,! ,,acb ;,e-,=um ,volume ,,lvi ,febru>y #bjah ,no4 #h ,publi%$ by ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,2 ,a ,"p ( ,,acb ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl "<;,,tm"> is a memb]%ip organiza;n made up ( m ?an #gj /ate & special-9t]e/ a6iliates4 ,to jo91 3tact ! na;nal (fice at #a-#hjj-#dbd- #hfff4 ,3tribute to ,\r ,"w ,^? m*-ne$$ 3tribu;ns1 : >e tax-d$uctible1 c 2 s5t to ,attn3 ,tr1sur]1 ,,acb1 #fcjj ,%+le ,creek ,pkwy41 ,suite #aie1 ,brooklyn ,c5t]1 ,,mn #eedcj4 ,if y wi% to rememb] a relative or fr1 ! na;nal (fice has pr9t$ c>ds available = ? purpose4 ,3sid] 9clud+ a gift to ,,acb 9 yr ,la/ ,w & ,te/a;t4 ,if yr wi%es >e complex1 call ! na;nal (fice4 ,to make a 3tribu;n to ,,acb by ! ,comb9$ ,f$]al ,campaign1 use ? numb]3 #aaaee4 ,*eck 9 ) ,,acb ,= ! late/ 9 legislative & gov]n;tal news1 call ! 8,wa%+ton ,3nec;n0 #bd_/#g at #a-#hjj-#dbd-#hfff1 or r1d x onl9e4 ,li/5 to ,,acb ,reports by d[nload+ ! ,,mp#c file f www4acb4org1 or call "<#fje"> #dge-#haed & *oose op;n #c4 ,tune 9 to ,,acb ,radio at www4acbradio4org or by call+ "<#fje"> #dge-#hacj4 ,le>n m ab u at www4acb4org4 ,foll[ u on ,twitt] at @aacbna;nal1 or l u on ,facebook at www4facebook #b 4com_/,am]ican,c\ncil(!,bl9d,( ficial4 ^c #bjah ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,]ic ,bridges1 ,executive ,director ,%>on ,lov]+1 ,$itor #agjc ;,n4 ,b1ureg>d ,st41 ,suite #dbj1 ,alex&ria1 ,,va #bbcaa ,table ( ,3t5ts ,we ,ne$ ,yr ,voices to ,pres5t ,\r ,message to ,3gress1 by ,tony ,/eph5s1 page #f ,lots to ,see & ,d 9 ,! ,%[ ,me ,/ate1 by ,janet ,dickelman1 page #aj ,fire"ws1 ,celebra;n1 & ! ,r$1 ,:ite & ,blue1 by ,k5ne? ,semi5 ,sr41 page #af #c ,div]s;y ,5ri*es ,\r ,society1 by ,l>ry ;,p4 ,johnson1 page #ai ,navajo ,t1*] ,develops ,brl ,sy/em to ,help ,visually ,impair$ ,r1d ,tribal ,language1 by ,noel ,lyn ,smi?1 page #bc ,fresno ,*apt] ,te/s ,uni,descrip;n ,app 9 ,yosemite ,na;nal ,p>k1 by ,jamie ,gibson-,b>r[s1 page #bg ,memb]%ip ,focus3 ,h[ to ,m>ket ,yr ,a6iliate1 by ,>dis ,bazyn1 page #cc ,a6iliate ,news1 page #cg ,"h & ,"!1 $it$ by ,%>on ,/rzalk[ski1 page #dj ,,acb ,(fic]s1 page #ei ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,directors1 page #fa ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns1 page #fb #d ,a3ess+ ,yr ,,acb ,brl & ;,e- ,=ums1 page #fc ,>e ,y ,mov+8 ,d ,y ,want to ,*ange ,yr ,subscrip;n8 ,3tact ,%>on ,lov]+ 9 ! ,,acb na;nal (fice1 #a-#hjj- #dbd-#hfff1 or via ;e-mail1 slov]+@aacb4org4 ,give h] ! 9=ma;n1 & %e'll make ! *anges = y4 ,keep up ) ! mo/ important ,,acb news & ann\nce;ts )\t any o!r *att]4 ,subscribe to ! ,,acb ,ann\nce li/s]v4 ,s5d a blank ;e-mail to ann\nce- subscribe@aacbli/s4org1 or vis it www4acbli/s4org_/mailman_/l i/9fo_/ann\nce " & type yr ;e-mail address & "n ": 9dicat$4 #e ,,acb ,radio1 ! place to 2 ) p 9 ! "k6 www4acbradio4org ,got tal5t8 ,tell u ab y3 m>la9a@aacbradio4org4 ,we ,ne$ ,yr ,voices to ,pres5t ,\r ,message to ,3gress by ,tony ,/eph5s ,! #bjah midye> 3f];e is com+ soon1 & ,,acb memb]s >e 5c\rag$ to take "p 9 =m+ \r future z we ga!r 9 ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c4 ,feb4 #beth-#bgth to /r5g!n \r base & h \r voices he>d on ,capitol ,hill4 ,regi/ra;n is op5 = ! 3f];e1 & we urge ,,acb a6iliate l1d]s & advocates to jo9 u at a "t :5 x is critical to sp1k up on ! programs & s]vices t >e mo/ vital = ,am]icans :o >e bl & visually impair$4 ,! curr5t political #f climate 9 ,3gress 3t9ues to cr1te significant unc]ta9ty "?\t all av5ues ( f$]al sp5d+4 ,budget 3/ra9ts / wei< h1vily on ! backs ( lawmak]s1 : m1ns e f$]ally fund$ program is at risk ( major sp5d+ cuts4 ,"!=e1 x is crucial t ,,acb memb]s pres5t a unifi$ voice to protect ! programs & s]vices mo/ important to ,am]icans :o >e bl & visually impair$4 ,9 #bjag1 we advocat$ su3ess;lly = protec;n ( programs t provid$ a3essible m$ia to p :o >e bl1 core 9dep5d5t liv+ s]vices = old] adults1 & 3t9u$ rese>* on ways to prev5t bl;s due to trauma4 ,we call$ = re=m ( ,m$ic>e1 pu%+ = cov]age ( vital l[-vi.n 9dep5d5t liv+ aids1 & we e*o$ ! import.e ( ,am]icans ) vi.n loss ga9+ full 9clu.n 9 #g \r society4 ,i am pl1s$ to say \r voices h be5 he>d4 ,! programs we f"\ = 7 n cut1 & 9 "s cases sp5d+ 0 9cr1s$4 ,3gress re9troduc$ ! ,m$ic>e ,demon/ra;n ( ,cov]age = ,l[ ,vi.n ,devices ,act "<,h4,r4 #bjej">4 ,& we cr1t$ a drumb1t ( messag+ a6irm+ \r "r = full & equal 9clu.n 9 all aspects ( \r society4 ,:ile ,3gress li/5$ to & act$ on \r reque/s la/ ,febru>y1 x has 2come 9cr1s+ly di6icult to su/a9 \r voice amid/ ! ov]:elm+ *orus ( compet+ 9t]e/s on ,capitol ,hill4 ,we ne$ z _m advocates z possible to come to ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c4 ,:ile _m ?