,! ,,acb ;,e-,=um ,volume ,,lx ,augu/ #bjba ,no4 #b ,publi%$ by ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,2 ,a ,"p ( ,,acb ,! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl9d^t is a memb]%ip organiza;n made up ( m ?an #gj /ate & special-9t]e/ a6iliates4 ,to jo91 3tact ! na;nal (fice at #a-#hjj-#dbd-#hfff4 ,3tribute to ,\r ,"w ,^? m*-ne$$ 3tribu;ns1 : >e tax-d$uctible1 c 2 s5t to ,attn3 ,tr1sur]1 ,,acb1 #fbjj ,%+le ,creek ,pkwy41 ,suite #aee1 ,brooklyn ,c5t]1 ,,mn #eedcj4 ,if y wi% to rememb] a relative or fr1 ! na;nal #a (fice has pr9t$ c>ds available = ? purpose4 ,3sid] 9clud+ a gift to ,,acb 9 yr ,la/ ,w & ,te/a;t4 ,if yr wi%es >e complex1 call ! na;nal (fice4 ,to make a 3tribu;n to ,,acb by ! ,comb9$ ,f$]al ,campaign1 use ? numb]3 #aaaee4 ,*eck 9 ) ,,acb ,= ! late/ 9 legislative & gov]n;tal news1 call ! 8,wa%+ton ,3nec;n0 #bd_/#g at #a-#hjj-#dbd-#hfff1 or r1d x onl9e4 ,li/5 to ,,acb ,reports by d[nload+ ! ,,mp#c file f www4acb4org1 or call "<#eah"> #ijf-#ahbj & *oose op;n #h4 ,tune 9 to ,,acb ,radio at www4acbradio4org or by call+ "<#eah"> #ijf-#ahbj4 ,le>n m ab u at www4acb4org4 ,foll[ u on ,twitt] at @aacbna;nal1 or l u on #b ,facebook at www4facebook4" com_/" ,am]ican,c\ncil(!,bl9d,(ficia" l4 ^c #bjba ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl ,]ic ,bridges1 ,executive ,director ,%>on ,lov]+1 ,$itor #agjc ;,n4 ,b1ureg>d ,st41 ,suite #dbj1 ,alex&ria1 ,,va #bbcaa ,table ( ,3t5ts ,presid5t's ,message3 ,pl1se ,2 ,k9d to ,ea* ,o!r1 by ,dan ,spoone1 page #f ,get ,mov+ ,tgr1 by ,donna ,br[n1 page #ab ,! ,_w ,turn$ ,9side ,\1 by ,s&ra ,s]mons1 page #ad #c ,h[ ,d ! ,bl ,live 9 ,bosnia & ,h]zegov9a81 by ,zeljko ,bajic1 page #af ,an ,eye on ! ,unit$ ,/ates ( ,am]ica1 by ,gabriel ,lopez ,kafati1 page #cj ,9dia3 ,"o ,c.try1 ,_m ,planets1 by ,pranav ,lal1 page #ce ,bl;s 9 ! ,unit$ ,>ab ,emirates1 by ,melissa ,spr\se1 page #dg ,]asmus"63 ,a ,_w ( ,opportunities1 by ,l>isa ,ne*ita1 page #eg ,describ+ ,div]s;y1 by ,joel ,snyd]1 page #fi ,a6iliate ,news1 page #gg ,pass+s1 page #gh ,"h & ,"!1 $it$ by ,cyn?ia ;,g4 ,hawk9s1 #d page #ha ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op1 page #ij ,my ,furry ,lifesav]1 by ,l9da ,yacks1 page #ia ,,acb ,(fic]s1 page #id ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,directors1 page #ie ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns1 page #if ,a3ess+ ,yr ,,acb ,brl & ;,e-,=ums1 page #ig ,>e ,y ,mov+8 ,d ,y ,want to ,*ange ,yr ,subscrip;n8 ,3tact ,%>on ,lov]+ 9 ! ,,acb na;nal (fice1 #a-#hjj-#dbd-#hfff1 or via ;e-mail1 slov]+@aacb4org4 ,give h] ! 9=ma;n1 & %e'll make ! *anges = y4 #e ,presid5t's ,message3 ,pl1se ,2 ,k9d to ,ea* ,o!r by ,dan ,spoone ,if y >e r1d+ ? message1 3gratula;ns1 y surviv$ ! ,,covid-#ai p&emic4 ,? is a wond];l ?+4 ,x feels l we all gave \ a big si< ( relief & a huge ?anks = \r b.s+s4 ,yet1 ! s5se ( euphoria has be5 %ort-liv$4 ,we >e all feel+ a loss ( 3trol ) \r daily lives4 ,s m* has *ang$6 ,transporta;n seems m di6icult4 ,"! is a %ortage ( driv]s1 & surge pric+ is n[ ! norm4 ,we're n sure ab giv+ up \r masks1 b we >e tir$ ( we>+ ! smelly ?+s 9 ! hot w1!r4 ,we surviv$ ! p&emic1 b ,i've alr caue g"o & !y're #f n com+ back4 ,we h m "qs ?an answ]s4 ,:at w ! new (fice 5viron;t ( #bjbb look l8 ,s"eal frs ( m9e h alr be5 told _! jobs >e n[ #ajj.0 remote4 ,i w5t to my local bank 9 my %opp+ c5t] la/ week & we 7 ! only "os 9 ! build+4 ,h[ m* l;g] 2f ? bran* closes8 ,i he>d on ,,cnbc t ov] #ge.0 ( all bank+ transac;ns >e n[ 2+ d"o onl9e4 ,? 0 only #be.0 #ah mon?s ago1 2f ! p&emic4 ,\r local ,tex-,mex re/aurant is n[ do+ #fe.0 ( _! busi;s "? ,ub] ,eats1 ,door,da% & take\t4 ,w !y / ne$ ! same am.t ( eat-9 space 9 ! re/aurant8 ,we h all le>n$ h[ to meet & socialize on ,zoom4 ,w we n[ h second ?"\s 2f we get on a plane = a two-h\r flie evaluat+ \r f9ancial #g situa;n4 ,is ! *ase = t extra doll> wor? ! impact on ! qual;y ( life ) yr family8 ,:at is ! "r "w_/life bal.e8 ,:at is r1lly important to ea* ( u8 ,? unc]ta9ty is l1d+ to anxiety1 fru/ra;n & "s"ts ang]4 ,we saw x on \r rec5t flis "w+ = ,s\?we/40 ,he is ! fli.e1 mak+ fun ( 8 uni=m & ! p]=m.e ( 8 t1m4 ,? w5t on = s"eal 9n+s4 ,we 7 hav+ lots ( fun at 8 exp5se4 ,"! 0 a woman sitt+ 9 ! r[ 9 front ( u *e]+ on ! ,commodores4 ,h] "y daut$ to cry1 & ,i notic$ h] mom try+ to com=t h]4 ,! girl look$ 9to h] mom's eyes & ask$ ! "q ,i w rememb] = ! re/ ( my life4 8,mommy1 :y d ^? m5 2h u hate ,daddy s m*80 ,w[1 did ,i feel l a complete j]k6 ,x 0 #de ye>s ago1 & ,i / rememb] x l x 0 ye/]"d4 ,coa*es >e p1 too4 ,!y h families t love !m4 ,? man 0 br++ 8 wife & daue all try+ to d _! v be/ = ? organiza;n4 ,!y h families1 *n1 p>5ts & frs4 ,we w n 2 p]fect4 ,we w make mi/akes4 ,we w try \r be/ to improve ! lives ( \r bl & l[ vi.n commun;y4 ,we h all be5 "? a v di6icult #ah mon?s4 ,we >e all d1l+ ) lots ( *ange1 & *ange is n easy4 ,we >e all v pas.nate ab ,,acb & we all c>e v deeply4 ,pl1se1 let's all take a m9ute to rememb] to 2 k9d4 ,we h d"o an \t/&+ job gr[+ ,,acb's /ature4 ,we h _h two su3ess;l virtual 3v5;ns1 e/abli%$ #aa a social commun;y1 laun*$ ! ,,acb ,m$ia ,net"w1 cr1t$ an active advisory bo>d & develop$ a set ( core values4 ,we >e embrac+ 9t5;nal objectives to improve div]s;y1 equ;y & 9clu.n4 ,we h e/abli%$ 8,trac;n10 an op]at+ me?odology to organize \r "w "u n9e key func;nal programs4 ,y %d 2 v pr\d ( ^! a3ompli%;ts4 ,tgr1 we c 3t9ue to make a di6];e 9 ! lives ( \r memb]s & frs4 ,?ank y = all ( yr ef=ts4 ,pl1se rememb]1 "! is a "y daut by recruit+ t1m memb]s & seek+ dona;ns4 ,! ,florida ,hurricanes >e l1d+ ! fund-rais+ p>ade1 b kudos to ,m9nesota ,mosquitoes & ,mi*igan ,apple ,blossoms4 ,!y >e new t1ms1 & !y >e ga9+ gr.d on ! ,hurricanes4 ,! ,k5tucky ;,e-rac]s1 ,miss\ri ,mules1 ,next ,g5 ,all-,/>s1 & ! ,t5;see ,mall ,walk]s runn+ z a pack n too f> 2h4 ,by ! "t y r1d ?1 ! walk w h tak5 place4 ,h["e1 x is n too late to make a dona;n4 ,up to #ej.0 ( ! m"oy rais$ by ,walk t1ms goes back to _! a6iliate or committee4 ,s don't delay4 ,g td to https3_/_/secure4" qgiv4com_/ev5t_/" #ac acbwalk#bjba_/team_/#hgdjhd_/ & make yr dona;n4 ,if y >e uncom=table ) mak+ yr dona;n onl9e1 call ! ,m9nesota (fice at "<#fab"> #ccb-#cbdb4 ,\r goal is to raise at l1/ @s#ie1jjj = ,,acb & xs a6iliates4 ,z ( ? writ+1 we h rais$ @s#bh1cjj4 ,s let's ,get ,mov+ ,tgr4 ,help ,,acb raise m*-ne$$ funds1 get "s ex]cise1 & 2 a "p ( ,,acb's ,get ,up & ,get ,mov+ campaign4 ,! ,_w ,turn$ ,9side ,\ by ,s&ra ,s]mons1 ,*air1 ,9t]na;nal ,rela;ns ,committee ,z a 3summate _w travel]1 ,i am 3/antly comp>+ ! di6];es 9 c.tries4 ,x is ^? obs]va;ns : s]ve z ! impetus = ? mon?'s !me4 ,= example1 back 9 #ad #aiib1 ,i 0 liv+ 9 ! ,cze* ,republic4 ,"h 9 ! ,unit$ ,/ates1 ! ,am]icans ) ,4abilities ,act 0 9 xs 9fancy1 & we 7 hav+ di6iculty gett+ driv]s to ann\nce ! /ops4 ,m1n:ile1 9 a c.try t 0 3sid]$ by "s to 2 backw>d 2c ( xs memb]%ip 9 ! ,ea/]n ,bloc1 e /op on ! bus1 tram1 & ,metro 0 ann\nc$4 ,9 addi;n1 _! bill d5om9a;ns cd easily 2 det]m9$ simply by us+ a piece ( pla/ic co/+ less ?an #e c5ts4 ,"h 9 ? c.try1 we h c]ta9 protocols ) respect to : items 9 a museum's exhibits may 2 t\*$4 ,h["e1 9 ,p>is1 ,i 0 able to t\* alm "ey?+4 ,? 9clud$ _m items 9 ,victor ,hugo's h\se1 9clud+ ! 