,! ,,acb ;,e-,=um ,volume ,,lx ,april #bjbb ,no4 #aj ,publi%$ by ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,2 ,a ,"p ( ,,acb ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl9d^t is a memb]%ip organiza;n made up ( m ?an #gj /ate & special-9t]e/ a6iliates4 ,to jo91 3tact ! na;nal (fice at #a-#hjj-#dbd- #hfff4 ,3tribute to ,\r ,"w ,^? m*-ne$$ 3tribu;ns1 : >e tax-d$uctible1 c 2 s5t to ,attn3 ,tr1sur]1 ,,acb1 #fbjj ,%+le ,creek ,pkwy41 ,suite #aee1 ,brooklyn ,c5t]1 ,,mn #eedcj4 ,if y wi% to rememb] a relative or fr1 ! na;nal (fice has pr9t$ c>ds available = ? purpose4 ,3sid] 9clud+ a gift to ,,acb 9 yr ,la/ ,w & ,te/a;t4 ,if yr wi%es >e complex1 call ! na;nal (fice4 ,to make a 3tribu;n to ,,acb by ! ,comb9$ ,f$]al ,campaign1 use ? numb]3 #aaaee4 ,*eck 9 ) ,,acb ,= ! late/ 9 legislative & gov]n;tal news1 call ! 8,wa%+ton ,3nec;n0 #bd_/#g at #a-#hjj-#dbd-#hfff1 or r1d x onl9e4 ,li/5 to ,,acb ,reports by d[nload+ ! ,,mp#c file f www4acb4org1 or call "<#eah"> #ijf-#ahbj & *oose op;n #h4 ,tune 9 to ,,acb ,m$ia at www4acbm$ia4org or by call+ "<#eah"> #ijf-#ahbj4 ,le>n m ab u at www4acb4org4 ,foll[ u on ,twitt] at @aacbna;nal1 or l u on #b ,facebook at https3_/_/www4" facebook4com_/acbna;nal4 ^c #bjbb ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,]ic ,bridges1 ,executive ,director ,%>on ,lov]+1 ,$itor #agjc ;,n4 ,b1ureg>d ,st41 ,suite #dbj1 ,alex&ria1 ,,va #bbcaa ,table ( ,3t5ts ,presid5t's ,message3 ,dad1 ,?ank ,y = ! ,legacy1 by ,dan ,spoone1 page #f ,3v5;n ,sn1k ,preview1 by ,janet ,dickelman1 page #aa ,call+ ,all ,c&idates1 by ,katie ,fr$]ick1 page #bb ,! ,,acb ,3/itu;n & ,bylaws ,committee ,wants to ,he> f ,y1 page #bg #c ,! ,/r5g? ( ,my ,gr&"m's ,culture1 by ,*]yl ,cum+s1 page #bh ,a ,"m's ,/ory1 by ,reg9a ,br9k1 page #ca ,>m5ian ,3nec;ns1 by ,m>y ,h>oyan1 page #ce ,f9d+ ,\r ,way1 by ,susan ,kitazawa1 page #ch ,gr[+ ,up 9 ,los ,angeles ) a ,political ,"m1 by ,pamela ,hill ,metz1 page #db ,hispanic ,culture = ! ,gr+o ,eye1 by ,gabriel ,lopez ,kafati1 page #de ,see+ ,color ,:ile ,bl1 by ,l9da ,samulski1 page #dh ,:at ,x ,m1ns to ,2 ,italian- ,am]ican1 by ,an?ony ,corona1 page #eb ,my ,six ,weeks 9 ,e1 by ,paul ,$w>ds1 page #eh #d ,": ,h ,all ! ,voices ,g"o81 by ,>turo ,esp9oza1 page #fe ,love ,lr to ,me61 by ,ca*et ,wells1 page #fg ,no ,m ,racism1 by ,bob ,branco1 page #gd ,a6iliate ,news1 page #gf ,pass+s1 page #hj ,"h & ,"!1 $it$ by ,cyn?ia ;,g4 ,hawk9s1 page #hf ,,acb ,m$ia ,music1 by ,nancy ,scott1 page #id ,! ,cab91 by ,ann ,*iappetta1 page #ie ,,acb ,(fic]s1 page #ig ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,directors1 page #ii ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns1 page #ajj ,a3ess+ ,yr ,,acb ,brl & ;,e- ,=ums1 page #aja #e ,>e ,y ,mov+8 ,d ,y ,want to ,*ange ,yr ,subscrip;n8 ,3tact ,%>on ,lov]+ 9 ! ,,acb na;nal (fice1 #a-#hjj- #dbd-#hfff1 or via ;e-mail1 slov]+@aacb4org4 ,give h] ! 9=ma;n1 & %e'll make ! *anges = y4 ,presid5t's ,message3 ,dad1 ,?ank ,y = ! ,legacy by ,dan ,spoone ,! dawn+ ( spr+ rem9ds me ( w>m w1!r1 spr+ baseball & my dad4 ,he lov$ go+ to spr+ baseball games to see 8 ,atlanta ,braves at ,4ney's ,wide ,_w ( ,sports complex4 ,we _h ,braves spr+ s1son tickets = s"eal ye>s4 ,x 0 a *.e = u to sp5d an afn 9 ! w>m ,florida sun1 & x gave me #f a *.e to li/5 to 8 /ories t provid$ a f.da;n = my life4 ,^! >e n[ wond];l memories4 ,n[ t ,dad has be5 g"o = ?ree mon?s1 x has all[$ me "s "t to reflect on 8 legacy4 ,f/1 ,i wd l to take ? opportun;y to ?ank all ( y = yr k9d ?"\s = me & \r family on ! pass+ ( my dad4 ,i ?9k ab hm e "d & ! values he taue] 9 c5tral ,florida z a t1*] & hi< s*ool football coa* 9 ! late #aiejs & #aifjs4 ,mom & ,dad grew up 9 ,ea/ ,t5;see & mov$ to ,orl&o1 ,florida to 5joy life 9 a l>g] commun;y ) m div]s;y & opportun;y = gr[?4 ,orl&o 0 a "p ( ! 8,jim ,cr[0 s\? ( ! #aiejs1 & x 0 a *all5ge = my p>5ts4 ,_! 2lief 9 ! "rs #g ( all p to 2 tr1t$ ) fair;s1 respect & dign;y 0 "u 3/ant assault4 ,my dad _h ! f/ 9tegrat$ football t1ms 9 ,sem9ole ,c.ty "<#aife ,ovi$o ,hi<">1 ,volusia ,c.ty "<#aiff ,del& ,hi<"> & ,orange ,c.ty "<#aifh ,evans ,hi<">4 ,my ?"\s g back to t spr+ baseball game ) ! ,atlanta ,braves4 ,n[ t ,i 0 an adult1 ,dad felt he cd op5ly %>e 8 feel+s ) me4 ,9 #aife1 ,i 0 eit5 "? #abth grade "<:ite only">4 ,"! 7 only #ag play]s on ! v>s;y football t1m4 ,"o ( !m 0 ,simon ,h>p]1 a #ae-ye>- old sophomore :o 0 black4 ,! o!r play]s welcom$ ,simon z a t1mmate1 b ! local #h commun;y n s m*4 ,dad %>$ ) me t we rcvd _m ph"o calls prote/+ ,simon's 9clu.n on ! t1m4 ,^! calls 9clud$ t]rible 9sults to my mom1 my si/] & d1? ?r1ts to my dad4 ,on ! t1m's f/ road game 9 ,leesburg1 ,fla41 ,simon 0 ask$ by ! re/aurant [n] to l1ve ! re/aurant4 ,he 0 n all[$ 9side4 ,! t1m left ! re/aurant 9 unison 9 prote/4 ,dad %>$ t ? 0 "o ( 8 pr\de/ mo;ts z a coa*4 ,i %>e ? /ory n to praise my "f1 b to po9t \ ! /ru7les t s _m 5dur$ 9 ! pa/4 ,dad %>$ ? /ory ) me #cj ye>s af x took place to reflect ! *anges he _h se5 9 8 life4 ,8 c>e] 3t9u$ to adv.e ov] ! ye>s ) opportunities to s]ve z a pr9cipal at ,h[>d ,junior ,hi<1 ,oak ,ridge ,hi< ,s*ool & ,dr4 ,phillips ,hi< #i ,s*ool & z a memb] ( ! ,orange ,c.ty ,s*ool ,bo>d4 ,he alw embrac$ div]s;y1 equ;y & 9clu.n 2f any"o knew :at to call x4 ,he 0 an amaz+ role model4 ,we 9 ,,acb ne$ to le>n f ! lessons ( ! pa/4 ,i wd l to compli;t ! ,multicultural ,a6airs ,committee = all ( _! wond];l pres5ta;ns dur+ ,black ,hi/ory ,mon? & _! p[];l >ticles 9 ? mon?'s ;,e-,=um4 ,we / h a l;g way to g on \r j\rney = equal;y )9 ,,acb1 b ?anks to yr ef=ts1 we >e h1d$ 9 ! "r direc;ns4 ,dad1 ?anks = ! legacy y h left me to alw see myf 9 ! o!r p]son's %oes4 ,i w try to make y pr\d4 #aj ,3v5;n ,sn1k ,preview by ,janet ,dickelman ,:at an excit+ "t to 2 9volv$ ) ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl6 ,\r #fast annual 3f];e & 3v5;n is fa/ approa*+6 ,9-p]son 3v5;n dates >e ,july #ast "? #hth4 ,jo9 u 9 p]son 9 ,omaha1 ,neb4 ,dur+ ! 9-p]son por;n ( ! 3f];e1 _m ( \r ses.ns w 2 hybrid2 !y w 2 available via ,zoom & broadca/ on ,,acb ,m$ia4 ,? ye>1 9 addi;n to ! ei1 ! ev5+s ( ,july #aath "? #acth = 4cus.n & vot+ on resolu;ns & bylaws n approv$ dur+ ! 9-p]son por;n ( ! 3v5;n4 ,att5;n /ate & special-9t]e/ a6iliates6 ,nom9at+ committee w 2 held virtually ! ev5+ ( ,june #bcrd4 ,/ay tun$ = details4 #ab #bjbb ,banquet ,on ,?urs"d1 ,july #gth1 don't miss \r fanta/ic banquet ) \r c't-miss sp1k] ,judy ,heumann4 ,judy has be5 9volv$ 9 ! 4abil;y "rs move;t s9ce ! e>ly #aigjs4 ,%e 0 9/ru;tal 9 e/abli%+ ! 