+s c *ange 9 ,wa%+ton1 9clud+ ! w1!r1 we "k t fie demon/ra;n bill 9 ! ,h\se1 & ! newly 9troduc$ ,s5ate v].n ( ! ,cogswell-,macy ,act "<;,s4 #bjhg">1 bo? ( : w e*o a key message on h[ gov]n;t c ga9 a solid return on 9ve/;ts t su/a9 opportun;y & 9dep5d;e4 ,z 9 pa/ ye>s1 ! midye> 3f];e is a ?ree-"d ev5t1 ) ,,acb a6iliate presid5ts & l1d]s meet+ on ,sun"d1 ,feb4 #beth1 foll[$ by ! legislative sem9> on ,mon"d1 ,feb4 #bfth4 ,!n we take to ,capitol ,hill to meet ) \r memb]s ( ,3gress on ,tues"d1 ,feb4 #bgth4 ,! ,,acb bo>d ( directors meet+ w 2 held ,satur"d1 ,feb4 #bdth4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 visit ! regi/ra;n page at https3_/_/goo4gl_/,p#a;a#b;gb4 ,if y h "qs ab s*$ul+ meet+s ) yr memb]s ( ,3gress1 3tact ,tony ,/eph5s1 ,,acb's #i director ( advocacy & gov]n;tal a6airs1 at a/eph5s@aacb4org4 ,lots to ,see & ,d 9 ,! ,%[ ,me ,/ate by ,janet ,dickelman ,z y prep>e = yr visit to ,st4 ,l\is = ! #bjah 3f];e & 3v5;n ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 "h >e "s fun facts ab ! c;y ( ,st4 ,l\is & ! /ate ( ,miss\ri4 ,! /ate bird ( ,miss\ri is ! ea/]n bluebird2 ! /ate fl[] is ! :ite haw?orne blossom4 ,miss\ri's nick"n is ! 8,%[ ,me ,/ate02 y w def9itely see a lot & le>n _m new ?+s dur+ 3v5;n week4 ,! /ate motto1 adopt$ 9 #ahbb1 is 8,salus populi suprema lex e/o10 : translates to1 8,! welf>e ( ! p % 2 ! supreme law40 #aj ,pi]re ,lacl^*ede1 recipi5t ( a l& grant f ! k+ ( ,fr.e1 & 8 #ac-ye>-old sc\t1 ,augu/e ,*\t1u1 select$ ! site ( ,st4 ,l\is 9 #agfd z a fur trad+ po/4 ,"nd = ,l\is ,,ix ( ,fr.e1 ! site 0 *os5 2c x 0 n subject to flood+ & 0 ne> ! 3flu;e ( ! ,mississippi & ,miss\ri ,riv]s4 ,he> all ab ,st4 ,l\is' ri* hi/ory dur+ g5]al ses.n on ,sun"d morn+1 ,july #ast1 :5 ,*>lie ,br5nan1 broadca/] = radio /a;n ,,kmox1 regales u ) /ories f 8 book1 8,amaz+ ,st4 ,l\is3 #bej ,ye>s ( ,grt ,tales & ,curiosities40 ,dates & ,details ,3v5;n dates >e ,fri"d1 ,june #bith "? ,fri"d1 ,july #fth4 ,note3 ! ,janu>y #bjah issue li/s \r #bjah t\rs4 ,op5+ g5]al ses.n w 2 held ,satur"d ev5+1 ,june #aa #cjth4 ,x w f1ture local 5t]ta9;t1 ! color gu>d c]emony & s++ ( 8,! ,/>-,spangl$ ,bann]10 plus welcomes by ,,acb presid5t ,kim ,*>lson & ! presid5t ( ! ,miss\ri ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl4 ,? is yr opportun;y to he> f "s ( \r major corporate sponsors & 2 9troduc$ to ! #bjah ,durw>d ;,k4 ,mc,daniel ,f/-,"trs & ! ,l1d]%ip ,fell[s recipi5ts4 ,daily g5]al ses.ns w 3t9ue ,sun"d "? ,?urs"d4 ,dur+ ^! ses.ns1 y'll meet \r talk+ book n>rator1 he> f a "y man :o has "w$ to make appli.es a3essible1 le>n ab ! late/ updates on advocacy1 & he> ! alw 9spir+ /ories f \r s*ol>%ip recipi5ts4 ,y won't want to miss \r banquet ,?urs"d ev5+4 ,mi*ael ,clevel&1 nom9at$ = 8 bluegrass record1 #ab 8,fiddl]'s ,dr1m10 & 8 fell[ musician ,brian ,all5 w p]=m = banquet att5dees & talk ab life on ! road z a bl musician4 ,! exhibit hall w op5 on ,satur"d1 ,june #cjth1 & w rema9 op5 "? ,w$nes"d1 ,july #dth4 ,"! w 2 approximately #fj v5dors f1tur+ cutt+-$ge te*nology = bl & visually impair$ us]s1 items = daily liv+1 recr1;n & p]sonal items s* z jewelry1 items = guide dogs1 & s m* m4 ,special-9t]e/ a6iliates & committees w hold programs1 sem9>s & "w%ops 2g9n+ on ,satur"d1 ,june #cjth & runn+ "? ,w$nes"d1 ,july #dth4 ,t1*]s1 /ud5ts1 families1 attorneys1 5trepr5eurs1 ! ,,lgbt commun;y1 & 9dividuals :o >e los+ _! sie] ,develop;t ,if y >e a f/-"t 3v5;n att5dee1 if y hav5't jo9$ u 9 s"eal ye>s1 or if y >e a vet]an 3v5;ne]1 visit www4acb4org & review ! #bjag 3v5;n program4 ,e 3f];e & 3v5;n f1tures unique opportunities to le>n new skills1 tips & te*niques on a wide range ( topics4 ,? w give y an idea ( :at to expect4 ,? ye>1 = ! f/ "t1 ,,acb is (f]+ 3t9u+ $uca;n cr$its4 ,we >e "w+ ) ,,acvrep to obta9 c]tifica;n = _m ( \r 3v5;n ses.ns4 ,"! w 2 addi;nal 9=ma;n 9 ! ,m>* issue ab #ad ? excit+ opportun;y4 ,/ay+ 9 ,t\* ,want to get ! late/ scoop on 3v5;n news8 ,subscribe to ! 3v5;n ann\nce li/6 ,to subscribe1 s5d a blank ;e-mail to acbconv5;n-subscribe@" aacbli/s4org4 ,if y rcvd updates = ! #bjag 3v5;n1 y ne$ n re-subscribe4 ,hotel ,details ,room rates at ,union ,/a;n >e @s#hi2 ? rate applies = up to #b p 9 a k+ room & up to #d gue/s 9 a room ) two que5 b$s4 ,room tax is curr5tly #ah4dce.04 ,y may make res]va;ns by call+ "<#cad"> #bca-#abcd4 ,2 sure to m5;n y >e ) ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl to obta9 ! 