9kwell ( ,alex&] ,dumas4 ,i mie bl live 9 a utopia4 ,af all1 we h ! equip;t1 ! s]vices 444 ,yet ! r1l;y is t \r unemploy;t rate is #gj.01 despite major legisla;n & a rehabilita;n sy/em : has sp5t billions ( doll>s4 ,9 develop+ c.tries1 ": "! >e limit$ res\rces1 ! 9domitable _s / lives4 ,n only t1 p :o >e bl or h l[ vi.n h / f.d ways to n j exi/ b to live1 ?rive1 & p]sev]e4 ,s1 come ) me on ? j\rney4 ,pl1se rememb] to br+ an op5 m9d ) y1 & tell me :at y ?9k4 ,h[ ,d ! ,bl ,live 9 ,bosnia & ,h]zegov9a8 by ,zeljko ,bajic "<,$itor's ,note3 ,zeljko ,bajic is recogniz$ z ! f/ bl j\rnali/ ( ! =m] ,yugoslavia4 ,he is be/ "kn = 8 radio #af program : cov]s ! life ( ! bl 9 ,s>ajevo4 ,dur+ 8 c>e]1 he has "w$ 9 ,s>ajevo1 ,belgrade1 ,mosc[1 & ,skopje "<,nor? ,mac$onia"> = v>i\s 9t]na;nal m$ia1 9clud+ ,voice ( ,am]ica1 ,,bbc1 & ,radio ,fr.e ,9t]na;nal4 ,td1 ,zeljko is ! ho/1 writ]1 & produc] ( a radio %[ on =eign policy & is a regul> com;tator on ! public ,,rtv "<,radio & ,televi.n"> s]vice ( ,bosnia & ,h]zegov9a4"> ,2f emb>k+ on ! topic ( h[ bl p live 9 ,bosnia & ,h]zegov9a1 we ne$ to e/abli% "s important 9=ma;n ab ? relatively "y c.try4 ,td1 approximately #d million p live 9 ,bosnia & ,h]zegov9a4 ,! /ate1 previ\sly "o ( six republics ( ,yugoslavia1 ga9$ 9dep5d;e af ! br1k-up ( ,yugoslavia #ag 9 ! #aiijs4 ,! ,bosnian w> foll[$ & la/$ = ?ree & a half ye>s1 5d+ ) ! ,"dton ,agree;t 9 #aiie4 ,) ? agree;t1 ! /ate is n[ divid$ 2t two adm9i/rative 5tities3 ! ,republika ,srpska & ! ,f$]a;n ( ,bosnia & ,h]zegov9a4 ,ab #e1jjj bl & "pially sie no (ficial /ati/ics4 ,organiz$ $uca;n ( ! bl 2gan af ,_w ,w> ,,ii 9 ,yugoslavia1 & special $uca;n 0 valu$ dur+ ! communi/ regime4 ,at t "t1 "! 7 ?ree $uca;nal 9/itu;ns3 a prim>y s*ool = bl & "pially siajevo1 a s*ool = adult $uca;n 9 ! small t[n ( ,d]v5ta1 & a second>y s*ool t $ucat$ "w]s 9 pla/ic1 metals & textiles produc;n4 ,at ! 5d ( t p]iod1 ! $uca;n ( ! bl #ah 9 ! ,,x sector 2gan1 mo/ly z comput] op]ators4 ,dur+ ! #aiib-#aiie w>1 s*ools 7 ei completely or "pially de/roy$4 ,soon af ! w>1 !y 7 r5ovat$ ?anks to 9t]na;nal dona;ns & rcvd _! f/ /ud5ts z e>ly z #aiif & #aiig4 ,hi< s*ool /ud5ts 9 ,s>ajevo 7 $ucat$ z ph"o op]ators &1 "s:at lat]1 z physio!rapi/s4 ,9 ! la/ #bj ye>s1 "w has gradually 2gun on ! re9troduc;n ( 9clusive $uca;n4 ,h["e1 progress = special & 9clusive $uca;n has sl[$ &1 to "s degree1 ev5 halt$4 ,9 regul> s*ools1 t1*]s >e n $ucat$ to "w ) bl & "pially sie no assi/ants2 "ey?+ is mo/ly left to ! res\rce;l;s & p]sev].e ( ! p>5ts4 ,! s*ool = ! bl 9 ,d]v5ta has be5 turn$ 9to a #ai s*ool = ! $uca;n ( *n ) v>i\s 4abilities4 ,?\< mo/ ( ! /ud5ts >e bl1 ? s*ool is no l;g] specializ$4 ,ov] ! la/ decade1 "! h be5 significant *anges to special $uca;n 9 ,bosnia1 & ! future rema9s unc]ta94 ,9 _! e>ly it]a;ns1 s*ools = ! bl 7 adamant ab t1*+ brl1 ev5 to "pially sig$ text m use;l2 x rema9$ an important tool = all4 ,b s9ce ! />t ( ! comput] ]a1 _m t1*]s >e n t1*+ bl /ud5ts to r1d brl4 ,:ile x is true t td1 m textbooks & o!r lit]ature f.d 9 s*ools >e pr9t$ 9 brl1 ! p]c5tage ( /ud5ts :o actually r1d brl is m* l[]4 ,comput] tra9+ 0 9troduc$ 9 s*ools alm #bj ye>s ago4 ,9itially1 illegally acquir$ s(tw>e 0 us$2 =tunately1 #bj 9 rec5t ye>s1 ) ! help ( dona;ns1 !y 2gan to use legal programs & apps4 ,9clusive $uca;n is ma9ly att5d$ by *n ^: families h ! abil;y to provide !m ) ! nec support4 ,un=tunately1 "! >e _m bl *n liv+ 9 remote & "udevelop$ >1s1 & _! families d n h a3ess to ! same opportunities4 ,^! *n h no alt]native b to att5d special s*ools1 usually f> f home4 ,dur+ ! communi/ ]a1 import.e 0 plac$ on employ+ ! bl4 ,legisla;n at ! "t prioritiz$ employ;t = bl p 9 c]ta9 4cipl9es & posi;ns4 ,n[1 ^? jobs t 7 held by bl p half a c5tury ago no l;g] exi/4 ,! role ( a teleph"o op]ator has l;g be5 replac$ by te*nology4 ,! s*ool sy/em has a h>d] "t support+ bl /ud5ts,0 employ;t transi;ns1 z few posi;ns #ba rema9 prioritiz$ = ! bl4 ,bl *n td >e mo/ly tra9$ z physio!rapi/s1 ! easie/ pr(es.n 9 : to f9d a job4 ,"s s*ools / (f] $uca;n t>get$ at o!r o3upa;ns1 z well z 3t9u+ to tra9 "s teleph"o op]ators4 ,h["e1 ^! /ud5ts w h grt di6iculty f9d+ employ;t 9 td's job m>ket4 ,9 ! ,republika ,srpska & ! ,f$]a;n1 laws h be5 pass$ t oblige employ]s to employ "o p]son ) a 4abil;y = e #af employees1 & !y h to set aside m"oy = ? program4 ,un=tunately1 an 9cr1s+ly notic1ble practice sees employ]s us+ ? fund+ to =mally employ a p]son ) a 4abil;y :ile only (f]+ a mode/ sal>y = less ?an m1n+;l "w 9 ord] to take advantage ( a tax exemp;n4 ,? is a fate all too common = _m "y bl p4 ,9 #bb ? unusual circum/.e1 _m ( !m >e q satisfi$ ) s* a /atus quo4 ,al1 s9ce bl p rcv 4abil;y assi/.e f ! gov]n;t1 "! is ev5 less 9c5tive to f9d m1n+;l or productive "w4 ,mo/ bl p :o h pursu$ hi<] $uca;n w "w 9 9/itu;ns = ! bl z t1*]s1 psy*ologi/s1 & social "w]s4 ,"s hid.s ( _! $uca;n1 d n h s* opportunities4 ,9dividuals / (t5 use illegally acquir$ s(tw>e1 scre5 r1d]s1 & o!r applica;ns4 ,associa;ns ( ! bl o3a.nally provide comput]s & o!r small aids to _! #bc memb]s "? dona;ns1 b ? issue has n be5 resolv$ at ! level ( h1l?c>e funds1 p5.n 9sur.e1 or 9 a way simil> to develop$ ,europ1n c.tries4 ,gov]n;t ag5cies1 s*ools = ! bl1 associa;ns1 & ! non-gov]n;tal sector ,- no "o curr5tly has a /rategy = h[ to provide new employ;t opportunities = ! bl4 ,! mo/ commonly us$ >gu;t is t mod]n te*nology has made x impossible = bl p to "w 9 _m o3upa;ns4 ,h["e1 x seems !y lack ! imag9a;n to 3sid] h[ mod]n te*nology may 2 a *.e to cr1te new possibilities4 ,"! >e two libr>ies = ! bl 9 ,bosnia & ,h]zegov9a4 ,audio book =mats >e popul> am;g _! us]s2 td1 !y >e mo/ly on ;,,cd4 ,"! >e f> few] brl books4 ,prior;y is giv5 to textbooks = /ud5ts & pupils4 ,fic;n is r>ely pr9t$ 9 #bd brl4 ,only rec5tly has "w be5 d"o to popul>ize brl4 ,brl magaz9es h n be5 publi%$ = _m ye>s4 ,b 9 ,s]bia1 ,croatia1 ,bosnia & ,h]zegov9a1 & ,mont5egro "1 simil> languages >e spok51 s libr>y us]s & magaz9e r1d]s c use publica;ns f ^? neiy = ! ,bl 9 ,s>ajevo is / =mally regi/]$ z a public libr>y 9 reg>ds to ! /ate ( ,bosnia & ,h]zegov9a4 ,h["e1 no "o (ficially f9.es x or imple;ts xs activities1 despite v>i\s 9t]na;nal dona;ns & projects4 ,digital lit]ature produc$ 9 v>i\s =mats is m* m popul> am;g book r1d]s4 ,libr>ies h n yet 2come 9volv$ 9 ! produc;n ( s* books4 #be ,ori5ta;n & mobil;y 9/ructors "w 9 ! s*ool = ! bl 9 ,s>ajevo & 9 "s local associa;ns ( ! bl4 ,b "! >e few cities 9 ! c.try ": ! bl c move 9dep5d5tly due to a l>ge numb] ( physical b>ri]s on ! /reets & sidewalks1 s* z p>k$ vehicles1 9a3essibil;y ( public build+s1 etc4 ,bosnia & ,h]zegov9a has a v /r;g guide dog law4 ,h["e1 x is m* less popul> to h a guide dog 9 ,bosnia & ,h]zegov9a4 ,p 9 ! bl commun;y 2lieve ! r1son has to d ) ! 9a3essible 5viron;t4 ,_m re/aurants1 retail *a9s1 hotels1 & o!r public places refuse 5try to bl p & _! dogs4 ,mod]n mobile ph"os provide grt opportunities to use assi/$ naviga;n1 & _m cities 9 ! c.try h made appropriate maps4 ,b s9ce ! 