9dep5d5t liv+ move;t1 & 0 a key play] 9 fik ,rehabilita;n ,act ( #aigc4 ,%e is 3sid]$ ! "m ( 4abil;y "rs1 & 2c ( h] ongo+ & tire.s ef=ts1 %e is an 9t]na;nally recogniz$ 4abil;y advocate4 ,%e s]v$ z ! hiack ,obama z ! s5ior (ficial = ,9t]na;nal ,4abil;y ,"rs at ! ,/ate ,de"p;t4 ,9 #bjbj1 %e publi%$ h] memoir 8,2+ ,heumann3 #ac ,an ,unrep5tant ,memoir ( a ,4abil;y ,"rs ,activi/40 ,z a true advocate & civil "rs activi/1 %e is well famili> ) ! ne$s ( p ) all 4abilities1 9clud+ ^? :o >e bl & l[ vi.n4 ,%e is mak+ a di6];e = all ( u 9 ! #bast c5tury4 ,,acb ,committees ,,acb committees h be5 submitt+ _! program 9=ma;n4 ,"h is a glimpse at :at has be5 s*$ul$ ?us f>4 ,pl1se keep 9 m9d t o!r ses.ns w 2 add$ to ? li/4 ,all "ts li/$ >e ,c5tral "t4 ,note3 _m ses.ns >e co-sponsor$4 ,to save space 9 ? >ticle1 only ! submitt+ committee w 2 li/$4 ,full 9=ma;n w 2 %[n 9 ! 3v5;n program & on ! regi/ra;n =m4 #ad ,,acb ,wom5 ,,acb ,wom5 w ho/ ! alw popul> ,si/] ,p[] ,happy ,h\r on ,fri"d1 ,june #bdth4 ,!y w al hold yoga & c>dio ses.ns1 ho/$ by ,leslie ,spoone1 on ! #bcrd & #beth4 ,audio ,descrip;n ,project "<,,adp"> ,?urs"d1 ,june #bc3 ,audio ,descrip;n1 8,no?+ ,ab ,u ,)\t ,u03 ,bl ,3sultants ,9volve;t 9 ,cr1t+ ,,ad ,fri"d1 ,june #bd3 ,be/ ( ! #bjba ,audio ,descrip;n ,gala ,satur"d1 ,june #be3 ,self- ,descrip;n3 ,too ,m* or ,j ,5 ,- ,bl ,commun;y ,p]spectives ,tues"d1 ,july #e3 ,pot5tial ,employ;t ,opportunities ) ! ,na;nal ,p>ks ,s]vice ,utiliz+ ,audio ,descrip;n ,w$nes"d1 ,july #f3 ,get to ,"k ,m ,ab ! #bjbb #ae ,audio ,descrip;n ,project ,aw>d ,w9n]s4 ,al jo9 ,,adp = _! prime"t ev5t ! ev5+ ( ,july #e3 ,5t]ta9;t ,9du/ry ,update4 ,b]l ,colley ,l1d]%ip ,committee ,w pres5t ,div]s;y & ,9clu.n ,tra9+ on ,satur"d1 ,july #bnd4 ,durw>d ;,k4 ,mc,daniel ,f/-,"trs "<,,dkm"> ,come & welcome ! #bjbj1 #bjba1 & #bjbb ,,dkm recipi5ts on ,w$nes"d ev5+1 ,july #fth4 ,employ;t ,committee ,jo9 ! committee = two ses.ns on ,satur"d1 ,june #beth3 8,navigat+ ,employ;t 9 an ,9cr1s+ly ,virtual ,_w0 & 8,don't ,let ,social ,secur;y ,impact ,yr ,c>e]40 #af ,9=ma;n ,a3ess ,committee "<,,iac"> ,on ,?urs"d1 ,june #bcrd1 ,,iac w hold a ,zoom-only prime"t ev5+ ses.n1 8,liv+ 9 ! ,digital ,age40 ,on ,satur"d1 ,july #bnd1 !y w ho/ ! alw 9=mative #daa f ! ,,iac ) all ! late/ te*nology news6 ,9t]na;nal ,rela;ns ,committee "<,,irc"> ,on ,?urs"d1 ,june #bcrd1 ,,irc w hold a ,zoom-only ses.n f1tur+ a panel ( 9t]na;nal programs ( ,u4,s4 organiza;ns = ! bl4 ,sun"d1 ,july #crd1 jo9 ,,irc & ,,mcac = an up close & p]sonal ses.n ) \r 9t]na;nal gue/ ,m>c ,"wman1 ,executive ,director1 ,_w ,bl ,union4 ,on ,mon"d1 ,july #dth1 jo9 ,,irc = ,voices f ,>.d ! ,_w lun*eon & pres5ta;n #ag f1tur+ a panel ( 9dividuals :o came "h z immigrant /ud5ts & >e n[ ga9;lly employ$4 ,memb]%ip ,committee ,! #bjbb memb]%ip sem9> w 2 held on ,w$nes"d1 ,july #fth4 ,multicultural ,a6airs ,committee ,,mcac is plann+ a lun*eon & afn sp1k] on ,w$nes"d1 ,july #fth1 & an 9-p]son-only mix] ! afn ( ,july #eth4 ,!y w al jo9 9 on ,sun"d ) ,,irc to welcome \r 9t]na;nal gue/s4 ,p$e/rian ,5viron;tal ,a3ess @& ,transporta;n ,! ,p$e/rian ,5viron;tal ,a3ess & ,transporta;n committees w hold 8,f ,mobil;y & ,2y0 ses.ns on ,july #crd & #dth4 #ah ,rehab ,issues ,task ,=ce ,! ,rehab ,issues ,task ,=ce w hold a ses.n on ,mon"d1 ,july #dth1 titl$ 8,unravel+ ,advocacy = ,non-,voca;nal ,rehabilita;n ,s]vices "? ,,oib & ,m$icaid40 ,res\rce ,develop;t ,committee ,! ,,rdc is plann+ a ses.n = ! afn ( ,w$nes"d1 ,july #fth4 ,si ,on ,sun"d1 ,july #crd1 ,,sasi w hold an 9-p]son social1 & a ses.n on ,mon"d on ov]-!-c.t] he>+ aids4 ,walk ,committee ,grab yr wat] bottle & jo9 u on ,satur"d1 ,july #bnd at #f p4m4 = 8,walk+ ,"ey":0 prior to op5+ g5]al ses.n4 #ai ,committee on ,m5tal ,h1l? & ,well-,2+ ,? newly m9t$ committee w ho/ ses.ns on ,mon"d1 ,july #dth & ,tues"d1 ,july #eth4 ,keep ,up to ,date ) ! ,3v5;n ,li/ ,! 3f];e & 3v5;n ann\nce li/ w 2 *ock-full ( 9=ma;n4 ,to subscribe to ! li/1 s5d a blank ;e-mail to ,acbconv5;n" "6subscribe@aacbli/s4org4 ,if y rcvd updates = ! #bjba 3v5;n1 y d n ne$ to subscribe to ! li/4 ,res]va;n ,details ,to make res]va;ns onl9e1 g to https3_/_/book4passkey4" com_/ev5t_/#ejbbaafj_/owner_/" #bbeah_/home4 ,:5 ask$ to select gue/ type on ! ma9 scre51 select att5dee4 ,= ^? :o wi% to call 9 & make #bj _! res]va;n1 call #a-#hjj- ,,hiltons " & ref];e ! "n ( ! gr\p block1 ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl4 ,! gr\p code1 if ne$$ = ^? call+ in1 is ,,acb4 ,room rates at ! ,hilton >e @s#if "1 ) an addi;nal @s#aj p] p]son = up to f\r p p] room4 ,room tax is curr5tly #ah4af.04 ,"o nig$ to yr cr$it c>d :5 y book yr res]va;n4 ,3v5;n ,3tacts #bjbb ,exhibit ,9=ma;n3 ,mi*ael ,smi!rman1 "<#fja"> #cca-#ggdj1 exhibits@aacb4org #bjbb ,adv]tis+ & ,sponsor%ips3 ,an?ony ,/eph5s1 "<#bjb"> #eei-#bjde1 a/eph5s@aacb4org ,= any o!r 3v5;n-relat$ "qs1 pl1se 3tact ,janet #ba ,dickelman1 3v5;n *air1 at "<#fea"> #dbh-#ejei1 or by ;e- mail1 janet4dickelman@a" gmail4com4 ,call+ ,all ,c&idates by ,katie ,fr$]ick ,z memb]s ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 we >e responsible = elect+ a slate ( 9dividuals to guide & l1d ! bo>d ( directors & bo>d ( publica;ns4 ,9 prep>a;n = elec;ns1 9dividuals 9t]e/$ 9 runn+ = a posi;n on ! bo>d ( directors or bo>d ( publica;ns >e 9vit$ to "picipate 9 ! foll[+ activities & ev5ts4 ,"h >e "s dates to keep 9 m9d1 ) m 9-dep? explana;ns foll[+4 _4 ,may #ae3 ,submis.ns = ! c&idates,0 web page >e due4 #bb _4 ,june #a3 ,c&idates,0 web pages >e po/$ & ann\nc$4 ,c&idates,0 ,,acb ,m$ia promos >e due "4 _4 ,june #ae3 ,c&idates,0 ,=um takes place via ,zoom & ,,acb ,m$ia4 ,! ,,acb ,c&idates,0 ,web ,page ,if y plan to run = any ,,acb elect$ posi;n1 ! ,,acb ,c&idates,0 ,page is ": y c 9troduce yrf1 po/ l9ks to yr social m$ia pages1 & provide responses to ! foll[+ "qs4 "<,pl1se note3 ,yr response to ea* "q w 2 cut (f at #cjj ^ws2 ! ,,bop w n $it yr responses = spell+ or gramm>4"> #a4 ,9troduce yrf1 9dicate : posi;n y seek1 & expla9 :y y wi% to s]ve 9 ? posi;n4 #bc #b4 ,:at d y 3sid] to 2 yr /r;ge/ 3tribu;n to ,,acb at ei ! na;nal1 /ate1 special- 9t]e/ a6iliate1 or local *apt] level & :y8 #c4 ,:at d y 3sid] to 2 ! mo/ important *all5ge fac+ ,,acb8 ,h[ w y "w to address x8 ,9/ruc;ns = ,c&idates,0 ,page ,submis.ns #a4 ,y m/ 2 an ,,acb memb] 9 gd /&+4 #b4 ,submis.ns m/ 2 9 h>d-copy brl1 h>d-copy pr9t1 ,^w docu;t1 text file1 or 9 ! body ( an email4 #bd #c4 ,email electronic submis.ns to slov]+@aacb4org ) ! subject l9e 8,c&idates,0 ,page ,submis.n40 ,or mail pr9t1 brl1 & electronic submis.ns on a ?umb drive to3 ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 ,attn3 ,c&idates,0 ,page1 #agjc ;,n4 ,b1ureg>d ,st41 ,suite #dbj1 ,alex&ria1 ,,va #bbcaa4 #d4 ,! d1dl9e = all ,c&idates,0 ,page submis.ns is ,may #ae1 #bjbb1 at #d p4m4 ,ea/]n4 ,late submis.ns w ,,n 2 a3ept$4 #be #e4 ,all c&idates :o submit 9=ma;n >e 9vit$ to produce