c1 9de$1 e>n a pass+ grade4 ,improv+ _! qual;y ( life & obta9+ t once-elusive diploma 2comes _! prim>y focus6 ,_hley's hi< s*ool program is available to 9dividuals #ad ye>s ( age & old] :o reside )9 ! ,unit$ ,/ates4 ,!y ne$ to 2 able to r1d & write at ! middle s*ool level 9 ord] to complete ! c\rse "w su3ess;lly4 ,core c\rses 9 ! >1s ( ,5gli%1 ma?1 social /udies & sci;e >e requir$4 ,brl lit]acy c\rses >e available al4 ,c\rses >e available 9 brl1 l>ge #fj pr9t & audio4 ,onl9e c\rses >e 2+ develop$ z well4 ,am;g \r #ajjplus c\rses1 we (f] elective c\rses 9 >1s ( 9dep5d5t liv+1 busi;s writ+1 te*nology1 foods & recr1;n4 ,a complete c\rse catalog is available onl9e at www4_hley4$u4 ,to 5roll1 or = m 9=ma;n1 3tact ,k>5 ,wood=k at #a-#hjj-#ebf-#iiji4 ,"h & ,"! by ,sue ,li*t5fels ,! ann\nce;t ( products & s]vices 9 ? column is n an 5dorse;t by ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 xs /aff1 or elect$ (ficials4 ,products & s]vices >e li/$ free ( *>ge = ! b5efit ( \r r1d]s4 8,! ,brl ,=um0 _c 2 held responsible = ! reliabil;y ( products & s]vices m5;n$4 #fa ,to submit items = ? column1 s5d a message to 9fo@aacb4org1 or call ,,acb at #a-#hjj-#dbd- #hfff & l1ve a message 9 mailbox #bf4 ,pl1se rememb] t po/al regula;ns prohibit u f 9clud+ adv]tise;ts1 & t we ne$ 9=ma;n two mon?s ah1d ( actual publica;n dates4 ,bo/on ,m>a?on ,f9i%]s ,! foll[+ bl & visually impair$ a?letes f9i%$ ! ,bo/on ,m>a?on3 ,kurt ,fi5e1 ,adrian ,broca1 ,james ,salley1 ,ivonne ,mosqu]a1 ,je6]y ,b5elli1 ,/ev5 ,wood1 ,]i* ,mans]1 ,ri*>d ,miles1 ,j5nif] ,h]r+1 ,ri*>d ,hunt]1 ,k5ne? ,cl>k1 ,ivan ,ca/ro1 ,alex&] ,muell]1 ,john ,kusku1 ,*>les ,plaskon1 & ,vic ,v]e%ack4 #fb ,develop;tal ,cycl+ ,camp ,! ,u4,s4 ,associa;n ( ,bl ,a?letes "<,,usaba"> is cosponsor+ ! ,u4,s4 ,develop;tal ,cycl+ ,camp = ,rid]s ) ,4abilities at ! ,u4,s4 ,olympic ,tra9+ ,c5t]1 ,sept4 #bcbh 9 ,colorado ,spr+s1 ,colo4 ,bl & visually impair$ cycli/s ov] age #af & _! sie 5c\rag$ to att5d4 ,a special 9vita;n is 2+ ext5d$ to milit>y s]vicem5 & wom5 :o h 5c.t]$ 4abilities f ,op]a;n ,iraqi ,fre$om & ,op]a;n ,5dur+ ,fre$om :o want to le>n to race4 ,rid]s att5d+ camp w 2 on _! bikes up to two "ts p] "d "picipat+ 9 skill drills1 practic+ safe rid+ te*niques & compet+ 9 race simula;ns4 ,"! w al 2 ev5+ lectures4 ,! hope is t ! camp w op5 new #fc opportunities = sports & recr1;n to p ) physical 4abilities4 ,food1 h\s+ & gr.d transporta;n to & f ! airport w 2 provid$4 ,a?letes w 2 responsible = _! travel >range;ts & a nom9al camp fee4 ,rid]s >e ask$ to br+ _! [n bikes & ge> to ! camp4 ,t&em rid]s >e 5c\rag$ to br+ _! [n pilots "1 b if ne$$1 ,,usaba w help f9d "pn]s4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 or to reque/ an applica;n1 3tact ,pam ,f]n&es at pamala@aquik4com