5viron;t #bf is 9a3essible1 ^! maps >e ( ll b5efit4 ,9 ! la/ ye> or two1 ! ,dot-walk] applica;n has 2come 9cr1s+ly popul>4 ,rec5tly1 an onl9e pres5ta;n 0 organiz$ 9 : ! au?or ( ,dot-walk]1 ,libor ,d\sek1 al "picipat$4 ,public transporta;n op]ates 9 a doz5 cities 9 ! c.try1 b no transit company has an organiz$ /a;n ann\nce;t sy/em4 ,9 ! pa/1 ! /ate subsidiz$ ! price ( tickets = bus & rail rid]s4 ,9 ! la/ #be ye>s1 _m transit companies h be5 privatiz$ & h n be5 9t]e/$ 9 r$uc+ ! f>es = bl pass5g]s & p :o assi/ !m4 ,bl p >e n 5titl$ to any privilege 9 taxi transport4 ,9 rec5t ye>s1 taxis h be5 relatively exp5sive1 s few] bl pass5g]s use !m4 ,ub] & o!r ride%>e s]vices d n exi/ "h4 ,bosnia & ,h]zegov9a #bg has xs [n curr5cy1 ! 3v]tible m>k "<,,km">4 ,"s s]ies 7 9itially ann\nc$ z banknotes t >e a3essible to bl us]s due to _! emboss$ m>k+s4 ,9 practice1 no bl p]son c recognize a banknote )\t comp>+ x to ! size ( ano!r4 ,cell ph"os d n h local curr5cy recogni;n s(tw>e4 ,bl p c "picipate 9 ! elec;n process ) ! support ( an assi/ant4 ,! elec;n law /ipulates t an assi/ant ( 8 or h] *oice c help a bl p]son4 ,"! >e no brl elec;n mat]ials or cu/om ballots4 ,electronic vot+ is a possibil;y t is 2+ exam9$4 ,sports t >e popul> am;g ! bl 9clude goalball1 b[l+1 swimm+1 & a?letics4 ,! gold5 ye>s = bl ,bosnian a?letes pass$ #ce-#dj ye>s ago1 :5 ! c.try's bl a?letes won #bh m$als at ! ,p>alympic ,games1 ,_w1 & ,europ1n *ampion%ips4 ,"s goal scor]s 7 !n memb]s ( ! ,yugoslav na;nal t1m1 : 0 a _w *ampion 9 goalball s"eal "ts4 ,"! us$ to 2 a *ess club 9 ! ,associa;n ( ! ,bl ,s>ajevo4 ,"o memb] ( t club 0 a _w bl *ess *ampion4 ,he no l;g] lives 9 ,s>ajevo4 ,*ess is n z popul> am;g ! "y] g5]a;ns z x us$ to be4 ,9 addi;n to sports1 ! bl sp5d _! free "t ) ! comput]1 r1d+ books1 li/5+ to ! radio & televi.n4 ,s f>1 only a few films ) audio descrip;n h be5 prep>$4 ,exp]i;tally1 9 ,s>ajevo1 "o !at] 0 equipp$ ) audio-descrip;n equip;t1 & s"eal !at] plays 7 produc$ ) x "? 9t]na;nal projects4 ,un=tunately1 ! recep;n #bi f ! bl 0 n grt4 ,! bl 9 ,bosnia & ,h]zegov9a live m* h>d] lives ?an _! c.t]"ps 9 _m develop$ ,europ1n c.tries4 ,! problems >e t 9su6ici5t "w has be5 d"o on remov+ physical b>ri]s1 & ! issue ( p]sonal assi/.e has n be5 resolv$4 ,_m bl p sp5d mo/ ( _! "t 9 _! [n homes4 ,an ,eye on ! ,unit$ ,/ates ( ,am]ica by ,gabriel ,lopez ,kafati ,= any * born 9 my native ,honduras1 x 0 p]fectly normal to gr[ up look+ up at ! ,unit$ ,/ates ( ,am]ica4 ,! ,u4,s4 has alw be5 ! role model ( a na;n4 ,t 0 n ! excep;n = me4 ,"e s9ce ,i />t$ /udy+ ,u4,s4 civics z a *1 ,i develop$ a /r;g admira;n & respect #cj = ! legal f.da;n ( ? c.try4 ,i comp>$ ! political r1l;y ( ,honduras to t ( ! ,unit$ ,/ates4 ,i 2came fasc9at$ ) ! hi/ory ( ! ,am]ican na;n & ) xs pr9ciples ( lib]ty & ju/ice = all4 ,at ! 2g9n+ ( my life1 ! ,u4,s4 m1nt fun & excite;t2 wond];l vaca;ns2 burg]s & fries2 %opp+ = cool /uff4 ,ll did ,i "k t ? c.try wd 2come s m* m4 ,z "o ( \r summ] vaca;ns turn$ 9to ! trip 9 : ,i 0 diagnos$ ) ret9itis pig;tosa1 ,i knew ?+s 7 ab to *ange4 ,= "o1 x 0 n m&atory = me to play sports at s*ool ,- n necess>ily a bad ?+ = me4 ,h["e1 z my vi.n loss progress$1 ,i 0 fac$ ) new *all5ges at s*ool4 ,ev5 ?\< ,i 0 b.s$ to att5d a private ,am]ican s*ool1 t1*]s & /aff did n "k :at to d to #ca help me4 ,i />t$ cr1t+ /udy gr\ps 9 : my classmates wd r1d :ile ,i memoriz$4 ,i al >rang$ = my t1*]s to r1d te/s & quizzes = me4 ,z ,i navigat$ a hi<] $uca;n 5viron;t t did n (f] ! support ,i ne$$ z a visually impair$ /ud5t1 ,i _h to 2 9novative & res\rce;l to develop & secure my [n auxili>y aids to gu>antee ! su3ess;l comple;n ( my corporate law degree4 ,i _h to develop my [n a3ommoda;ns ) ! uncondi;nal help ( my p>5ts4 ,my mom & dad wd take turns record+ all my codes1 books1 & h&\ts ) ! use ( a portable tape record]4 ,e/abli%+ my p]man5t resid5cy 9 ,florida br"\ =? monu;tal *anges4 ,i decid$ t ,i wd v5ture 9to ! busi;s _w1 & ev5tually pursu$ a ma/]'s degree 9 busi;s #cb adm9i/ra;n "<,,mba">4 ,x 0 s easy = me to 2come aw>e ( ! di6];es t exi/$ 2t my native l& & ? na;n4 ,"h1 ! sy/em all[$ = me z a bl 9dividual to fulfill my p]sonal & pr(es.nal goals4 ,i al le>n$ t ? _hn't alw be5 ! case2 ,i "u/ood t m* advocacy & lo2y+ _h to 2 d"o by _m 9 ord] to a*ieve s* opportunities4 ,:ile ,i 0 mak+ s _m /rides "? my a6ilia;n ) ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 "! 7 / _m cultural *all5ges to address4 ,i _h to assi/ my family 9 com+ to t]ms ) my vi.n loss4 ,back 9 ,honduras1 bl;s 0 / view$ z "s sort ( puni%;t4 ,my p>5ts fe>$ t ,i wd d>e use my :ite cane dur+ my visits back home4 ,! idea ( a guide dog t]rifi$ !m1 z !y knew t a dog _c 2 fold$ & put \ ( sit & b1uti;l girl /ole "ey"o's he>t ) ! f/ lick or %ake ( h] paw4 ,td1 z my family & commun;y back 9 ,honduras le>n ab my a3ompli%;ts "h 9 ! ,unit$ ,/ates1 !y %>e my /ory ) pride4 ,? c.try gave me ! tools ,i ne$$ to face life ) c\rage & au!ntic;y4 ,"h1 ,i h f"\ = & f.d unique opportunities1 l 2+ ga9;lly employ$ assi/+ /ud5ts ) 4abilities1 & 2+ an active play] 9 advocacy "? ,,acb & xs a6iliates4 ,mo/ importantly1 ,i h be5 able to f9d myf & /& tall z a bl gay man & a pr\d naturaliz$ citiz5 ( ? grt na;n4 ,e "d1 ,i am fasc9at$ by "k+ t n[1 ,i c al 5joy & "w = ^? pr9ciples ( lib]ty & ju/ice = all4 ,i w 3clude by /at+ t ,i 0 n wr;g :5 ,i resolv$ to keep 8an eye0 on ! #cd ,unit$ ,/ates ( ,am]ica4 ,9dia3 ,"o ,c.try1 ,_m ,planets by ,pranav ,lal "<,$itor's ,note3 ,pranav ,lal is a te*nology 5?usia/ & au?or4 ,he "ws 9 cyb]secur;y = a liv+4 ,he 5joys travel+ & uses a s5sory sub/itu;n program call$ ! v,,oic,'e runn+ on video glasses = 5h.ed 5viron;tal aw>e;s & = fram+ sc5es & tak+ photographs4 ,he writes %ort books : >e sort ( urban fantasy crime ?rill]s4 ,y c see 8 te*nology & photography blog at https3_/_/te*esot]ica4com4 ,8 writ+ is at https3_/_/" praanavwrites4com4"> ,9dia is 9cr$ibly div]se4 ,x />t$ z an a7lom]a;n ( k+doms t 7 f/ unit$ 9 #cba ,,bc #ce by ,*&ragupta ,maurya4 ,mod]n ,9dia has #bi /ates & #g union t]ritories4 ,! ,9dian 3/itu;n is ! l;ge/ 9 ! _w4 ,9dia has a f$]al =m ( gov]n;t ) a /r;g c5t]4 ,"! >e a myriad ( /ate & c5tral laws4 ,all ( ? translates 9to a complex legislative l&scape : has a direct impact on 4abilities4 ,9dia has s*ools d$icat$ to ! bl z well z = o!r 4abilities4 ,"! >e a few s*ools t h&le /ud5ts ) multiple 4abilities4 ,! bulk ( bl s*ools >e 9 ! cities4 ,_m ( ! s*ools >e run by non-gov]n;tal organiza;ns "<,,ngo,'s">4 ,! m progressive "os1 especially 9 ! cities1 h mov$ to ma9/r1m+4 ,"! >e1 h["e1 pl5ty ( resid5tial s*ools4 ,2ss regul> $uca;n1 mo/ bl s*ools t1* bl;s skills2 _m ( !m al t1* 9dep5d5t #cf liv+ skills4 ,"! >e a few gov]n;t-support$ s*ools4 ,mo/ ,,ngo,'s >e fund$ by dona;ns4 ,a lot ( ! bl s*ools >e resid5tial4 ,_m *n come f 4tant villages1 & x is n possible = !m to return home ea* nie _m bl;s organiza;ns 9 ,9dia4 ,"s examples >e ,na;nal ,associa;n = ! ,bl1 ,! ,bl ,relief ,associa;n1 ,! ,sak%am ,tru/1 ,mitra ,jyoti & ! ,all ,9dia ,3f$]a;n ( ! ,bl4 ,"! >e pl5ty m4 ,h["e1 mo/ ( !m d n h l>ge 5d[;ts1 & funds >e a 3/ant *all5ge4 ,mo/ rely ^u corporate dona;ns4 ,_m ( !m d ! same "w b focus on _! geographies4 ,"! >e _m brl presses #cg 9 ,9dia1 & a lot ( textbooks >e n[ available 9 brl4 ,"! is a significant degree ( div]s;y ( ! s*ool syllabus t is foll[$ acr /ates2 "!=e1 s"eal textbooks ne$ to 2 produc$ at ! 2g9n+ ( ea* s*ool ye>4 ,! /ress ^! "ds is on mak+ full-text1 full-audio ,,daisy books4 ,a na;nal libr>y s]vice 0 laun*$ on ,augu/ #bf1 #bjaf4 ,x lets memb]s borr[ books f any libr>y acr ,9dia4 ,9dia does h ,book%>e a3ess1 b x is 9complete due to ! lack ( a3ess to books publi%$ 9 ! ,,usa despite "! 