3v5;n room rate4 ,to make res]va;ns onl9e1 g to www4acb4org #ae & foll[ ! #bjah 3v5;n l9k4 ,3v5;n ,3tacts #bjah exhibit 9=ma;n3 ,mi*ael ,smi!rman1 "<#fja"> #cca-#ggdj1 amduo@abells\?4net #bjah adv]tis+ & sponsor%ips3 ,m>g>9e ,b1man1 "<#eab"> #iba-#afbe1 oleo#ej@ahotmail4com ,= any o!r 3v5;n-relat$ "qs1 pl1se 3tact ,janet ,dickelman1 3v5;n *air1 at "<#fea"> #dbh- #ejei1 or via ;e-mail1 janet4dickelman@agmail4com4 ,fire"ws1 ,celebra;n1 & ! ,r$1 ,:ite & ,blue by ,k5ne? ,semi5 ,sr4 ,call+ ,all ,,dkm ,f/-,"trs6 ,we're meet+ 9 ,st4 ,l\is = ! #bjah ,,dkm ,f/-,"trs ,reunion6 ,! ,,dkm ,f/-,"trs #af ,committee is plann+ a bla/ ( a "t = all f/-"trs & \r gue/s4 ,? ev5t w take place dur+ ! ,w$nes"d1 ,july #dth ,,dkm ,f/-,"trs ,recep;n4 ,! hi's !me1 8,!n & ,n[40 ,2g9 mak+ plans to 2 a "p ( ? gr& celebra;n4 ,wit;s ! ?"u\s *e]s z ! roll call takes place1 : 2g9s ) ! "o & only ,durw>d ;,k4 ,mc,daniel 2+ ac"kl$g$ z \r f.d+ "f & fe>.s l1d]4 ,8 legacy lives on "? u4 ,) m ?an #dj ,,dkm ,f/-,"trs 2+ select$ s9ce ! 9cep;n ( ! ,,dkm ,f/-,"trs ,program1 we >e def9itely 9 a class ( \r [n4 ,come \ & meet u4 ,y won't regret x4 ,we> "s?+ r$1 :ite or blue1 or r$1 :ite & blue too4 ,we w ga!r = refre%;ts1 9troduc;n ( ! class ( #bjah1 ann\nce ! w9n]s ( ! gift #ag c>d fundrais] draw+1 & la/ b n l1/1 we w honor #bjah ,,dkm "pn]s = 3tribut+ to & support+ ! ,,dkm ,f/-,"trs ,program4 ,if y >e an ,,acb memb] 9 gd /&+ :o is #ah or old]1 bl or visually impair$1 & h n"e att5d$ an ,,acb 3v5;n1 we 5c\rage y to apply to 2 3sid]$ = ? grt honor 9 #bjah4 ,ref] to ! ,,dkm >ticle 9 ! ,janu>y issue ( ! ,=um = all ! details4 ,if y h "qs1 s5d an email message to ,k5ne? ,semi5 ,sr41 *air ( ! ,,dkm committee1 semi5@asbcglobal4net4 ,we hope y'll meet u 9 ,st4 ,l\is6 #ah ,div]s;y ,5ri*es ,\r ,society by ,l>ry ;,p4 ,johnson ,repr9t$ f 8,! ,san ,antonio ,express- ,news10 ,aug4 #ab1 #bjag4 "<,$itor's ,note3 ,l>ry ,johnson is an au?or & motiva;nal sp1k]4 ,3tact hm via email at l>jo#a@aprodigy4net1 or visit 8 website at www4mexicobyt\*4com4"> ,we >e m alike ?an we >e di6]5t4 ,b ,i am me & y >e y4 ,/]eotyp+ is classify+ or label+ p bas$ on "s set ( common d5om9ators ,- blond1 r$h1d1 black1 :ite1 br[n1 tall1 %ort1 fat1 sk9ny1 ,democrat1 ,republican1 smok]1 non-smok]1 baby boom]1 mill5nial4 #ai ,:5 we lump p tgr z a gr\p1 we ascribe c]ta9 "*i/ics1 2haviors or attitudes to "ey"o 9 t gr\p1 (t5 bas$ on mis9=ma;n we h he>d or r1d4 ,!n we make judg;ts ab !m bas$ on ^? misconcep;ns & g5]aliza;ns1 proce$+ to tr1t "ey"o ) t label z if !y 7 all alike :1 ( c\rse1 !y >e n4 8,mo/ ,mexicans >e 9 ! ,u4,s4 illegally40 8,mo/ home.s p >e home.s "? _! [n fault40 8,mo/ ,muslims >e t]rori/s40 8,all wom5 >e s5ti;tal1 submissive & sup]/iti\s40 8,all m5 >e adv5tur\s1 p[];l & dom9e]+40 ,n"o ( ^! /ate;ts >e true4 ,:y d we feel ! ne$ to label or classify "o ano!r8 ,"ply x is 2c we want to id5tify \rvs z 2l;g+ to a gr\p4 ,human 2+s >e social animals & feel #bj ! ne$ to 2l;g to a family1 a commun;y ,- ! commun;y (1 say1 ,spurs fans1 ( veget>ians1 or ( licorice lov]s4 "<,t's me1 b black licorice only1 pl1se4"> ,s x's ab id5t;y4 ,x's al ab /r5g? & p[]4 ,if we >e "p ( a gr\p1 x gives u a feel+ ( /r5g? & p[]4 ,we h numb]s1 we c impose \r w4 ,we c dom9ate4 ,if "! >e 5 ( u :o don't l liv]1 maybe we c get ! sup]m>ket to ban ! sale ( liv]4 "<,,ok1 probably n4"> ,b ! o!r ?+ ab labels & /]eotyp+ \rvs or o!rs is t x causes u to 4crim9ate1 to pu% p away1 to mi/ru/ ^? :o >e n l u4 ,we "q _! motives & s9c];y4 ,we res5t _! want+ ! same ?+s we want ,- a gd job1 a com=table home1 a safe 5viron;t = \r *n & gr&*n to gr[ up in4 ,we see !m z 5croa*+ on \r turf4 ,!y #ba >e n l u1 we say4 ,!y don't look l u1 talk l u1 wor%ip l u4 ,!y don't 2l;g 9 \r neiks1 s*ools1 or communities4 ,b !y d4 ,!y >e1 9 fact1 precisely :at we ne$ to add cultural flavor & social ri*;s to \r ,am]ican melt+ pot4 ,we typically rely1 = mo/ ( \r 9=ma;n & k1 on secondh& s\rces4 ,& ! ma9 s\rce ( ? 9=ma;n is ! mass m$ia4 ,mass m$ia c & d (t5 play a major role 9 9flu5c+ & re9=c+ \r /]eotypical ?9k+4 ,i rememb] :5 ,i 0 9 ,mexico "s #dj ye>s ago4 ,walk+ d[n ! aisle 9 ! sup]m>ket1 ,i c.t$ ?ree1 maybe f\r k9ds ( br1kfa/ c]1l4 ,comp>e t to ? c.try1 ": "! is #bj "ts t numb] 9 ! c]1l aisle4 ,x is s trem5d\sly excit+1 isn't x8 ,i don't want u all to 2 cornflakes4 #bb ,h[ dull t wd be4 ,i appreciate & welcome div]s;y ,- bo? 9 food & 9 p4 ,& t's h[ ,i see x4 ,navajo ,t1*] ,develops ,brl ,sy/em to ,help ,visually ,impair$ ,r1d ,tribal ,language by ,noel ,lyn ,smi? ,repr9t$ f 8,! ,f>m+ton ,daily ,"ts10 ,dec4 #cj1 #bjag4 ,to r1d ? >ticle onl9e1 g to https3_/_/t9yurl4com_/y#" icigwrg4 ,f>m+ton1 ,n4,m4 ,- ,z ,c>ol ,2gay ,gre5's 9dex f+] mov$ al;g ! ,navajo brl code %e develop$1 %e r1d al\d a /ory ab a boy & 8 monkey4 ,gre51 a t1*] ( ! bl & visually impair$ = ! ,f>m+ton ,municipal ,s*ool #bc ,4trict1 has develop$ a brl code = ! ,navajo language4 ,brl is a sy/em ( rais$ dots t 5ables p :o >e bl or visually impair$ to r1d & write "? t\*1 ac to ! ,am]ican ,f.da;n = ! ,bl4 ,! ,navajo brl code ,gre5 develop$ uses ,5gli% ,brl ,- ) ! abs;e ( ! lrs 8;,,,f10 8;p10 8;q10 8;r10 8;u1,'0 & 8;,v0 ,- & ) ! addi;n ( a prefix code = ! v[els 8,,,a10 8;e10 8i1,'0 & 8,o40 ,"! is al code to 9/ruct ! r1d] to pron\nce v[els z ei1 0 rais$ 9 ,mi*igan b visit$ h] #bd pat]nal gr&p>5ts 9 ,luka*ukai1 ,>iz4 ,%e le>n$ basic ^ws 9 ! ,navajo language f h] gr&p>5ts1 & ! exposure 9/ill$ a lifel;g 9t]e/ 9 fur!r le>n+ ! language4 ,dur+ ,gre5's junior ye> 9 college1 %e transf]r$ to ,nor!rn ,>izona ,univ]s;y 9 ,flag/aff1 ,>iz41 & graduat$ f "! 9 #aiia4 ,2f jo9+ ! ,f>m+ton ,municipal ,s*ool ,4trict 9 #bjaj1 %e tauy ,s*ool 9 ,r$ ,mesa1 ,>iz41 & at ,nataani ,nez ,ele;t>y ,s*ool 9 ,%iprock4 ,gre5 develop$ vi.n problems z a * & ev5tually lo/ siact surg]y 9 h] "r eye 9 #bjjj l$ to fur!r decl9e 9 h] vi.n &1 9 #bjji1 %e le>n$ h[ to r1d & write brl4 ,s9ce %e want$ to #be 3t9ue le>n+ h[ to sp1k1 r1d & write ,navajo1 %e ask$ ! ,brl ,au?or;y ( ,nor? ,am]ica 9 #bjac if a brl code = ,navajo 0 available4 ,:5 %e f.d \ "! 0 n"o1 %e 2gan "w+ on "o4 ,to h] k1 h] "w result$ 9 ! f/ code = ,navajo4 ,ano!r r1son ,gre51 :o has a ,na;nal ,c]tifica;n 9 ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl1 develop$ ! ,navajo brl code 0 to provide ! opportun;y = bl & visually impair$ ,navajo /ud5ts to le>n ab _! tradi;nal language4 ,) ! ,navajo language 2+ tau%ips1 ,gre5 want$ bl or visually impair$ /ud5ts to h a fair opportun;y4 8,i ?"\1 ,8,if ,i am go+ to develop x = myf1 !n ,i mie x s ^! *n h t opportun;y4 ,! same z _! pe]s1,00 %e sd4 #bf ,9 a resolu;n pass$ by ! ,navajo ,na;n ,bo>d ( ,$uca;n 9 ,octob] #bjae1 ! ,navajo brl code 0 adopt$ to t1* bl & visually impair$ tribal memb]s ,navajo4 ,gre5 3t9ues to %>e 9=ma;n ab ! code at v>i\s 3f];es & 9 pres5ta;ns acr ! c.try4 ,"o ( ,gre5's /ud5ts 9 ,f>m+ton is a ,navajo girl :o is le>n+ ,5gli% brl4 8,%e is j le>n+ brl4 ,z %e moves 9 h] progress1 %e mik by ,jamie ,gibson-,b>r[s ,on ,fri"d1 ,nov4 #aj1 #bjag1 memb]s ( ! ,,ccb #bg ,fresno *apt] visit$ ,yosemite ,na;nal ,p>k to te/ ! 2ta app 8,uni,descrip;n0 "<,uni,d"> develop$ by ! ,univ]s;y ( ,hawaii4 ,we *>t]$ a bus f9.ed by ,,acb "? xs executive director1 ,]ic ,bridges4 ,)\t ! support f ,]ic & ,,acb1 ? trip cd n h o3urr$4 ,\r orig9al transporta;n 0 "? ! ,yosemite ,>ea ,rapid ,transit ,sy/em "<,,y>ts">2 h["e1 we f.d !y didn't h ! funds = fall or w9t] transporta;n f ,fresno1 s ,,acb donat$ ! fund+ = ! *>t]4 ,i r1*$ \ to ,brett ,oppega>d1 associate pr(essor & pr9cipal 9ve/igator at ! ;,u ( ;,h at ,manoa1 soon af ! ,,acb 3v5;n :5 ,i le>n$ ( ! develop;t ( ! ,uni,descrip;n app = ,yosemite ,na;nal ,p>k4 ,fresno *apt] memb]s & o!rs 9 \r commun;y visit #bh ,yosemite e ye>1 only to f9d v ll audio descrip;n available 9 ! p>k1 s we 7 eag] to help \ ) te/+ ( ! app4 ,brett 0 excit$ to give \r *apt] ? opportun;y1 & = ! next ?ree mon?s we communicat$ ) ,,acb1 ,univ]s;y ( ,hawaii & ! ,na;nal ,p>k ,s]vice4 ,we _h ! pl1sure ( meet+ ,sajja ,koirala1 :o flew 9 f ,hawaii to jo9 u on ? trip4 ,sajja is "o ( ! develop]s ( ? app4 ,%e jo9$ u z a support] & obs]v]4 ,at ! 5d ( \r trip1 ,sajja facilitat$ a focus gr\p 4cus.n on ! ,,ad app4 ,! trip 0 fanta/ic1 ) #bf att5dees & #d guide dogs4 ,yosemite rang] ,sally ,k9tn] guid$ u on a t\r "?\t ! "d4 ,we t\*$ & smell$ l>ge trees on ! pa?s1 s* z ! 9c5se c$> tree & ! pond]osa p9e4 ,:5 we scrat*$ ! b>k on ! #bi pond]osa p9e1 x gave (f a vanilla sc5t4 ,we al 5joy$ ! tactile map ( ,yosemite on ano!r trail4 ,x let u feel ! massive rock =ma;ns & ! ,yosemite ,falls to get a bett] m5tal picture ( ! surr.d+ m.ta9s4 ,_m "picipants li/5$ to ! ,uni,d app t f1tures ! map & bro*ure 2f \r visit1 z well z :ile we 7 on ! trails4 ,x 0 a b1uti;l fall "d = walk+ on trails1 visit+ ! ,l[] ,falls1 ,yosemite ,lodge & ! visitor c5t]4 ,mo/ took a sack lun* = an \tdoor picnic2 "s pur*as$ a qk m1l on site4 ,we >e ?rill$ to h be5 a "p ( ! 2ta te/+ = ,uni,d 9 ,yosemite & rcvg s m* support f "ey"o :o has "w$ = mon?s gett+ ? app up & runn+4 ,\r ,facebook page has pictures ( \r "d4 ,\r local produc] = ,blside ,fresno1 #cj ,william ,elliott & wife ,d>cie1 >e bo? memb]s ( ! ,fresno *apt]4 ,!y "picipat$ 9 ! trip1 & w 2 produc+ a ,blside ,fresno seg;t via ,,cmac & ,y\,tube4 ,uni,descrip;n "ws on bo? i,,os & ,&roid plat=ms4 ,i 5c\rage y to d[nload x on yr sm>tph"o4 ,\r focus 0 on ,yosemite2 h["e1 ! app has _m m na;nal p>ks alr load$1 & m to come = ! re/ ( ! p>ks 9 ,cali=nia "?