a promo;nal ann\nce;t to air on ,,acb ,m$ia4 ,get to ,"k ! ,c&idates at ! ,c&idates,0 ,=um ,all c&idates :o po/ 9=ma;n to ! ,,acb ,c&idates,0 ,page w rcv an 9vita;n to "picipate 9 ! ,,acb ,c&idates,0 ,=um ,june #ae at #i p4m4 ,ea/]n "t via ,zoom & /r1m+ on ,,acb ,m$ia4 ,jo9 to meet ! c&idates1 to ask "qs & he> _! responses4 ,pl1se note3 ,y m/ regi/] z a c&idate on ! ,,acb ,c&idates,0 ,page to "picipate 9 ! ,,acb ,c&idates,0 ,=um z a c&idate4 ,all ,,acb memb]s c vote1 ev5 if n att5d+ ! #bjbb 3f];e & 3v5;n4 ,"picipat+ 9 ! ,c&idates,0 ,web ,page & ,c&idates,0 ,=um >e important vehicles = 9=m+ \r #bf memb]%ip6 ,! ,,acb ,3/itu;n & ,bylaws ,committee ,wants to ,he> f ,y ,s9ce mid-,decemb]1 ! ,3/itu;n & ,bylaws ,committee has be5 meet+ to review ,,acb's gov]n+ docu;ts1 ) a "picul> emphasis on address+ \tdat$ notic+ practices & assur+ t ,,acb is 9 full compli.e ) all require;ts ( ! ,d4,c4 ,nonpr(it ,corpora;ns ,act ( #bjaj4 ,) ! #bjbb annual 3f];e & 3v5;n fa/ approa*+1 we >e n[ actively solicit+ propos$ am5d;ts to \r 3/itu;n &_/or bylaws4 ,2g9n+ 9 ,may1 we w hold op5 committee meet+s on ! f/ & ?ird ,?urs"ds to rcv memb]s,0 9put on all am5d;ts !n "u 3sid]a;n1 & committee memb]s w al #bg make !mvs available to o!r commun;y call meet+s to af=d fur!r opportunities = 4cuss+ propos$ am5d;ts4 ,any propos$ 3/itu;nal &_/or bylaw am5d;ts %d 2 s5t to committee *air ,john ,mc,cann at john@ajamsite4net4 ,! ,/r5g? ( ,my ,gr&"m's ,culture by ,*]yl ,cum+s ,let's 2 h"o/4 ,9 ? 3text ( div]s;y1 :5 we he> ! ^w 8culture10 s _m p (t5 ?9k t ^w only ref]s to p ( color & /op r1d+1 /op li/5+ & 45gage4 ,( c\rse1 t's wr;g 2c culture is cu/om1 h]itage1 tradi;n1 life/yle1 values1 2liefs1 mores & habits4 ,? m1ns t "ey"o has a culture or cultures 9 _! life4 ,a significant "p ( my #bh cultural backgr.d is ,guyanese1 ,we/ ,9dian & ,african ,am]ican4 ,my gr&"m 0 "s"o :o taud h] sp1k+ ) ! p]son mak+ ! #bi selec;ns & ,i he>d h] tell+ hm t he _h to *oose *n f all backgr.ds4 ,! imm impact 0 t my fr & ,i 7 bo? select$ to 2 9 ! movie4 ,once ,i 2came bl1 ,i've f.d myf *all5g$ 9 _m ways4 ,z ,i r1* = ! c\rage to act1 ,i (t5 rememb] my gr&"m & draw on h] examples to raise my h&1 to sp1k up & to move =w>d4 ,9 ! pa/1 ! ,multicultural ,a6airs ,committee has focus$ on provid+ 9=ma;nal ses.ns & tra9+s1 prim>ily at ! 3v5;n4 ,h["e1 z ! commun;y calls h 2come "p ( ,,acb1 ,,mcac w take advantage ( ? %ift 9 ,,acb's culture & (f] programs "?\t ! ye>4 ,,mcac has "pn]$ ) /ate *apt]s1 special-9t]e/ a6iliates & a6iliates to pres5t programs1 & we plan to build on ? tradi;n4 ,i al 9vite any"o :o has an #cj idea t w help ,,acb to adv.e xs div]s;y1 equ;y & 9clu.n "<,,dei"> goals & to 2come a m welcom+ & 9clusive organiza;n to r1* \ to me or any memb] ( ,,mcac4 ,*]yl ,cum+s ,ph"o3 "<#fag"> #gca-#eiih ,email3 cscum+s@acomca/4net ,a ,"m's ,/ory by ,reg9a ,br9k ,i'm ,mexican-,am]ican4 ,racial & e?nic antipa?y w]5't new to me4 ,/1 :5 ,i gave bir? to my #d biracial1 ,african- ,am]ican *n1 ,i r1liz$ ,i 0 unprep>$ = ! level ( viol;e ag/ ,black ,am]icans1 especially males4 ,! \t"r hatr$ & especially ! 4reg>d & 9s5sitiv;y ( non-,black ,am]icans to _! fell[ human 2+s a/oni%$ me4 #ca ,my :ite /ep"m made ignorant /ate;ts ab my 9fant's sk9 pig;t4 ,:5 my /ep"m's family _h _! f/ gr&*ild1 a ll girl :o 0 f #b :ite p>5ts1 all ( a sudd51 ! *n 7 tr1t$ v di6]5tly4 ,my "f ?r1t5$ h>% puni%;t ( my #b-ye>-old son ov] %>+ toys4 ,i ?r1t5$ to l1ve \r ,*ri/mas ga!r+ & =go !m 9 ! future4 ,my "m's family 0 k9d] to ! *n4 ,h["e1 my uncle _h to put my [n "m 9 h] place 2c %e 0 %>+ prejudicial op9ions ab ,african-,am]ican hair4 ,my attempts to expla9 & my daus 7 ignor$4 ,(t51 :5 4cuss+ academics1 we >e told we m/ protect *n4 ,h["e1 my *n's mo/ traumatic exp]i;es happ5$ 9 s*ool4 ,my six-ye>-old son 0 a3us$ ( /1l+ :5 he trad$ "o ( 8 toys ) ano!r boy :o !n want$ x #cb back4 ,! /aff n"e "q$ ! "y :ite *'s /ory1 ignor+ my son's explana;n1 : turn$ \ to 2 true4 ,ano!r "o ( my sons 0 ref]r$ to a program to prev5t gang a6ilia;n by a sub/itute t1*] :o cit$ 8 appe>.e4 ,he 0 an honor /ud5t1 a 3flict manag] = 8 class1 & excell$ 9 sports & music4 ,he _h n"e be5 s5t to det5;n4 ,all ?ree ( my sons 7 /opp$ by ! police :5 !y 7 #aj1 #g & #c ye>s old1 "q$ 2c ( "s old] te5ag]s1 despite ! fact !y 7 obvi\sly n old 5 to fit ! descrip;n4 ,x 2came cle> to me t society did n c>e ab protect+ my *n4 ,i see no evid;e ? has *ang$4 ,i don't h space to describe rais+ f\r te5ag]s1 p]cvd to 2 ,black1 n biracial1 & tr1t$ acly4 ,ea* ( my *n has _h f"r5+ 5c.t]s ) ! police & _! fell[ ,am]icans1 al? n"o #cc ( !m h committ$ crimes4 ,!y're honor /ud5ts graduat+ f college1 ma9ta9+ values ( k9d;s1 9clu.n1 & 9tegr;y4 ,!y h all be5 call$ racial slurs & be5 /opp$ by police z "y adults4 ,_! trauma is ov]look$4 ,my he>t br1ks :5 ,i r1lize ! *ange ,i ?"\ wd happ51 ! hope & progress t[>d equ;y we h be5 "w+ t[>d1 has n & w n protect \r ,black & ,br[n *n4 ,n"o ( !m h be5 wr;gly imprison$ l s _m4 ,n"o ( !m h be5 kill$ by ! police or :ite supremaci/s4 ,h["e1 :5 !y're late to a ga!r+ or _! ph"os die1 ,i am t]rifi$ ,i w 2 "o ( ^? "ms cry+ on ,,tv1 be7+ = ju/ice1 bury+ my *4 ,we c d bett]1 ,am]ica1 & we m/4 #cd ,>m5ian ,3nec;ns by ,m>y ,h>oyan ,i've alw be5 pr\d ( my ,>m5ian h]itage4 ,my mom 0 born 9 ! ,unit$ ,/ates1 & my dad came to ! ,u4,s4 f ,nazi- o3upi$ ,fr.e :5 he 0 #ac ye>s old4 ,2c he did n "k ,5gli%1 sp1k+ ,>m5ian & ,fr5*1 he 0 v impact$ by n "k+ ! language4 ,! le>n+ process 0 di6icult = hm1 & z he le>n$ ,5gli% he wd soon 2g9 to let g ( ,fr5*4 ,:5 ,i 0 v ll1 we spoke ,>m5ian 9 ! h\se1 mo/ especially ) my gr&p>5ts1 ) :om we liv$4 ,z ! "t = />t+ k9d]g>t5 drew close1 my dad decid$ t x 0 "t to sp1k only ,5gli% at home to 5sure t my "y] si/] & ,i wd "k ,5gli% & n exp]i;e :at he did4 ,un=tunately1 ,i le>n$ ,5gli% s well1 & ) ,>m5ian n #ce spok5 ) me1 ,i soon =got ,>m5ian & mo/ importantly 2gan to lose ! abil;y to communicate m fully ) my gr&p>5ts4 ,z deeply z ,i regret my dad's deci.n & ultimately my "m go+ al;g ) x1 ,i "k ? 0 d"o ) 3c]n & love & didn't h ! b5efit ( ! m 5lis old ,i1 al;g ) my si/]1 5roll$ 9 ,>m5ian s*ool1 : 0 held on ,satur"d morn+s at \r *ur*4 ,we le>n$ ! ,>m5ian alphabet & ultimately to r1d & write ! language4 ,! language books we us$ _h ! lrs 9 "s:at l>ge pr9t &1 comb9$ ) my hav+ l[ vi.n at ! "t1 5abl$ me to d well4 ,i rememb] hav+ s m* fun 9 ,>m5ian s*ool1 bo? 9 ! le>n+ z well z j ! fun ( 2+ ) o!r /ud5ts1 especially dur+ recess4 ,un=tunately1 ! #cf "o >ea ( compreh5.n t ,i 0 n able to a*ieve 0 to actually 3v]se 9 ! language4 ,to ? "d1 ,i c / picture _m ( ! lrs ( ! alphabet 9 my m9d1 rememb] a numb] ( vocabul>y ^ws1 sp1k a few v basic phrases1 b n 2 able to "picipate 9 a 3v]sa;n4 ,dur+ my s5ior ye> 9 hi< s*ool1 ,i volunte]$ to t1* ,sun"d s*ool 9 ! same *ur* ": ,i att5d$ ,>m5ian s*ool4 ,! s*ool 0 3duct$ 9 ,5gli%1 & my class 0 ) f\r- & five-ye>-old *n4 ,at ? age !y 5joy$ play+ m ?an pay+ too m* att5;n to any lesson plan6 ,? 