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2020 DC Leadership Meetings

The American Council of the Blind Presidents’ Meeting and Legislative Seminar will take place from Saturday, February 22 to Tuesday, February 25, 2020 at the Holiday Inn & Suites Old Town in Alexandria, Virginia. This hotel is in close proximity to the previous venue and is also near many restaurants and shops in historic Old Town Alexandria. So mark your calendars, make your reservations, and make plans to join us for what promises to be a fantastic set of meetings!

Dots and Dashes 8/16/19

“Dots and Dashes” is a short newsletter featuring a variety of topics and ACB stories. This issue features articles about the 2020 leadership meetings, the FAA’s final statement of enforcement priorities regarding service animals, the latest Advocacy Update podcasts, upcoming membership focus calls, changes to ACB Radio’s schedule, an update on the convention archives, and Cooking Without Looking’s first podcast.

Dots and Dashes 8/5/19

“Dots and Dashes” is a short newsletter featuring a variety of topics and ACB stories. This issue features articles about the reintroduction of the low vision devices bill, Walmart and Sam’s Club providing accessible labels, ACB presenting an Audio Description Award to Dr. Brett Oppegaard, Facebook Live, the Exercise and Fitness for All Act, and the latest Advocacy Update podcast.


American Council of the Blind Presents Audio Description Award to Dr. Brett Oppegaard, University of Hawaii

For Immediate Release
Contact: Joel Snyder, PhD, Director, Audio Description Project, ACB
(202) 467-5083

WASHINGTON, July 29, 2019 - The American Council of the Blind (ACB) proudly announces the 2019 Dr. Margaret R. Pfanstiehl Memorial Achievement Award in Audio Description, an initiative of the Council’s Audio Description Project (ADP).  

In conjunction with ACB’s 58th annual conference and convention in Rochester, N.Y., the award was presented at a plenary session of the conference before over 1,000 people who are blind.

Maloney and Bilirakis Introduce H.R.4129, a Bill to Help Visually-Impaired Americans

WASHINGTON, DC –  Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY) and Congressman Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) reintroduced the Medicare Demonstration of Coverage for Low Vision Devices Act (H.R.4129) last week. This legislation would help Medicare beneficiaries live safe and independent lives by creating a five-year national demonstration project administered by the Department of Health and Human Services to evaluate the economic impact of allowing reimbursement for low vision devices under the Social Security Act, which are currently excluded from Medicare coverage.

Microsoft/Xbox Receives ACB’s 2019 Achievement Award in Audio Description-Media

WASHINGTON, July 26, 2019 - The American Council of the Blind (ACB) proudly announces the 2019 Achievement Award in Audio Description-Media, an initiative of the Council’s Audio Description Project (ADP).  

In conjunction with ACB’s 58th annual conference and convention in Rochester, N.Y., the award was presented at a plenary session of the conference before over 1,000 people who are blind.

Dots and Dashes 7/19/19

“Dots and Dashes” is a short newsletter featuring a variety of topics and ACB stories. This issue features information about ACB’s new officers, Facebook Live with Dan Spoone, ACB and OrCam’s cooperative agreement, Advocacy Updates, and this year’s Audio Description Awards winners.


Introducing ACB’s New Slate of Officers

The American Council of the Blind elected new officers, a new board member, and a new member of the board of publications during its 2019 annual conference and convention. We thought you’d like to learn more about them.

Walmart and Sam’s Club Set Standard for Providing Accessible Prescription Labels Across U.S.

BENTONVILLE, Ark., July 18, 2019 — Walmart and Sam’s Club are deeply committed to accessibility and medication safety for their blind, visually impaired and print-impaired pharmacy patients. To enhance their commitment, Walmart and Sam’s Club pharmacies provide En-Vision America’s ScripTalk audible (i.e. “talking”) prescription labels at Walmart and Sam’s Club pharmacies across the United States.