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High Tech Swap Shop

For Sale:

Clearview CCTV. In excellent condition. Asking $1,500. Contact Ed at (732) 752-6512 or e-mail him at [email protected].

For Sale:

JFW 4.0 for $550; Xerox Kurzweil Personal Reader, model 7315 with flatbed scanner, carrying case, original shipping containers for $1,150. Contact [email protected], or call (828) 669-7736.

For Sale:

VideoEye Power Magnification System (model MV2-1) with 27"color RCA monitor/TV for $2,200 or best offer. Less than a year old, in perfect condition and it cost $3,000 when new. A self-focusing viewing head mounted on a precision flexible arm moves over anything you want to see and magnifies it up to 100 times bigger in color. Please send an e-mail to [email protected] or phone (703) 978-2595 if you are interested.

For Sale:

Kurzweil reading machine model 7315. Asking $2,000. DECTalk Express with cables and driver, still in original package. Asking $1,000. Versapoint braille embosser. Asking $1,500. Please contact Mark Montgomery at (716) 836-0822 extension 105.

For Sale:

Aladdin CCD 1995, $600. Voyager XL CCD, $600. Xerox -Kurzweil Reading Edge Express Edition, $1,500. Contact Dick O'Day by e-mail at [email protected] or by telephone, (703) 941- 6183.

For Sale:

Telesensory Vantage CCTV with 14-inch black-and- white monitor in good condition. Recently repaired. Asking $800 or best offer. Contact Harold Longmore in the evening at (717) 671-8735 or during the day at (717) 787-1842, or via e-mail at [email protected].

For Sale:

Thirteen cases (1,300 syringes) of B-D U100 1cc insulin syringes plus more than 65 Insul-gauges, two Medicoolers and one Hold-Ease. Free shipping. $550. Five-plus sterile cases of Monoject one-half cc insulin syringes. Free shipping. $100. Contact Robert Ziegler at (763) 537-8000 or via e-mail at [email protected].

For Sale:

Freedom Scientific screen reader called Connect OutLoud, $260. Will sell to highest bidder. Call Joel Woodbury at (801) 544-7208 or (801) 544-5656, or e-mail [email protected].

For Sale:

16 boxes of One Touch test strips, 50 strips per box, plus free meter. Less than half price plus shipping. Walker with wheels, seat and brake, price negotiable (plus shipping). Call M.K. Leets at (703) 938-0172 before 7:30 p.m. Eastern time.

For Sale:

Kurzweil 1000 6.0 scanning software, $750, includes shipping. Handitech case for Braille Note, $35, shipping included. Accent PC internal synthesizer card, $150. Contact [email protected] or (773) 325-1117.

For Sale:

Brother word processor nylon typing ribbons, black, #1032. Four new cartridges in sealed box (cost $47.50), plus one cartridge slightly used, asking $15 plus shipping for all. Call (863) 324-2711 and ask for Richard, or e-mail [email protected].

For Sale:

20-inch color video CCTV. Asking $2,000 or best offer. Contact Emily Moore at (770) 942-6551 or e-mail her at [email protected].

For Sale:

Type 'n Speak and Braille Lite 18, both under warranty. Contact Barbara Mattson, 519 E. Main St. #8, Spartanburg, SC 29302; phone (864) 585-7323.

For Sale:

Keynote Companion multi-application Palmtop computer, version 2.4J, with word processor, scientific calculator, address book and daily planner. Soft carrying case with strap, external disk drive, connector cables, user's manual and upgrade manual. Excellent condition. Recently replaced main battery. Asking $750. Also, internal DECTalk PC speech synthesizer, driver, external speaker and installation software and manual. Asking $350. Contact Larry Johnson at (210) 590-6777.


One Perkins brailler in good condition. One Optacon in good working condition. One Type 'n Speak, good working order. An electronic talking computer Bible and electronic talking dictionary. Also seeking Sharp talking calculator and a color indicator. Can't afford price. Contact Melody Edwards at (609) 347-7539.