0 f9e ) me4 ,) my l[ vi.n1 ,i "sh[ manag$ to 8wat*0 :at !y 7 do+ & 2 m likely to 8figure \0 :at !y 7 ask+ me to look at4 ,i w alw 2 grate;l to ^? :o ran ! ,sun"d s*ool = 2liev+ 9 my abilities & giv+ me ! opportun;y4 ,z happ5s ) ! passage #cg ( "t1 circum/.es c *ange1 & 9 my old] adult ye>s ,i've n ma9ta9$ 3nec;ns to a physical ,>m5ian commun;y 2y my imm family4 ,b "! >e "s ?+s t don't *ange = me1 l my e>s alw p]k+ up :5 ,i he> ! m5;n ( an ,>m5ian "n1 ,>m5ian-s.d+ music1 or commemora;n ev5ts 9volv+ ! ,>m5ian ,g5ocide4 ,f9d+ ,\r ,way by ,susan ,kitazawa ,x felt q unlucky to 2 born 9 a body ( #ajj p]c5t ,japanese ,,dna 9 up/ate ,new ,york4 ,or at l1/ ! tim+ seem$ bad4 ,! ,japanese milit>y _h bomb$ & kill$ \r fell[ ,am]icans onbo>d ,u4,s4 %ips 9 ,hawaii4 ,com+ 9to ! _w z an ,am]ican ) pure ,japanese ,,dna 0 a lot l liv+ z a ,muslim ,am]ican 9 ! #ch ye>s af #i_/#aa4 ,! ?r1t ( viol;e hung 9 ! tiy s*oolmates mutt]$ racial slurs :ile assault+ me4 ,my "f tra9$ me to put my h&s atop ! /e]+ :eel & freeze if ! police /opp$ me4 ,we ,asian ,am]icans 7 n al"o 9 "k+ ( ? 3/ant1 malici\s "ucurr5t4 ,i knew black ,am]ican p>5ts taun$ f/h& ab h\s+ & job 4crim9a;n al;g ) t gu>d$;s s famili> to _m o!rs liv+ \tside ! safety ( a3ept.e4 ,s1 decades lat]1 h[ is ? cultural exp]i;e 9t]wov5 ) my fray+1 rema9+ #ae p]c5t visual field8 ,i le>n$ v e>ly t life #ci is n set up to embrace ea* ( u equally4 ,i le>n$ t1 until we c *ange ! _w1 ,i ne$$ to give up self-p;y1 make ! extra ef=t1 & look = allies1 ev5 9 ! l1/ likely places4 ,9 an 9t]view ) fam$ t5nis play] ,>?ur ,a%e1 he surpris$ ! 9t]view] :5 he sd x 0 m*1 m* h>d] liv+ 8 life z a ,black ,am]ican man ?an x 0 to live1 z he 0 do+1 ) an ,,hiv 9fec;n & ,,aids1 back :5 ? diagnosis 0 usually a c]ta9 d1? s5t;e4 ,! 9t]view] 0 surpris$ to he> ?2 ,i 0 n4 ,we don't "k : ( life's di6iculties >e ! h>de/ = "o ano!r4 ,! tim+1 ! pres;e or lack ( support1 \r [n res\rces1 & m* m %ape ! l&scape 9 : ea* ( u lives4 ,mo/ ( u c look back on "ts :5 ! go+ 0 r\< & rememb] :at lift$ u up4 ,we c #dj rememb] :at "w$ & :at didn't "w4 ,vividly rememb]+ h[ t\< x 0 to h z]o fell[ p ( color except at home1 ,i w5t \ look+ = fell[ bl p z soon z ,i 2gan to lose my eyesit$ a bl & l[ vi.n support gr\p ) a fell[ bl volunte] :5 we le>n$ t ! ,lid1 m usual exp]i;e4 ,i've come to tr1sure ? despite1 or p]h ev5 2c (1 x 2+ "s:at ( a /eep1 bumpy pa?4 ,i le>n$ e>ly t hav+ allies1 alike or di6]5t f "of1 makes all ! di6];e4 #da ,gr[+ ,up 9 ,los ,angeles ) a ,political ,"m by ,pamela ,hill ,metz ,i 0 born 9 #aieh4 ,:5 ,i 0 six mon?s old 9 a /roll]1 my "m walk$ six blocks1 :ile pregnant ) my si/]1 to he> ,dr4 ,m>t9 ,lu!r ,k+ ,jr4's spee* 9 ,los ,angeles 9 #aiei4 ,he spoke to h] & o!rs :o wait$ 9 l9e to meet hm4 ,he told h] %e wd 8g f> 9 life40 ,9 #aifc1 my "m expla9$ to me t x 0 \r ,presid5t :o 0 assass9at$ & 9t]rupt$ my c>toons4 ,%e expla9$ ? 0 :y %e 0 cry+4 ,i 0 #f ye>s old ! summ] ! ,watts riots />t$4 ,my "m pil$ all #d ( h] *n & \r "f 9to \r old b reliable c>4 ,%e told my "f to />t driv+ up ,imp]ial ,hiket on fire4 ,i ask$ my mom :y all ^! p 7 /&+ >.d wat*+ ! /ore burn d[n4 ,%e told me t !y didn't want any?+ f :ite p 9 _! neit9 ,lu!r ,k+ ,jr4 0 kill$ 9 ,memphis4 ,x 0 only a few mon?s lat] :5 %e bo? campaign$ = ,rob]t ,k5n$y & 2came a poll "w]4 ,%e met ,bo2y ,k5n$y ! "d 2f he 0 assass9at$4 ,ag1 ,i rememb] h] cry+ & ask+ h] :y4 ,%e expla9$ ano!r ,k5n$y _h di$ & t ? ye>1 we _h lo/ two grt & p[];l m54 ,i 0 only #i #a_/#b ye>s old4 ,9 #aigc1 my "m campaign$ = ,tom ,bradley1 ! f/ ,african- ,am]ican mayor ( ,los ,angeles4 ,%e 2liev$ 9 "ey?+ he /ood = 9 ! ,c;y ( ! #dc ,angels4 ,%e "w$ 9 all ( 8 subsequ5t campaigns until he retir$ 9 #aiic4 ,%e 3t9u$ to "w 9 ! polls z a poll "w] & !n a sup]visor until %e h]f retir$4 ,%e 0 #gj ye>s old4 ,my "m is my r1son = alw /&+ /r;g 9 my 2liefs1 press+ = racial equ;y & 9clu.n 9 bo? ! ,multicultural ,a6airs ,committee on ! na;nal level & ,9clusive ,div]s;y ( ,cali=nia1 \r /ate's "ye/ a6iliate4 ,%e is ! r1son ,i h "w$ s h>d 9 ^! organiza;ns1 alw 3t9u+ to fie "kn to /ick tgr no matt] :at6 ,my p>5ts held my h& "?\t e /ep4 ,!y tauds to food1 ,i've le>n$ to a3ept t ,hispanics %[ _! love "? food1 )\t room = negotia;n4 ,9 ? s5se1 ,i h develop$ a six? s5se to "k :5 my plate is 2+ repl5i%$2 ,i "u/& t 8,m80 is n a "q2 & t "o spoon;l m1ns "o plate;l4 ,9 ,honduras1 ano!r t>get ( admira;n is ! t]m 8gr+o40 ,tell+ "s"o !y look l a gr+o is a compli;t4 ,if y mi/ru/ ! qual;y ( a product1 sales /aff w ga9 yr tru/ by /at+1 8,don't worry2 x's gr+o60 ,if y're a ,u4,s4 visitor1 p w g \ ( _! way to make y feel welcome4 ,? pa/ ,decemb]1 ,i reliv$ my exp]i;es z a bl p]son 9 a ,hispanic h\sehold4 ,i #df travel$ to ,honduras ) my "pn] ,an?ony & \r guide dogs4 ,if ,i _h =gott5 :at x is to 2 bl 9 a ,hispanic h\sehold1 try 2+ bl & gr+o 9 ,honduras4 ,food 0 2+ froz5 weeks 2f we >riv$4 ,furniture 0 re->rang$ to a3ommodate u & \r dogs4 ,p 7 le>n+ ,5gli%4 ,i _h to w>n ,an?ony t extra plates & glasses wd magically appe> 9 front ( hm4 ,i _h to 3v9ce hm t ,duol+o 0 n defective2 t no app wd t1* hm to "u/& :5 "ey"o is talk+ at ! same "t >.d a ,hispanic d9n] table4 ,"o ( ! mo/ 9flu5tial aspects ( \r visit 0 ! fact t we 7 rcvd ) op5 he>ts r1dy to love & embrace u4 ,"u/&+ t *ange is n ! favorite ^w 9 my h\se1 my family's will+;s to adapt 0 v m1n+;l4 ,? is ano!r aspect ( ,hispanic culture t has m>k$ my id5t;y z a #dg bl p]son4 ,:5 3front$ ) a dilemma1 ,hispanics w *oose love ov] logic4 ,we >e pas.nate 9dividuals2 z s*1 we let \r he>ts c>ry \r ac;ns 2f \r m9ds c cat* up4 ,9 my life z a bl p]son1 ,i h le>n$ t a lov+ he>t & a fai?-fill$ s\l w alw pave ! way = \r ra;nal bra9s4 ,see+ ,color ,:ile ,bl by ,l9da ,samulski ,at supp]1 ,i he>d my gr&pa say1 8,!m ,negroes & ,mexicans a9't bad1 we take lun* tgr e "d af "w+ h>d on ! railroad tracks40 ,i 0 only six ye>s old1 & a ll :ite bl girl4 ,i ask$ my mom1 8,:at >e ,mexicans & ,negroes80 ,%e sd t "! >e p ) di6]5t colors ( sk94 ,t 3v]sa;n took place 2c my family 0 plann+ to #dh move f ,nebraska to ,cali=nia1 & "! >e m p ( color 9 ,cali=nia4 ,we mov$ s t my p>5ts cd 9tegrate me 9to a ma9/r1m s*ool4 ,:5 we >riv$1 ,i f.d a lot ( o!r wond];l ?+s4 ,i 0 able to g to s*ool ) 8normal kids ) vi.n40 ,i _h my [n room at home1 b ! be/ ?+ "e 0 my new radio4 ,z ,i li/5$1 ,i he>d "s?+ ,i _h n"e he>d 2f4 ,di6]5t ^ws1 & di6]5t music4 ,i ask$ my dad :at x was1 & he expla9$ t ! p 7 sp1k+ ,spani%4 ,^? /a;ns play$ ! mo/ wond];l music1 b1uti;l & happy4 ,i told my dad ,i want$ to le>n ,spani%1 b x wasn't l a wi% = a bike l kids want1 b 9/1d "s?