\t ! upcom+ ye>4 ,we hope to take "p 9 2ta te/+ 9 m na;nal p>ks4 ,\r fe$back dur+ ! focus gr\p1 z well z \r fill+ \ surveys = bo? ,,acb & ,yosemite ,na;nal ,p>k1 w help improve audio descrip;n = ^? ( u ) l[ or no vi.n4 ,?ank y to ! foll[+ :o h "w$ mon?s on ? project3 ,univ]s;y ( ,hawaii1 ,brett ,oppega>d1 ,megan & ,?omas ,3way1 & #ca ,sajja ,koirala2 f ,,acb3 executive director ,]ic ,bridges1 ,dan ,spoone1 ,jo ,lynn ,bailey-,page2 & f ,yosemite ,na;nal ,p>k ,s]vices3 ,k>a ,/ella & ,sally ,k9tn]4 ,cap;n ,pho5g ,gipp1 ,m>?a ,espitia & ,sajja ,koirala t\* a tactile replica ( ,yosemite ,valley4 ,2h !m1 sport+ d>k sunglasses & a j1n jacket1 is ,ca?y ,s*mitt ,:itak]1 :o is li/5+ to ! descrip;n via ! app & eag]ly await+ h] turn at ! tactile map4 "<,photo c\rtesy ( ! ,fresno *apt]1 ,cali=nia ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl4"> #cb ,memb]%ip ,focus3 ,h[ to ,m>ket ,yr ,a6iliate by ,>dis ,bazyn ,! late/ memb]%ip focus call 3c]n$ m>ket+ yr a6iliate4 ,"s ( ! tips su7e/$ on ! call >e li/$ 2l4 _4 ,f9d yr commun;y news \tlets ,- onl9e & newspap]s4 _4 ,write press rel1ses on a6iliate news4 _4 ,reque/ an 9t]view ) 8,a6iliates 9 ,ac;n40 _4 ,tell memb]s & frs ab ,,acb ,radio4 _4 ,place 9=ma;n ( 9t]e/ on yr websites & on yr social m$ia pages4 _4 ,h greet]s at yr meet+s s p :o att5d >5't ignor$4 #cc _4 ,9vite g5]al-9t]e/ sp1k]s to yr meet+s & %>e ann\nce;ts on ,facebook4 _4 ,use commun;y cal5d>s onl9e & 9 yr local newspap]4 _4 ,%>e 9=ma;n ab yr activities ge>$ t[>d p>5ts ) bl *n4 _4 ,publicize yr advocacy ef=ts ,- a3essible vot+1 brl m5us1 audio signals1 etc4 _4 ,3tact 4abil;y res\rce c5t]s & build rela;n%ips ) !m4 ,give !m fly]s & (f] sem9>s on a3essibil;y4 _4 ,br+ bro*ures to doctors' (fices1 oph?almologi/s1 & rehab c5t]s4 _4 ,3tact radio or ,,tv /a;ns ab public s]vice ann\nce;ts4 ,! /a;ns usually ne$ s* 9=ma;n at l1/ two weeks ah1d ( "t4 #cd _4 ,promote l[-vi.n expos & fairs4 ,celebrate ,:ite ,cane ,"d & ,brl ,lit]acy ,mon?4 _4 ,cr1te busi;s c>ds4 _4 ,adv]tise any ev5ts y hold1 s* z a *n's vi.n summit1 an annual 3f];e1 & any o!r commun;y ev5t4 _4 ,3tact yr local ,,nls libr>y & write lrs = !m to s5d ab yr 3v5;ns & upcom+ ev5ts4 _4 ,at fairs & expos1 write brl "ns ( *n & ! alphabet on c>ds1 & demon/rate a3essible aids & appli.es = newly bl 9dividuals4 _4 ,sp1k at ,lions ,clubs1 support gr\ps1 s5ior c5t]s1 & assi/$ liv+ c5t]s4 _4 ,4tribute fundrais] fly]s & regul> newslrs4 _4 ,write grants = fund+4 #ce _4 ,att5d audio-describ$ movies & plays z a *apt]4 _4 ,adv]tise yr ev5ts on yr local radio r1d+ s]vice4 _4 ,h a toll-free numb]1 website & ,facebook page4 _4 ,track d[n yr /ate's broadca/]s' associa;n & newspap] associa;n4 ,^! gr\ps (t5 publi% m$ia guides 3ta9+ 3tact 9=ma;n = mo/ radio & ,,tv /a;ns1 &_/or newspap]s 9 ! /ate4 ,y c build yr [n 3tact li/ to avoid ! co/ ( ! 4tribu;n s]vices4 ,z y build ! 3tact li/1 look at ! websites = ! m$ia4 ,_m w 3ta9 a direct email address = public s]vice ann\nce;ts1 press rel1ses1 etc4 #cf _4 ,write ! press rel1se1 po/ x on ,facebook1 & po/ x on yr a6iliate website 9 ! press rel1se or blog sec;n4 _4 ,ask local *apt]s to help spr1d ! ^w4 ,s5d ! news \ via email to any 3tact li/s4 ,wat* = upcom+ memb]%ip focus calls6 ,a6iliate ,news ,tackle ,college ,co/s ) a ,s*eig]t ,s*ol>%ip 8,e doll> c.ts40 ,:o isn't famili> ) ^! ^ws ( economic wisdom applicable to any numb] ( situa;ns1 f multi-million- doll> 3/ruc;n projects to family budgets & ! co/ ( a college $uca;n8 ,! ,c\ncil ( ,citiz5s ) ,l[ ,vi.n ,9t]na;nal "<,,cclvi"> is committ$ to help+ l[- #cg vi.n /ud5ts meet ! *all5ges pos$ by ^! co/s by (f]+ ?ree s*ol>%ips ,- "o ea* to an 9com+ fre%man1 "ugraduate & graduate /ud5t4 ,! s*ol>%ips >e valu$ at @s#c1jjj = ! academic ye>4 ,eligible applicants m/ 2 visually impair$1 demon/rate a record ( academic p]=m.e 3si/5t ) program crit]ia1 & demon/rate _! 