2+ equival5t legisla;n to ! ,*afee am5d;t4 ,9dia has a3ess to audio books f ,audible1 b _m titles >e n available due to publi%]s,0 re/ric;ns4 ,mobil;y is tauly age4 ,9dia is a cane-only c.try4 ,guide dogs d n #ch "w due to economic1 cultural & 9fra/ructure factors4 ,9dia's roads >e complex4 ,curbs & sidewalks >e few & f> 2t1 & tra6ic is n uni=m4 ,! road has auto rick%aws1 c>s1 buses1 bicycles1 /ray dogs1 ! o3a.nal c[ & a v>iety ( h& c>ts & motorbikes4 ,"! >e s"eal />tups & /ud5t projects "w+ on assi/ive devices to solve ! naviga;n *all5ge4 ,mobil;y skills >e tauy gateway "? : bl p a3ess 9=ma;n4 ,_m ( !m use m ?an "o ph"o4 ,= example1 ^? :o _c af=d sm>tph"os use f1ture ph"os ) di6]5t capabilities1 e4g41 a p]son wd use "o #ci ph"o = li/5+ to ,,daisy books1 "o ph"o to he> ! "t & ! f9al ph"o = call+4 ,&roid is ! mo/ popul> op]at+ sy/em4 ,transporta;n is a *all5ge4 ,9 ! cities1 "! >e regul> taxis z well z s]vices s* z ,ub]4 ,! ,9dian railways h tak5 "s /eps to make tra9s a3essible1 s* z brl label+ coa*es1 b ^! h n be5 fully deploy$4 ,"! >e tactile tiles on plat=ms to 9dicate a *ange 9 surface4 ,z = sports1 "! is bl cricket & a few o!r games t >e taue fund$4 ,"! is a gr[+ 9t]e/ 9 adv5ture sports & 9 travel1 ": companies s]v+ ! 4abl$ h sprung up to meet ? dem&4 ,x is possible to g raft+1 trekk+1 zip l9+1 etc4 ,$uca;n is a core #dj ele;t ( ,9dian middle-class psy*e4 ,! numb] ( $ucat$ bl p is on ! rise4 ,x has 2come easi] to get books 9 a3essible =mats 9 hi<] $uca;n1 ?\< m* ne$s to 2 d"o1 especially 9 ,,/em subjects4 ,gett+ textbooks ) a3essible diagrams is a "w 9 progress4 ,a few univ]sities h a3essibil;y de"p;ts t help /ud5ts get mat]ial 9 a3essible =mat4 ,gett+ lecture notes 9 a3essible =mat rema9s a *all5ge 2c _m t1*]s / use ! blackbo>d4 ,ano!r problem 9 $uca;n is ! use ( scribes4 ,_m competitive exams t an applicant m/ take to 5t] univ]s;y / h ? require;t4 ,"! h be5 writt5 guidel9es issu$ by ! c\rts : h all[$ bl applicants to take exams 9dep5d5tly by us+ a comput]4 ,! job m>ket is gr[+4 #da ,"! >e bl programm]s1 t1*]s1 lawy]s1 5trepr5eurs1 bank]s1 etc4 ,"! >e pl5ty ( *all5ges1 ?\<1 n only 9 t]ms ( gett+ jobs b al once !y >e employ$4 ,= example1 a bl p]son may 2 employ$ 9 a bank z a manag]1 b ! bank w n give hm any "w4 ,"! is a6irmative ac;n :5 x comes to gov]n;t jobs4 ,"s bl p h be5 su3ess;l 9 bridg+ ! gov]n;t & private sectors4 ,"o example ( ? is ! ,,uid s*eme1 a na;nal id5t;y c>d s*eme laun*$ "s ye>s ago4 ,! process ( gett+ ! c>d 0 a3essible4 ,talk+ ab a3essibil;y1 "! >e jobs 9 t >ea1 bo? = s]v+ 9t]na;nal cu/om]s & 9 audit+ gov]n;t websites4 ,"s private sector 3c]ns h 2gun to recognize xs value1 ?\< "! is a lack ( aw>e;s am;g develop]s4 ,mo/ private sector 9itiatives >e fund$ via #db ! corporate social responsibil;y r\te4 ,9dia has em]g$ z an 9nova;n hub = brl 4plays4 ,orbit ,rese>*1 ! produc] ( ! ,orbit ,r1d] & ! ,graphiti 4play1 is bas$ 9 ! /ate ( ,guj>at4 ,9novi.n1 ! produc] ( ! ,brl ,me 4play1 is locat$ 9 ,mumbai1 :ile ,,iit ,delhi1 ! produc] ( ! ,dot book 4play & notetak]1 is situat$ 9 ,delhi4 ,_m ( ^! products >e 2+ sold 9t]na;nally4 ,mo/ televi.n programs 9 ,9dia >e n audio-describ$4 ,"! >e a h&;l ( movies t h be5 audio-describ$1 b ^! >e d"o on an ad hoc basis4 ,"! is a gr[+ ne$ to build aw>e;s 9 ! film 9du/ry ( audio descrip;n4 ,"! >e unique *all5ges ) ,9dian c9ema4 ,_m movies 3ta9 s;gs4 ,^! >e n musicals1 b "! is pl5ty ( ac;n tak+ place #dc )9 ! s;g1 & ! /ory is mov+ =w>d4 ,no "o is q sure ab h[ to audio describe s* a video4 ,_m ( y may 2 wond]+ ab ! bl exp]i;e ) ,,covid-#ai4 ,"! 7 fe>s t bl p rely+ on t\* wd 2 o/raciz$4 ,"! h be5 no public reports ( t4 ,h["e1 ! re/ ( ! /ory is n s gd4 ,z ,i write ? 9 ,may #bjba1 ,9dia is exp]i5c+ xs second wave2 case numb]s >e climb+4 ,cases h ris5 2c a major;y ( p d n 5gage 9 ,,covid-appropriate 2havior4 ,y w see p we>+ masks 9 ! cities b 9 rural ,9dia1 anti-,,covid m1sures >e virtually a joke4 ,! 2lief is t ,,covid is a 8ri* man's 41se40 ,i h be5 \ s"eal "ts1 & ! h>de/ "p = me z a bl p]son is to ma9ta9 social 4t.e1 2c few o!r p ma9ta9 x4 ,doctors & hospital #dd /aff >e ov]/ret*$1 & "! is pl5ty ( mis9=ma;n \ "!4 ,despite :at m$ia reports may %[1 ! apocalypse is n "h by a l;g %ot4 ,families & o!r p h come tgr1 & "! >e pl5ty ( volunte]s :o h pit*$ 9 to help4 ,9 addi;n1 "s ;e-comm]ce companies h put a3essible processes 9 place to aid deliv]y ( food & o!r ess5tials4 ,pay+ = ^? ess5tials is ano!r matt]4 ,mo/ retail]s h _! [n apps ) v>y+ levels ( a3essibil;y1 & mo/ ( ^! companies d n h a ph"o numb] to call4 ,bl p ne$ to use social m$ia & "s"ts ;e-mail to report a3essibil;y *all5ges4 ,a few companies h well-tra9$ /aff :o d help1 b y c c.t !m on ! f+]s ( "o h&4 ,y may well wond]1 8,:at happ5$ to gd old ca%80 #de ,if y buy f retail trad]s1 ca% is ! pref]r$ mode ( pay;t4 ,us+ ca% is n easy4 ,9dia's curr5cy is ! rupee4 ,"! >e1 h["e1 two s]ies ( bank notes 9 circula;n4 ,z ( ,april #bf1 #bjai1 curr5t circulat+ banknotes >e 9 d5om9a;ns ( "9#e1 "9#aj1 "9#bj1 "9#ej & "9#ajj f ! ,mahatma ,g&hi ,s]ies & 9 d5om9a;ns ( "9#aj1 "9#bj1 "9#ej1 "9#ajj1 "9#bjj1 "9#ejj & "9#b1jjj f ! ,mahatma ,g&hi ,new ,s]ies4 ,! old s]ies notes >e relatively easy to recognize by _! di6]+ sizes4 ,? is n ! case = ! new s]ies notes4 ,! curr5t solu;n is to provide a mobile ph"o app to h&le curr5cy recogni;n4 ,! app "ws1 b y h ! *all5ge ( coord9at+ yr cane1 a laptop & a mobile ph"o4 ,! situa;n is sort ( settl$1 b ,,covid #df & ! 3sequ5t lockd[ns h sl[$ d[n ! pace ( develop;t4 ,life 9 ,9dia is a gr& adv5ture irrespective ( abilities4 ,bl;s adds spice to x4 ,"! is no ,social ,secur;y1 no =maliz$ r1d] s]vices1 b /r;g human net"ws exi/ al;g ) locally develop$ te*nology1 s* z ! sm>t cane t w>ns y ( approa*+ ob/acles 2f !y collide ) y4 ,f9ally1 wat* \ = t ,,gps-tot+ ,9dian t\ri/ ) 8 %9y new ,,covid passport at an airport ne> y4 ,bl;s 9 ! ,unit$ ,>ab ,emirates by ,melissa ,spr\se ,melissa ,spr\se is n my r1l "n4 ,i *ose x a few ye>s ago 9 ord] to make a fre% />t 9 life4 ,i *ose ! "n ,melissa 2c my r1l "n1 :5"e "s"o #dg uses x1 br+s =? unpl1sant memories ( yell+ t1*]s at s*ool1 ( a l"oly girl :o no "o wd talk to 2c ( h] 4abil;y1 & a society t 2liev$ t 2c ,i'm bl ,i c't d any?+ & %d n"e 2 let \ ( sid 9dep5d;e4 ,i am f ,dubai1 ,unit$ ,>ab ,emirates "<,,uae">4 ,= ^? :o miab ,emirates is a c.try 9 ! ,middle ,ea/4 ,i 0 born & rais$ 9 ! ,,uae4 ,ac to my family1 ,i 0 born & sp5t "s ( my e>lie/ ye>s 9 ,dubai4 ,i don't rememb] t at all4 ,:at ,i d rememb] is gr[+ up 9 ,abu ,dhabi4 ,x 0 all "r1 ,i guess4 ,i j rememb] 2+ bor$4 ,my p>5ts "w$ l;g h\rs1 & my old] si/] w5t to s*ool4 ,2c my p>5ts "w$1 !y hir$ di6]5t k9ds ( nannies = u1 ma9ly to look af me & make sure ,i #dh didn't get hurt & to give me :at"e ,i want$4 ,i rememb] "! 2+ _m nannies 9 my life4 ,al? "s ( my life did 3si/ ( s*ool1 ! major;y ( x 0 at home ) di6]5t nannies & do+ :at"e ,i cd to pass ! "t4 ,i _h no idea "! 0 s* a ?+ z audio descrip;n1 b luckily "! 7 "s c>toons ,i cd "u/ood )\t see+ !m1 l ,dora ! ,explor] & ,hi< ,five4 ,i wd wat* c>toons & eat snacks4 ,!n :5 my mom came home f "w1 %e wd "s"ts play bo>d games ) me or r1d me /ories1 : ,i absolutely ador$4 ,"t pass$ l ? = ab a decade or s1 !n we mov$ to ,dubai 9 hopes ( f9d+ "s?