+ deep )9 me4 ,we b"\ ,spani% le>n+ records & e nin$ ! vocabul>y4 ,i 0 dilig5t1 #di ,i n"e made a kid's excuse to get \ ( ^? nit1 language1 food1 & music4 ,! grt poet ,maya ,angel\ sd1 8,d ! be/ y c until y "k bett]1 !n :5 y "k bett]1 d bett]40 ,i 2lieve t ,god cr1t$ human;y to love ea* o!r1 b we h a *oice z to :e!r we w or n4 ,x's up to u to make ? _w a ll m color;l1 b"r1 & a bett] place to live4 ,i *oose p1ce & love ov] bitt];s & hatr$4 #ea ,:at ,x ,m1ns to ,2 ,italian-,am]ican by ,an?ony ,corona ,maybe x's ! ,m1tball ,sun"ds1 or maybe x's ! l\d holi"d m1ls4 ,x may 2 ! fam$ 8,h[ ya do+80 ,or ! fam$ ,italian "u%irt1 or d>e ,i je/1 ,! ,sopranos4 ,2+ an ,am]ican-born ,italian comes ) s _m built-9 assump;ns1 "s ( : >e actually true4 ,= me1 2+ ,italian-,am]ican is 2+ "p ( a family & cultural commun;y t is /r;g 9 love1 /eep$ 9 tradi;n & full ( pride ( self & commun;y4 ,yes1 x m1ns ^? delectable m1tballs on ,sun"d & ! promise ( l\d holi"d d9n]s1 b x m1ns s m* m4 ,c\s9s :o >e m l bro!rs & si/]s & a :ole ho/ ( ,mamma aunts1 n to m5;n ! ,nanas & ,pop-pops :o >e all "p ( #eb ! p>5t+ gr\p by family4 ,"! is alw ! smell ( sauce ,- n gravy ,- f ! kit*51 & ! s.ds ( laud & family room4 ,x's a feel+ ( safety & t ^! fru/rat+ folks w alw h yr back4 ,f ! f/ br1? we >e taue j z 9t]*ang1ble z my "m's4 ,"k+ "! w alw 2 "s"o to lau< )1 a %\ld] to cry on1 or a "pn] to /ir up "s tr\ble ) is j 9h]5tly 9gra9$ 9 my ,italian- ,am]ican exp]i;e4 ,all ^! ?+s & s m* m made ! transi;n f fully sie alw my ,goombas r1dy to /ep in444 ,/ep 9 front444 ,/ep up4 ,z we celebrate ! unique;s ( \r collective commun;y1 ,i hold up my exp]i;e 9 love & look s =w>d to r1d+ ! simil>ities ( culture & love & am excit$ to le>n ab o!r commun;y memb]s,0 culture4 ,i ?ank ! ,multicultural ,a6airs ,committee = ! l1d]%ip ( cultural 9clu.n "h 9 \r amaz+ ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl4 #ed ,my ,six ,weeks 9 ,s ago1 ,i sp5t six weeks 9 ,1 8 wife ,x5a1 an ,,rn1 & _! two "y *n4 ,!y liv$ 9 a com=table home 9 ,a3ra1 ! na;n's capital4 ,! ,abu family 0 frly & w>m1 freely answ]+ all ( my #ee "qs ab _! c.try & culture4 ,dur+ t ?ree-week home /ay1 ,i n"e saw ano!r ,caucasian & ,i felt 9cr1s+ly uncom=table 9 my :ite sk94 ,x 0 9 ,n$ to love spicy hot food4 ,m1ls usually _h a />* s* z casava1 yams1 planta9 or rice ) fi% & a ll m1t1 & all m1ls 7 eat5 by h&4 ,i rememb] "o m1l ( fi%1 complete ) h1d1 eyes & tail4 ,i 0 told t no "p ( ! fi% 0 wa/$1 & e "p 0 delici\s & nutriti\s4 ,i don't recall :at "p ( ! fi% ,i ate4 ,at ano!r m1l1 ,i 0 giv5 my [n mild] r$ sauce :ile o!r family memb]s us$ a hott]1 spici] 3di;t4 ,i 9si/$ ^u us+ _! sauce1 ladl+ a l>ge quant;y on my plate1 not)/&+ _! adamant w>n+ t ,i 0 ov]do+ x4 ,!y 7 "r6 ,try+ to 2 ma*o1 ,i took a l>ge m\?;l ( ! sauce-cov]$ food & immly />t$ *ok+ & #ef sputt]+4 ,i _h n"e ta/$ any?+ s hot1 !n or n[4 ,my "y male ego 0 fur!r humiliat$ by _! #ah-mon?-old son :o go2l$ up ! spicy mixture )\t prote/4 ,i al 5joy$ dr9k+ 8,black ,label0 be] & a v pot5t home-brew$ palm w9e s]v$ by pass+ >.d a g\rd4 ,frs & relatives dropp$ by (t5 )\t w>n+ & x 0 expect$ t family activities 7 set aside 9 ord] to welcome ! gue/s ) food1 dr9k & 3v]sa;n4 ,i le>n$ qkly h[ important ext5d$ family rela;n%ips w]e4 ,ev5 4tant relatives 7 expect$ to supply %oes1 clo?+ & o!r mat]ial ne$s ( _! ext5d$ rural family :5 !y got a 8gd0 job 9 a c;y4 ,"s ,$ ) me h[ ? obliga;n cd 2 q burd5"s on c;y-dwell]s4 ,! ,y 0 ubiquit\s4 ,"! _h be5 a #eg rec5t milit>y c\p1 & 5try 9to any l>ge c;y requir$ pass+ "? a h1vily >m$ milit>y *eckpo9t4 ,"o cd wait = a l;g "t 9 a l9e1 or y cd pay a soldi] m"oy1 call a 8da%10 & pass qkly "?4 ,my ho/ expla9$ t ? 0 n a =m ( corrup;n b reflect$ only t _! soldi]s 7 poorly pd & reli$ ^u ! da% to supple;t _! wages4 ,i le>n$ t "y *n guid$ bl ,n+ :e!r ,e by ,paul ,$w>ds ,rec5tly on ! ,,acb-3v]sa;n li/1 "s"o rais$ ! "q ( :e!r x is appropriate to ref] #eh to p :o >e bl z 3sum]s4 ,! ^w 83sum]0 got comp>$ ) ! ^w 8cli5t0 & "! 0 3sid]able debate ab : 0 ! l1/ pejorative ( ^! two t]ms4 ,! 3s5sus seem$ to 2 t bo? _h "s ele;t ( 9appropriate;s z a way to describe a p]son :o is bl & 8 or h] or _! rela;n to ! society 9 : we live4 ,x has l;g be5 axiomatic t "! is s* a ?+ z 84abil;y culture0 : is simil> to o!r manife/a;ns ( m9or;y /atus4 ,"! is m* m debate ab :e!r "! is s* a ?+ z 8bl;s0 culture4 ,>e "! "*i/ics ( ! rela;n%ip 2t p :o >e bl & ! re/ ( ! society 9 : p :o >e bl live t >e significantly a6ect$ by ! attitudes & values ( ! p :o >e bl8 ,if "! is s* a ?+ z 8bl culture10 h[ does x manife/ xf8 ,is x a gd or a bad ?+8 ,let u 2 cle> "r f ! #ei />t t x is n su6ici5t to e/abli% a culture to po9t \ ! di6];es t exi/ 2t "o popula;n & ano!r4 ,bl p c't see s !y obvi\sly h a culture4 ,i don't a3ept t1 & ,i suspect t mo/ bl p :o ?9k ab :o !y >e wdn't ei4 ,"! h to 2 "s "*i/ics t 9fuse ! way we 9t]act ) society or am;g \rvs t cr1te a set ( values t >e di6]5t f ^? t o!r gr\ps h & t >e re9=c$ by ! gr\p we >e a "p (3 ^? :o >e bl4 ,mo/ ( u :o h "w$ ) o!r 4abil;y gr\ps h f.d x fairly easy to a3ept t "! is s* a ?+ z 8d1f culture40 ,p :o >e d1f h _! [n 8language0 made up ( %orth& ge/ures1 body move;ts & facial expres.ns4 ,t language has l$ to a 2lief widely held by p :o >e d1f t ! isola;n ( d1f;s1 9-gr\p bond+ at bo>d+ s*ool1 & ! rejec;n ( ! #fj re/ ( society ( _m ( ! values t p :o >e d1f reg>d z crucial to _! well-2+ all cr1te a space ": p :o >e d1f exi/ t !y reg>d z dom9at$ by _! d1f;s4 ,!y >e qk to say t !y >e n 4abl$6 ,9/1d1 !y >e d1f6 ,folks :o lose he>+ lat] 9 life or :o get co*le> implants or op]a;ns t all[ !m to 9t]act ) p :o >e d1f & ! re/ ( society 9 8non-d1f0 ways 2come a "p ( ! \-gr\p & h lo/ "s ( ! /atus !y _h 9 ! d1f 8commun;y40 ,i don't ?9k t 8bl culture0 is z pron\nc$ z d1f culture is4 ,h["e1 x is wor? ask+ :e!r x exi/s n[1 exi/$ m 9 ! pa/ & may1 9 fact1 2 4appe>+4 ,"o ( ! "*i/ics ( a culture is t x ne$s f]tile gr.d to gr[4 ,0 t gr.d provid$ by resid5tial s*ools or1 to a less] ext5t1 bl;s-dom9at$ home rooms #fa 9 ma9/r1m 5viron;ts8 ,_m :o grew up 9 ^! 5viron;ts felt a k9%ip ) ! o!rs :o !y knew "!4 ,_m bonds 7 cr1t$ t built a s5se ( 9clu.n 9 a gr\p t 0 bas$ on %>$ exp]i;es & %>$ values4 ,memb]s ( ? 9-gr\p wd 3t9ue to meet af _! s*ool exp]i;e 0 ov]4 ,!y develop$ value sy/ems t assum$ norms t >e di6]5t f ^? esp\s$ by memb]s ( o!r gr\ps4 ,p :o 7 "p ( 8bl culture0 cd use pejorative t]ms to describe !mvs l 8bl9ks0 b wd 2 9sult$ if \tsid]s us$ s* descriptors4 ,"! 