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Dots and Dashes 11/1/19

“Dots and Dashes” is a short newsletter featuring a variety of topics and ACB stories. This issue features information about the 2020 leadership meetings, the latest Advocacy Update podcasts, the BADIE contest and how to become the described movie critic of the year, re-introduction of the Cogswell-Macy Act, an interview with Marilee Talkington, and Apple releasing new emoji to reflect diversity andinclusion.


Benefits of Audio Description In Education Contest - "BADIE"

Young People Who Are Blind Write Reviews of Film and Video

Contact: Joel Snyder, PhD
(202) 467-5083
[email protected]

The American Council of the Blind's Audio Description Project (ACB-ADP) and the Described and Captioned Media Program (DCMP) are continuing their co-sponsorship of an exciting opportunity for blind and visually impaired young people, in four categories from ages 7 to 21: the Benefits of Audio Description in Education (BADIE) contest.

Dots and Dashes 10/18/19

“Dots and Dashes” is a short newsletter featuring a variety of topics and ACB stories. This issue features information about the Supreme Court’s decision to decline the appeal on the Domino’s case, Facebook Live on the Domino’s case, Clark Rachfal’s appearance on Comcast Newsmakers, White Cane Day, the latest Advocacy Update podcasts, ACB’s 2018 annual report, news from Social Security about the cost of living adjustment and the SGA level for 2020, and information on Hulu’s newest upgrades.

Dots and Dashes 10/4/19

“Dots and Dashes” is a short newsletter featuring a variety of topics and ACB stories. This issue features the latest Advocacy Update podcasts (including a special edition), information about blind Chicagoans suing the city, the Juno Report’s return to ACB Radio, Getty Images and Verizon Media announce $40,000 disability-focused creative bursary, this year’s MMS grand prize winners, and the MSU NRTC seeking people to sign up for research registry.


Find a ScripTalk Pharmacy

The ScripTalk audible prescription labeling system was developed by En-Vision America. To provide ScripTalk labels to their patients, the pharmacy places a RFID label on the bottom of a patient’s prescription bottle. The patient then places the bottle on a small, battery operated device called a ScripTalk Station, which is provided at no charge to the patient.

2019 Holiday Auction Donations

It's time to begin planning for the eighth annual ACB Radio Holiday Auction, coming to you live on Sunday, December 8, from 6:00 PM to midnight Eastern Time (3:00 PM to 9:00 PM Pacific), or until all items are sold. This year's auction promises to be a full evening of bidding and smiles and fun, fun, fun.

The 2018 Holiday Auction was a huge success. Packed with holiday treats and great gift ideas, the auction raised $13,000 for ACB Radio.

Dots and Dashes 9/20/19

“Dots and Dashes” is a short newsletter featuring a variety of topics and ACB stories. This issue features a call to action on H.R. 4129, plus articles about the FCC’s public notice about making emergency information accessible, the latest Advocacy Update podcasts, the Benefits of Audio Description in Education contest for blind students ages 7 to 21, and information about Apple TV+ being optimized for blind, deaf and hard of hearing individuals.


Dots and Dashes 9/6/19

“Dots and Dashes” is a short newsletter featuring a variety of topics and ACB stories. This issue features articles about the latest Advocacy Update podcasts; emergency preparedness, scams, and consumer tips from the FCC; a Microsoft Learning webinar about Microsoft Teams; BANA’s new podcast series; a podcast about grilling by Cooking Without Looking; and information on a blind golf tournament.

2020 DC Leadership Meetings

The American Council of the Blind Presidents’ Meeting and Legislative Seminar will take place from Saturday, February 22 to Tuesday, February 25, 2020 at the Holiday Inn & Suites Old Town in Alexandria, Virginia. This hotel is in close proximity to the previous venue and is also near many restaurants and shops in historic Old Town Alexandria. So mark your calendars, make your reservations, and make plans to join us for what promises to be a fantastic set of meetings!