+ m = me 9 life4 ,x / hasn't come to frui;n1 b at l1/ ,i've got a comput]1 a scre5 r1d]1 & ! ,9t]net to 3nect ) ! _w 2y4 ,! ,,uae isn't l ,am]ica4 ,"! >e no s*ools = ! bl1 #di res\rce t1*]s :o "k h[ to "w ) a bl p]son1 or o!r a3essibil;y op;ns4 ,? m1ns "! wasn't any"o to t1* me h[ to use a scre5 r1d]4 ,x's k9d ( funny h[ ,i taut navigat+ websites & use ,,jaws1 2c at ! "t ,i wasn't 9t]e/$ 9 try+ \ new ?+s4 ,we'd be5 liv+ 9 ,dubai = a ye> or s1 & ,i _h mov$ f wat*+ ,,tv all "d & eat+ snacks to li/5+ to ! radio & /ories & %[s my "m f.d = me on ,y\,tube4 ,i'd al be5 go+ to a s*ool at ! "t1 & x 0 at t s*ool ": a t1*]1 :o happ5$ to "k ab ! ,,jaws scre5 r1d]1 su7e/$ to my p>5ts t if !y b"\ a laptop = me1 ! s*ool cd 9/all a scre5 r1d] = me to use4 ,s1 at ! "t ,i got 9troduc$ to a scre5 r1d] ,i wasn't r1lly 9t]e/$ 9 try+ x \4 ,i _h be5 3t5t li/5+ to %[s & #ej /ories on ,y\,tube & ! radio1 & ?"\ t 0 all ,i ne$$4 ,! adults 9 my life didn't "picul>ly 5c\rage me to />t us+ x1 ei4 ,! t1*]s 9 my s*ool j told my p>5ts ab x & 9/all$ x on my comput]4 ,i don't ?9k !y actually knew h[ to use x1 or p]h !y didn't h "t to t1* me4 ,i didn't />t us+ ,,jaws until s"eal mon?s af ,i'd gott5 x4 ,i c't q recall :at f9ally made me />t us+ ,,jaws4 ,:5 ,i f/ got ! scre5 r1d]1 ,i tr1t$ x z if x wasn't ev5 "!4 ,i / ask$ my mom to f9d /ories on ,y\,tube1 & "! 0 a %[ ,i'd be5 wat*+ at ! "t4 ,i wd turn ,,jaws on = less ?an five m9utes1 try+ to figure x \1 gett+ famili> ) xs voice & typ+ \ a few lrs !n turn+ x (f & ignor+ x once ag4 ,i don't "k :at made me g on ! #ea ,9t]net1 h[ ,i did x or :5 "<,i'm pretty sure my mom _h "s?+ to d ) t">1 b :at ,i d rememb] is :5 ,i f9ally r1liz$ t us+ a comput] ) a scre5 r1d] r1lly wasn't t h>d4 ,i only _h to press "o button "r[ key"> & new 9=ma;n wd 2 pres5t$ to me4 ,i 0 s surpris$ by ! simplic;y ( x t ,i sudd5ly /opp$ pret5d+ t ,,jaws didn't exi/ & 2gan sp5d+ a lot m "t ) x4 ,i'd alw be5 attract$ to fairy tales & /ories ) simple n>ra;n1 & ,i'd qkly f.d websites full ( !m4 ,spell+ ^ws & navigat+ ! web 0 / 2y my capabilities1 s ,i'd ask my mom or "o ( my t1*]s if !y cd f9d websites ": ,i cd r1d /ories "<: !y _h no problem do+">1 & ,i'd take x f "!4 ,i ?9k my mom told me press+ ! 5t] key on "s?+ wd take #eb me to ! page ,i want$ & ;,,alt-,f#d wd get rid ( x1 b le>n+ ! re/ ( ! keys on ! keybo>d 0 a total a3id5t4 ,i r1lly _hn't 9t5d$ to le>n !m or "picul>ly c>$ ab :at !y 7 us$ =4 ,"s": :ile r1d+ ab all sorts ( wond];l1 magical fairy tales & o!r %ort /ories1 ,i'd "sh[ al le>n$ h[ to navigate ! web4 ,i ?9k my memory wd 2 cle>] ab ? _h ,i le>n$ us+ ! ,9t]net f "s"o else1 b ?9k+ ab x n[1 all ,i c recall is j h[ _m /ories ,i 0 able to 4cov] & h[ wond];l !y w]e4 ,typ+ is / a "w 9 progress4 ,i'm f> bett] at x ?an ,i 0 :5 ,i f/ />t$ gett+ on ! ,9t]net1 b ,i've / got a ways to g4 ,= 9/.e1 ,i don't type 9 ! 3v5;nal way ""> 2c "! wasn't #ec any"o to tell me t's h[ y d x4 ,i al tau1 & z a result my f+]s >e all ov] ! place :5 ,i type4 ,i'm n "picul>ly bo!r$ ab t 2c ,i wasn't a fan ( x 9 ! f/ place4 ,i 0 f> m 5*ant$ by my scre5 r1d] r1d+ to me4 ,y'd ?9k my 9t]e/ 9 typ+ wd gr[ if ,i'd be5 us+ a comput] l;g 5\<1 b x did improve ov] ! sev5 or s ye>s s9ce ,i e>ne/ly />t$ us+ a comput]4 ,two ?+s help$ ) t3 socializ+ & s*ool "<9 t ord]">4 ,us+ punctua;n 9 a way o!rs wd "u/& & putt+ ^ws 9 ! correct ord] to make a s5t;e came f my love ( r1d+1 :ile spell+ ^ws 0 ma9ly le>n$ f ask+ o!rs & ,google4 ,s*ool 0 pretty gd = ! f/ c\ple ye>s4 ,i w5t to "o ": !y taut1 & music1 all ( : 7 bl-frly4 ,"! 7 al pl5ty ( field trips "?\t ! ye>1 : ,i 5joy$ imm5sely4 ,h["e1 all ^? ?+s /opp$ af second grade1 ": my p>5ts 7 9=m$ t ! s*ool 0 clos+ d[n1 & !n my $uca;n 0 all ov] ! place4 ,i sp5t ! major;y ( my *ildhood at home pass+ ! "t z be/ ,i cd :ile 2+ 9t]mitt5tly b\nc$ f "o s*ool to ano!r1 s z a result my "ds 9 s*ool wd see me sitt+ 9 class j li/5+ to ! t1*] & n do+ m* else4 ,h[ cd ,i "picipate & le>n :5 "ey?+ 0 visual8 ,no "o knew :at to d ) me or h[ to t1* me1 s ,i 0 j left to sit "s": :ile my pe]s ga9$ k1 made frs & _h fun4 ,i wasn't bulli$ = my 4abil;y1 h["e4 ,?+s 3t9u$ 9 t fa%ion #ee until #bjai1 ": ,i _h be5 5roll$ 9 yet ano!r s*ool & fail$ to assimilate ) my pe]s1 unable to "u/& ! visual ways 9 : mo/ subjects 7 2+ tau & 0 on ! hunt = an onl9e s*ool4 ,yet ano!r ye> pass$ at home :ile ,i tri$ to 3v9ce my p>5ts to give ? k9d ( $uca;n a *.e4 ,!y 7 reluctant 2c !y'd n"e he>d ( x4 ,b !y al hat$ see+ me s unhappy1 s !y kept me at home :ile !y delib]at$4 ,la/ ye>1 my "f f.d a s*ool t 0 n only fully virtual1 b !y al took me 9 s5ior ye>1 s ,i only _h to att5d classes = ab sev5 mon?s1 !n ,i wd f9ally 2 d"o ) hi< s*ool ="e6 ,i am 9cr$ibly glad to note t ,i w 2 rcvg my diploma 9 ,july4 ,i d h plans ( go+ to college1 b 2f ,i d t1 ,i #ef ne$ to le>n h[ to 2come an 9dep5d5t adult1 live my [n life & make my [n deci.ns1 2c ": ,i'm at "r n[ r1lly wdn't help me 9 college )\t ano!r adult :o wd 2 responsible = look+ af me & hold+ my h& l my p>5ts h be5 do+ all ^! ye>s4 ,i don't want t anymore4 ,s ,i w 2 look+ 9to "s tra9+ c5t]s \tside ( ,dubai1 2c s _m negative ?+s h happ5$ to me "h4 ,x's hi< "t ,i left all ^! unpl1sant memories 2h to f9d a m positive future4 ,x's ! only way ,i c move on & f9ally 2 happy4 ,]asmus"63 ,a ,_w ( ,opportunities by ,l>isa ,ne*ita ,repr9t$ f 8,! ,ohio ,3nec;n10 ,summ] #bjbj4 ,i 0 alw a huge fan ( #eg ! ,]asmus"6 program1 f/ z a /ud5t & !n z a y\? "w]1 2c x op5s new le>n+ & travel+ opportunities4 ,? program cr1tes a multicultural 5viron;t t 5c\rages 9t]ac;n & communica;n4 ,basically1 "y/]s take "p 9 ex*anges 9 ord] to 3t9ue _! /udies 9 =eign le>n+ 9/itu;ns or to 5h.e _! s(t skills "? non-=mal $uca;n4 ,z a /ud5t1 ,i _h ! *.e to /udy "o ye> 9 ,italy at ,univ]sit^*a di ,bologna1 ": ,i le>n$ ,italian1 & !n mov$ on to ,univ]sit^/e ,libre de ,bruxelles 9 ,belgium to improve my ,fr5* compet5cy4 ,i ga9$ s _m skills f ? program 9 my two ye>s ( /udy+ languages abroad t ,i didn't want my ,]asmus exp]i;es to 5d4 ,i decid$ to take "p 9 %ort-t]m y\? ex*anges t la/ >.d a week1 ) ! emphasis on non-=mal #eh me?ods us$ = tackl+ curr5t global issues4 ,"s ( my ,]asmus travel+ 9clud$ ,pol&1 ,mont5egro1 & ,spa94 ,i 0 impress$ t 9 s* a %ort "t we 7 able to boo/ \r s(t skills l cr1tiv;y1 adaptabil;y1 t1m"w1 l1d]%ip1 & 9t]p]sonal skills4 ,a bookworm myf1 ,i 4cov]$ t we c le>n :ile hav+ fun & t1 = a su3ess;l c>e]1 we ne$ ! "r comb9a;n ( s(t & h>d skills4 ,x is true t non-=mal $uca;n is n fully 9tegrat$ 9 ! academic curriculum1 b ,i ?9k t x c provide excell5t l;g-t]m results if comb9$ ) ! "r =mal le>n+ me?ods4 ,af notic+ ! /r5g?s ( ? program z a "picipant1 ,i 2came a y\? "w]1 pres5t+ "w%ops ab 4abil;y or cr1t+ language & assi/ive te*nology c\rses = ! visually #ei impair$ commun;y4 ,i rec5tly />t$ a fruit;l collabora;n ) ,,ipv ,3/anta1 a non-gov]n;tal organiza;n t 2lieves 9 ! same values z ,i d4 ,i manage writ+ projects & cr1te hi< qual;y 3t5t = ! y\?4 ,all \r ac;ns h z key po9ts 9t]cultural "u/&+1 3/ant 9volve;t & volunte]+1 "*i/ics t guide u 9 \r "w4 ,\r op9ion is t $uca;n repres5ts a turn+ po9t 9 "y p's lives4 ,pov]ty or o!r social issues m/ n 2 an ob/acle to $uca;n1 s we support physical & emo;nal h1l? "? activities t 5c\rage social 9clu.n1 p]sonal c>e1 & self-e/eem4 ,we pay special att5;n to p ) 4abilities 2c ! 