7 expecta;ns ab h[ p 9 ! gr\p %d 2have4 ,!y %d dress well2 !y %d 9t]act ) society appropriately2 "! %d 2 no :9+2 no bl9disms %d 2 p]mitt$2 & p %d avoid ask+ = help z m* z !y cd4 ,^! >e examples ( ! expecta;ns t bl culture has & don't come #fb close to describ+ ! range ( values ! culture m$iates4 ,is \r culture self-su/a9+ or 0 x built by \r p>5ts1 t1*]s & c>egiv]s :5 we 7 "y8 ,does \r culture limit \r ac;ns by cr1t+ a set ( norms t %d gov]n \r 2havior8 ,h ! expecta;ns ( p :o >e bl *ang$ 5 t mo/ ( ! cultural compon5ts ( ! normative no;ns ( :at x %d 2 l to 2 a bl p]son no l;g] apply8 ,cle>ly ? >ticle has rais$ m "qs ?an x has answ]$4 ,i 2lieve t "! is s* a ?+ z 8bl culture0 & t x is a positive ?+ : "\ to 2 bett] 9ve/igat$1 bett] "u/ood & m s]i\sly esp\s$4 ,^? :o h he>d me sp1k "k t ,i try to 5c\rage p to 2 pr\d ( _! visual impair;t4 ,if \r culture curr5tly tells u to "k \r place & 2have l gd ll bl p1 x is pot5tially detri;tal to progress = p :o >e #fc bl4 ,\r %>$ exp]i;es tgr1 ! h]oes :o h f"\ = ! recogni;n & "rs we h & a pride 9 :at we a3ompli% e "d ov]com+ ! b>ri]s t 9hibit full 9clu.n %d all 2 ! basis ( a reimag9+ ( :o we >e & h[ we see \rvs4 ,i 2lieve t e s+le p]son :o is bl 9 ! _w has a no;n ( :o he or %e or !y >e & h[ t 9dividual fits 9to ! _w4 ,p :o >e ,hispanic or black & wom5 & ,,lgbtq folks h all reimag9$ :o !y >e & h dem&$ t society give ea* ( ^? gr\ps ! "r to 2 se5 by ! re/ ( ! _w 9 ! way !y want to 2 p]cvd4 ,is x "t t we z p :o >e bl ask society to see u di6]5tly8 ,d we ne$ to f/ decide :o we >e & :at x m1ns to 2 bl8 ,d we alr "k8 ,w y jo9 9 ! ef=t to def9e \r culture8 ,let u z a gr\p decide :o we >e1 & !n let's tell ! _w6 #fd ,": ,h ,all ! ,voices ,g"o8 by ,>turo ,esp9oza ,z ? p&emic 3t9ues on xs *aotic1 ]ratic & unpr$ictable c\rse1 we >e see+ va/1 \trage\s1 divisive & f"r5+ social1 $uca;nal & economic *anges tak+ place4 ,= example1 did y "k t subjects l civics & gov]n;t /opp$ 2+ taus ago8 ,s !n1 is x any wond] t mo/ ( td's y\? seem to "k next to no?+ ab h[ \r 3/itu;n & \r gov]n;t >e suppos$ to "w8 ,ultimately1 if ! abv is true1 !n h[ c we expect td's y\? to make 9=m$ deci.ns ab _! responsibilities1 "rs1 & p[]s z citiz5s1 especially :5 x comes to "u/&+ h[ laws >e pass$1 let al"o "k+ h[ to ex]cise t p[] 9 mak+ #fe m1n+;l societal *anges8 ,at ! same "t1 x is important = u z 9dividuals & z a proactive gr\p to focus on 2+ actively 9volv$ 9 ! process ( mak+ a di6];e 9 :at happ5s on _m social & political levels4 ,rememb] t ev5 ?\< we :o >e legally & physically bl only make up ab #a p]c5t ( ? na;n's popula;n1 we >e n )\t a voice4 ,y c make a di6];e by #a"> reacqua9t+ yrf ) ! 3/itu;n1 #b"> !n tak+ /eps to ga!r p]t95t 9=ma;n ab ^? c&idates :o want to run yr /ate's h\se & s5ate & #c"> actively 2+ a "p ( ! vot+ process 9 ,novemb]4 ,f9ally1 :ile we may 2 )\t "s or all ( \r sie ( s.d m9ds & /r;g he>ts4 ,if ? 7 n s1 publica;ns l ! ,=um & organiza;ns l ! ,,acb wd n & cd n #ff exi/4 ,i respect;lly rem9d y ( ! fact t :at a6ects ! _w 9 g5]al w al mo/ def9itely a6ect y4 ,& ? is :y x is imp]ative t yr voices1 yr expecta;ns & desires z to yr c.try's de/9y 2 /at$ l\d & cle>6 ,i "k t do+ :at x takes to make x f "d to "d c 2 /ress;l4 ,yet1 ignor+ or m9imiz+ :at is happ5+ c & w h dire & irrep>able 3sequ;es = u & ! future ( ^? g5]a;ns to come4 ,love ,lr to ,me6 by ,ca*et ,wells ,fog fills ! sky1 bl[+ w9d *imes1 busy free-fl[+ tra6ic1 & ! s.d ( kids play+ at ! p>k >e j a few memories ( "ds g"o by4 ,z ll *n1 ! lib]at+ fre$om t comes ) no bills1 no responsibilities & n a c>e to 2 _h by !m at all4 #fg ,fre$om to sleep :5 y're r1dy1 fre$om to expect m1ls :5 y're hungry & ! unwav]+ fre$om ( protec;n f ! big be>s & giants ( ? _w4 ,all ( : 7 ^? 9itial fre$oms 9troduc$ & provid$ to u by my p>5ts4 ,!y 9/ill$ 9 me ! basic 3cepts ( fre$om 9 self-wor?1 9tegr;y & love1 lov+ me & ! sk9 ,i 0 born 9 f "d "o until ! v 5d4 ,no matt] ! circum/.e or surr.d+s1 "k+ :o y >e is life's true equ;y to my exi/;e4 ,t :o y pr(ess to 2 is :om y %d 2 repres5t+ daily "? yr 9tegr;y4 ,t j 2c !y lov$ me doesn't m1n t "eybody else wd l "ey?+ ab y4 ,=1 af all1 love is ! f/ emo;n we le>n4 ,x's express$ "? \r ^ws b al se5 9 \r 9dividual ac;ns4 ,lov+ me & ! sk9 ,i 0 born in1 f "d "o until ! v 5d4 ,f ! v m9ute t we 5t] #fh ? e>?1 we >e taue only ll *n = a s1son1 b adults ( \r [n *oos+ = a life"t1 c>v+ away at a j\rney ( \r [n life *oices4 ,y see ! v values t >e deposit$ 9 u lay ! gr.d"w to s* a bi7] plan4 ,brick by brick1 x paves ! c\rse "w ( h[ we navigate ? v l& t we *>t] "ey"d4 ,lov+ me & ! sk9 ,i 0 born in1 f "d "o until ! v 5d4 ,n[ fully gr[n1 b n to capac;y1 = "! is yet s m* m = me to see4 ,yes1 ( equ;y1 res\rces1 v5ues1 de/9a;ns & ( ! a3ompli%;ts t >e yet to be4 ,h["e1 m importantly ^? ess5tial ?+s l cultural 3sci\s;s1 racial s5sitivities & g5d] h>mony 2t #fi ,am]icans1 no matt] ! color t's se54 ,key "*i/ics = "k+ ": y're go+ h to />t f1 a place ( "k+ yr hi/ory & ": y've be54 ,^? "ds ( old h 2come "ds anew1 s qkly *ang+2 "o "d !y're "h & ! next !y >e "?4 ,no d-ov]s or rem9d]s1 = ? is j h[ x is 9 ! l& ( ,am]ica ! ,b1uti;l4 ,lov+ me & ! sk9 ,i 0 born in1 f "d "o until ! v 5d4 ,my love lr to me is "o s unique 2c ! grte/ lesson ( love />t$ )9 !e4 ,n rely+ on o!rs to celebrate1 honor or appreciate ! "*i/ics1 qualities & traits ,i'm built (4 ,t responsibil;y is solely m9e1 & t is ! p]sonal goal ,i'll 3t9ually /rive to rise abv4 ,i "k :o ,i am & exactly :at ,i want z a black b.s$ bl woman4 ,z a woman1 ,i'm ask$ :at is x t y actually #gj want4 ,simply /at$1 to 2 embrac$ z ! p]son = : ,i am1 n = :at ,i look l4 ,af all1 embrac+ o!rs :om ,i don't resemble is :at's giv5 )\t "q4 ,j l \r families & frs1 we give !m t respect until x's n reciprocat$4 ,protective ( ! rela;n%ips we =ge1 we %ield !m1 cov] !m & c]ta9ly rev1l to !m \r deepe/ tr1sures1 all t is on \r he>ts & m9ds4 ,l ,eve 9 ! g>d51 we /ood 2s man b>e1 %>+ all ( :o we >e 9 ! b1uty = : ! cr1tor has made u4 ,fill+ up ! pages ( my love lr to me is "r;lly j4 ,lov+ me & ! sk9 ,i 0 born in1 f "d "o until ! v 5d4 ,:at a woman wants is z complex z %e is1 b x is al q simpli/ic z we travel d[n ! li/4 ,%e wants h] life to emp[] & impact all t is 9 h] he>t to give1 : c (t5 2 #ga s di6icult 9 ! "ts we curr5tly live in4 ,) m* love & k9d;s to %>e ) s _m4 ,:at a woman wants f/ is to give ( h]f "? h] purpose1 h] pas.n & ( h] he>t's desire to love & nurture4 ,g5]os;y1 c>e1 g5u9e;s ) 9tegr;y is :o %e is1 all roll$ up 9to "o 2+4 ,! love %e (f]s to ^? %e loves is a repres5ta;n ( h] love lr to h]f put 9to ac;n1 a true reflec;n ( h] purpose giv5 f ,hm al"o :o sits abv4 ,an op5 he>t & a help;l h& to walk ! 