or call "<#gha"> #ddi-#iefc1 or visit www4usaba4org4 ,fil+ = ,/imulus ,pay;t ,p ) 4abilities >e am;g ^? :o h until ,oct4 #ae1 #bjjh to file a #bjjg =m 9 ord] to rcv ! f$]al tax rebate4 ,allsup1 : repres5ts p na;nwide = #fd ,,ssdi b5efits1 provides addi;nal 9=ma;n on fil+ = ! rebate & taxrelat$ "qs = p ) 4abilities at www4allsup4com4 ,p ) no tax fil+ require;t1 b ) at l1/ @s#c1jjj 9 qualify+ 9come1 %d file a ,=m #ajdj,a4 ,qualify+ 9come 9cludes e>n$ 9come1 non-taxable combat pay & c]ta9 ,social ,secur;y1 ,vet]ans ,a6airs & railroad retire;t pay;ts4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 visit www4irs4gov4 ,q@&,a ,guides f ,,eeoc ,! ,equal ,employ;t ,opportun;y ,commis.n rec5tly issu$ two "q-&-answ] guides provid+ te*nical assi/.e = employ]s & vet]ans on "wplace issues a6ect+ vet]ans ) s]vice-3nect$ 4abilities4 ,! new guide = employ]s expla9s h[ protec;ns = vet]ans ) s]vice-3nect$ 4abilities #fe di6] "u ! ,,ada & ! ,uni=m$ ,s]vices ,employ;t & ,re- employ;t ,act4 ,! second guide1 aim$ at vet]ans ) s]vice-3nect$ 4abilities1 answ]s "qs !y may h ab protec;ns !y >e 5titl$ to :5 !y seek to return to _! =m] jobs or look = _! f/1 or new1 civilian jobs4 ,bo? docu;ts >e available at www4eeoc4gov4 ,digital ,,tv ,3v].n ,at midnid ! co/ ( eligible 3v]t] boxes4 ,a ,,tv 3nect$ to cable1 satellite or o!r pay ,,tv s]vice does n require a 3v]t] box4 ,to le>n h[ to get ,,dtv 3v]t] boxes & c\pons1 visit www4dtv#bjji4;gov or call #a-#hhh-#chh-#bjji or #a- #hgg-#ecj-#bfcd "<,,tty">4 ,video ,descrip;n & ,3v]t] ,boxes ,,wgbh's ,m$ia ,a3ess ,gr\p has te/$ two ( ! ,na;nal ,telecommunica;ns & ,9=ma;n ,adm9i/ra;n_/,,ntia,'c]tifi$ c\pon eligible 3v]t] boxes & has det]m9$ t y c rcv & he> video descrip;n f a broadca/ digital ,,tv signal t 9cludes x4 ,! two boxes te/$ 7 ! ,9signia f ,be/ ,buy & ! ,digital ,/r1m f ,radio ,%ack4 ,bo? boxes h ,,cc & ,,sap " buttons on ! #fg remote 3trols t all[ y to a3ess ! v>i\s cap;n signals & alt]nate audio *annels )\t hav+ to g "? 9a3essible setup m5us4 ,audio ,comic ,book ,,rfb@&,d has rel1s$ xs f/ audio comic book1 ,/an ,lee's 8,:o ,wants to ,2 a ,sup]h]o801 publi%$ by ,d>k ,horse ,comics4 ,lee1 ! _wfam\s cocr1tor ( ,spid],man^t1 ,iron ,man^t1 ,,xm,'5^t1 ,fanta/ic ,f\r^t & ,! ,9cr$ible ,hulk^t1 am;g o!rs1 p5n$ ! comic book1 : f1tures ! sup]h]o 8,fe$back40 ,! ,fe$back "*1 cr1t$ by ,mat!w ,a!rton & 8 wife ,s>ah ,blev9s1 0 ! w9n] ( ,sci,fi ,*annel's s1son "o hit %[1 8,:o ,wants to ,2 a ,sup]h]o80 ,a!rton1 an ,,rfb@&,d volunte]1 tgr ) ,lee1 #fh help$ record ! audio book at ,,rfb@&,d's ,hollywood record+ /udio4 ,a!rton !n 5h.ed ! record+ ) s.d e6ects & orig9al music1 writt5 by ,jon ,mattox ( ,b"r ,orange ,/udios1 locat$ 9 ,los ,angeles4 ,! audio comic book w 2 available 9def9itely to ,,rfb@&,d memb]s on ;,,cd4 ,&1 by special >range;t ) ,d>k ,horse ,comics1 visitors to ,,rfb@&,d's web site " c1 = a limit$ "t1 li/5 to 8,:o ,wants to ,2 a ,sup]h]o80 ,= m 9=ma;n1 call ,,rfb@&,d at #a- #hff,,rfbd#ehe4 ,w9 a ,digital ,makeov] ,s]otek is seek+ 9dividuals to complete xs onl9e survey & 5roll to w9 a complete digital life/yle makeov]4 ,! w9n] gets a digital makeov] wor? m #fi ?an @s#b1jjj1 : 9cludes3 ,,asus #h,g #b p.d ,netbook ,,pc1 a complete ,s]otek ,,sas package1 a ,victor ,r1d] ,/r1m audio book play]1 a ,z5 ,/"o ,,mp#c play]1 & #a copy ( any ,mobile ,sp1k scre5 r1d] c\rtesy ( ,code ,factory4 ,! w9n] w 2 drawn on ,sept4 #g on ,,acb ,radio's ,m>la9a program at www4acbradio4com4 ,! w9n] m/ 2 at home to w94 ,s]otek is al (f]+ a free ,z5 ,/"o to ! f/ #ajj p to sign up = xs f\rye> s(tw>e s]vice package1 = only @s#bd4ie p] mon?1 9 addi;n to ,sy/em ,a3ess ,mobile = two comput]s & a memory /ick2 a f\rye> memb]%ip to ! ,sy/em ,a3ess ,mobile ,net"w1 & ,neo ,spee*4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 visit ,s]otek on ! web at www4s]otek4com & click ! ,summ] ,sizzle l9k4 #gj ,new ,brl ,emboss]s ,view,plus ,te*nologies has 2gun %ipp+ xs ,tig] ,elite @& ,premi] ,brl ,emboss]s4 ,f1tures ( ! new emboss]s 9clude3 hidw>e made = runn+ l;g h\rs1 & compact desktop size4 ,= pric+ or addi;nal 9=ma;n1 visit www4viewplus4com1 or call "<#eda"> #geddjjb4 ,m$ica;n ,assi/.e ,tak5,slide^t helps y monitor yr m$ica;n's daily doses up to #d "ts a "d4 ,j atta* ! self/ick dosage /rip to yr prescrip;n1 vitam9 or daily supple;t bottle ( any size & align all 89dicator slides0 to ! left4 ,!n1 take yr m$ica;n & move "o #ga 9dicator slide to ! "r4 ,j rememb] n to place dosage /rip ov] important 9/ruc;ns4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 or to ord] ! dosage /rips1 call "<#fgh"> #didbiib or visit www4tak5slide4com4 ,spung9 to ,retire ,,afb has ann\nc$ t ,dr4 ,susan ;,j4 ,spung91 ,vice ,presid5t1 ,9t]na;nal ,programs & ,special ,projects1 w retire on ,dec4 #ca1 #bjjh1 af #dd ye>s ( 4t+ui%$ "w on ! $uca;n & rehabilita;n ( bl p 9 ! na;nal & 9t]na;nal >5as4 ,dr4 ,spung9 jo9$ ,,afb 9 #aigb z a na;nal speciali/ 9 $uca;n4 ,9 ? capac;y1 %e id5tifi$ na;nwide issues a6ect+ bl1 d1fbl1 & sev]ely visually impair$ *n & y\?1 & "w$ 9 "pn]%ip ) s*ools1 ag5cies1 /ate de"p;ts ( $uca;n1 univ]sities1 ! #gb f$]al gov]n;t1 & o!r organiza;ns to resolve ^? issues4 ,9 addi;n to h] $uca;n "w1 %e 0 9/ru;tal 9 %ap+ ,,afb's rese>* & policy "w1 & xs na;nal programs 9 ! >1s ( e>ly *ildhood develop;t1 ag+1 employ;t1 rehabilita;n t1*+1 l[ vi.n1 ori5ta;n & mobil;y1 c>e] $uca;n1 & m4 ,brlrman ,:5 yr ,p]k9s brlr />ts to get slu7i% or won't backspace1 ,alan ,ackley wants to make x "r4 ,he has recondi;n$ m ?an #e1jjj brlrs f 9dividuals1 