9valuable res\rces !y 3tribute h n be5 appreciat$ 9 ,romania4 ,9 #bjag1 ,,ipv ,3/anta op5$ ! f/ ,romanian b1* a3essible to p ) 4abilities1 & ! project won two na;nal aw>ds4 #fj ,ea* "o ( u c improve \r communities "? p]sonal 9itiatives & volunte]+4 ,\r adv5ture />t$ :5 ,unigr[? ,develop;t1 an exp]i;ed ,>m5ian ,,ngo1 0 look+ = a ,romanian "pn] 9 ord] to cr1te a two-"p y\? ex*ange ) ! aim to make ! t>get gr\p m employable4 ,! project1 titl$ 8,employable10 got me approv$ & f9.ed by ! ,europ1n ,commis.n4 ,= ! f/ "t ,i wd see ! ,]asmus"6 program f a tra9]'s p]spective4 ,tgr ) my close fr ,&a1 :o is ! legal repres5tative ( ,,ipv ,3/anta1 we select$ eim5ia4 ,ano!r memb] 9 \r gr\p 0 ( c\rse ,t9a1 my guide dog1 :o is alw r1dy = excit+ trips ,- b 0 ,>m5ia r1dy = h]8 ,\r f/ de/9a;n 0 #fa ,y]evan1 ! ,>m5ian capital1 ": we sp5t a "d 2f meet+ \r "pn]s4 ,! c;y 0 gett+ r1dy = ,*ri/mas1 & ! decora;ns cr1t$ a fe/ive atmosp"h4 ,we visit$ ! c;y c5t]1 a few t\ri/ spots1 & /opp$ at a nice caf^/e4 ,( c\rse1 nobody want$ a s]vice dog 9 a *ur*1 museum1 or caf^/e1 s ,i _h to negotiate my "rs ov] & ov]4 ,x _h 2come a cu/om1 s x 0 n z exhau/+ z x us$ to be4 ,! no;n ( a s]vice dog 0 =eign to alm "ey"o t ,i met1 b communica;n is key1 & we made x "?4 ,"k+ ! situa;n 9 ,romania & ,ea/]n ,europe 9 g5]al1 ,i cd "sh[ "w \ :at await$ u4 ,we left = ,dilijan1 ": we met ! ,>m5ian t1m4 ,= a week we liv$ 9 a cottage z a family 3si/+ ( #af "y p f bo? c.tries & f\r facilitators4 ,2+ s* a small gr\p1 we got #fb close4 ,? is ! advantage ( small projects2 p get 3nect$ at a deep] level4 ,x 0 no surprise t "eybody fell 9 love ) ,t9a at f/ sit$1 & \r "y "picipants 7 r1dy to f9d \ h[ to 2come m employable4 ,z facilitators1 we _h ! responsibil;y to keep _! motiva;n hi< & n let !m get bor$4 ,we />t$ by analyz+ ! curr5t situa;n ( ! "w m>ket 9 bo? c.tries1 mov+ on to describe ! import.e ( s(t skills4 ,e activ;y focus$ on t1m"w1 problem-solv+ skills1 & flexible ?9k+4 ,"eybody 0 5c\rag$ to l1ve _! com=t z"o & to get 9volv$ 9 debates & role play+4 ,9 fact1 ! #fc "picipants 7 ! r1l />s ( ! project1 2c we only _h to guide !m 9 _! "w1 l1v+ !m ! space & "t to reflect ab :at !y le>n$4 ,"ds 7 d$icat$ to "w & nim5ian ^w = puppy4 ,:5 we 7 n danc+1 we 7 walk+ d[n ,dilijan's sn[-fill$ /reets4 ,two ev5+s 7 plann$ by ! "picipants f bo? c.tries4 ,f ,romania1 we br"\ /ories ab ,dracula & ( c\rse tradi;nal food & dr9ks4 ,! ,>m5ians 9troduc$ u to _! culture1 & ,i f.d \ s _m new ?+s4 ,did y "k t *ess is taue s _m ,>m5ian *ampions4 ,if ,i _h "kn t1 ,i wd h br"\ my #fd a3essible *ess bo>d4 ,o!r sports ": ,>m5ian tal5t is recogniz$ >e wre/l+ & weie m ,>m5ians liv+ abroad ?an 9 ! c.try ,- ov] #e million abroad v]sus #c million 9habitants4 ,my favorite "p ( ! ev5+ 0 ta/+ /aples ( ,>m5ian cuis9e4 ,lava% is _! tradi;nal br1d1 b no?+ comp>es ) ,>>at1 ,>m5ian cognac1 : is ! pride ( ! c.try4 ,w9/on ,*ur*ill simply ador$ x2 ,i ?9k he _h grt ta/e6 ,t9a 5joy$ play+ 9 ! sn[ & tak+ a br1k f "w dur+ \r tra9+s4 ,e morn+ ,i wd take h] \tside1 & ! /aff f ! cottage 7 sc>$ at f/1 say+ t ,i %dn't g \ by myf & t "s"o f ! gr\p %d help me4 ,h[ d>e !y l1ve me al"o6 ,wat*+ c>e;lly1 !y saw h[ ,t9a guid$ me & 7 #fe left spee*.s4 ,! la/ "d 0 s*$ul$ 9 ,y]evan1 & ? "t ,i made sure t ,i 0 bett] prep>$ = refusals4 ,my frs taum5ian ^ws = 8,? is an assi/.e dog40 ,we /opp$ at ! same caf^/e & ne>by %op z ! f/ "d & ! /aff "! knew t ,t9a 0 all[$ to 5t]4 ,p >e "u/&+ if !y >e 9=m$4 ,_! f/ reac;n is n surpris+ s9ce !y r>ely see visually impair$ p on ! /reets ) a cane or a dog4 ,"eybody appreciat$ my well-/udi$ ,>m5ian vocabul>y4 ,i wd advise all travel]s to le>n a few ^ws 9 ! local language 2c a basic vocabul>y c get y \ ( lots ( tr\ble4 ,w&]+ >.d to buy s\v5irs1 "! 0 no way we cd 5t] a %opp+ >ea1 ! major cause 2+ ,t9a4 ,we _h no *oice b to talk to ! manag]4 ,he didn't want to he> any explana;n1 9 spite ( #ff my *>m+ ,>m5ian pronuncia;n4 ,f9ally1 we r1*$ a compromise4 ,we c 5t] if we promise t ! dog won't bite or b>k4 ,he 0 wat*+ u closely1 worri$ ab ,t9a sc>+ ! cli5ts4 ,af an h\r1 ?\<1 he told u t we c /ay l;g] if we l4 ,>m5ia is wor? visit+ 2c ! p >e easygo+1 ! food & dr9ks >e excell5t1 & :]"e y g1 "! is an amaz+ /ory ab ! pa/4 ,we >e look+ =w>d to welcom+ ! ,>m5ian "picipants to ,romania1 ": ! second "p ( ! project w take place1 ? "t by ! sea4 ,9 ? "p1 !y w le>n h[ to prep>e a gd ,,cv & cov] lr = _! future job4 ,all _! "w & ef=ts w 2 f9ally recogniz$ by ,y\?pass1 a ,europ1n c]tificate : 2comes m & m appreciat$ by employ]s4 ,i am sure t ? won't 2 my la/ ,]asmus exp]i;e z a #fg tra9]4 ,i am alr "w+ on new id1s & projects to 9=m p ab ! "rs & ne$s ( ! visually impair$ commun;y4 ,! ,>m5ian "picipants h told me t x 0 _! f/ "t 9t]act+ ) a 4abl$ p]son & t ,i am a r1l 9spira;n4 ,i am s glad t !y appreciat$ my "w6 ,i h _m frs :o "picipat$ 9 ,]asmus projects d1l+ ) physical or 9tellectual limita;ns1 b "! 7 no "picipants ) 4abilities4 ,"? my future projects1 ,i want to 5c\rage "y 4abl$ p to travel m & get 9volv$ 9 y\? ex*anges 9 ord] to make !mvs se54 ,we z a commun;y >e responsible = ! way 9 : o!rs p]cv u4 ,we c't compla9 t we >e reject$ if we don't try to 2 9clud$4 ,we c't compla9 t \r ne$s >e n tak5 9to 3sid]a;n if we don't promote !m4 ,& we #fh c]ta9ly c't compla9 t we h no frs if we don't h ! c\rage to l1ve \r com=t z"o4 ,describ+ ,div]s;y by ,joel ,snyd]1 ,ph,d1 ,director1 ,,adp ,i r1d ) grt 9t]e/ ! report ,describ+ ,div]s;y publi%$ by ,vocal,eyes 9 ! ,unit$ ,k+dom1 a hid$ gr\p d$icat$ to develop+1 su/a9+ & promot+ audio descrip;n ( ! >ts "<,vocal,eyes is ! w9n] ( ! ,audio ,descrip;n ,project's #bjbj ,9t]na;nal ,a*ieve;t ,aw>d">4 ,describ+ ,div]s;y is an explora;n ( ! descrip;n ( human "*i/ics & appe>.e )9 ! practice ( !atre audio descrip;n4 ,9 "pn]%ip ) ,royal ,holl[ay1 ,univ]s;y ( ,london1 ! report su7e/s ! ne$ = a process ( explora;n ( :5 #fi & h[ we %d describe ! p]sonal "*i/ics ( ! div]se range ( "*s t appe> on /age1 & 9 "picul>1 ! visible1 physical m>k]s ( race1 g5d]1 impair;t_/disabil;y1 age & body %ape4 ,a press rel1se reg>d+ ! report notes t 8,! rese>* 9volv$ ! :ole commun;y 9volv$ 9 audio descrip;n3 bl & visually impair$ us]s ( ! s]vice1 actors1 o!r !atre pr(es.nals1 & audio describ]s "w+ >.d ! ,,uk & ! _w1 "? an onl9e survey "<,june to ,augu/ #bjai">1 9-dep? 9t]views "<,janu>y to ,m>* #bjbj"> & collaborative "w%ops "<,april #bjbj">40 ,x goes on3 8,in #bjbj !atres & o!r cultural organiza;ns h fac$ *all5ges 2y :at any"o cd h imag9$ j a ye> ago4 ,) ! coronavirus #gj p&emic & result+ lockd[n1 !atres clos$ _! doors1 & n[ face m p]man5t closure or re-op5+ 9 a v *ang$ _w4 ,m1n:ile1 ! _w has al be5 %ak5 by ! d1? ( ,george ,floyd & ! global response ( ! ,black ,lives ,matt] move;t & 9cr1s+ calls = ! decoloniza;n ( 9/itu;ns & l;g ov]due *anges to society4 ,h[ !atres1 museums & o!r organiza;ns & _! l1d]s respond w %ape _! future & t ( ! :ole >ts & cultural sectors4 8,! project 0 9 "p ! result ( an ac"kl$ge;t t ,vocal,eyes describ]s d n reflect ! wid] society1 z !y >e pr$om9antly1 ?