4t.e ( ? j\rney ( life only pav$ = h]4 ,! h"o/ road ( tru/1 pati;e & humil;y to (f] al;g ! way z %e m/4 ,"u/&+ my love lr ) empa?y & valu+ ! plan to su3e$ 2c %e reciprocates loyalty1 h"o/y & fr%ip to "ey"o t crosses h] pa?4 ,:at %e 3t9ually r1lizes is t p matt]1 & to t #gb po9t x boils d[n to t simple ma?3 t :at wom5 want is to 2 lov$ & respect$ by ^? !y *oose to build1 "pn] & 3nect ) 2c x's (f]$ to !m4 ,my love lr to me is a b1uti;l /ory ( positive 5]gy1 tru/1 & g5u9e;s 9 e fr%ip1 giv+ to o!rs t : ,i want to rcv4 ,t hid 9 ^ws1 b se5 9 ac;ns3 to 2 pati5t1 5gag+ & "u/&+ to ! s5sitivities ( o!rs & myf4 ,recogniz+ t :at a woman r1lly wants is to 2 giv5 e opportun;y to live 9 h] [n tru?1 /&+ flat-foot$ on h] f.da;n & fre$om ( love1 5 to put h]f f/4 ,lov+ me & ! sk9 ,i 0 born 9 f "d "o until ! v 5d4 ,?1 my de> fr1 is my love lr to me ( a j\rney to alw 2 bett]1 & t's h[ ,i w alw w94 #gc ,no ,m ,racism ,:5 ,god _h "ey?+ else 9 place1 ,he decid$ to cr1te ! human race4 ,he made males & females1 b t's n all4 ,"s >e %ort1 :ile o!rs >e tall4 ,"s h /raie k9d1 b _m >e surly4 ,\r sk9 is black1 br[n1 r$ or :ite1 ,"s ( u >e bl1 :ile o!rs h sie riots1 prote/s1 4crim9a;n & s* ,2c color is criticiz$ way too m*4 ,"s 2lieve color is a cause = 9sult1 ,: doesn't make = a gd 5d result4 ,:5 ,obama won ! ,presid5tial elec;n1 ,i ?"\ t we 0 h1d$ 9 a di6]5t direc;n4 ,a black man 0 9 *>ge1 & t 0 okay1 ,b did t m1n ! 5d ( racism td8 ,despite ! black man :o 0 9 *>ge1 ! problem ( racism is extremely l>ge4 ,we m/ emphasize love1 & foll[ ,god's ^w4 #ge ,t message1 = sure1 m/ alw 2 he>d4 ,s :at if we >e di6]5t1 we >e all "o race1 ,:5 x comes to racism1 "! is no s* place4 ,if y see "s"o di6]5t1 pl1se he$ my call4 ,:at cd annoy y8 ,no?+ at all4 ,j l y1 t is ,god's special *1 ,"! is no cause = y to g wild4 ,if we all live z "o major gr\p1 ,god w help u rema9 9 ! loop4 ,- ,bob ,branco ,a6iliate ,news ,,lcb ,(f]s ,two ,s*ol>%ips 9 #bjbb ,! ,l\isiana ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl "<,,lcb"> w ann\nce two s*ol>%ip w9n]s at ! #gf #bjbb /ate 3v5;n4 ,! ,hazel ,daigle & ,paula ,m>%all ,s*ol>%ips recognize ! a*ieve;t ( bl s*ol>s 9 ,l\isiana4 ,ea* s*ol>%ip is @s#a1jjj4 ,! d1dl9e = s*ol>%ip applica;ns is ,may #af1 #bjbb4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 & to rcv an applica;n packet1 3tact ,gw5 ,k+1 ,,lcb ,s*ol>%ip ,committee1 #ggjg ,bism>k ,drive1 ,baton ,r\ge1 ,,la #gjhab1 or call "<#bbe"> #bgh- #dafb4 ,or 3tact ,,lcb presid5t ,leola ,campbell at "<#bbe"> #fad-#eihh4 ,,acb ( ,ohio ,(f]s ,?ree ,s*ol>%ips ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ( ,ohio w (f] ?ree s*ol>%ips = academic ye> #bjbb-#bjbc4 ,! applica;n & ref];e =ms may 2 d[nload$ f www4acbohio4org or reque/$ by call+ \r #gg (fice at "<#fad"> #bfa-#cefa or #a-#hjj-#hce-#bbbf4 ,we h s*ol>%ips = 5t]+ fre%m51 "ugraduates1 & graduate /ud5ts4 ,an applicant m/ 2 an ,ohio resid5t or att5d an ,ohio s*ool 9 a two-ye> or m po/-second>y degree program1 2 legally bl1 h a #c4j or hi<] ,,gpa on a #d4j scale1 & 2 will+ to att5d ! #bjbb ,,acb- ,ohio 3v5;n4 ,s5d ! complet$ applica;n packet to ,,acb- ,ohio ,s*ol>%ip ,committee1 #chje ;,n4 ,hi< ,/reet1 ,suite #cje1 ,columbus1 ,,oh #dcbad1 or via ;e-mail to acbo4" director@agmail4com ) 8,s*ol>%ip ,applica;n0 9 ! subject field4 ,! applica;n d1dl9e is ,augu/ #ast4 ,! s*ol>%ips >e z foll[s3 _4 @s#a1jjj ,frs ( ,fre%man ,s*ol>%ip3 ,pres5t$ to #gh a bl or visually impair$ 5t]+ fre%man 9 any field ( /udy4 _4 @s#d1jjj ,max ,$elman- ,david ,newmey] ,s*ol>%ip3 ,pres5t$ to a legally bl "ugraduate /ud5t 9 any field ( /udy4 #gi _4 @s#e1jjj ,joann ,fis*]- ,l9wood ,walk] ,s*ol>%ip3 ,available to a legally bl graduate /ud5t 9 any field ( /udy4 ,pass+s ,we honor "h memb]s1 frs & support]s ( ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl :o h impact$ \r lives 9 _m wond];l ways4 ,if y wd l to submit a notice = ? column1 pl1se 9clude z m* ( ! foll[+ 9=ma;n z possible4 ,"n " ,c;y ( resid;e "<^u pass+"> ,/ate_/prov9ce ( resid;e "<^u pass+"> ,o!r cities_//ates_/c.tries ( resid;e " ,o3upa;n #hj ,date ( d1? "<"d if "kn1 mon?1 ye>"> ,age #ha ,,acb a6ilia;n " ,d1?s t o3urr$ m ?an six mon?s ago _c 2 report$ 9 ? column4 ,h>ry ,h]zek ,decemb] #bf1 #aief - ,febru>y #h1 #bjbb ,h>ry ,$w>d ,h]zek pass$ away at 8 home on ,feb4 #h1 #bjbb1 at ! age ( #fe4 ,born 9 ,m.t ,holly1 ,n4,j41 ! son ( ,lorra9e "<,smi?"> ,h]zek & ! late ,frank ,h]zek1 he 0 a #aigf graduate ( ,ne%am9y ,hi< ,s*ool & liv$ mo/ ( 8 adult life 9 ,philadelphia4 ,= _m ye>s1 ,h>ry 0 employ$ ) ! ,philadelphia ,de"p;t ( ,correc;ns z a social #hb "w]4 ,al;g ) 8 "m1 ,lorra9e1 ,h>ry is surviv$ by 8 bro!rs1 ,frank ;,j4 ,h]zek "<,c>ol,ann"> & ,k>l ;,p4 ,h]zek "<,t9a">4 ,he w al 2 sadly miss$ by 8 nieces1 ,anna ,m>ie ,h]zek1 ,a%lee ,br5n]1 ,alexis ,h]zek1 ,]ica ,osc> "<,dave"> & ,mel9da ,h]zek1 al;g ) _m grt nieces & nephews4 ,s]vices & 9t];t w 2 held privately4 ,d5nis ,yacks ,july #e1 #aide-,novemb] #c1 #bjba ,on ,nov4 #c1 #bjba1 ! _w sd gdbye to an ,,acb life memb]4 ,d5nis ,yacks 0 born on ,july #e1 #aide1 9 ,kansas ,c;y1 ,mo4 ,he sp5t mo/ ( 8 life 9 ,colorado4 ,we m>ri$ 9 ,novemb] ( #aifi4 ,he is #hc surviv$ by dau1 son ,mc,lane ,yacks "<,diana">1 z well z five liv+ gr&*n & "o dec1s$4 ,two ( \r gr&daus1 ,i ?9k ab ! c.try s;g ab a ll bitty di% & a ll bitty spoon4 ,we bo? 5joy$ music by ,alan ,jackson4 ,h["e1 ,d5nis,0 favorite >ti/ 0 by f> ,john ,d5v]1 ^: s;gs 8,c.try ,roads0 & 8,rocky ,m.ta9 ,hi<0 op5$ & clos$ 8 memorial s]vice4 ,dur+ ! #bjab 3v5;n1 ,d5nis rcvd a life memb]%ip pres5t$ by me = all ! love1 support1 transporta;n1 & loads m t he gave to ! local & /ate *apt] ": ,i s]v$ 9 _m capacities4 ,af a pr(.dly s]i\s auto a3id5t 9 ,septemb] ( #hd #bjaa1 ,d5nis,0 h1l? 2gan to decl9e4 ,we mov$ to ,mi*igan to live close to 8 bro!r 9 #bjac1 & !n to ,>kansas 9 #bjae to %>e a home ) \r son4 ,he 5t]$ a nurs+ home on ,july #ca1 #bjah1 ": he resid$ until 8 hospitaliza;n on ,octob] #bc ) aspira;n pneumonia4 ,my daus4 ,he 0 truly ! love ( my life z well z my de>e/ fr4 ,- ,l9da ,yacks #he ,"h & ,"! $it$ by ,cyn?ia ;,g4 ,hawk9s ,! ann\nce;t ( products & s]vices 9 ? column does n repres5t an 5dorse;t by ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 xs (fic]s1 or /aff4 ,li/+s >e free ( *>ge = ! b5efit ( \r r1d]s4 8,! ,,acb ;,e-,=um0 _c 2 held responsible = ! reliabil;y ( ! products & s]vices m5;n$4 ,to submit items = ? column1 s5d a message to slov]+@aacb4org1 or ph"o ! na;nal (fice at #a-#hjj-#dbd- #hfff1 & l1ve a message 9 ,%>on ,lov]+'s mailbox4 ,9=ma;n m/ 2 rcvd at l1/ two mon?s ah1d ( publica;n date4 #hf ,new ,presid5t @& ,,coo ,9 ,janu>y1 ,jason ,m5zo 0 promot$ to presid5t & *ief op]at+ (fic] ( ! ,f.da;n ,fima "ket+">0 & z 8,oph?almic ,m>ket] ( ! ,ye>0 by ,product ,manag] #cfj1 a l1d+ trade publica;n4 ,,covid ,te/ ,9=ma;n ,rumors h circulat$ t unus$ ,,covid te/s %d 2 refrig]at$4 ,h["e1 x has be5 not$ t ! package ( a gov]n;t-suppli$ te/ /ates x %d 2 /or$ 