9volve;t 9 commun;y s]vice4 ,! applica;n w9d[ rema9s op5 until #aa3#ei p4m4 ,ea/]n ,m>* #ae4 ,to apply1 visit www4cclvi4org1 click on ! ,s*eig]t ,s*ol>%ip l9k & foll[ direc;ns = ga9+ a3ess to ! #bjah-#ai applica;n4 ,pay special att5;n to ! guidel9es1 : provide ess5tial details on eligibil;y require;ts & applica;n submis.n4 ,if y h "qs1 s5d an email to #ch s*ol>%ip@acclvi4org or call #a-#hdd-#dfj-#jfbe4 ,recipi5ts w att5d ! #bjah ,,acb na;nal 3v5;n 9 ,st4 ,l\is 9 ,july z gue/s ( ,,cclvi4 ,i[a ,3v5;n to ,2 ,held 9 ,des ,mo9es ,! #cast annual ,i[a ,c\ncil ( ! ,unit$ ,bl 3v5;n w 2 held ,april #acth "? ! #aeth at ! ,holi"d ,9n & ,suites1 #dhjj ,m]le ,hay ,road 9 ,des ,mo9es4 ,3v5;n room rates >e z foll[s3 ,d\ble que5 or k+ executive room1 @s#hh ,junior or ext5d$ /ay suites1 @s#abh ,family k+ suites1 @s#adh ,family d\ble que5 suites1 @s#afh ,rates d n 9clude #ci #ab.0 tax4 ,! d1dl9e to rcv ! gr\p rate is ,m>* #bb1 #bjah4 ,to res]ve yr room1 call "<#eae"> #bgh-#dgee or #a- #hjj-,,holi"d "<#hjj-#dfe- #dcbi"> & ask = ! ,,icub special rate4 ,\r gr\p "n is ,,icub ,i[a ,c\ncil ( ,unit$ ,bl4 ,a cr$it c>d is requir$ to gu>antee yr ov]nirie ,*apman via email1 c4*apman#feg@ayahoo4com1 or call h] at "<#eae"> #feg- #adfa4 ,"h & ,"! $it$ by ,%>on ,/rzalk[ski ,! ann\nce;t ( products & s]vices 9 ? column does #dj n repres5t an 5dorse;t by ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 xs (fic]s1 or /aff4 ,li/+s >e free ( *>ge = ! b5efit ( \r r1d]s4 8,! ,,acb ;,e-,=um0 _c 2 held responsible = ! reliabil;y ( ! products & s]vices m5;n$4 ,to submit items = ? column1 s5d a message to slov]+@aacb4org1 or ph"o ! na;nal (fice at #a- #hjj-#dbd-#hfff1 & l1ve a message 9 ,%>on ,lov]+'s mailbox4 ,9=ma;n m/ 2 rcvd at l1/ two mon?s ah1d ( publica;n date4 ,new ,fraud ,s*emes to ,2 ,aw>e ,( ,! ,social ,secur;y ,adm9i/ra;n w>ns t scamm]s h come up ) new fraud s*emes4 ,! call] w claim to 2 f ,social ,secur;y & tell ! victim t he is eligible = a #a4g #da p]c5t co/ ( liv+ adju/;t4 ,! fraud/]s1 :o t5d to call f ! #cbc >ea code1 ask = victims' p]sonal 9=ma;n 9 ord] to div]t _! ,social ,secur;y b5efits 9to ! crooks' a3.ts4 ,ano!r s*eme 9volves a robo- call] claim+ to 2 ! 9spector g5]al1 & dcls ! victim's b5efits h be5 susp5d$4 ,! victim is ?r1t5$ ) >re/ & ord]$ to call a "picul> numb] to >range pay;t4 ,social ,secur;y urges any"o :o rcvs a suspici\s call to ,,n give \ p]sonal 9=ma;n to an un"kn call]2 report ! call to ! r1l 9spector g5]al at #a- #hjj-#bfi-#jbga4 ,,irs ,fraud ,s*emes ,social ,secur;y isn't ! only gov]n;t ag5cy t scamm]s >e pick+ on4 ,! ,,irs w>ns ab s"eal scams1 too1 ": #db call]s claim to 2 employees ( ! ,,irs1 us+ fake "ns & bogus badge numb]s4 ,!y may "k a lot ab _! t>gets1 & !y usually alt] ! call] ,,id to make x look l ! ,,irs is call+4 "<,"s >ea codes !y use >e #bjh & #ija4"> ,victims >e told !y [e m"oy to ! ,,irs & x m/ 2 pd promptly "? a pre-load$ debit c>d or wire transf]4 ,victims may 2 ?r1t5$ ) >re/1 deporta;n or susp5.n ( a busi;s or driv]'s lic5se4 ,9 _m cases1 ! call] 2comes ho/ile & 9sult+4 ,or1 victims may 2 told !y h a refund due to try to trick !m 9to %>+ private 9=ma;n4 ,if ! ph"o isn't answ]$1 ! scamm]s (t5 l1ve an 8urg5t0 callback reque/4 ,"s fraud/]s h approa*$ p ) limit$ ,5gli% pr(ici5cy1 address+ !m 9 _! native language1 & ?r1t5$ !m ) #dc deporta;n1 >re/1 & lic5se revoca;n1 am;g o!r ?+s4 ,,irs urges all taxpay]s to use cau;n 2f pay+ unexpect$ tax bills4 ,note t ! ,,irs w n"e3 _4 ,call to dem& imm pay;t us+ a specific pay;t me?od s* z a prepd debit c>d1 gift c>d or wire transf]4 ,g5]ally1 ! ,,irs w f/ mail y a bill if y [e any taxes4 _4 ,?r1t5 to immly br+ 9 local police or o!r law-5=ce;t gr\ps to h y >re/$ = n pay+4 _4 ,dem& t y pay taxes )\t giv+ y ! opportun;y to "q or app1l ! am.t !y say y [e4 _4 ,ask = cr$it or debit c>d numb]s ov] ! ph"o4 ,if y get a ph"o call f "s"o claim+ to 2 f ! ,,irs1 "h's :at y %d d3 #dd _4 ,if y "k y [e taxes or y ?9k y mi1 !n call & report ! 9cid5t to ! ,tr1sury ,9spector ,g5]al = ,tax ,adm9i/ra;n at #a-#hjj- #cff-#ddhd1 or at https3_/_/www4tr1sury4gov" _/tigta_/4 #de _4 ,y c file a compla9t at ht tps3_/_/www4ft3ompla9tassi/a nt4gov_/,9=ma;n8,org,code"7, ,irs_?crnt@&panel#a-#a2 *oose 8,scams & ,rip(fs10 !n 8,impo/or ,scams40 ,if ! compla9t 9volves "s"o imp]sonat+ ! ,,irs1 9clude ! ^ws 8,,irs ,teleph"o ,scam0 9 ! notes4 ,= m 9=ma;n on curr5t tax scams1 visit www4irs4gov_/news room_/tax-scams-3sum]-al]ts4 ,seek+ ,nom9a;ns = ! ,holman ,prize ,lid = bl adv5tur]s & cr1tors is back6 ,submis.ns close on ,feb4 #bhth at noon ,pacific4 ,! f/ r.d ( ! competi;n is a #ij-second ,y\,tube video pit*+ yr idea4 ,we >e #df look+ = cr1tive1 b.d>y-pu%+1 9novative projects4 ,! c&idate ) ! mo/ ,y\,tube 8likes0 w automatically 2 *os5 z ! ,p's ,*oice ,f9ali/ & w 2come a f9ali/ = ! ,holman ,prize4 ,a few cav1ts3 ,applicants m/ 2 #ah ye>s old z ( ,oct4 #a1 #bjah4 ,!y m/ al 2 able to submit (ficial docu;ta;n ( bl;s "4 ,curr5t ,lid memb]s " >e n eligible = ! ,holman ,prize2 nor >e previ\s w9n]s4 ,! prize w n fund any type ( tui;n4 ,= fur!r 9=ma;n1 visit https3_/" _/www4holmanprize4org_/faq4 ,val5t9e ,cruise ,my ,limit.s ,vi.n w hold a ,val5t9e cruise 9 #bjai4 ,! %ip w de"p f ,port #dg ,canav]al at #d p4m4 on ,sun"d1 ,feb4 #aj1 #bjai1 & return on ,val5t9e's ,"d1 ,?urs"d1 ,febru>y #ad1 #bjai at #h a4m4 ,we w h a fun "d at sea on ,mon"d1 ) special fun j = \r ,,vip gr\p4 ,on ,tues"d1 we w 2 at ,nassau1 & on ,w$nes"d1 we w 2 at ,freeport4 ,we w 2 do+ m rese>* ) ,c>nival on ! be/ a3essible excur.ns 9 ! ports = ^? :o may want to explore4 ,if y're 9t]e/$1 s5d ,de2ie ,s&]s yr 3tact 9=ma;n & @s#be p] p]son res]va;n fee via ,pay,pal at de2ie@amylimit.svi.n4com1 or by *eck to ,,mlv1 #ajd ,,ne #gth ,st41 ,p]k9s1 ,,ok #gdjei4 ,want to g b ne$ a roommate to %>e ! co/8 ,let ,de2ie ,s&]s "k4 #dh ,,nyssb to ,hold ,c5t5nial ,reunion ,! ,alumni ,associa;n ( ! ,new ,york ,/ate ,s*ool = ! ,bl w hold xs c5t5nial reunion ,june #g "? #aj1 #bjah at ! ,qual;y ,9n & ,suites1 #hbej ,p>k ,road1 ,batavia1 ,,ny #adjbj2 ph"o "<#ehe"> #cdd- #bajj4 ,at ! same "t1 we w jo9 /ud5ts1 /aff & gue/s ( ! ,new ,york ,/ate ,s*ool = ! ,bl 9 celebrat+ #aej ye>s ( \t/&+ s]vice to ! p ( ,new ,york /ate4 ,reunion ev5ts w 9clude a c]emony celebrat+ ! s*ool's sesquic5t5nial1 a pres5ta;n f ! ,new ,york ,/ate ,museum1 ! unveil+ ( a tactile mural : "s ( \r memb]s help$ to cr1te1 & a picnic ) /ud5ts & /aff4 ,"! w al 2 s"eal *.es to socialize ) old frs & make new "os & to rememb] \r alma mat]4 #di ,\r associa;n 2gan 9 #aiah & 0 9corporat$ 9 ,m>* #aibd4 ,! only "t "! wasn't a reunion 0 dur+ ,_w ,w> ,,ii4 ,memb]%ip is op5 to any"o at l1/ #ah ye>s ( age :o ei att5d$ ! ,new ,york ,/ate ,s*ool = ! ,bl or is recomm5d$ by a memb] 9 gd /&+ ( ! associa;n4 ,any applicant :o did n att5d ! ,new ,york ,/ate ,s*ool = ! ,bl m/ h a sub/antive rela;n%ip to ! recomm5d+ memb] or to any o!r memb] 9 gd /&+4 ,annual dues >e @s#ae1 ) multi-ye> plans available4 ,! d1dl9e = reunion res]va;ns is ,may #a1 #bjah4 ,if y wi% to 2come a memb]1 or h "qs ab ! reunion1 3tact ,diane ,scalzi at "<#ehf"> #ccg-#ebbf1 or email dscalzi@acomca/4net4 #ej ,:at's ,new f ,,nbp8 ,n[ available is ! 8,w9d[s ,scre5 ,r1d] ,key/roke ,comp5dium3 ,cov]+ ,,jaws1 ,,nvda1 & ,n>rator10 compil$ by ,d1n ,m>t91u4 ,x is available z "o small brl volume1 ,,brf1 & ,^w4 ,brl- relat$ key/rokes >e n 9clud$4 ,al available >e a v>iety ( ,micros(t & ,w9d[s ,guides1 i,,os ,guides1 ,mac ,,os guides1 ,&roid guides1 & a guide call$ 8,comput]s ,y ,c ,talk ,to3 ,siri1 ,alexa1 ,google ,n[1 & ,cortana10 by ,anna ,dresn]4 ,newly available is 8,di>y ( a ,worm0 by ,dore5 ,cron94 ,x comes 9 3tract$ ,,ueb1 & is = ages #c to #h4 ,! di>y docu;ts a "y worm's daily life1 f liv+ ) 8 p>5ts to att5d+ s*ool4 ,b he n"e has to take a ba?1 he gets to eat 8 home"w1 & #ea 2c he doesn't h legs1 he c't d ! hokey pokey ,- no matt] h[ h>d he tries4 ,al new 9 ! *n's sec;n is 8,brave ,ir5e10 9 3tract$ ,,ueb = ages #c to #h4 ,ir5e's "m is a dressmak]1 & "o "d1 :5 %e's s*$ul$ to deliv] a ball g[n to ! du*ess to we> t ev5+1 %e isn't feel+ well 5 to make ! deliv]y4 ,s ,ir5e volunte]s to d x = h] "m1 despite ! blizz>d4 ,:o c =get ! /ories ( ,%el ,silv]/e98 ,*eck \ 8,! ,giv+ ,tree10 a book ab g5]os;y & unselfi%;s4 ,x's available 9 pr9t ) brl1 & has picture descrip;ns4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 3tact ,na;nal ,brl ,press at #a-#hjj-#edh- #gcbc1 or visit www4nbp4org_/i c_/nbp_/publica;ns_/9dex4html4 #eb ,able,data ,able,data is a s\rce ( compreh5sive 9=ma;n on assi/ive te*nology "<,,at"> products1 solu;ns1 & res\rces to improve productiv;y & ease life's tasks4 ,! company (f]s 9=ma;n t w assi/ dome/ic & 9t]na;nal cu/om]s & _! family memb]s1 z well z v5dors1 4tributors1 organiza;ns1 pr(es.nals1 & c>egiv]s 9 "u/&+ ,,at op;ns & programs available4 ,able,data has 9=ma;n on m ?an #dj1jjj ,,at products4 ,to view ! li/ ( devices = ^? :o >e bl & h l[ vi.n1 visit http3_/_/abl$ata4com_/9dex+-" t]ms_/bl9d-&-l[-vi.n4 ,! company al po/s mon?ly guides relat$ to assi/ive te*nology & di6]5t 3di;ns4 ,"s 9clude3 #ec _4 ,,at = ,9dividuals ,:o >e ,d1f-,bl1 http3_/_/abl$ata4com" _/publica;ns_/9dividuals-:" o->e-d1f-bl _4 ,wayf9d+ ,,at = ,p ,:o >e ,bl1 ,d1f or ,h a ,cognitive ,4abil;y1 http3_/_/abl$ata4com" _/publica;ns_/wayf9d+-p-:o-" >e-bl-d1f-or-h-cognitive _4 ,,at = ! ,wd-,be ,virtuoso ,:o is ,bl or ,has ,l[ ,vi.n1 http3_/_/abl$ata4com_ /publica;ns_/w\ld-be-virtuos o-:o-bl-or-has-l[-vi.n ,9=ma;n speciali/s >e available ,mon"d "? ,fri"d at #a-#hjj-#bbg-#jbaf2 email1 abl$ata@anew$i;ns4net4 ,or visit ! web site1 www4abl$ata4com4 ,y c al f9d ,able,data on ,facebook & ,twitt]4 #ed ,se habla espa^]nol4 ,pl1se note t ,able,data does n sell products1 nor does x 5dorse any product manufactur]s or 4tributors4 ,wood5 ,games ,back at ,brl ,sup]/ore ,! ,brl ,sup]/ore has br"\ back xs wood5 games1 : >e made ( h&-craft$ t1k & c>e;lly adapt$ = bl play]s4 ,titles 9clude ,3nect ,f\r1 ,*ess1 ,%ut ! ,box1 ,backgammon1 ,tangram1 ,p>*eesi1 ,*9ese ,*eck]s1 & ,snakes & ,ladd]s4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 3tact ! ,brl ,sup]/ore at #a-#hjj-#ihg- #abca1 or visit www4braillebook/ore4com4 ,seek+ ,maps ,made by ! ,pr9ceton ,brailli/s8 ,! collec;n ( tactile maps & o!r draw+s d"o by ,! #ee ,pr9ceton ,brailli/s ov] ! la/ ?ree decades has be5 transf]r$ to ,na;nal ,brl ,press1 ": >range;ts >e 2+ made = ongo+ 4tribu;n4 ,! ,pr9ceton ,brailli/s produc$ #ce books ( tactile maps4 ,! maps >e detail$1 label$ 9 brl only2 "s exp]i;e ) tactile draw+s is recomm5d$4 ,na;nal ,brl ,press hopes to ma9ta9 & reproduce ! curr5t maps :ile look+ 9to ways to update geographical 9=ma;n1 re-code = ,unifi$ ,5gli% ,brl1 & cr1te new volumes ( c.tries & /ates4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 call "<#fag"> #dbe-#bddb4 ,zoom,text #aa4g ,zoom,text v].n #aa4g is n[ available6 ,x 3ta9s updates = ,zoom,text #aa ,magnifi]1 ,magnifi]_/,r1d] & ,fu.n4 ,^! free updates provide #ef important 5h.e;ts 9 ! ,zoom,text s(tw>e1 improv+ p]=m.e1 /abil;y & func;nal;y ( ,zoom,text's f1tures & tools4 ,!y 9clude support = ! ,w9d[s #aj ,fall ,cr1tors ,update1 improv$ p]=m.e & naviga;n 9 ,app,r1d] & ,f9d]1 improv$ support = ,*rome1 & m4 ,to le>n ab all ( ! *anges 9 ! #aa4g update1 visit https3_/_/www4zoomtext4com" _/help_/rel1s5otes "$4us#a4list-manage4com_ /track_/click;8u"7#df;e#ajg;c# ghac;eb#ije;dfd#b;a#fich@&id"7 f#d;a#hef"> 4 ,to get ! ,zoom,text #aa4g updates "<= ,magnifi] & ,magnifi]_/,r1d]">3 #eg _4 ,if y h a previ\s v].n ( ,zoom,text #aa ,magnifi] or ,magnifi] ,r1d] on yr sy/em1 g to ! ,zoom,text #aa toolb> & *oose ,zoom,text @> ,manage ,lic5se @> ,*eck = ,updates4 ,? w laun* ! update wiz>d & walk y "? ! fa/ update process4 _4 ,if y ne$ to 9/all ,zoom,text #aa4g ,magnifi] or ,magnifi]_/,r1d] on a new sy/em "<": ,zoom,text is n yet 9/all$">1 d[nload ! full 9/all] f http3_/" _/zoomtext4com_/d[nloads "$4us#a4list-m anage4com_/track_/click;8u"7 #df;e#ajg;c#ghac;eb#ije;dfd# b;a#fich@&id"7f#ihdaf"> 4 ,!n g to ! sec;n titl$ 8,zoom,text #aa0 & *oose ! 9/all] t mat*es yr lic5se type4 #eh ,= ! ,fu.n #aa4g updates1 visit http3_/_/zoomtext4com" _/d[nloads "$ 4us#a4list-manage4com_/track_/ click;8u"7#df;e#ajg;c#ghac;eb# ije;dfd#b;a#fich@&id"7#jhbhgd" > 1 !n g to 8,fu.n #aa0 & *oose ! 9/all] t mat*es ! language y require4 ,,acb ,(fic]s ,presid5t ,kim ,*>lson "<#crd t]m1 #bjai"> #eg ,gr&view ,ave4 ,wat]t[n1 ,,ma #jbdgb ,f/ ,vice ,presid5t ,dan ,spoone "<#ast t]m1 #bjai"> #cibd ,lake ,mirage ;,blvd4 #ei ,orl&o1 ,,fl #cbhag-#aeed ,second ,vice ,presid5t ,john ,mc,cann "<#bnd t]m1 #bjai"> #hgfa ;,e4 ,placita ,boliv> ,tucson1 ,,az #hegae-#efej ,secret>y ,ray ,campbell "<#crd t]m1 #bjai"> #dfj ,ra9tree ,ct4 _?#c,k ,gl5 ,ellyn1 ,,il #fjacg ,tr1sur] ,david ,trott "<#ast t]m1 #bjai"> #ajah ,ea/ ,st4 ;,s4 ,talladega1 ;,,al #ceafj #fj ,imm ,pa/ ,presid5t ,mit* ,pom]antz #aaae ,cordova ,st4 _?#djb ,pasad5a1 ,,ca #iaajf ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,directors ,jeff ,bi%op1 ,kirkl&1 ,,wa "<#ast t]m1 #bjbj"> ,d5ise ,colley1 ,lacey1 ,,wa "<#ast t]m1 #bjbj"> ,s>a ,3rad1 ,madison1 ,,wi " ,dan ,dillon1 ,h]mitage1 ;,,tn "<#ast t]m1 #bjbj"> ,katie ,fr$]ick1 ,wor?+ton1 ,,oh "<#ast t]m1 #bjah"> ,george ,holli"d1 ,philadelphia1 ,,pa " ,allan ,pet]son1 ,horace1 ,,nd " #fa ,d\g ,p[ell1 ,falls ,*ur*1 ,,va "<"pial t]m1 #bjbj"> ,patrick ,%eehan1 ,silv] ,spr+1 ,,md "<#ast t]m1 #bjah"> ,jeff ,?om1 ,sacra;to1 ,,ca "<"pial t]m1 #bjah"> ,ex ,(ficio3 ,de2ie ,lewis1 ,s1ttle1 ,,wa ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns ,ron ,brooks1 ,*airman1 ,pho5ix1 ,,az "<#bnd t]m1 #bjai"> ,donna ,br[n1 ,romney1 ,,wv "<#ast t]m1 #bjai"> ,paul ,$w>ds1 ,miami1 ,,fl "<#ast t]m1 #bjah"> ,susan ,glass1 ,s>atoga1 ,,ca "<#bnd t]m1 #bjai"> ,de2ie ,lewis1 ,s1ttle1 ,,wa "<#ast t]m1 #bjah"> ,ex ,(ficios3 #fb ,katie ,fr$]ick1 ,wor?+ton1 ,,oh ,bob ,ha*ey1 ,wal?am1 ,,ma ,b]l ,colley1 ,lacey1 ,,wa ,c>la ,rus*ival1 ,l\isville1 ,,ky ,a3ess+ ,yr ,,acb ,brl & ;,e-,=ums ,! ,,acb ;,e-,=um may 2 a3ess$ by email1 on ! ,,acb web site1 via d[nload f ! web page "<9 ,^w1 pla9 text1 or brl-r1dy file">1 or by ph"o at "<#fje"> #dge-#haed4 ,to subscribe to ! email v].n1 visit ! ,,acb ;e-mail li/s page at www4acb4org4 ,! ,,acb ,brl ,=um is available by mail 9 brl1 l>ge pr9t1 digital c>tridge1 & via email4 ,x is al available to r1d or d[nload f ,,acb's web page1 & by ph"o1 #fc "<#fje"> #dge-#haed4 ,subscribe to ! podca/ v].ns f yr #bnd g5]a;n ,victor ,r1d] ,/r1m or f http3_/_/www4acb4org_/bf_/4 #fd