\< n exclusively1 ,:ite1 non-4abl$ & cis-g5d]$1 & (t5 m* old] ?an ! actors on /age40 ,q appropriately ! report calls = 89cr1s$ "u/&+ & dialogue 2t ! dynamic #ga 9du/ries ( !atre & audio descrip;n4 ,x is only "? "w+ tgr t we c /rive to cr1te ! equitable & 9clusive audio descrip;ns t bo? audi;es & !atres des]ve1 & t audio describ]s wi% to deliv]4 444 ,! crux ( ! project is h[ div]s;y "*i/ics >e ,8translat$,0 by audio describ]s ,- & ! "e-pres5t issue ( h[ describ]s !mvs det]m9e ! relev.e ( visual data on 2half ( ! bl & visually impair$ audi;e40 ,! report's f9d+s >e summ>iz$ mo/ cog5tly 9 a quote 9clud$ 9 ! report by ,tehm9a ,gosk>1 ,director ( ! ,curatorial ,rese>* ,c5tre3 8,we all build \r p]cep;ns ( di6];e & o!r;s 9side \r m9ds4 ,s h[ d we v]balize regul>ly unv]baliz$ div]s;y 9 a v public doma98 ,i 2lieve #gb t ! ,describ+ ,div]s;y report is sem9al4 ,x has a huge relev.e = p 2y !atre & audio descrip;n4 ,we >e at a /age ": see+1 describ+ & 2+ 3fid5t to recognize ! spectra ( race1 4abil;y1 age & g5d] 9 all ( \r 9t]sec;ns is an ess5tial "p ( 4mantl+ ! n>r[ & n[ v tir$ default ( cis1 ,:ite non-4abl$ supremacy40 ,9 ! 3text ( ? report1 p]mit me to (f] my [n ?"\s1 f/ by way ( a p]spective on h[ audio descrip;n "<,,ad"> 3sum] 3sultants c mo/ e6ectively 3tribute to ! develop;t ( ,,ad te*nique4 ,! 9volve;t ( ,,ad 3sum]s 9 ! develop;t ( audio descrip;n programs is alw ( significant b5efit4 ,i ma9ta91 h["e1 t ! mo/ valuable 3tribu;ns come f 3sum]s :o h a solid "u/&+ ( h[ audio descrip;n is mo/ #gc m1n+;lly (f]$4 ,= 9/.e1 3sid] h[ a 3sum] ) m9imal aw>e;s ( ! funda;tals ( audio descrip;n mir[ly focus$ "q ab :e!r he_/%e wd l to "k ! race ( an 9dividual or "* 2+ describ$1 ! response1 9v>iably1 w 2 8,( c\rse60 ,b :y %d race necess>ily 2 giv5 prior;y ov] o!r visual aspects t may h grt] p]t9;e to ! image_/film_/play_/exhibit 2+ describ$8 #gd ,we c't 8see0 race4 ,is a man ) d>k complexion & nappy hair an 8,african-,am]ican08 ,h[ c we possibly "k t man's h]itage8 "<,i sp5t a full mon? tra9+ describ]s 9 ,s\? ,africa4 ,dur+ "o ses.n1 a ,:ite g5tleman1 native to ,s\? ,africa1 ask$ if he 2came a naturaliz$ ,am]ican citiz51 wdn't he 2 8,african-,am]ican80"> ,&1 ( c\rse1 if we d5ote ! race ( 9dividuals_/"*s :o >e ,black or ,asian or ,hispanic1 >e we n obligat$ to say 8,:ite0 9 "*iz+ e 9dividual :o pres5ts z a ,:ite p]son8 ,to n d s cd seem 9h]5tly raci/4 ,,ad exi/s #a"> 9 s]vice to ,,ad 3sum]s1 & #b"> 9 s]vice to ! "w 2+ describ$4 ,\r *oices ( :at to describe & h[ we describe %d 2 bas$ on \r aw>e;s ( bl9d;s_/l[ #ge vi.n1 ! ne$s ( ,,ad 3sum]s1 & \r "u/&+ ( ! "w 2+ describ$4 ,?us we describe 9 ways t support ! 3t5t ,- 9 ! film 8,guess ,:o's ,com+ ,to ,d9n]810 we wd 2 do+ a 4s]vice to \r li/5]s & to ! film xf by n *oos+ to describe ,sidney ,poiti] z a ,black man & ,ka!r9e ,hepburn1 ,sp;er ,tracy & ,ka?>9e ,h"\on z ,:ite4 ,z to ! describ]s !mvs1 my 2lief is t ! be/ audio describ]s ,- reg>d.s ( race1 4abil;y /atus1 age1 or s5se ( p]sonal id5t;y & g5d] ,- br+ an aw>e;s ( ! import.e ( objectiv;y 9 describ+ 8:at we see40 ,!y /rive to avoid _! [n 9h]5tly subjective viewpo9ts1 i4e41 z ! di>i/ ,anais ,n9 wrote3 8,we don't see ?+s z !y >e1 we see !m z we >e40 ,b my po9t is simply t #gf "! is no r1son :y an ,african-,am]ican describ] _c cr$ibly describe a play t is focus$ on 8,:ite0 issues 444 & vice v]sa4 ,! 8,describ+ ,div]s;y0 full report is available at https3" _/_/vocaleyes4co4uk_/8" reque/.-file"7#adjia4 ,a6iliate ,news ,ohio & ,9diana to ,hold ,jo9t ,3v5;n ,,acb ( ,ohio & ,,acb ( ,9diana w hold a jo9t 3v5;n ,oct4 #bi-#ca at ! ,cr[ne ,plaza ,columbus ,nor?-,wor?+ton4 ,plans 9clude br1k\t ses.ns on te*nology1 h1l?1 & m4 "<,h1l? does n 9clude any?+ ab ! p&emic 2c we've he>d 5 ab t4"> ,"! w 2 exhibitors1 an auc;n1 & all ! usual activities4 ,fri"d #gg afn f1tures a hospital;y room ": we c meet & talk4 ,save "t ,satur"d = ! auc;n ,- we alr h lots ( fanta/ic items4 ,room rates >e @s#ajd p] ni ,c;y ( resid;e "<^u pass+"> ,/ate_/prov9ce ( resid;e "<^u pass+"> ,o!r cities_//ates_/" #gh c.tries ( resid;e " ,o3upa;n ,date ( d1? "<"d if "kn1 mon?1 ye>"> ,age ,,acb a6ilia;n " ,d1?s t o3urr$ m ?an six mon?s ago _c 2 report$ 9 ? column4 ,john ,joseph ,j>zyna ,john ;,j4 ,j>zyna pass$ away on ,june #f1 #bjba at ! age ( #fd4 ,john w 2 lov+ly rememb]$ by 8 si/] ,kay "<,tom"> ,b5e%1 bro!r ,joe ,j>zyna1 bro!r-9-law ,bruce ,jurewicz & 8 nieces & nephews ,kri/9 ,jurewicz1 ,kim ,balk1 ,joe ,b5e%1 ,david ,b5e%1 ,!resa ,b5e%1 ,dan ,j>zyna & ,jack ,j>zyna z well z 8 #gi grt nieces & nephews4 ,he especially lov$ 2+ an uncle & w 2 miss$ by 8 _m frs4 ,he 0 pr$ec1s$ by 8 p>5ts1 ,john & ,c>olyn ,j>zyna1 & 8 si/]1 ,m>y ,jurewicz4 ,john graduat$ f ,we/]n ,mi*igan ,univ]s;y 9 #aigi & w5t on to obta9 8 ,,jd f ,wayne ,/ate ,univ]s;y4 ,he practic$ law until 8 d1? 9 8 homet[n ( ,ray1 ,mi*4 ,he _h a pas.n = help+ o!rs 9 ne$4 ,john 0 a #dth degree memb] ( ! ,kni4 #hj ,memorial dona;ns may 2 made to ! ,st4 ,isidore ,kniies_/" ,john-,j>zyna_/,memories4 ,"h & ,"! $it$ by ,cyn?ia ;,g4 ,hawk9s ,! ann\nce;t ( products & s]vices 9 ? column does n repres5t an 5dorse;t by ! ,am]ican ,c\ncil ( ! ,bl1 xs (fic]s1 or /aff4 ,li/+s >e free ( *>ge = ! b5efit ( \r r1d]s4 8,! ,,acb ;,e-,=um0 _c 2 held responsible = ! reliabil;y ( ! products & s]vices m5;n$4 ,to submit items = ? column1 s5d a message to #ha slov]+@aacb4org1 or ph"o ! na;nal (fice at #a-#hjj-#dbd-#hfff1 & l1ve a message 9 ,%>on ,lov]+'s mailbox4 ,9=ma;n m/ 2 rcvd at l1/ two mon?s ah1d ( publica;n date4 #bjba ,t\* ( ,g5ius ,prize ,w9n] ,? ye>'s w9n] ( ! ,l\is ,brl ,t\* ( ,g5ius ,prize = ,9nova;n is ,s;gpakorn ,pun;g-ong1 an electronic 5g9e] f ,phet*aburi1 ,?ail&1 :o cr1t$ ! ,r1d,r+4 ,! ,r1d,r+ is an af=dable compact device1 ! same size z a comput] m\se4 ,x has an op5+ ": y put yr r1d+ f+]1 & "! is a rot>y refre%able brl 4play t moves ) yr f+]1 all[+ y to 3t9u\sly r1d brl z x /r1ms f a wire.sly 3nect$ sm>tph"o1 comput] or tablet4 ,x c al r1d #hb optical "*s captur$ by an atta*$ cam]a4 ,sie to /ud5ts 9 l[-9come & "us]v$ communities _wwide to address 9equities 9 eye h1l?4 ,,sfk is ! _w's l>ge/-"kn s*ool-bas$ eye h1l? program4 ,s9ce #bjjb1 m ?an #cg million *n h be5 help$4 ,le>n m at https3_/_/" bit4ly_/#c;e,,kqkno4 ,gr&,pad ,9troduces ,moods ,app ,gr&,pad is ! f/ purpose-built tablet = old] adults4 ,! device has be5 specifically design$ = _! specific ne$s & #hc te*nology capabilities4 ,gr&,pad (f]s f1tures t c help s5iors & families /ay 3nect$ safely & easily4 ,gr&,pad rec5tly 9troduc$ ! ,moods " app1 : deliv]s a curat$ selec;n ( imm]sive audiovisual 5viron;ts to promote relaxa;n1 com=t1 & improve m5tal h1l? 9 old] adults4 ,xs s5ior-frly apps 9clude games1 /r1m+ music1 local radio /a;ns1 a private family photo & video /r1m1 & $uca;nal 3t5t4 ,to le>n m1 visit https3_/_/" ,gr&,pad4net4 #hd ,new ,digital ,m>ket+ ,website ,laun*$ 9 #bjba1 ,web,,able is an automat$1 news a7regator website deliv]+ relevant & tru/$ news1 products1 s]vices1 & o!r 9=ma;n ab & = ! 