2t #ce & #hf degrees ,fahr5heit4 ,refrig]a;n c cause moi/ure to a3umulate )9 ! packag+4 ,*eck bo? yr specific te/ & ) #hg a ph>maci/ or physician4 ,new ,york ,s*ool ,reunion ,! ,alumni ,associa;n ( ! ,new ,york ,/ate ,s*ool = ! ,bl1 ,9c4 w hold xs annual reunion f ,?urs"d1 ,june #i "? ,sun"d1 ,june #ab at ! ,batavia ,d[ns ,gam+ & ,hotel1 #hcae ,p>k ,rd41 ,batavia1 ,,ny #adjbj4 ,on-campus activities w 9clude a pizza "py ) /ud5ts & /aff1 \r op5+ c]emony1 \r annual busi;s meet+ & a picnic4 ,\r te*nology demon/ra;n1 ,jeop>dy game1 banquet1 brun* & memorial s]vice w happ5 at ! hotel4 ,": possible1 we hope to hold "s ( ^! activities on ,zoom z well4 ,= fur!r 9=ma;n1 *eck ? spr+'s ,alumni ,bullet91 subscribe to ! ,,nyssb #hh ,alumni ,associa;n ,facebook page1 or 3tact \r tr1sur]1 ,*et ,smalley1 at "<#had"> #eff-#fccb1 or email hm1 cewjw#aijc@agmail4com4 ,lessons = ,liv+ ,available 9 ,spani% ,! ,old] ,9dividuals :o >e ,bl ,te*nical ,assi/.e ,c5t] (f]s ,lessons = ,liv+4 ,^! lessons provide 9=ma;n on h[ 9dividuals :o >e bl c safely & e6ici5tly complete "ey"d tasks4 ,n9ete5 lessons >e available = d[nload 9 audio & pr9t =mats4 ,visit https3_/_/" www4oib- tac4org_/direct-s]vice_/curric ulum_/4 ,! lessons >e al available 9 ,spani% at https3" _/_/www4oib- tac4org_/direct-s]vice_/" curriculum_/" lessons-=-liv+-en-espano #hi l_/4 ,new f ,na;nal ,brl ,press ,new 9 ! *n's sec;n is 8,ord9>y ,m>y's ,extraord9>y ,de$0 by ,emily ,pe>son & ,fumi ,kosaka4 ,x's available 9 ,,ueb = ages #d to #h4 ,ano!r new book = ages #d to #h is 8,i'm ,my ,[n ,dog0 by ,david ,ezra ,/e94 ,x1 too1 is available 9 ,,ueb4 ,if y've got a dog lov] 9 yr h\sehold1 !y'll 5joy ? book4 ,newly available is 8,! ,girl ) a ,m9d = ,ma?3 ,! ,/ory ( ,raye ,montague0 by ,julia ,f9ley ,mosca & ,daniel ,rieley4 ,x's available 9 ,,ueb = ages #g to #aj4 ,? is a true /ory ab a woman ,- a gift$ ma!matician ,- :o f"\ bo? racism & sexism to "w z an 5g9e] 9 ! ,u4,s4 ,navy #ij to *ange %ip design4 8,x's ,p]fectly ,normal "<#bjba ,$i;n">3 ,*ang+ ,bodies1 ,gr[+ ,up1 ,sex1 ,g5d]1 & ,sexual ,h1l?0 by ,robie ;,h4 ,h>ris4 ,x's available 9 brl ) tactile illu/ra;ns4 ,recomm5d$ = ages #aj & up4 ,pub]ty & gr[+ up is a 3fus+1 awkw>d1 & uncom=table "t 9 any "y p]son's life4 ,? updat$ & age-appropriate book t1*es *n ab _! *ang+ bodies1 g5d]1 sex1 sexual h1l?1 & m4 ,on a ti;y & ,/yle0 by #ia ,b5jam9 ,drey] w %>e "s 9sid] wisdom1 advice1 & fun facts to help %>p5 _! skills4 ,x's available 9 brl or ,,brf4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 call #a-#hjj- #edh-#gcbc1 or visit www4nbp4" org_/ic_/nbp_/publica;ns_/" 9dex4html4 ,,nbp's ,two ,new ,tru/ees ,na;nal ,brl ,press "<,,nbp"> ann\nces ! appo9t;t ( two new tru/ees3 ,j]emy ,kr1m1 ,,evp & h1d ( ,legal1 ,corporate & ,global ,deliv]y at ,/ate ,/reet ,corpora;n1 & ,c9dy ,doe1 an ,,ey ,am]icas ,3sult+ ,risk ,l1d]4 ,j]emy ,kr1m is ,executive ,vice ,presid5t & h1d ( ,legal1 ,corporate & ,global ,deliv]y at ,/ate ,/reet4 ,he manages legal ov]sid ( directors ( subsidi>ies & 9t]nal committees ( ^! func;ns & is ! assi/ant secret>y ( ! p>5t hold+ company1 ,/ate ,/reet ,corpora;n4 ,c9dy ,doe is an ,,ey ,am]icas ,3sult+ ,risk ,l1d] :o has m ?an #be ye>s ( exp]i;e 9 ! f9ancial s]vices 9du/ry1 specifically 9 bank+ & capital m>kets1 9ve/;t manage;t & 9sur.e4 ,%e has "w$ ) global f9ancial s]vices cli5ts on te*nology & cyb] risk manage;t1 fraud risk manage;t1 v5dor risk manage;t1 resili5cy1 9t]nal & ext]nal audits z well z s]vice #ic organiza;n 3trol report+ exams4 ,,acb ,m$ia ,music ,comm& ! ,sm>t ,sp1k] to *annel4 ,six a4m4 repetitive rhy?m m/ l1d "s": ,- vitam9s1 made b$1 br1kfa/1 dress = an unpr$ictable _w4 ,focus on he>tb1t4 ,br1! 9/ru;tal alm-melodies4 ,p]cus.n wants mov+1 ?9k+1 h>moniz+ m ?an easy cli*^/es4 ,"o piece rem9ds y t y alw want$ to tap d.e b y'd settle = a keybo>d s.d t c ,- an alt]native te*nique4 ,x's n"e z simple z x #id s.ds4 ,a3ompani;t1 keys1 possibilities4 ,keep li/5+ = r1son or ,skill or use;l 9=ma;n once a new programmable h\r 2g9s4 ,- ,nancy ,scott ,! ,cab9 ,p9e sc5ts1 ! e*o ( bird calls1 holl[ s.d ( boots on ! plywood floor4 ,! squ1k ( ! cab9 door & crun* ( foot/eps mov+ t[>d ! \th\se4 ,worry competes ) ! urge ,- w "! 2 spid]s8 ,w "s"o he> a scr1m8 ,keep+ an eye on ! spid] 9 ! corn]1 m\?-br1?+ to avoid ! /9k1 x's f9ally d"o4 ,boots #ie make a ha/y retr1t f \th\se1 clomp back 9to ru/ic safety4 ,dusk $ges 9to niomas waft f ! kit*51 ! pop ,( gr1se & spices compete = att5;n4 ,iron /ove & pump h&le s9k mat* ! w>p$ & slant$ floor4 ,! %otgun l1ns ag/ ! frame1 a "y %\ld] bruis$ f xs recoil4 ,be>s pr[l at nik4 ,- ,ann ,*iappetta #if ,,acb ,(fic]s ,presid5t ,dan ,spoone "<#bnd t]m1 #bjbc"> #cibd ,lake ,mirage ;,blvd4 ,orl&o1 ,,fl #cbhag-#aeed ,f/ ,vice ,presid5t ,deb ,cook ,lewis "<#ast t]m1 #bjbc"> #aaca ,lib]ty ,dr4 ,cl>k/on1 ,,wa #iidjc ,second ,vice ,presid5t ,ray ,campbell "<#bnd t]m1 #bjbc"> #dfj ,ra9tree ,ct4 _?#c,k #ig ,gl5 ,ellyn1 ,,il #fjacg ,secret>y ,d5ise ,colley "<#bnd t]m1 #bjbc"> #bfaca ,travis ,brook ,dr4 ,ri*mond1 ,,tx #ggdjf-#ciij ,tr1sur] ,david ,trott " #ajah ,ea/ ,st4 ;,s4 ,talladega1 ;,,al #ceafj ,imm ,pa/ ,presid5t ,kim ,*>lson #eg ,gr&view ,ave4 #ih ,wat]t[n1 ,,ma #jbdgb ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,directors ,*ri/oph] ,bell1 ,pittsboro1 ,,nc "<#ast t]m1 #bjbd"> ,jeff ,bi%op1 ,kirkl&1 ,,wa "<#bnd t]m1 #bjbd"> ,donna ,br[n1 ,romney1 ,,wv "<#ast t]m1 #bjbd"> ,james ,kra*t1 ,miami1 ,,fl "<#ast t]m1 #bjbb"> ,d\g ,p[ell1 ,falls ,*ur*1 ,,va "<#bnd t]m1 #bjbd"> ,k5ne? ,semi5 ,sr41 ,b1umont1 ,,tx "<#ast t]m1 #bjbd"> ,patrick ,%eehan1 ,silv] ,spr+1 ,,md "<#bnd t]m1 #bjbb"> ,koni ,sims1 ,si\x ,falls1 ;,,sd "<"pial t]m1 #bjbb"> ,mi*ael ,talley1 ,hueyt[n1 ;,,al "<#ast t]m1 #bjbb"> #ii ,jeff ,?om1 ,sacra;to1 ,,ca "<#ast t]m1 #bjbb"> ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns ,katie ,fr$]ick1 ,*air1 ,wor?+ton1 ,,oh "<#ast t]m1 #bjbc"> ,*]yl ,cum+s1 ,bo/on1 ,,ma "<#ast t]m1 #bjbc"> ,zelda ,gebh>d1 ,$geley1 ,,nd "<#ast t]m1 #bjbb"> ,p5ny ,re$]1 ,montgom]y ,village1 ,,md "<#bnd t]m1 #bjbb"> #ajj ,ca*et ,wells1 ,jacksonville1 ,,fl "<#ast t]m1 #bjbb"> ,a3ess+ ,yr ,,acb ,brl & ;,e-,=ums ,! ,,acb ;,e-,=um may 2 a3ess$ by email1 on ! ,,acb web site1 via d[nload f ! web page "<9 ,^w1 pla9 text1 or brl-r1dy file">1 or by ph"o at "<#eah"> #ijf-#ahbj4 ,to subscribe to ! email v].n1 3tact ,%>on ,lov]+1 slov]+@aacb4org4 ,! ,,acb ,brl ,=um is available by mail 9 brl1 l>ge pr9t1 ,,nls-/yle digital c>tridge1 & via email4 ,x is al available to r1d or d[nload f ,,acb's web page1 & by ph"o1 "<#eah"> #ijf-#ahbj4 ,subscribe to ! podca/ v].ns f yr #bnd g5]a;n ,victor ,r1d] ,/r1m or f https3_/_/" #aja p9eca/4com_/fe$_/acb-brl-=um- &-;e-=um4 #ajb