For Sale:
Open Book 8.0, $700. Scanner with software, $50. Honistec TV for computers, never used. Asking $60. It comes with a book, all cables, connections, and software on CD. Will accept checks or money orders. Contact Nancy Ryder at (319) 217-8235, or via e-mail, [email protected].
For Sale:
20-cell Millennium Braille display/notetaker with flash drive. Comes with cables, carrying case and manual. Asking $800. Contact Charles Wheatley at (541) 870-0350 or e-mail him, [email protected].
For Sale:
Braille writer, $350; will trade for Voice Mate electronic talking organizer or Tap Memo. Braille Bible, free to good home. Type ‘n Speak, needs new battery, $100. Disk drive, $75. Braille Lite, needs new battery; $100. Will trade for older laptop computer with JAWS. Talking Nokia cell phone, still in box, $200, or will trade for a Tatti electronic talking organizer. Contact Melody at (609) 517-8433.
For Sale:
Small push-button telephone. Features include menu options, storage, and memory functions. Very few voice commands. Asking $50. Accepting checks or money orders. Contact Tonya Smith at (734) 586-2687, or write her at 1665 Paree, Newport, MI 48166.
For Sale:
Victor Reader Stream version 2.0, never used. Comes with cables, charger, case and CD. Asking $275. Money order only. Will insure and ship free matter in the U.S. Call Johnny at (803) 209-6690.
For Sale:
JAWS for Windows 10.0 standard. Asking $800, which includes transfer fee. Alva 80-cell braille display; comes with display, carrying case, power cord and serial cable. Asking $2,000. Prices are negotiable. Contact Michael at [email protected], or phone him, (308) 286-3592.
Braille Note QT32 or PAC Mate. Contact Melody Heath at (336) 638-4115 or via e-mail, [email protected].
Owaysis 22c cell phone that was put out by Capital Accessibility. I am willing to pay half price of the original cost. Call Carol at (908) 298-0935 after 6 p.m. Eastern time.
Older money identifier, HandiCassette II, Jehovah’s Witnesses material on CD or cassette, double cassette player with either a record player or a CD player, Sharp talking calculator/calendar/clock with timer that has a charger, older Franklin Language Master dictionary, recipe books on CD or cassette, audio books (CD or cassette), music on CD or cassette (country or R&B), New World Bible on CD or cassette. Talking clock radio and talking pager. JAWS 3.5 or 3.7. Large print embossing tactile labeler, digital voice recorder. Contact Melody at (609) 517-8433.