s*ools & ag5cies 9 e /ate 9 ! c.try4 ,he 0 tra9$ at ,h[e ,press on ! campus ( ,p]k9s ,s*ool = ! ,bl 9 ,wat]t[n1 ,mass4 ,he ma9ta9s a complete 9v5tory ( factory "ps & assures prompt turn>.d & r1sonable *>ges4 ,= m #gc 9=ma;n1 call ,alan at "<#eae"> #bhhcica or visit www4" braill]man4com4 ,cap;n,max ,rcvs ,aw>d ,! ,na;nal ,c5t] = ,te*nology ,9nova;n "<,,ncti"> ann\nc$ xs ,te*nology 9 ! ,"ws #bjjh aw>d recipi5ts4 ,! competi;n recognizes \t/&+ 9novative t1ms ( rese>*]s & v5dors :o w exam9e ! impact ( assi/ive te*nologies = /ud5ts ) special ne$s4 ,"o ( ^! pre/igi\s aw>ds 0 to ! jo9t proposal submitt$ by ,cap;n,max & ! ,na;nal ,c5t] = ,support$ e,text "<,,ncs,'e,t"> = ,mak+ ,video ,3t5t ,a3essible to ,all3 ,explor+ ! ,b5efits ( ,5h.ed ,cap;n+ & ,exp&$ ,audio ,descrip;n = ,all ,/ud5ts4 ,rese>* f9d+s w 2 ann\nc$ on ,nov4 #ai1 #bjjh1 at ! #gd kick(f ( ,,ncti's ,te*nology ,9novators ,3f];e 2+ held 9 ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc4 ,free ,publica;ns ,! ,royal ,na;nal ,9/itute = ! ,bl (f]s s"eal publica;ns = free4 ,!y 9clude3 ,guidel9es = ! ,design ( ,a3essible ,9=ma;n & ,communica;n ,te*nology ,sy/ems2 ,ambi5t ,9tellig;e3 ,pav+ ! ,way ,- ,h[ ,9tegrat$ ,s]vices ,c ,deliv] a ,m ,9clusive ,society2 ,a3ess,abil;y3 ,mak+ ,te*nology ,m ,usable by ,p ) ,4abilities2 ,equal ,m1sures3 ,clos+ ! ,a3essibil;y ,gap2 ,mak+ ,life ,easi]3 ,h[ ,new ,telecommunica;n ,s]vices ,cd ,b5efit ,p ) ,4abilities2 ,a3essibil;y = ,visitors ,:o >e ,bl or ,"pially ,sidiza;n ,process4 ,to reque/ a pr9t copy ( any publica;n1 s5d yr "n & po/al mail+ address to ,dr4 ,john ,gill via ;e-mail1 ,john4,gill@arnib4org4uk4 ,old] ,am]icans ,guide ,grey ,h\se ,publi%+ rec5tly rel1s$ ! sev5? $i;n ( xs ,old] ,am]icans ,9=ma;n ,directory4 ,x answ]s "qs curr5tly on ! m9ds ( all ,am]icans1 s* z h[ to f9d & pay = ne$$ support s]vices1 h[ to d1l ) h1l? issues1 h[ to 2 e6ective self- advocates1 & m* m4 ,? $i;n al 9cludes a gloss>y ( h1l? & m$ical t]ms & a gloss>y ( legal t]ms4 ,x co/s @s#afe1 & is available 9 s(tcov]4 ,to get a sn1k peek 9side1 visit www4greyh\se4com & look #gf at ! ,old] ,am]icans ,9=ma;n ,directory's onl9e database1 or call #a-#hjj-#efb-#baci ext5.n #aah = m 9=ma;n4 ,t\rs at ,jewi% ,museum ,new >t exhibits >e n[ on 4play at ,new ,york's ,jewi% ,museum1 #aaji #eth ,ave41 ,new ,york1 ,,ny #ajabh4 8,ac;n_/,ab/rac;n3 ,pollock1 de ,koon+1 & ,am]ican ,>t1 #aidj-#aigf0 is on 4play n[1 & runs "? ,sept4 #ba4 8,*agall & ! ,>ti/s ( ! ,russian ,jewi% ,!at]1 #aiai-#aidi0 runs f ,nov4 #i1 #bjjh "? ,m>* #bb1 #bjji4 8,d1d ,sea ,scrolls0 runs f ,sept4 #ba1 #bjjh "? ,jan4 #d1 #bjji4 ,call "<#bab"> #dbc-#cbbe to s*$ule a t\r4 ,if y're mak+ gr\p t\r res]va;ns1 pl1se call at l1/ "o mon? 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