4abil;y commun;y4 ,! site helps p ) 4abilities f9d :at !y >e look+ =4 ,provid]s ( a3essibil;y products & s]vices >e able to a3ess _! t>get m>kets "? adv]tis+4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 visit https3_/_/,web,,able4com_/4 ,brl & ,l>ge ,pr9t ,m5us at ,/>bucks ,,nbp produc$ #ce1jjj brl & l>ge pr9t m5us = all ,/>bucks company-op]at$ & lic5s$ /ore loca;ns 9 ! ,u4,s4 & ,canada z "p ( ! company's ef=ts to cr1te a m a3essible exp]i;e = bl & l[-vi.n cu/om]s4 ,/>bucks f/ 2gan (f]+ brl & l>ge #he pr9t m5us 9 #bjab4 ,new f ,na;nal ,brl ,press ,"! >e a lot ( new books & o!r items available f ,na;nal ,brl ,press4 ,ov] 9 ! *n's corn]1 *eck \ 8,! ,"d ,y ,2g90 "<,5gli%"> or 8,el d^/ia en que descubres qui^/en ]es0 "<,spani%">4 ,! book1 by ,jacquel9e ,woodson1 is available 9 3tract$ brl "<,,ueb"> & 9 ,spani% brl = ages #e to #h4 ,al new is 8,my ,papi ,has a ,motorcycle0 by ,isabel ,qu9t]o & ,zeke ,p5a4 ,x comes 9 3tract$ brl "<,,ueb">1 & is = ages #d to #h4 ,x's a t\*+ ode to a "y girl1 h] "f1 & _! ,los ,angeles neinold ,lobel4 ,x's available 9 3tract$ brl "<,,ueb"> = #hf ages #d to #h4 ,:5 ,papa's sev5 ll m\se boys ask = a b$"t /ory1 he tells sev5 /ories1 "o = ea* boy6 ,"! >e a numb] ( new books = adults1 too4 ,) ! >rival ( summ]1 *eck \ 8,air ,fry] ,recipes0 f allrecipes4com4 ,? book has ! #hi mo/ popul> recipes1 plus sec;ns on *oos+ an air fry]1 a3essories1 tips1 & ! basics = cook+ ) x4 ,te*nology *anges at a rapid pace ,- especially cell ph"os4 8,gett+ ,/>t$ ) ! i,ph"o & i,,os #ad3 ,/ep-by-,/ep ,9/ruc;ns = ,bl ,us]s0 by ,anna ,dresn] 3ta9s "ey?+ y ne$ to "k to get />t$ us+ ! i,ph"o & ! i,,os #ad op]at+ sy/em4 ,x's available 9 brl "<#c volumes">1 ,,brf1 ,,daisy1 & z a ,^w file4 ,al hot (f ! press is 8,mac ,basics = ! ,2g9n+ ,us]3 #hg mac,,os #aa ,big ,sur ,update0 by ,janet ,9gb]4 ,x cov]s ! basics ( gett+ />t$ ) ,voice,ov]1 sett+ sy/em pref];es1 h[ to 9t]act ) ! dock1 "u/& ! /ructure ( files & fold]s1 & h[ to "w ) ! trackpad or ,t\* ,b>4 ,x al cov]s h[ to use email1 i,cl\d1 ,qk ,nav1 ,saf>i1 ,text,$it1 & ,,pdf files4 ,x al comes 9 brl "<"o volume">1 ,,brf1 ,,daisy1 & z a ,^w file4 ,:o loves audio descrip;n8 ,*eck \ ,judy ,dixon's book 8,audio ,descrip;n3 ,:at ,x ,is1 ,": to ,f9d ,x1 & ,h[ to ,use ,x40 ,x's available 9 brl "<"o volume">1 ,,brf1 ,,daisy1 or ,^w4 ,9cludes a =e^w by ,deborah ,k5drick4 ,love puzzles8 ,look up 8,! ,grt ,%]lock ,holmes ,puzzle ,book3 ,a ,collec;n ( ,5igmas to ,puzzle ,ev5 ! ,grte/ #hh ,detective ( ,all0 by ,dr4 ,g>e? ,moore4 ,x's available 9 brl " & z a ,,brf file1 = ages #aj & up4 ,9cludes #acj puzzles 9volv+ riddles1 ^w play1 & ma!matical problems4 ,see if y c mat* ! t[]+ 9tellect ( ,%]lock ,holmes6 ,if y're look+ = jewelry1 *eck \ ! necklaces f ,n1t ,>ti/ ,/udio6 ,! sev5 necklaces f1ture ! ^ws 8mom10 8/r;g10 8pr\d10 82lieve10 8grace10 8luck10 or 8?ank;l40 ,! f1tur$ ^w is writt5 on :ite porcela9 9 uncontract$ brl4 ,! brl dots >e plat$ ) :ite gold1 hung horizontally on a f9e #ah0 *a9 plat$ 9 #afk gold4 ,no two pieces >e alike4 ,= m 9=ma;n1 call toll-free #a-#hjj-#edh-#gcbc1 or visit w ww4nbp4org_/ic_/nbp_/" publica;ns_/9dex4html4 #hi ,hi< ,te* ,swap ,%op ,to place an ad 9 ? column1 y may ei call ,%>on ,lov]+ at ! ,,acb na;nal (fice1 #a-#hjj-#dbd-#hfff1 or ;e-mail ! ad to h] at slov]+@aacb4org4 ,due to space 3/ra9ts1 9dividuals >e limit$ to adv]tis+ twice p] ye>4 ,= ,sale3 ,a two-ye>-old ,,qb,'raille ,,xl #dj-cell brl 4play4 ,= m 9=ma;n 3tact ,tom at badg]tom#a@averizon4net or at "<#ida"> #bah-#ijij4 ,= ,sale3 ,sm>t ,r1d] ,,ocr f ,5h.ed ,vi.n4 ,a ll ov] #aj ye>s old1 b h>dly us$4 ,comes ) all cables & c>ry+ case4 ,ask+ @s#ejj or be/ (f]4 ,3tact ,l>ry ,ket*em at #ij ket*#aifi@agmail4com4 ,my ,furry ,lifesav] by ,l9da ,yacks ,x 0 a b1uti;l sunny afn 9 ,:1t ,ridge1 ,colo4 ,my "pn] & ,i rode ! numb]-#ajj bus f ! ,f$]al ,c5t] af "w to #ddth & ,kipl+1 ": we 4emb>k$ & h1d$ s\?4 ,at #ddth ,av5ue1 we turn$ to face we/ 9 prep>a;n to cross ,kipl+1 a busy /reet4 ,s9ce ? 0 l;g 2f audible p$e/rian signals at tra6ic lis to r1d ! tra6ic patt]ns4 ,s ,i li/5$1 & z soon z ! f/ vehicle pass$ p>allel "? ! 9t]sec;n1 ,i gave ! 8=w>d0 comm& to my guide dog1 ,paul4 ,we /epp$ (f ! curb1 b sudd5ly1 ,paul jump$ 9 front ( me1 alm caus+ me to fall #ia backw>d4 ,i r1liz$ t a l>ge auto pass$ aw;lly close 9 front ( u4 ,z soon z ! culprit 0 g"o1 ,paul resum$ 8 place by my side & cross$ ! /reet1 /opp$ at ! curb1 & rcvd ! 8=w>d0 comm&4 ,z soon z we 7 safely \ ( ! /reet1 ,i ask$ hm to halt & lavi%$ loads ( praise & hugs on hm4 ,he j lick$ my face4 ,i h (t5 wond]$ if he 0 say+1 8,all 9 a "d's "w1 ,mom1 all 9 a "d's "w40 ,i don't rememb] h[ _m k9d folks /opp$ to see if we 7 ,,ok1 b ,i rememb] t a woman sd1 8,i don't 2lieve :at ,i j saw4 ,i expect$ to see y on ! gr.d hurt40 ,x 0 f h] t ,i le>n$ t x 0 a van ( lau<+ te5ag]s4 ,i (t5 wond] if !y "e knew h[ close !y came to a cata/rophe t "d4 ,y see1 ,i 2lieve "! 7 two #ib miracles4 ,! f/ is t ! "y p did n hit any"o or get hit cross+ ! busy 9t]sec;n4 ,! second1 t my dog or ,i did n get 9jur$ or kill$4 ,paul 0 ! f/ ( six guides tra9$ at ,guid+ ,eyes = ! ,bl 9 ,yorkt[n ,heis4 ,s9ce a guide dog co/s ! s*ool ov] @s#ej1jjj f bre$+ to retire;t1 ,i _c ju/ify ! exp5se ( ano!r dog4 ,b my gratitude to ^? bundles ( 5]gy h\s$ 9 furry bodies ) floppy e>s1 f\r legs1 & ! "e-wa7+ tails is n"e 5d+4 ,= ! curi\s1 all ( my pups h be5 black labs except = "o1 #ic :o 0 a delie support$ by ! g5]\s 3tribu;ns ( 9dividuals & companies :o >e al my "ey"d h]oes4 ,,acb ,(fic]s ,presid5t ,dan ,spoone "<#ast t]m1 #bjba"> #cibd ,lake ,mirage ;,blvd4 ,orl&o1 ,,fl #cbhag-#aeed ,f/ ,vice ,presid5t ,m>k ,ri*]t "<#ast t]m1 #bjba"> #cgje ;,s4 ,george ,mason ,dr4 ,apt #bdjd,s ,falls ,*ur*1 ,,va #bbjda-#dgif ,second ,vice ,presid5t ,ray ,campbell "<#ast #id t]m1 #bjba"> #dfj ,ra9tree ,ct4 _?#c,k ,gl5 ,ellyn1 ,,il #fjacg ,secret>y ,d5ise ,colley "<#ast t]m1 #bjba"> #adja ,nor?we/ ,ln4 ,,se ,lacey1 ,,wa #ihejc ,tr1sur] ,david ,trott "<#bnd t]m1 #bjba"> #ajah ,ea/ ,st4 ;,s4 ,talladega1 ;,,al #ceafj ,imm ,pa/ ,presid5t ,kim ,*>lson #eg ,gr&view ,ave4 ,wat]t[n1 ,,ma #jbdgb ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,directors ,s>a ,alkm91 ,madison1 ,,wi "<#bnd t]m1 #bjba"> #ie ,jeff ,bi%op1 ,kirkl&1 ,,wa "<#ast t]m1 #bjba"> ,donna ,br[n1 ,romney1 ,,wv "<"pial t]m1 #bjba"> ,dan ,dillon1 ,h]mitage1 ;,,tn "<#ast t]m1 #bjba"> ,katie ,fr$]ick1 ,wor?+ton1 ,,oh "<#bnd t]m1 #bjbb"> ,james ,kra*t1 ,miami1 ,,fl "<#ast t]m1 #bjbb"> ,d\g ,p[ell1 ,falls ,*ur*1 ,,va "<#ast t]m1 #bjba"> ,patrick ,%eehan1 ,silv] ,spr+1 ,,md "<#bnd t]m1 #bjbb"> ,mi*ael ,talley1 ,hueyt[n1 ;,,al "<#ast t]m1 #bjbb"> ,jeff ,?om1 ,sacra;to1 ,,ca "<#ast t]m1 #bjbb"> ,,acb ,bo>d ( ,publica;ns ,de2ie ,lewis1 ,*air1 ,cl>k/on1 ,,wa "<#bnd #if t]m1 #bjba"> ,paul ,$w>ds1 ,miami1 ,,fl "<#bnd t]m1 #bjba"> ,zelda ,gebh>d1 ,$geley1 ,,nd "<"pial t]m1 #bjba"> ,susan ,glass1 ,s>atoga1 ,,ca "<#bnd t]m1 #bjba"> ,p5ny ,re$]1 ,montgom]y ,village1 ,,md "<#ast t]m1 #bjba"> ,a3ess+ ,yr ,,acb ,brl & ;,e-,=ums ,! ,,acb ;,e-,=um may 2 a3ess$ by email1 on ! ,,acb web site1 via d[nload f ! web page "<9 ,^w1 pla9 text1 or brl-r1dy file">1 or by ph"o at "<#eah"> #ijf-#ahbj4 ,to subscribe to ! email v].n1 3tact ,%>on ,lov]+1 slov]+@aacb4org4 ,! ,,acb ,brl ,=um is available by mail 9 brl1 #ig l>ge pr9t1 ,,nls-/yle digital c>tridge1 & via email4 ,x is al available to r1d or d[nload f ,,acb's web page1 & by ph"o1 "<#eah"> #ijf-#ahbj4 ,subscribe to ! podca/ v].ns f yr #bnd g5]a;n ,victor ,r1d] ,/r1m or f https3_/_/p9eca/4" com_/" fe$_/acb-brl-=um-&-;e-=um4 #ih